>want to mod Skyrim for the sole purpose of destroying Lydia's anus with my nord cock
>even the most basic sex animations require at least three other add-on mod
>run them through in mod organiser
>1 of the 19 mods isn't working properly
>due to this nothing works in the game
why is this allowed?
Want to mod Skyrim for the sole purpose of destroying Lydia's anus with my nord cock
I want to mod skyrim to have Lydia backbreak Ysolda against her knee and lick her navel, any mods?
Op I think that you’re just fucking retarded. When I first started nodding Skyrim several years ago sex and graphics mods were the first things I installed and they worked just fine.
it's allowed because it's worth it
It's worth it user. After I got everything working properly, suddenly I had 2000 hours logged into the game and 3 years of my life went away in the blink of an eye. I haven't accomplished anything but jerking off
I don't understand using TES games for porn. Or other games comparable to the porn mods like Honey Select for that matter.
Dressing up soulless 3D dolls to play out sex loops awkwardly, potentially with either no sound or shitty looped sound from their VO for taking damage is unfappable.
Is it autism that makes people like shit like that?
Are there any reverse rape mods and mods that turn everyone/every enemy into a female?
I want to run around as a cute shota that gets molested by a bunch of moster girls
just like Monster Girl Quest
>destroying Lydia's anus with my nord cock
No lesbian mods?
I'll gladly do a semen demon and rape every single young women in whiterun
it's allowed because it's worth it
Interactivity. Same reason why people like videogames over movies
Plus you can get the girl to look EXACTLY how you’d want them to look and get them into very specific situations you wouldn’t get to see in most porns
Its immersion.
You can’t go questing with a nord gf, raiding bandit camps and clearing crypts of dragur, then fucking like animals out in your camp in the woods.
Or something like that.
sorry for the double post
No need to apologize. We understand.
well I spent like two or three hours trying to setting up mods but every time there was ONE mod that didn't work the way it was supposed to, and that broke the other mods so it was basically just like vanilla in the end
any tips?
stop being a retard and figure it out yourself
I learned the hard way, so can you. It's literally just a matter of placing files in the right place and following simple instructions
post your load order so we can help you
go fuck yourself, I watched youtube videos and and read guides, it's not my fault that there is always one mod that goes apeshit for no reason
remember to click the install button in the sexlab mod menu to get the new shit working
lol everyone look he's having a fucking meltdown
nord? more like nerd.
fucking philistines
that was your first mistake forget about STEP or any other shitty guide, forget about video tutorials outside of the ones that show you how to install the tools, because they show you how to install stuff as long as you use the same other mods as them instead of what you want
The modding tools have been made easier for years, it's literally never been easier and you shouldn't be fucking it up with just a handful of mods. It's at the point where if you install the tools correctly then most popular mods can be cleanly added, sorted and integrated into the game with one or two clicks for each step.
man if you only have 19 mods it shouldn't be too hard to figure out the problem. what's your load order?
>Plus you can get the girl to look EXACTLY how you’d want them to look and get them into very specific situations you wouldn’t get to see in most porn
Maybe it's just me but I don't really care about micromanaging the exact appearance of a character to look a certain way if it means putting them in a lifeless sex animation.
I'm fine with others' designs for fappability in videos that aren't lifeless manakin humping.
did you clean the update/dlc?