Breath of the Wild

Was it downgraded for Switch? Hadnt played it in a while, but it looks like absolute shit now

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>playing BOTW on anything but PC

Your mother looks like shit now but I still made her feel loved.

It was, it looked better on on wiiu and much better on pc.

It might be the settings on your TV. it might be that you're taking a picture of your screen instead of an ingame screenshot.

>Buy the weakest console on the market and expect great graphics?
Why do a lot of people on Yea Forums has a weird thought process?

>previous gen looks better than current gen
if it was anyone other than nintendo it would have been a shitstorm and the game wouldn't have been reviewed as highly as it was
why does nintendo get a pass for being 5 years behind the competition on hardware?

Its pretty good for a handheld, better resolution would be nice tho

not saying the switch is objectively bad hardware, its just way behind the curve and I really wish nintendo would just give a shit and try to make something competitive that has no handheld/two screen/gyro control gimmicks, because I really don't want any of that I just want high resolution f-zero with online multiplayer

Native 1080p and better lod draw distance would be better.

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Super mario odissey looks damn good, dragons dogma looks good, skyrim runs and looks better.

gyro controls aren't a gimmick, they're a superior way to use aiming controls than control sticks.

>but it looks like absolute shit now
it has looked like shit from the start
I dont know why people think it looks good, its a good game in many elements but graphics is not one of them

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>they're a superior way to use aiming controls than control sticks.
then why hasn't every other console implemented gyro controls as the primary control method if its superior?

Because dolts like you believe its a gimmick without ever actually using it or getting accustomed to it..

Your TV/monitor looks like it's got some kind of awful sharpening applied.

>ad hom because I insulted his shitty waggle controls
playstation has gyro controls and no game utilizes it because its a GIMMICK and its an inefficient way to get anything done in a videogame

You do realize a fucking computer mouse is a motion control, right? Or do you call that waggling to cause you're such a fucking dunce retard.

this motherfucker definitely hasn't played Splatoon

>ad hom because I insulted his shitty waggle controls
How can so much hypocrisy exist in one single sentence?

>sensors visually tracking a surface is the same as a 3DOF gyro
very poor bait
now the question is why hasn't nintendo upgraded to a mouse and keyboard system? :^)

After getting burned by Sony during the N64 and Gamecube eras they decided trying to keep up in the arms race wasn't in their best interests. It sucks but that's pretty much how it's been since then. Even the handhelds adopted gimmicks so they wouldn't have to be cutting edge.


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>Why do a lot of people on Yea Forums has a weird thought process?
Are you drunk, or is English your second language?

>personal attack =/= criticism of a product
do you really feel personally connected to a product made by a multibillion dollar company?

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Is there a better place to get the BOTW .iso than the portugese shithole that comes up on google, Portalroms?

Try actually playing a game with Gyro controls like Splatoon 2 and you will see exactly how wrong you are. It's a far, FAR superior alternative to regular sticks. Feels like an extension of your own movements

>sensors visually tracking a surface is the same as a 3DOF gyro

I never said that, having a stable surface to rely on is always going to be more accurate than relying on your hands not twitching everywhere
>now the question is why hasn't nintendo upgraded to a mouse and keyboard system? :^)
Because controllers are more easily movable in your enviroment cause they don't require a surface to use dumbass

played it on Switch, experimented on CEMU. Couldn't get a stable framerate out of the emulator but it did look amazing at 1080p. It probably was downgraded.

why would I want to play splatoon 2? its marketed to children and the main appeal is its multiplayer. i'm not going to buy a switch for a multiplayer game thats already dead, on a console with poor online connectivity made by a company thats a decade behind in online gameplay
you have to make a system worth buying first before im going to waste my time on gyro controls for bad games

>why does nintendo get a pass for being 5 years behind the competition on hardware?

Because they're 5 years ahead of everyone else in game design.

>It's a far, FAR superior alternative to regular sticks.

There's a tool to download it directly from Nintendo.

He's right tho faggot.

How new are you?
Nope, I dont like sharp picture so I manually keep sharpening on lover end. Pic releated is DS 4k trailer

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Name one interesting unique thing done in Mario Odyssey. Throwing your hat doesn't count.

Trying to play BotW without gyro aiming for the bow is just a sad gimped experience.

>relying on two IPs and rehashing every possible idea into a sports game or open world concept is 5 years ahead
nintendo has a great business model but don't lie to yourself lmao

>He's right tho faggot

Not him, but 2d retro level incorporation and enemy and object possesion

how is that? what's the difference between botw and something like rdr2 or outward? they all use the same stamina and hunger bullshit and weather matters. ???


wow, truly an amazing and unique leap forward in game design, truly 5 years ahead of everyone else, jjejejejejjej

>Name one interesting unique thing done in Mario Odyssey.

For a start, Nintendo did away with 'lives'. Because its a stupid pointless antiquated design choice.

>Because they're 5 years ahead of everyone else in game design.
t. has never played an open world game before botw


Time for you to go back to your retirement home grandpa.

>zelda botw copy of sols game figthing mechanics
>generic mk since 64
>generic smash since 64
>generic smo since 65

>nintendo first party games have had poor first/third person aiming since they implemented a control stick 2 and a half decades ago
instead of throwing a gimmick in there to cover up for their shortcomings why don't they just get it right the first time like everyone else?

>what's the difference between botw and something like rdr2

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This is some 10/10 bait.

>trailer, as in pre-recorded and encoded footage
>not an in-game rendered scene
you're pretty dumb desu

user, keep spamming this post and you WILL make a new classic copypasta


this was made in 2017 by indie swedes, modern nintendo are hacks living off a brand name, all their games now look like shit because idiot fanboys will buy anything even literal cardboard

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Chadstar made an absolute fucking mockery of Nintendo YET AGAIN, as they have done for over 20 years, and they did it all on a 6 year old shitbox toaster

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I only wish botw would look like fucking ps2 game and I mean that unironically

You could write the same exact thing but with the names flipped. I thought botw was boring and the majority of it is empty fields with the same pig enemies copy pasted all over the place. the shrines have the same exact things in them for reward as well as enemy challenges. you only fall off your horse if you try running over a downed log and don't press the jump button like a dumbass. otherwise you just scrape on rocks. this person is really reaching claiming that a fucking R* title has no emergent gameplay

Because it’s
>Waggle shit
Despite never using it
It’s like riding a bike
Takes about 3 hours to get the hang off but when you got it every game with gyro feels like complete horseshit

Nintendo cant afford to sell consoles at a loss like Sony and Microsoft.

I don't know user. Indie devs from 2011 have completely destroyed Zelda in terms of game design.

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lmao its Yea Forums's biggest crybaby. Still utterly traumatised by BotW more than two years later.

BotW is Game Of The Generation whille Bang Bang Yeehaw couldn't even win GOTY.

COPE. Ahahahahahah!

Ahh, shut the fuck up. You would see if picture would be oversharpened anyway. If 10 of 100 is some epic le sharpening that completely fucks up textures in near distance that they look like made from 10 polies, then sure, blame it on that

Go play your indie shit then and stop crying about BotW like you've done every day for more than two years.


>pic unrelated

This feels like bait. I bought a physical copy with a switch in 2017 and sold my copy to help with moving cross country, I repurchased it again about a month ago and it looked noticeably better. I was confused at first realizing that the load times seemed way better and this was before I even knew about the 8.0 update and boost mode inclusion.

Why do I still come here? After all those shooped Virgil pics before I actually played DMC5 to realize he looked great.

This site has more misinformation than tumblr and Twitter combined and y’all stupid cunts think that’s trolling now days. Y’all wonder why moot fucking abandoned this shit.

If not for Chad of War, it would have been rdr2. 2017 was robbed, because nier automata was real goty, but those extra nintendo points from zoomers...

>even literal cardboard

nintendo labo it pretty fun actually and if you like arduino you'll have a blast

Then fuck off and play your shitty Minecraft clone then faggot

it always looked like smeared feces from 1996.
this turd will not be fondly remembered and everyone will deny ever raving about this piece of shit in a couple of years.

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Yeah the lastest update over clocks the switch to improve loading times upwards of 8 seconds faster
So yes it’s noticeably faster

I've enjoyed it for thousands of hours. I just don't see why Yea Forums hates Terraria so much. And for the record, my post never implied that Zelda was shit, or even slightly bad. So I don't know how I'm "crying" about BOTW.

If you want I can explain why I like it so much.



Thats funny because its been a few years since the game was released, hype has long since died down, and BotW is STILL being raved about and STILL topping GOAT lists. Imagine that.

Please never stop crying. Its hilarious.

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go back

It seems more than halved to me. Also seems like there’s more particle effects and little touches as well.

I never played odyssey enough in comparison to really notice the boost mode changes outside of initial load times when loading a save. But that ain’t a 100 hour plus game like BOTW.

Didnt know this
Not a bait, I was suprised by how it looked. Hadnt played it in few months

>If you want I can explain why I like it so much.

No I don't give a shit what you like. All I know is that you're utterly fucking traumatised by BotW's acclaim and you'll never recover. You spend more of your life crying about BotW than you do playing your beloved indie shit.

We don’t give a fuck about your
“1000 reasons why I like Terraria” blog
Simply fuck off already
No one wants to play a shittier Minecraft clone except austistic niggers like you

Eternal cope

Yeah the lastest update also added the VR mode.
Strangely enough you can use PSVR with Switch for a better VR experience

Not even the guy you’re replying to but seriously? Base game terraria still has more fucking content than Minecraft NOW.

I got burnt out of both but if you HAD to come back to one of those it would be starbound or terraria before ever touching Minecraft again. And that’s just as games let alone the social stigma of “minecwaft id for babbies” which isn’t even wrong.

>with switch

Uh wuh? Could you please elaborate? Not even saying you’re full of shit but that’s new to me and I’m actually curious

the bullshot from the top right corner still pisses me off. if the game had looked half as good as that, i would have been really impressed, but instead, basically had to play through the game in spite of the graphics. i didnt expect photo realism, but not what we got. i blame them pushing it on the wii u + switch.

the combat, the size of the world, and the physics were great but the graphics.... and the completely lack luster "dungeons" really bummed me out.


I don't see how I'm crying. I just thought it apt to compare the two, because they share alot of similarities, like specific game mechanics. I find it fun comparing the two and seeing them stacked up.

>No one wants to play a shittier Minecraft clone
That's a dang pity user. I figured, being a BOTW thread, this would be perfect to describe the differences and similarities between the two games. You may see them as completely different, but i see alot of things that can be compared.

For example, Link's hang glider easily compares to the Terrarian's parasol. Both serve a similar purpose, but function differently. Same with food consumption, weapon use, inventory management, combat, and etc. Instead of this being a console war shitflinging thread, I figured we could have a mature discussion about the two games. And again, although you seem to dislike Terraria, I won't call Zelda shit because I think that won't incite positive discussion.

This is the most retarded argument ever.

>the combined scores of different versions of the game mean the version I played is better!

Meanwhile, BotW achieved its 97 with more reviews, more accliam and a higher-user score.

RDR2 couldn't even win GOTY for fuck sake.

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>all that cluttered mess

>user reviews
They mean jack shit

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>I just thought it apt to compare the two

The fact that you're trying to compare 2D and 3D games to each is definitive proof that you're a peerless spastic shitter who doesn't understand the first fucking thing about how games are developed. Don't ever respond to me again with your uneducated worthless drivel.

Then stop cherry picking them and look at the critic reviews. Oh shit they still convey the same message? Cope faggot. And this is from someone who honestly enjoyed both games.

>The fact that you're trying to compare 2D and 3D games to each is definitive proof that you're a peerless spastic shitter
You act like such a comparison is impossible to make. Look at Super Metroid compared to Metroid Prime. They both different in the realm of 2D vs 3D, but are they not both metroidvanias? Therefore they can be compared in how they handle backtracking, exploration, progression, item acquisition, and maybe even boss quality. Why can't the same be levied here?

I see that cute Bun! Nice.

It’s a bit of a mess but you connect hdmi to switch and cinematic mode for the headset
Works really really well surprisingly

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How was even arguing about this shit? Not me I literally just told you review bombing exists you homo.

>Dang that’s a pity
Stopped reading there
I thought I told you to fuck off.
Do I look like a guy that likes to repeat himself?

>could just pick up a used headset without the controllers or camera
>have a PS4 as well so could use it on its proper system too.

Fucking shit I’m buying a PSVR headset aren’t i....

Yeah the Wii U version looks and runs much better.

>Do I look like a guy that likes to repeat himself?
>I thought I told you to fuck off

Well, you kinda did repeat yourself.

>Look at Super Metroid compared to Metroid Prime.

Excellent example. Metroid Prime is indeed an attempt at taking Super Metroid's design and adapting it for 3D. But Metroid Prime is NOT Super Metroid in 3D. Because that shit just wouldn't work.

The gulf in expectation for the player to be able to juggle the navigation of a real-time 3D world, maintain spacial awareness, interact with the environment and combat enemies is world's apart from Super Metriod. Its why MP has scanning, a lock-on system, environmental puzzle-solving pushing the narrative forward and much more. Its design is completely different BECAUSE its in 3D.

Idorts win again

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>it looked better on on wiiu

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ive done this with ps3 kh1 final mix, was nice. problem is i think you can't recenter so if you start to drift youre shit out of luck with cinematic mode on any non ps4 console

No-one in this thread has any idea what they're talking about.
The switch and wii u versions of the game are identical graphically, but the switch version runs at a higher resolution (900p instead of 720p).

Just finished the game yesterday, was really good but I wish that the final boss scaled in difficulty and phases the further along you fought it in the story

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You say this, but Nintendo literally made a version of botw in 2d during development to see how it felt

I'm typing from my phone.

>But Metroid Prime is NOT Super Metroid in 3D. Because that shit just wouldn't work.
They can still be compared, and many people would argue that, at their best, the games are almost interchangeable. Prime could indeed be considered a 3D Super Metroid.

>The gulf in expectation for the player to be able to juggle the navigation of a real-time 3D world, maintain spacial awareness, interact with the environment and combat enemies is world's apart from Super Metriod.
That doesn't take away from the exploration, or the combat, or anything else that makes Metroid what it is. All it did was add a few extra things into the equation. Navigation of a 3D world does not suddenly negate how the world encourages backtracking and interconnectivity. It's just on a third dimension now.

or just bloat Ganon and make him like 20 times stronger than he is now so that he is still tough when you fight him with all of your upgrades.

I'm still a little miffed they haven't pulled a "Majoras Mask" out of BotW yet now that they have the engine and foundation already inplace to expand upon. We could have had a new one of those in two years tops with more variety.

It's happening this year, except it is a joint project with Monolith who is going to fill it with RPG elements, and handle it with Xenoblade style music and cutscenes.