Ironic weeaboos ruined Japanese video games.
Agree or Disagree.
Ironic weeaboos ruined Japanese video games.
Agree or Disagree.
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Japanese video games ruined Japanese video games
They don't seem to have affected the quality of Japanese games at all. The releases have been consistently good
You like jazz OP?
>unable to enjoy something solely because people you don't like enjoy it too
You "people" disgust me.
No, they ruined the discussion of Japanese video games
>I base my opinions on what other lemmings enjoy
fuck off npc bitch
No, weebs and otaku ruined Japanese video games. There used to be variety in Jap media but now EVERY JRPG has to be full of mopey archetypes in unimaginative settings, EVERY Action game has to ape either Souls or DMC, etc.
Jojo is the only thing left coming out of Japan that's as good as it was 20-30 years ago, vidya included, because weebs and otaku want nothing more than unironic "Underage Panty Quest Waifu Simulator 2020."
>if retards start playing this vidya i like then its not good anymore
learn to enjoy stuff even if the worst people imaginable (ironic weebs) enjoy it too
I agree.
But the real question remains; is Corey in the house on nintendo DS anime or not?
They ruined the otaku/anime culture.
Only if you play the shallow stuff.
I'm 3 layers deep, advancing to the 4th. All I play are Simple Game Series Nintendo Ds games.
this. What the fuck is OP crying about?
Ironic weebs are fags but Japanese games can still be great. Don't judge a game by its fanbase.
ironic weebs are just actual weebs that are too insecure to actually admit they like japanese shit
ironic weaboos ruined japanese culture by turning into the same thing normalfags turned popular tv shows. They don't care about what they watch, they use it as a means to start conversations and connect with others. If they find someone who is more invested in the show than they are, then those other people are weirdos who take things too seriously
normalfaggots in general ruin everything
You know this is all because of women, right? The fatal step in the process.
Are you saying Rey isn't your favorite star wars character? you sound like a bigot
Anime is nothing to take seriously at any point for any reason anyway.
>Guy next to him throwing up blood gang signs but would probably shit himself if a blood member pressed him on it.
While I'm not saying you're wrong, most ironic weebs are men.
This doesn't apply to their games in my opinion. I know a few insufferable ironic weebs but they don't even play japanese games. They watch fotm shit and then hop on to fortnite to play with their friends and spout memes.
These """""people"""" are why I only talk to milfs 20 years older than me and old friends that I can rely upon to not be cancer.
Is Yea Forums churning out this I AM SILLY trash or is it from somewhere else?
>oh yeah im such a yakuza fan
>Thoughts on Akiyama?
>who the fuck is that lol i only played 0
These type of people are now all over the place in the anime fandom thanks to netflix and crunchyroll. Just a bunch of normalfags shitters claiming to be ''weeb'' but have seen a total of 3 anime and think loli is icky creepy stuff but will ironically make FBI joke because haha so funny xD
Smuggies are meta parodies of I AM SILLY comics that are supposed to actually have detail about why the worldview they're shitting on is flawed instead of being blatant strawman shit just like what they were mocking.
But like literally all memes, the concept has been run into the ground by morons.
That's not even an actual blood sign. Gang signs only require one hand and are placed differently depending on statue in the gang.
>Otaku Culture in 2007
>Otaku Culture in 2019
Where did it go wrong? Is this just part of "just be ironic about literally everything so no one can make fun of you because you're just """joking"""" movement?
what are the best otaku type animes of the 80s and 90s?
Social media.
Sincerity is dead, everything is ironic, actually liking things is uncool
Why is it always white men?
Ironically the only good games to come out in recent times where from japan.
Ace Combat 7
Hell most of the upcoming games i care about are also Japanese.
Such as Ice-borne, Smasho, Bloodstained.
What has the west released in recent years of notable worth.
Fallout 76?
Another cod?
Assassin creed games that are shitty ripoffs of witcher 3.
I guess Red Dead 2 is not complete shit but its no masterpiece ether.
Hell only western developers to still make good games are mostly indie now.
And i guess some Slavic developers but they are technically east not west.
You're not an otaku because you appreciate anime and its culture now. You're an otaku to get attention from other retarded ironic weebs for social real life point.
The "JAPAN GOOD, WEST BAD" crowd on here are and have been insufferable for a number of years. I haven't bought a western game in over 2 years, but these people would gladly eat up soulless DLC mad drivel if it had a anime girl on the cover or 2B.
Normalfags want to have their cake and eat it too.
That means: I want to be "in" on something niche, hip and trendy - without suffering the social consequences that actual adherents of that niche have dealt with for decades.
So, "ironic" fans.
But most if not all ironic weebs are men or trannies, therefore men.
The irony culture/"pretending to be retarded" movement ruined a whole fucking lot more than just anime. It ruined absolutely everything in one fell swoop.
And social media is pretty much how it spread. It's basically an attempt to be hip, trendy and cool by pretending to be a terrible person.
>I frick*n love Majima!
>Yakuza 0-2 when?
>Yakuza 0 is the best game in the series but I haven't played the other games yet xD
>Play the PS2 games? WTF? I'm not playing that boomer shit
>Port begging
>Faceapp images
I love nu-Yakuza threads the same way I love Nier threads that are filled with 2B butt pics and barely any actual discussion.
You mean a poser
the return path to reddit is that way, friend!
The cancer killing Yea Forums is Americans with mutilated dicks and Judeo-christian brainwashing who HATE anything beautiful.
not really. there are a few fanbases I like that have a ton of women there and they aren't completely dogshit
You're right with this. Gacha loving tards are just as bad as the brainlet normalfags that buy western trash blindy but they don't want to admit it.
At least those triple AAA western games are actually game and not gambling with jpg of anime girls.
ironic weeaboos have ruined legit everything on the internet
This, everything has to be ironic or subverting. I fucking hate it so much
I notice you didn't name them.
Normalfags either dont fit in or tryhard so much they look like parodies of the thing they want to be. Then pull irony to not admit they were actually being retarded
Shit existed back in the day too, but there was actually quality stuff coming out other than the shit.
Now it's literally nothing but shitty softcore underage harem trash and Shonen derivatives. Shit like Remember the Titans and One Province Minor gets held up as the thing saving anime because they subvert the tropes that pervade their entire genres.
Weebs are retarded ironic or not.
Read his post again retard
As soon as women (who are only slightly interested in the hobby) show up and start their "cosplay" and assorted attention-whoring tactics, it attracts men who are not interested in the hobby whatsoever, just in it for social kudos. Or: what we call ironic weebs.
how about you check the Japanese gaming libraries of SNES, GBA and Playstation consoles. kawaii uguu waifu shit was always there It only never left Japan, but then again, OP is most likely an ironic weeb himself since its very clear he barely has any knowledge about the thing he's complaining about.
literally you
>tfw you're a superior koreaboo
Platinum Games and ArcSys barely killed shit
Yeah thats why most boards have absolutely nothing to do with anime.
The only difference is that today the super niche games actually get translations.
based mizayaki had an actual waifu. Too bad he's in the edgy contrarian stage of his life.
Japan good, west bad though. Japan's the only country making good games anymore outside of western indie titles.
I read your post perfectly the first time. Kill yourself back to from whence you came.
Calm down, user. There’s no need to compare anyone to that piece of shit.
I rather hang out with fat fucks doing the haruhi dance than some attention whoring normalfags calling everything 2D a waifu while watching some dubbed anime on netflix.
Eat shit, niggers
>ahegao is now mainstream with 3D sluts
Absolutely fucking pathetic
god, this reminds me of the screencaps for spic youtube channels for Dragon Ball Super
user reading isn't hard it's pretty easy
Otaku pandering, general laziness, zero budgets and jerking off to seasonal trash anime. I don't think ironic weebs are to blame for anything, except being obnoxious.
I have no friends online or IRL and I don't follow gaming/anime communities unless you count posting on Yea Forums and I haven't even noticed any uprising of these ironic weebs people like to talk about, what even are they? I still don't get it and why the term popped up, perhaps you can just try avoiding the things you don't like?
Cunny is the only thing proven to kill phoneposters.
Wheres the webm of him doing that retarded dance
Why are you comparing Japanese created content with western fags?
>ironic weebs
why tho
I wonder if they realize it doesn't look nearly as good in 3D
>americans ruined japanese video games because of irony?
Imagine getting your world view from MS paint memes
Have sex
attack on titan was heralded as the saving grace of anime and i pretty much had a lampshade moment talking to a coworker when i realized what we were talking about also applied to evangelion and i realized it's just a rehash of the evangelion story arc
there is extreme overlap between the titans and the evas and shinji and erin to the point that even trying to come up with inconsistencies just strengthens the comparison
I rather not hang out with either ironic weeb
Quick post some right now, I desire sweet death
You have the art style of the kid who got dunked on in junior high and never recovered
Imagine having so little in your life that the lack of gatekeeping for SoL moeblobs was a legitimate concern and source of anxiety for you.
Coworkers thread?
>pleb faggot at my job that watch anime on funimation and netflix
>he can't stand japanese voices he watch everything dubbed
>think that sexualize/fanservice drawing is weird
Send help
ironic weeaboos don't exist
stop making up bogeymen
Just let him be and he will get bored of anime fast.
The worst ironic weebs to me are the ones who buy anime merchandise and plaster it all over their room.
This is the actual purest way to tell an ironic weeb: when for them anime is not something to enjoy, but something to advertise to others. They want attention and recognition as a "zany otaku with weird quirky interests!" so badly that they spend thousands of dollars and spend every waking moment photographing their figure stands to post in buyfag threads.
Dirty Pair, Dream Hunter Rem, Iczer-1.
>gatekeeping is bad!
Only roastie think like that.
jojofags actually believe this
>Coworkers thread?
they play on console. battlefield/cod/fortnite. they can't comprehend the idea of playing with kb+m
God, I hate when people have opinions that aren't mine
King of The Hill is an amazing anime though
I love this image.
SO mad
urusei yatsura too
I miss when old Yea Forums culture was about being angry at casuals and plebs.
It's all yours, my friend.
What if I buy shit, but never show anyone?
I see nothing wrong with this.
Based. Fuck gooks, slants, chunks and Japs.
White men ruined the anime culture
There's a reason why you're a Yea Forumsirgin, kid
Most things are ruined by nihilistic depressive millennials who honestly only want death and thus are not capable of honestly liking anything, thus every fucking thing is “ironic”
For weebs, nothing is less funny than le epic FBI loli “jokes”
What, you buy figurines and keep them in a drawer? I guess that passes the test, because you're clearly not advertising your interests.
Imagine thinking that calling someone a virgin is an insult
Ironic weeabs have no effect on the already evolving trends in japan.
Yup im sure these girls are real otaku just like me. I better donate 500$ to their patreon for being weeb like me haha!
t. nigger
Anime has always been a third world thing.
whities appropriated it and made the culture around it shit.
>all because of women
>there can't be any other cause, it has to be women
Present evidence, if you'd please.
I think gatekeeping is only worth doing for good things, or things that take effort.
You are too insecure to actually address my post, and would rather culturewar over my word choice.
uuuuuuaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA !
The best way to do it is have a few things but just don't draw attention to them
No, they're on shelves, I just don't let anyone in my room and don't take pictures
Is there anything a larger indicator of an electionfag than one phrase zinger post?
they make online discussion annoying, but they dont really have anything to do with the develpoment of japanese videogames.
a proper weeb would spend money on merch and shit, not camwhores.
>I still don't get it and why the term popped up, perhaps you can just try avoiding the things you don't like?
Like you do? Is that why you don’t have any friends?
What’s wrong with cowboy bebop?
I buy shit and plaster it all over my room for my own enjoyment, what now?
but the japanese dub of it is differently better and more entertaining than the english one
I can't decide which is the worse between Moe/FanServicesFags and Ironic Otakus...
By the way, Ironic Otakus have done nothing against video games, for now.
I knew someone like this but with video games. His mere existence infuriated me because he would buy all kinds of physical video game OSTs like Nier Automata's and figs for other games but he'd never play them or know anything about them outside of what he saw on a twitch stream. He was also that lonely type that'd donate to streamers so that they'd say his name.
Just go on /cgl/ and enter any of the threads with women discussing anime cosplay.
They don't even watch the anime. They just know the characters from other cosplayers.
How many levels of seething to you have to be to think everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny and having to save disgusting pictures of trannies to own the trannies?
Can the artists sue for this? I don't think they're the ones selling the clothing.
anyone notice there has been a recent resurgence of nostalgia title coming back, mainly on Switch. I think Cotton was announced today, with Super Real and Yu-No revealed earlier.
>content still based on nip views and barely affected by western shit
>only thing that's affected is online and offline discussion in western circles
Man you guys are stupid
>adress my post dude
>hehe you have no life!!
Amazing argument I surely need to adress this.
Why do normalfags seem to only watch seasonal anime? I really don't get that.
>anime can't be anything other than Japanese
Uh racist much?
The only good animes are certain shonen shows and Cowboy Bebop. Everything else is gay weebshit. Also, fuck ironic weebs.
You're a normalfaggot, sorry. You are exactly equal to women who put in fifty layers of makeup and postrationalize it as "I-I do this for MYSELF, not to look good to men" (when you know full well that they would never do that in a world without men)
enjoy your fotns ripoff jojobrony
hehe, you're a tranny, hehehe
King of the Hill is the American equivalent of a slice of life anime
You're an idiot.
Trends user trends
because it's on netflix/prime and is dubbed and pewdiepie talked about it.
Because it's easy, and they don't have enough interest to do anything more
So many wageslavies have literally no actual interests, only spending money. It's a hollow existence.
>old bad
>new good
Just like how they think with video games
Those are trannies, women that post on Yea Forums just pretend to be gay men you dunce.
Say what you want about this guy but that dab is flawless
>Being so mentally retarded you can only enjoy content aimed at literal children
its true about videogames though
Are jojotards the new Narutards?
thankfully i have a fetish for retarded looking women so it works out for me since they look like cross eyed retards
maybeee makeup looks nice and is fun retard
It will happen to everything you love.
The mainstream culture monster will latch onto your niche culture, strip it of all incompatible parts, and swallow it whole.
Having no friends wouldn't be a consequence of avoiding things I don't like, if anything it'd be avoiding things I do.
Someone post the time that faggot apologized to someone because he dreamed about them wrong
>mfw I will never be this autistic
Cup head you fuckhead
Not really.
>the original fans leave
No they don't. They stay in the hobby and cry about it every single day and even make embarrassing little comics about their hobbies being ruined because one time a friend brought a girl along. But they have literally nothing else in their lives so they stay in the hobby no matter how """ruined""" it is. But you better believe we all gotta hear their fucking complaining, forever. Despite all their promises to leave the hobby forever.
Whatever you say zoomer.
No, OPM, BnH, and one piss shitters are all more obnoxious
Nobody who likes JoJo is even remotely like this.
You clearly don't know anything about gangs
Holy shit, this is one EXTREMELY angry redditor post.
Are you going to screenshot this thread and go post it on your reddit forums now, normalfaggie?
Will it happen to 4channel?
That is true for video games. Anti consumer is an all time high.
For me it’s the “seasonal waifu” fags
>This is my w-waifu guys! haha
You mean the game that the devs had to sell their house for? How isn't that indie?
It's normalfaggot, you aggressively new mobile electionfag
That's not exclusive to women. There's lots of artists that draw lewd artwork of female/male characters that never even watched, read or played the thing they're drawing. Sometimes, you can really tell they never did.
It is shitty to do that, especially if you're into a relatively obscure franchise that's only known to secondaries for ass and titties, but it's just them being lazy bastards, not explicitly "because women".
he's not wrong tho
It already did long ago. Compromised from the top down.
We've long since been in the aftermath.
It's just people treating things as FoTM.
Already did...
Years ago
>'Hur dur little boy show'
>Probably jerks off to some little girl anime
>Also doesn't know where he is
Shut the fuck up you neck bearded faggot. Have sex.
Yea Forums is not an anime site
>heh, he wrote out a sentence instead mindlessly shitposting, how reddit!
You have to go back.
That guy is based though
>My Exception Invalidates The Rule!
Hello delusional normalfaggot.
kill me,pete
What franchise?
>Literally using the gateway ironic weeb anime as an image while saying "Fuck ironic weebs"
Who’s this man?
>stayed in this shithole long enough to see someone post this unironically
Kill me, Pete
Have you ever heard of Gamergate and the US' 2016 election? Because that's when it happened. Yea Forums is faster than Yea Forums now, and /pol/ is the source of Yea Forums culture now
My point is that the shit that "a real anime fan" likes (SoL moe trash) is inferior to the supposedly surface-level stuff.
That's pretty unique to anime. With vidya (the TOPIC OF THIS IMAGE BOARD btw), gachashit and Madden aren't widely considered the best of the medium.
Anime is inherently shallow as fuck anyone smart would pull out well before the point of making one of these shitty "I AM SILLY" comics .
Can't believe even HnK got compromised by faggots like you, please throw yourself off a bridge.
Why would you wanna ironically like something? That makes no sense, who cares what you like, you like it so it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. The only people care enough about what you like are hyperbolic lame fucks who are desperate for attention and throw insults around to get your attention.
You should never """"""""ironically"""""""" like something because the stigma of it, if you aren't acting like some princess or whatever claiming you have superior taste or some shit like that, like what you want. Also i don't get the term "ironic weeaboo" that makes no sense to me, why label yourself something negative like that when you don't even actually enjoy it?
These people can fuck off, nothing more than meme spouting faggots desperate for laughs from somebody but arent getting any from anybody.
Western normalfags hate anime because it provokes their latent lust for teenagers, making them feel guilty.
Or, in women's case, they hate it because they know they are getting older (and thus less from the 2D-mandated ideal) every day.
A Cunny in Time
It's a tradeoff. Yeah they are annoying, but the abundance of them does make it a liitle more socially acceptable to play Japanese games and watch anime. Ironic weebs are normies, so you can admit that you play stuff like compile hearts games and be mistaken for a normie.
It keeps happening
>genuinely really enjoy Jojo
>can’t talk about it with anyone because it just devolves into LMAO IS THAT A JOJO REFERENCE?!? XD
Leave weeb
>oh no how dare they disrespect my honorabu japanesu animu!
>please take it seriously! dont have fun with it!
>*dabs on you*
>and /pol/ is the source of Yea Forums culture now
Almost like that's what happens when you censor every other board.
I can smell your breath from here, tubs of fun. Cry more.
reminder that sakurafish got stolen by ironic weeb redditors:
God moot is cute. I wish I could outgrow this place like he did ;_;
Make me
Are you a big enough weeaboo to have been on a pilgrimage?
Cope harder secondary, you just got exposed.
Traveling is the biggest normalfaggot thing there is.
What sub culture should I move on now that anime and Yea Forums are dead?
>reee I'm being censored
>using bugmen and similar reddit memes
Have sex
Does anyone have the Webm of the short stack Asian chick with insane thighs doing a bunch of kicks/cartwheels on a dance floor?
What shrine is this? I seriously don't think all are like this, are they?
>implying it wasn't dead since Yea Forums mods banned it
Gurren Lagann wasn't a gateway ironic weeb anime, you idiot. There's a difference between casuals and ironic weebs. As awful as they may be casuals don't do the whole "this is shit and so am I xD" deal. Ironic weebs weren't even a thing back in 2007. If anything I'd say the gateway anime for them are Love Live, Jojo, and Kobayashi. Possibly Eromanga-sensei.
I haven't even left my country, lol
How many levels of seething to you have to be to think everyone who disagrees with you is an incel and having to post the same reply in every single thread like it's permanently Ctrl+V on your keyboard?
Anime literally melts your brain. I remember when around 10 years ago back in 9th grade I discovered this site and everytime I would see people ERPing and pretending to be some cute anime girl (which was a lot more rare back then by the way before everyone was obsessed with traps), I just felt pure disgust like pic related.
Eventually I stayed long enough on this site that it not only stopped bothering me, but I know of started to find it funny.
Then I took a few years break when I only lurked a couple of minutes every month and luckily my brain reconstructed itself.
Yea Forums generally just turns you into some retard by gradually normalizing autistic behavior so you end up with people buying body pillows, crossdressing, pretending to be a girl and even changing their gender. The truth is if you are exposed to something for a long enough time you will start to tolerate and eventually even like it. Browsing this site feels like I'm not even talking to people anymore, it is just their sub-personalities. Their real personality is hidden behind layer and layers made up by hundreds of hours of shitposting, trying to fit into some social outcast group and forming an identity around an anime imageboard.
Yea Forums literally turns people into a soulless robot who can only repeat catchphrases. Back then it was at least 20 somethings mainly, nowdays there are 14 year olds already being socialized on this shit. I feel sorry for everyone who was influenced by this shithole in any way
Now that the dust has settled, we can agree that the only women who legitimately like anime or video games are the fat or ugly ones, right?
You can start off by going back to pleddit becuase literally no one thinks anime is dead other than asshurt reactionaries trying to gatekeep and astroturf Yea Forums.
Why is his face so fucking fat
Having sex.
Join Islam
8 characters isn't hard, newfag
I mostly watch 80s and 90s stuff, here's a few of them I enjoyed. Be warned though, it's mostly mecha and/or edgy OVAs :
> Super Dimension Fortress Macross
> Macross : Do You Remember Love ?
> Macross Plus
> M.D. Geist
> Wicked City
> Genocyber
> Guyver
> Ninja Scroll
> Ideon
> Dougram
> Armored Trooper V.O.T.O.M.S.
They're not. This is from the town Girls und Panzer is set in.
All the people who act like this don't actually watch/read Jojo. I should know, because I used to be one
How the.....? I have many questions, not the least of which is how does a completely ignorable meme negatively effect even a single Japanese game?
the only time Jojofags were more annoying than the people bitching about them was during the anime run of part 2
All kidding aside, what was his power level?
how much would the world improve
autism: the thread
Rest in Peace Elliot Rodger, a true Hero
I think you would do better as a muzzie, you'd get to abuse women and minorities and hate gays all day every day without others caring
>someone on Yea Forums with good taste
Oh that makes sense, neat. Bet the town got a lot of turism because of the series.
Can I have Seven?
>You should never """"""""ironically"""""""" like something because the stigma of it, if you aren't acting like some princess or whatever claiming you have superior taste or some shit like that, like what you want.
To be fair, Yea Forums and this site in general gives shit to tons of people for genuinely liking something. There are whole boards created because of certain people genuinely liking something that are extremely divisive (whether it can be considered a containment board, the very nature of the topic, etc).
America would run like a chicken without its head, since all the intellectuals were wiped out
>Projecting this hard about wanting to fuck little girls
>Shaking mad while typing this, his jelly belly moving like an ocean
Have sex incel. You are the filth of this image board.
the town got fucked in the tsunami. GuP actually saved the town, not kidding.
Modern anime is literally designed to appeal to normalfaggots. It's dead Jim.
One day brother
Sure, although I don't really like to call myself a weeaboo.
really makes me think
It literally opened the gates to every single ignorant retard who doesn't actually give a fuck about anime and spout retarded opinions. Ironic weebs wouldn't exist if casuals didn't flood the scene.
By "otaku type" do you mean moe stuff? Akazukin Chacha is great.
Finally someone on Yea Forums who has good taste in anime.
Damn old anime culture was so great. I just can't get into new anime and all of its fans. What the fuck happened?
EPIC /pol/poster
Feels good knowing that nothing anywhere near me is important enough to nuke
Don't forget Mahōjin Guru Guru
Isn't that the guy who runs the tranny cult?
infinite. he can kick ass, but nobody can fight back when he has no ass to kick
the only japanese game i remember playing is Nier Autamata which was amazing im about to play Yakuza 0 one of these days
>live in a small town population 2000
>there will be a nuke right near me, because there is a dam near the town
where is the world gonna immigrate to
>inspect element and remove redditors name for "no reason"
very (((suspicious)))
Dark age of manga and anime where everything is supposed to appeal to moeshitters, shounenshitters, etc.
Maybe a few gems here and there.
>give gold
what did they mean by this?
This triggers the normalfag.
probs a tranny teebeeH
I'm ready for the chinese era
They'll somehow find their way to Europe
Rejoice in the knowledge that you'll die instantly.
Did posting that reactionimage and saying reddit make you feel better?
They just ironically hate it
>the capital of North Dakota isn't worth nuking
They'd just immigrate to the rural areas and increase ruralfags' winter temperature IQs
its not. niggers are the biggest ironic weaboos.
They only good thing Korea has ever made in gaming is DJMax.
>being an attentionwhore is the rule
Attentionwhores definitely fucking exist, but they get the most attention because they're loud and obnoxious. Can't say I know all women on the planet, but I can't vouch for the claim that titty streamers and secondary tit cosplayers are the rule.
Anti-normalfag culture died on Yea Forums in 2014, after Gamergate was censored and reddit/tumblr migrants flooded in.
>mass reply with frog post, dabbing and greentext shitposting
>not a SINGLE reply, not even from me, making fun of him
Imagine being that fucking faggot
>gang signs
West Coast ruined hip hop culture.
Agree or Disagree.
You can tell an incel made this
I've never seen a black ironic weeb. They may be casual fans but they've all been genuinely into whatever it is, usually either DBZ or BNHA these days.
>nukes target mostly liberal enclaves and nuke silos because they're the most important to the country counterstriking
My mind is going into overdrive due to thinking
>annapolis isn't worth nuking
>has naval academy
Why is anime so anti-semitic?
>The only good animes are certain shonen shows and Cowboy Bebop.
Yea Forums, despite being the anime board, has the worst tastes OF THE ENTIRE FUCKING SITE
Harem (hell, they got renamed after a harem at one point because they loved it soo much and spammed it everywhere)
Slice of Life
as far as the eye can see
It's the opposite, stormweenies (who have been evicted from 109 forums to date) moved to Yea Forums because they had nowhere else to go, and ruined the local culture
>after Gamergate was censored and reddit/tumblr migrants flooded in.
lol nice revisionist history faggot
gamergaters invited tumblr and reddit to take on the "bigger enemy" of liberals and here we are, Yea Forums is shit and every single thread is either about or becomes about muh libs
don't forget reddit is GGs main base of operations and tumblr is where vivian james came from, collaborating with Yea Forums
The worst part of anything are the ones who try turning everything into an identity. Because they lack any other substance as human beans. Which is why I hate people that refer to themselves as "gamers" and other similar titles. Or who try to shape themselves solely around the media they consume.
The jew fears the anime girl
>who have been evicted from 109 forums to date
Hmm, sounds like a fake stat
Now here's a real one
Almost every anime kid I know in real life.. even normal ones are like this. They're over the top and just constantly spout memes or humor like family guy. "Rememver that time when----"
>here we are, Yea Forums is shit
so nothing changed
I'm going to agree with this guy
Weeaboos of anytype is bad, anime fandom is complete and utter shit. I thought this was generally known.
Just post Emergence.
Maximum ironic weeb filter.
>kids spout meme lines
I'm not really seeing anything surprising
>call out the /pol/tard
>immediately start posting infographics
Are you a literal machine?
>Yea Forums is literally drawn with reddit on his shoulder and tumblr under his arm
And faGGots have the fucking nerve to suggest that it was GG being shut down here that meant they started showing up
absolutely digusting fags like this need to learn there place and fuck off
if u stupid redgodtiers or whatever your called are reading this fall in a pit bleed out and fuck off
Go beyond that, it's the go-to shock manga for ironic weebs. Post Geiger Counter.
/fit/ here i'd recommend replacing dragon ball z with terra formars and champloo with baki
>friend claims he watched the good stuff
>only talks about the shonenshit now
why gordon. you could've been cool.
>the ones who try turning everything into an identity. Because they lack any other substance as human beans.
thats 90% of Yea Forums
>I-I predicted that you would destroy me with hard evidence!
They love it though, enough to still talk about it despite worse things being drawn for the sake of porn
Are you kidding? Emergence is standard dude look how MESSED UP this porn is tier.
The disgusting tumblr/twitter secondaries most certainly are especially when they start pushing JoJo as some trans/gay rights bullshit
Who would win?
>Completetly SFW loli pic
>always been a third world thing when the vast majority of the third world didn't have computers nonetheless an internet connection until the last 10 or so years
redditor repellant
It goes beyond that. Ironic shitposting, which was invented and fucking pioneered right here on Yea Forums and especially on Yea Forums, ruined internet humor even more so than facebook or reddit meme shit. Ironic weebs are the same, people being fucking obnoxious for the sake of some weird irony only they understand, without thinking of possible consequences should they be taken seriously.
>Jojo is the only thing left coming out of Japan that's as good as it was 20-30 years ago
>what are TVs
>tumblr/twitter secondaries
That's just them being cancer in general considering the sites and other shows/games being fucked by it
fuck off retard
because they're more interested in talking about shows with other people than watching good ones, the social aspect for them is primary and the anime is secondary
Peak ironic weeb owning 4channers with facts and logic
Oh how times have changed. I don't even recognize this place anymore
t. prospective spree killer
Is this bait? The Jews fucking love anime
>oy vey! Pay money for a gacha jpeg of a kawaii waifu little goy
Polfaggot election tourists also make up most ironic weebs.
Just see that "Awoo" shit where they shop the MAGA hat on her. Wish they would all fuck off back to the donal or their schizophrenic support forum on 8gag.
Moot was a redditor himself before anyone knew what reddit was.
I expressed that wrong.
I meant to say that Emergence will invariably, without fault, trigger a response from ironic weebs.
You wish
also, you proved that you only discovered anime through the internet.
fuck off.
For me, It's /g/ and /fit/.
you know that's a fake image right? he never said that, you can search archives if you wish
>if your aren't of my retarded tribe you are of the other retarded tribe
Commies and nazis both get the noose
Chud faggot
no,we need the classic
mai chan's daily life
Yea Forums existed way before reddit. You're thinking of SA. Moot was a goon.
>created thing
>ruined thing
It’s one or the other user, it can’t be both
Finally, someone with some fucking sense.
National public television used to air anime all day in my thirdworld shithole
>Just see that "Awoo" shit where they shop the MAGA hat on her.
I hate that with ever fiber of my being. Momiji is a good girl and wouldn't participate in stupid faggotry like that.
It's honestly weird how many inside jokes that only make sense here proliferate anyways despite nobody else being able to understand them
Don't hurt yourself, alright?
This. Wh*Tes are the epitome of cringe.
The only type of centrism I can get behind
>8-ball, are jojo fans normalfaggots?
>Gamergate and the US' 2016 election?
Old Yea Forums was killed between 2007 and 2009 when the shitholes stealing memes became more popular than Yea Forums (like Reddit).
2009-2013 was the true death period of this site where there was no OC and nothing but angry flailing between the last remaining oldfags and the retarded trollface-loving newfags.
2014-2016 was a brief period of time where there was actually some new lifeblood put into the site that spawned what was at the time funny OC and actual IRL ops the likes of which hadn't been seen in 6+ years.
It seems that from 2017 onwards we've actually been in another 2008-2013 level drought of misery and self hatred with nothing but ironic shitposting and other bullshit.
t.2006-2007 lurker, 2008-2009 regular poster
>Have sex.
Do you know where *you* are?
Just see it and copy without true context
Ironic weeaboos have zero effect on Japanese video games.
Yea Forums was 100% a tumblr board WAY before gamergate idiot
The retards who discovered anime on the internet post 2006 are the worst. I used to watch anime on spainish speaking channels like univision or telemundo. I remember pre-internet beaners were the biggest bloc of anime fandom in the western hemisphere.
How can someone be on the site for 13 years and still be such a newfag?
Japanese incels created anime culture. Typical whitey stealing other people culture.
>it got a movie adaptation
Fuck me, it's been years since I've read Mai.
GG really did ruin Yea Forums.
The funniest thing is in the end it changed nothing. Literally the Wall Street protests but for sweaty NEETs.
Yea Forums started dying when project chanology was a thing.
It's only one then: ruined it.
>2014-2016 was a brief period of time where there was actually some new lifeblood
Lol yeah all of those nazi edits of the frog and incel edits of wojak were awesome.
This is peak right-wing electionfaggotry revisionism. Back to the donald.
>reactionshots and greentext
Do you happen to have some little girl you can lend me?
Ironic weebs are a thousand times worse than actual weebs and anyone who disagrees is an ironic weeb.
It's fine until that weird pedobait kid with the goggles and red hair shows up. Dropped the show at that point.
Can someone post cunny already?
I love listening to newfaggots soapbox about how they're oldfaggots and newfaggots were actually a good thing.
when you overdose on infographics
>Yea Forums started dying when project chanology was a thing.
Jesus christ this.
>Serial Experiments Lain
How can one board be so based?
Disagree. They're obnoxious and I hate them, but they have no effect on the actual games.
yikes and niggerpilled
>it's an alright thread turned /pol/ episode
Big brain post
based pol
Wtf bro
My ads are gone
/g/ > /m/ > Yea Forums > /tg/ > Yea Forums > /fit/
explain lain to me is it just a lesbian robot or something?
I don't like l*li. However, we need cunny to drive normies away. Every thread should be filled with pedos and cunny. Whatever drives the normies away.
>"The gateway anime"
>What is Pokemon, Dragonball, Naruto, One Piece, Sailor Moon, SAO, My Hero Academia, Toonami airings, etc.
It really isn't though. Also, I get why you don't like normies, since they lower the common denominator, but a good show is still good. At least a person fresh to anime starting with TTGL or similar leaves new viewers wanting something as good or better. In contrast with shitty shows like SAO, new viewers are left at a very, very low level since SAO is lazy garbage and now the new guys expect lazy garbage.
>anime=good reality=bad
Unironically, white people.
Ouiaboo rise up
Easy, just have a sexy loli in your pocket as repellent. It really scares them
>it's an entire board turned /pol/ series
God, one time just ONE TIME do I want to wake up and see something like this under my blanket
i find her choice of hairstyle to be shit.
The fact that people get mad at dumb shit like this is what makes it funny you moron.
Fuck off child diddler
>liking w*men
How’s that ironic life of yours going user?
I find you to be shit
She probably looks that bad BECAUSE she cakes her fucking face in make-up. Isn't that stuff really bad for the skin?
My little sister tried doing a nip slip to me and that's how I learned she had inverted nipples lmao
>you're a newfag
>no YOU'RE a newfag
Yeah sure kiddo. Go look up some old memes on Encyclopedia Dramatica to prove how much of an oldfag you are. Make sure to get one from the middle of the Offended page.
>reclaiming Pepe from the normalfags on Twitter and seeing mainstream political idiots forced to talk about a stupid MS Paint frog wasn't hilarious
>the lighthearted IRL shitposting like HWNDU wasn't fun
Every meme runs its course. Of course Pepe and Wojack shit is lame now, but that's because it was run into the ground as a result of it being good OC at one point. There was a point where trollface comics were funny too, like troll science. But then they got ran into the ground and the cycle continues.
nice copypasta
>user starts posting loli
>Thread suddenly slows down
Yeah, I’m thinking he’s based
What is this thread even about
>being g*y
that's a BIG yikes from me my dude
>cumming from what is basically a non-ass
what a bitch
is there anything more ironic than acting superior to someone on fucking Yea Forums on the board for video games of all things
No that's just turning shitposting and board "culture" into an identity. That's a different problem. The type of people that greentext outside of Yea Forums and spout meme slang in real life are a cancer of their own.
She's really enjoying that dildo
>tfw northern utah
nice knowing u lads
actual homosexual
I unironically prefer the latter. Early otaku culture is just as cringe and cancerous
Yea Forums is a space for mature, right-wing, high test, heterosexual men
Yea this.
It can’t be helped
The real redpill is to get into Kamen Rider, it's fun as hell and normalfags don't want to touch it because they assume it's Power Rangers.
Unironically given up on watching anime at this point.
Yes, yes. I'm just making the comparison that the one with a poor social status who also actively defends moeshit might have a correlation towards being a degenerate.
Fuck off, jojofag.
I actually love the series and been reading it for years now and you animeniggers is what I absolutely hate. Fuck you.
Im fucking dead
Where do I find milfs to talk to
>falling for the roastie meme
enjoy getting cucked by tyrone when your MUH INDEPENDENCE fleshlight gets tired of you
Notice how, that now that the incel election tourist faggot has lost the argument, he started spamming his pedo-cartoons. Pathetic.
ohh ahahahahahaha he couldn't resist
I'm just a guy who've only watched garo and some godzilla movies in terms of toku
Where do I start with KR
Fucking Bowsette, if it weren't for ironic weebs she wouldn't have existed
>Yea Forums hates Jojo now
>and God Hand
>and New Vegas
>and DMC
>and it goes on and on and on
You're all hipsters with worse fashion sense.
What did he mean by this
>Can't handle the truth
>Can't cope
Your life is very sad. Maybe one day you will get past your degeneracy.
I hope it gets mainstream in the west and ruined too
Coming from another site in order to do what you described
Yes yes, we get it, the AIDS has eaten holes in your brain and you can only take BBC, we get it
kabuto, w, fourze and gaim are all good entry series.
I'm Tyrone. i'm still waiting for that roastie to sit on my dick but it never happens. i'm so hungry for booty that i might do something i'll regret.
Ironic ANYTHING ruins whatever they do.
I'm fucking sick of dumbasses who think that irony is related to wits, and I blame the western media for this. A decade of shows like House and shit where the protagonist is some sarcastic asshole created a generation who thinks it's lame to genuinely like anything.
Baseed and feedpilled
Kuuga, W, or Build would be the best options, i'd say. If you'd like to see some stuff directed and with character designs by the creator of GARO, Keita Amemiya, try the Kamen Rider ZO and Kamen Rider J movies.
It won't happen. It's been tried several times and it fails every time. See Saban's Masked Rider and Kamen Rider Dragon Knight. Literally immune to being as corrupted as anime, so suck my toku loving dick.
>wasting a nuke on sierra vista
They love Emergence though
anime is cringe if you watch modern anime youre basically a gaiafag
Darkstalkers isn't obscure.
>and you animeniggers is what I absolutely hate
Where did I mention the anime?
Parts 7 and 8 leaning into resetting the universe with slight differences and realigning elements from previous parts with new concepts and execution enhanced the creativity they could display.
The only problem was that a lot of equivalents to prominent characters in old parts ended up sidelined, like Stroheim and Avdol in Part 7.
>One on my town in the middle of nowhere
Fuck, how did they know?
Another reason why wh*tey getting wiped out is a good thing
>It won't happen
Tokunation managed to organize a deal with Toei, they've been pretty broadly hinting that they're bringing a show over to a streaming service, most likely Netflix, likely aided by all the spergy pinoys and Malays demanding people watch toku. And then there's the Ultra shows getting put on Western services like TOKU and CrunchyRoll. And then there's Kraken putting Garo out on BDs in the West (Not including the Funi dubs of the anime). Oh, and Shout! Factory putting out every Sentai in the West now with English subs.
The difference is that Erin become Gendo later on.
Ironic shitposting and Irony culture have basically destroyed everything but the absolute fringes of communities. You have to go to increasingly distant places to not have the stink of people who revel in destroying everything they touch these days.
That isn't even my true form.
There is literally already a series you can watch on Amazon Prime internationally. Ultraman is already watchable on CrunchyRoll. Kamen Rider still isn't anything in the west outside of niche fandom groups.
Tokusatsu is never, ever going to be as mainstream and full of ironic fans as anime.
Recommend me some GOOD anime before the jannies delete this thread.
Any genre.
>can view deleted posts
fucking amazing
>people fuck white people
Only because black people are so disgusting
What's an ironic weeb is this an American thing or a zoomer thing? Never encountered one before.
Planetes, Dennou Coil, Princess Principal, Flip Flappers, Girls Und Panzer, Monster
i doubt they'll delete this, shitposting is too strong these days. And if they do, ten more of these threads will take its' place.
People calling everyone who likes anything remotely japanese an "ironic weeb" killed insults.
None of you have any idea of what the fuck you're talking about.
Mahou Shoujo Ore
The cause is social media itself, by competing with others to receive social “currency” (likes, follows, favorites, upvotes, subscribers, etc.) you are forced to be disingenuous in hopes of not alienating people with opinions contrary to your own. When you’re “ironic” you “safely” expose yourself to a certain group without becoming part of it.
For people who have grown up with this behavior their wholes lives, honesty is a completely foreign concept to them. Which is why so many dipshits are depressed and “can’t figure out why”
I really like the 2003 series of Kino's Journey.
I unironically dance to anime openings no matter the type, moe anime have some of the most catchy tunes
So when will this wave of normalfags pass? Does there need to be some global controversy to make them fuck off?
japanese video games are still good, so disagree
madoka and monogatari series if you are an ironic weeb
Weeb already got fucked over by misuse, might as well go for ironic too
t. Ironic Weeb.
Do you like anime about terrorism? i suggest Terror No Resonance. nobody actually dies in the explotions unfortunately but they are non-the-less pretty jarring and the music is absolute top tier. especially the opening song.
Madoka is a ripoff of Kamen Rider Ryuki, Butcher is a joke.
Pretty much people who watched Flithy Frank and try to parrot his le xD humor. Probably also post on /fa/, /lgbt/ and /leftypol/. Absolutely insufferable. Stay away.
I thought Evangelion was a fun and engaging robot vs. monsters experience.
>Jojo anime is well-received and even normies make maymays about it
>They never played God Hand so it's shit.
>NV gave too much choice so it's shit
>DMC5 actually has a fanbase here so let's be an epic trole and say DmC was better.
It's just Yea Forums. There's a reason why Yea Forums is treated like the /pol/tard equivalent in other boards.
>white "people"
Devil may cry was never good
The best part? Not even Yea Forums is safe. One little thing has essentially done the same fucking thing.
It's (You)
You should watch some anime movies before getting into any serialized work:
Sword of The Stranger
Ninja Scroll
Have sex
Join Islam
Spoken like an incel.
Are you a duck?" a woman asks him, holding out her hands to him. "The lady knows you're duck, but the lady is not sure if you are. Let her hold your hands."
"I think it's a duck!" the man says with a smile and smiles back.
After a little bit, the woman asks, "Aren't you going to take him out and pick him up first?"
"No," the other asks, "I will have a better chance of going out and finding the duck later on." "Okay," the man says.
The women follow him and the second woman looks at the man as if to say, "He might know a bit more about your family than I do. He might even learn your last name." She stops in the middle of her sentence and looks at him again. "Well, I guess if there is anything that can be taught, please do teach it to us." She pulls her hair back. "I shall do my best to help you, sir."
>weebs mad that people mock their shitty fandom
remind me where i'm supposed to give a shit
obsessed /pol/tato
Heavily recommend Sword of the Stranger.
all leftists/fags/trannies/women are ironic weebs
The stuff with variety quit selling. That's why they started focusing on the niche stuff.
fuck nazis and white people
Japs sure are contentious people
Why can't i get a sister like this? all my sisters are throw away cunts. god some fuckers have all the luck.
Sorry but not only is Yea Forums the only part that has any real general knowledge of anime, they're also unaffected by the retardedness of all the other boards. ESPECIALLY Yea Forums.
I feel like Neptunia on steam was really the beginning of the end. I'm not trying to downplay the influence of youtuber shits and crunchycroll growth but the ironic weeb meme really blew up on Steam and by extention youtube/reddit after rebirth1 got released there. I still remember posters on Yea Forums pretending to be embarassed to their normalfag friends on steam basically the proto ironic weeb.
If you want to look at what next fanbase is going to get ruined just look at steam releases, there is an unfortunate overlap between post 2012 PC gamers and internet cancer.
The only good one with her is when she has the really sweet, vanilla sex with the dicklet.
I primarily post on Yea Forums and even I think Yea Forums is fucking retarded. I just wanna talk about video games, but apparently that's actually impossible.
Neptunia in general is severely cancerous.
I pray for all eternity that pikmin will never be ruined
Its already become the next " LAWL IS THIS LOSS?" meme
Oh come on. Did you fucking start brpwsing Yea Forums last year? The board has become a shitfest filled with spics, shounenfags and other assorted redditors. Mods helped killing the board further.
It's autistic sure but I don't think it's inherently more cancerous than any other weebshit. It blew up because it came at the right time to a fanbase starved for the next great new meme.
C'mon lads, I'm just stating the obvious. Plus, I've only encountered these fags at leftist protests, despite going to both types on occasion.
They have no impact on the Japanese market.
Capcom has always been westaboos at heart.
Because its easier to watch, like junk food. I've watched tons of shit but more and more I find myself only wanting to watch trash i'm not invested in beyond wow big fite
He's asking why the fuck is your sister showing her tits
His sister is probably fat and autistic