Was it really that bad?

Was it really that bad?

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No it wasn't.

>He doesnt know about the review bombing

>that use score

Wtf why

There was some autist who REALLY didnt like SMT and started review bombing them a few months ago. That is the explanation for this

Probably fags that didn't like how it wasn't Persona.

Trannies asshurt about Catherine

Deranged personaniglets

Why would this game get review bombed?

I mean, it obviously was because it’s an amazing game, but why would anyone do such a thing?

shit-tier gameplay

Some guy review bombed every megaten game except P5 some time last year
Probably an asshurt fanboy

How come all the SMT games have a low user score?

He did Megaten a favor, honestly. The last thing we need are normalfags taking notice of SMT, they can stay with the Persona crap only.

Dumbass, P5 got included but it was so little the impact it didnt matter

P5 was review bombed you fucking moron, it just had so many user review already it didn’t matter

Also you can see on the PS3 version it has a low user score because that version has almost no user reviews

Those games are dogshit.

>caring about user reviews in the first place

It is a 6/10 game honestly. This is coming from a guy that has beaten every translated game to date. It didn't need to be two games either and it was a gigantic slog. Not as bad as newest Dragon Quest but still.

Fucking this

As long Atlus keep throwing us a bone I don't mind being undergrond.

God yes.

Dungeons are boring and long, boss battles all have some dumbass fucking gimmick where you have to set up your party in a very specific way, the kind of bosses you'd see in side quests.

No. It's the best SMT game (if you don't count the Persona series as SMT games). The story is really good, the gameplay is as fun as you can get from a SMT game and the graphics have aged really well (I find the game strangely comfy).

Has that shit still not been fixed?

Attached: SMT_metacritic_user_reviews.png (1972x1172, 417K)

User score reviews are as cringe as the ones on Steam.