You ARE going to buy Catherine Full Body, right user?

You ARE going to buy Catherine Full Body, right user?

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yeah, if it comes to PC.

Didn't they confirm laura bailey is coming back for C? If so, undoubtably when it comes to PC

No, I don't support censorship.

I haven't bought an Atlus game since Snowboard Kids

Yes I bought the Collectors Edition

>having a PS4

nope, fuck atlus for screwing vita owners

>playing the dub

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it's on the vita

atlus usa isn't releasing it, even though the translation exists, and the games exists, and it would be no work to release it digitally only

be realistic here user. how many people actually own a vita in the us? they would make no money by porting it to the vita since the majority who do own a vita will pirate it anyways.

im going to buy classic today and play it

I'm going to watch Rin's route on YouTube, as I did with the original.

Not really into sliding block puzzles, thanks.

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I'm sure some dude will slap the translation onto the jp vita version so why is it such a big deal?

Did they censore anything in western release?

the overlap between people who would want to play Catherine would be over 80 percent

it's not. op asked if I was going to buy the game. so I answered fuck no

Yeah sure I liked the original but only beat it once.

As long as it isn't censored in the west, I will buy it day 1.

>Paying to play the same game except you now either become a literal fag or get a worse version of the original girls

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>buying Cathering Full Censor
I'll wait until it gets ported. I'll watch Rin's route on YT while I wait.

Why would I buy a game I've already played? It came out 3 months ago.

prove that it's censored

Is it worth getting over the original?

Bought Classic on Steam, ended up watching the cutscenes on YouTube since the gameplay is pure trash.

Will watch Rin's route on YouTube.


Wait, something’s censored?

Will the regionwar memeever die? I’m sick and tired of it



Sure if it comes out on PC.

I never played the original and I heard there was an online mode. I saw some competitive play of it and it seems fun. I can just ignore the obligatory Marie character like with all fatlus rereleases, hopefully

Have you been living under a fucking rock? Haven't you seen all the shit that snoy has been and will keep pulling? Shit's fucked