Starting pic related on PC for the 3rd time. Please give me some tips to make it more enjoyable because I’ve tried playing it twice before and really want to like it. Thank you in advance
Please help
Wolves hunt in packs.
Now that I bumped this thread: the game starts relatively slow and opens up when you reached Gran Soren. You can kick the oxen to make it go faster. But also do the witch forest quest.
You can change your vocation when you reach the city. Some classes take some time to get really fun, when you unlock more skills. Mage is for pawns. Avoid guardian inclinations on pawns. Take the quests on the notice board, but forget about them. Just play and at some point you will have killed what you needed to kill.
Don't know what else to tell you. Just get over the slow start, explore, maybe at night, level up, find the classes you like. But also switch classes often, you unlock passive skills that you can equip with every class you play.
Reminder that warrior class long sword fags are brainlets and shegoat is the worst waifu
Pro tip : stop being a faggot
There's a simple, easy-to-install mod that gives infinite stamina, absolutely excellent for traveling long distances. Granted, I fully admit it alters combat due to having unlimited stamina in combat as well as running to your next destination, and I wish it had a setting to distinguish the two. But for replaying the game, I definitely recommend trying it out.
My advice is: if a game doesn't grab you to the first gampelay hour, it's not worth playing.
If you aren't enjoying Dragon's Dogma, don't force yourself. Life is too short to be wasted on a game you don't like when you could be playing something you do.
It doesn't matter if Yea Forums wants to crucify you for not liking one of their sacred cows; remember that this place glorifies jank trash like The Witcher 1, Not Videogames liike Telltale's The Walking Dead and Gacha like Fate Grand Order, so their opinions are not worth listening to.
go straight to bitterblack isle and find your way in from lv1,best survival game ever,i'm not joking,finding stuff such as enemy weaknesses n' such makes it a heart pumping experience
Are you implying Yea Forums SHOULD be praising the Walking Dead and Gacha shit?