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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm the only one who founds that shit funny?

only soul on this planet

now give reinhardt the tard one

Aaaaand fixed.

Are you so detached from society that any braids and glasses combo reminds you of some edgy erotica?

absolutely based

Wouldn't Crazy Diamond erase the baby if he makes her go back to before she even was pregnant?

Did it, though? Didn't he just fix up her body to a more natural state, without the makeup and stuff? That would leave the baby unaffected. The exact nature of CD's ability is weird anyway.

No, CD heals & fixes things, it doesn't revert things to a previous state

woooooooow Jeff!

Attached: Danganronpa_1_Toko_Fukawa_Sprite_Sidebar.png (535x535, 177K)


di molto

What the fuck is wrong with you weebs? You're on the same autism spectrum as bronies and trannies.

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>all these newfags acting like that shit was a big deal
Read more hentai

Shit makes me laugh every time

Attached: 26446876-BD70-418D-A42C-31E17DBC5217.jpg (331x398, 59K)


>t. watches love island

Sorry sweetiepie, but I stopped playing Overwatch the moment I realised they would rather spend their time on esports rather than balance and content patches.

thank you user

wtf I love Diamond is Unbreakable now

unironically this

>black hair braided girls with glasses will never be the same

This is canon.

Fucking Canon

Emergence is overrated trash and a waste of time

I dunno, it was pretty hot, even though I prefer Shindol's cripple doujins.

Who is this girl and why do I fill up with dread every time I see her face?


Attached: 1530794972845.png (380x467, 26K)

I jerked off about 7 times to it.

It's just the continual ongoing suffering that's bad, really. More of a sad story than a fucked up porn.
Only doujin I've ever said "woah shit this is too much" with was I believe called Sasha's Nightmare, where Sasha from AoT is raped and has her flesh and limbs torn away, then, if I'm not mistaken, they fuck the wounds. I saw the guro tag but I didn't think it would be all that bad. It was.

Attached: 1410322674687.jpg (2084x1468, 923K)

Reminder he won in the end.

>literally a fucking reddit post
>everyone in this thread is celebrating it
This board is dead.

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For me, it's not really the content itself that puts me off, but the level of detail as well as the story.

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best part

Attached: Josuke Intro.gif (320x180, 1.9M)

>muh site warz
Grow up

Yea Forums is no different than reddit.

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jojofags are reddit migrants through and through


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If this exact same thing was posted picture by picture as a series of unnamed jpegs you would've eaten it up, get off your fucking high horse.

doesn't even look similar
fucking autists


Attached: 487518974581.jpg (225x225, 11K)

>he unironically thinks Yea Forums is any different than reddit at this point
welcome to 2019 buddy

>when you're so butthurt over fucking hentai doijinshi you have to come up with your own headcanon, edit tons of pages, not only typesetting but even adding new layers to existing drawings, and then spam it all over the internets, just to don't feel sad about some random broken H-heroine drawn but artist who draws rapes and mindbreaks more often than you get laid

Attached: 14995481069430.png (605x440, 275K)

JoJo is a shitty American Saturday morning tier cartoon show

These don't even look alike

>being so assannihilated that you bitch and whine about a fun edit

Attached: 1402988390914.jpg (308x308, 26K)

Nah, I'm not into snuff or drugs or cripples, but shindoLs art is fantastic. The way he draws her ass makes my dick diamonds

How can people feel sorry for her? She quite literately asked for every single thing that happened to her. How can you feel bad?

You can feel sorry for absolute fuck ups of a person.
I mean, a lot of people probably feel self pity for themselves

I literally thought that emergence was supposed to be a comedy

Anyone that does is weak and a retard. I have made some mistakes but I don't mope around and feel sad about them, I get off my ass and try and make things right. Which I have.

I guess watching her panel-by-panel descent is what makes people feel that way. It's one thing to hear about a fucked-up person, but it's something else entirely to actually see it happen.

Now that was a bizarre encounter

Even then, the case with Saki was that you essentially see the ramification for her bad actions + poor luck, so someone would feel sympathetic to a degree

Watching people discuss this shit and act like it's some kind of tear jerking work of art is cringe as fuck.

nobody cares

>nobody cares
You seem to care a great deal about her since you seem so butthurt.

>that ending with her and her daughter

Attached: m&m.jpg (1024x1024, 95K)

Can't imagine how much content they would erase if JoJo was really a Saturday Morning cartoon in america. They already torn apart One Piece during Fox Kids era.

Fights would look worse than when Part 1-3's air slot ended up in blackening everything

She was dreaming it before she died

Attached: shindol.jpg (725x618, 363K)

The whole thing reads like a fucking green text, I don't know how people get so emotional about it.

Using Yea Forums by default makes you a weeb. A western ripoff of a japanese imageboard owned by a japanese man.

All her fault. Stupid 80 IQ whore.

Seethe harder moetard, your kind aren't welcome here

>this is nearly ten years old

I dunno, I definitely laughed

This post gave me cancer

Is Vento Aureo censored too? I got mad at the previous shows that I prefered to wait a whole year for the BDrips.

How do you know it's from reddit?

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It literally says Shitpost Crusaders

I don't give a fuck where it's from, if it's funny it's funny and if it's not it's not. I'm not gonna suddenly change my opinion on something just cause it was made on a website I don't like. Even a sea of garbage occasionally holds a nugget of gold. You should know that from being here.

Attached: Disgusted nun.jpg (960x540, 69K)

>no one near identical
>dude its emergence
Twitter era Yea Forums is something else

It really is a comedy honestly. The set ups are so hilariously over the top and self-sabotaging that every time she gets raped there should be a laugh track playing.

Not to my recollection, it keeps the shit intact

Attached: emergence.webm (1280x720, 1.67M)

Why does this art style feel so repulsive?

>10 episodes to go
Gonna get them when it's about to finish then, thanks, I hated when they even censored Jotaro smoking.

Vento Aureo is barely censored, the gruesomeness is wholly intact and even worse than the manga at a lot of points

left-wing memes in a nutshell

Everything from CalArts is made that way for generate that reaction to the non-brainwashed viewer.

upvote if you know what it is before even clicking it xD

>starts with a /r/
that's sign of roodit

Have fun, Vento Aureo has been pure kino so far.
>Next friday we get the 7 page muda animated

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Agreed, just look at all of the redditors replying to you in anger.

Opinion discarded immediately sissy

>more often than you get laid
No shit

Am confused is the skin supposed to be a reference to that? How would you know? Where did you find that dva pic? Also you needs to expand your tastes, some of you guys a super lamers.

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Can somebody hint me to doujins that are as good as Emergence?

Attached: WSLlQV.jpg (720x960, 165K)

Just go read Asanagi's Victim Girls series. Femlets will go

Attached: WTF_Gin2.png (768x576, 626K)

Sappy happy endings are the fucking best.

it was suppose to be an open to interpretation ending, but shindol stated that she indeed died and she was just hallucinating before dying from overdose

Absolutely based

Reddit invented shitposting?

It's a board on reddit.

Reddit invented every meme on this board for the past 3 years

They look nothing alike.

The latest episode censored Buccellati's wound, you could see what the uncensored version is is supposed to look like when they invert the colors in one scene.

The censoring hardly affected anything in the scene where Green Day starts its genocide in Rome though. That was fucked

Yeah its a lot less noticeable than in part 3.

And how'd you know about that user? Mayhaps you've been there yourself?

That's one way to do an abortion.

umm i think you mean green tea sweatie

Is that Toko Fukawa on the right?


shut the fuck you

Attached: jojo_fruit_baskets_cr_fuckup_subs.jpg (960x960, 215K)

Part 4 best part.

> Shindol

Most disgusting artist with boner-killer tattos, piercing, and retarted ahegao face. If you wanna read some quality doujin Sasamori Tomoe, Arai Kei and Yoshiura Kazuya are way better.

You should go back and stay there then.

>reddit makes more OC than Yea Forums
This is the future you chose.

part 4 and part 8 i have a huge soft spot for, they're both so different to the other parts in the series.

Attached: D1tFvAjUwAAa--6.jpg (1200x944, 95K)

The thing is, all those artists you mentioned are good and actually promote Shindol now and then, Kei is even buddies with Shindol.

>be me
>exist for a few chapters and then in a flashback until dropping off the edge of the world like every other JJL plot point

Attached: IMG_0695.jpg (225x350, 53K)

>like every other JJL plot point
>implying Araki has forgotten anything
Umm, sweaty...
Also I want to fuck Karera's asshole

Attached: U41.png (975x1400, 323K)

>the only thing thats the same is the hair
>and even then, its been mirrored
I guess this is one of those "just pretending" threads?

Fue is my go to artist tbqh

Attached: 092.jpg (1280x1875, 523K)

>cant whether a surfer is a man of the sea or of the land
>get so triggered about your lack of comprehension you make a surfer eat his own fingers
Imagine being this autistic

Sasame was a pussy tryhard incel who couldn't get pussy without his Stand, he deserved to get bullied. He seems like he's on the path to chadhood now. Seriously, who the fuck guessed that he'd be relevant again? Him and Tooru look like they're shaping up to be big players

But what did it cost?

Is shindol japanese shadman?

Add a "m'lady" to your next post.

I will when you go back.

"He showed me that Golden Hearts do exist"


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i love how something this dumb makes so many people happy. pure anons should be protected

Reddit and Yea Forums are essentially the same sort of environment. They both feature inside jokes that rely on automatic template responses, but the biggest difference is the mass consumability of Reddit. It's socially acceptable - and even encouraged - to be a Redditor in vogue society. Being on Yea Forums gives you the air of being a rebel or a creep, an outcast in some way or another. That's why it attracts Redditors - That and the other difference between Reddit and Yea Forums: Yea Forums creates both its own content and context, while Reddit recycles content without context. If you're not sure what I mean by the first part, consider how many memes are based on saying one word, and then getting the same kind of response. For example WHEN I WAS, DESPITE, CANDLEJACK, these memes all have a default set-up and p

how much autism do you need to make this


how much autism do you need to make a joke

Fragile and Tough

neither of these are that bad at all

I was gonna say that doesnt look like fue but then i realized i only get to the glory hole part in the tank and then i stop there


Top notch post, user.

Let's see your terrible doujin, user.

Attached: 1554273351269.jpg (500x500, 39K)

How fucking new are you?


I deleted all my hentai links about 9 years ago and my life has been better for it, but I had literally dozens of thousands saved.

People who go on about Shindol and le based epic Shadman have no idea that any other artists exist and probably don't even care.

Why say anything at all if you have nothing to back yourself up with?

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Your thinking of Alessi

Best and most soulful post ITT

God bless ye.This is how it fucking should have ended pal.

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I miss Girugamesh

Because it is

Its true. Yea Forums and reddit are fucking normie heaven.

Holy shit that's awesome. I hope they put that up.

>when she sees your dick

Win what?

Well to be fair if you did the ritual correctly THERE IS A CHANCE that you could summon him. Just be prepared to get your ass kicked by Artoria.

What isn't now a days?

Based and upvoted

Very funny user

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Honestly this

user here.
>and p
Sorry, I mistakenly sent the message before properly finishing it. What I wanted to say was:

"and please consider the following: Ibuki Mioda is best girl and always will. This is an objective fact and no amount of shitposting will change that. Deal with it."

That's it. Thanks for the attention.

Attached: im.jpg (743x1000, 208K)

Do you knwo where you are you newfag garbgae?

It really shouldn't be hard for you to find worse shit than this. First off it won't be on e-hentai.

Than emergence sure, but I'm more interested in what's worse than the ripping and the fucking of flesh and limbs.

best jojo

Attached: chaika.gif (213x199, 36K)

very nice

Attached: happy bowlcut anime girl.jpg (210x240, 18K)

Don't pretend.

Bringing up other sites is actual newfaggotry
Fuck off.

I'm just calling you out on your autism. You should be aware.

>super based edit
>even makes incels seethe
Todays a great day

Big noses, big lips and lip lines but no detail, eyes too close to each other, almost spheric head, curves on hair

I've never read this doujin, what normally happens at this point?

>no shading
>no detail
>everyone's face is a bean

It's the epitome of lazy drawing.

This story pissed me off more than disgusted.
Especially the part where she get mugged.
Poor girl got completely used and abused all the way.
And to think that shit does happen IRL.

Attached: despair.jpg (380x380, 50K)

Why are you trying to spin this you garbage faggot

she fucking ODs on crack and dies

she dies alone and miserable like the whore she is

Have sex

Like the one she became.
As stupid as she was, she got manipulated the entire time

>autist pointing out his autism

full circle

Attached: 1555617751952.png (511x350, 189K)

What is emergence and what does it have to do with OW?

Every real porn you ever masturbated to is like that, some form of abuse or slavery.

I'm not a weeb though.

Attached: 1417401322110.png (1300x1300, 748K)

After a parade of bad decisions and even worse luck, she ends up ODing on crack. That ending with her daughter is presumably a last hallucination/dream before she dies. Of course, in this timeline, Josuke makes it a reality. Then again I wouldn't know, I didn't read past the old guy.

Attached: jojo reference.jpg (680x680, 76K)

its worse a double nigger

the old guy and the dad are the only good sex scenes so you didn't miss out much. The rest is edgy bullshit.

Going to sleep with a smile on my face.

>as he posts on a weeb knitting forum

Attached: Blender.jpg (977x799, 268K)


you're definitely the most cringey redditor I've ever seen, congrats.

Yea Forums is your containment board

nah, that's just you being a puritanical little faggot.

>tfw one of my coworkers actually brought this pic up on his work computer to show me it
He was looking up the definition of hentai on google and giving me the "Hey user have you ever heard of this kinda thing before" talk.

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I mean Widowmaker is basically Taimanin Asagi, so is it really that weird?

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>Not Johnny
4suke is up at #2 for me though, good choice.

does this mean i might see myself happily married or with a gf when i die?

You don't know what weeb means

W-What's the context?

>y-you can find it yourself!
You can't find a single doujin worse than emergence and even if you could you wouldn't post it because then you'd be spoonfeeding me
checkmate, retard

I think you mean

based and blessed

Attached: 1547350991546.jpg (843x843, 242K)

That people like spats?

Attached: dvaspats.png (596x396, 103K)

>literally "reddit : my first h-manga"

You sweet summer child.

I don't remember what the title was but there's a book where some kids wander into a magic greenhouse with bugs that sting their nipples and genitals and such and turns them into grotesque piles of bullshit fucking each other and laying eggs and such. One gets away and the greenhouse disappears. Several years later he finds the greenhouse again and lets them fuck his shit up.

That's not even the worst I remember, and I'm pretty sure I've forgotten some doujins on purpose.

Attached: 1542764723754s.jpg (250x196, 6K)

post redpilled doujins


>japshit I like = not weeb


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That isn't even how Crazy Diamond works.
What horseshit.

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Based 4suke being best jojo and fixing bad things

Attached: Dz89UwIX4AUTS47.jpg (900x646, 62K)

By grotesque piles of shit, what do you mean
Though that reminds me of that doujin with the girl filled with holes. I'll never read that shit so it slips my mind, but that would be a good contender for worst hentai.

Geiger counter

Shindol is one of the two artists that I look up to when it comes to drawing hentai, but that doujin is OVERRATED AS FUCK!
I had even Facebook friends talking about it, so recently I finally read it and to my surprise its far from being the most disturbing doujin I ever read.
I bet people who get impressed by that doujin doesnt even know what guro is.

Most Watamote doujin pre Yuri era are also pretty bad on the scale.

oh how shocking!
literally snoring over here
if your metric is based on how icky something is, then we're done here

you however have me beat

Josuke will always be based as fuck.

I was always confused by this shit because I'm used to seeing the artist named sindoll on e6, and this is some other fag entirely


Attached: 1549670035207.gif (540x423, 684K)

>By grotesque piles of shit, what do you mean
Oozing bug-hybrids with genitals everywhere but human faces. Nightmare shit.

Where did you come from, and could you go back?

Attached: Dr2gvuwUwAA5ueZ.jpg (528x599, 55K)

Being graphics doesn't make something automatically worse.
The horror was not because of guts and blood here. But about the transformation and literal descent in hell for this girl.
Is there even worse? Of course. But lots of Guro I read was just edgy and I couldn't take it seriously.
This one was more "realistic"

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Have none of you ever seen the typical fujo girl design before? Are these those ironic weebs I been hearing about?

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>this plays as Josuke dora doras her back to normal
I like it

Attached: 1555600340746.jpg (391x475, 22K)

liking something from a given nation is not grounds to claim you want to live there and make it your entire life, yes. is that too difficult for you to understand?
retards like you are exactly the kind of people that diluted the word so much in the first place
>loooool time to go get some sushi i'm such a weeb haha xDD
kill yourself


Normalfags finding pride in their first snuf is not as bad as your autistic ass getting some sort of gratification from the amount of guro in your folder. Now in terms of Shindol, that was one of his most in depth stories since he usually just goes the amputee/ fucked up route instead of focusing on the misery aspect. Might not be his best but certainly one of his most well written which is kind of a low bar .

>if your metric is based on how icky something is, then we're done here
I'm not talking about a CG gallery, son. This cancer had story.

This edit is by the original artist dumb fuck


Attached: Goku.jpg (800x368, 66K)

Fucking noise.

You either like jojo or don't belong here, choose.

Thank you Josuke
very cool

He flew to the sun so we didn't have to fall

>But about the transformation and literal descent in hell for this girl.

Except theres a million doujins that do the same shit and way better. And most of them are much shorter as well.
Emergence wasnt impressive at all. In fact its one of the most boring doujin Shindol ever did.

>Normalfags finding pride in their first snuf is not as bad as your autistic ass getting some sort of gratification from the amount of guro in your folder

Well retard, I never said in my post that I enjoy guro, I just used it as example of "disturbing" elements in doujin, but I guess you can't read well.
And fuck off saying its well written, the entire doujin is about a girl who get drugged and ends up addicted and abused. Have you never watched a movie or tv series in your life? Theres so many there are just like that.
Shindol's cow doujin is much more original than this overrated garbage doujin.
Just because the internet makes something a meme doesnt make it "well written".

I, DVa Divavana, have a dream.
That I will bring life to my egg.

Please provide then.
I never claimed this was the worst thing btw. I mostly was jabbing at the Guro thing.
Now with every claim, one must provide proof. Please send links of what you call worse.

ITT: Fakku retards too stupid to use Sadpanda.

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T. delusional self-intellect moeshitter

i normally hate how retarded people on this site are about "muh reddit" but
now that i see a place where that hatred's missing
i like that better and i agree with you
ESPECIALLY because i use reddit too

Ah shit right he didn't have enough >>>>>>>comedy arrows and a quirky anime girl picture

Am I doing it right?

Attached: muhhh waifuhhh.jpg (480x251, 29K)

you had a chance
you had a fucking chance to not go with that stupid candlejack shit and you did it anyway
you cut off an actual good fucking analysis of the site's decline just for a stupid, tired fucking forced meme


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Emergence is geniueinly one of the saddest shit i've ever read. I didn't cry like a bitch but that story left a bad taste in my mouth that reminds me how fucked up the Japanese economy is and how this could literally happen right at this moment. How does Japanese Shadman even find this shit arousing in the slightest. Fuck you ShindoL

Attached: im out.png (528x767, 747K)

Brain Eater

One of the worst posts I have seen all week. Congratulations.

>Doesn't end with her taking on Josuke's hairdo

I know where I am faggot. I am no normie, allow me to have some morality to stand out amongst you faggots ruining Yea Forums. Go back to R*ddit if you wanna stay that edgy and perhaps you can develop a mindset that isn't you making yourself look cool in this hivemind

Attached: one yike.jpg (360x203, 12K)

jesus christ user

462774643 (You)
Have sex.

How can anyone find this shit sad? It's so over the top that it just reads like an H version of Scrotie McBoogerballs.

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>mom just starts beating the shit out of her
That's when it crossed straight into stupid

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I think you're stupid

wow, rude

I thought the same. It felt like a semi-realistic situation at first, but when her mom suddenly pulled the whole "YOU LITTLE WHORE HOW DARE YOU SEDUCE YOUR FATHER LIKE THAT" thing it crossed the line into being dumb as shit.

Josuke healed the baby too.

>bro reddit
>as he posts moe trash
Boy he based

Attached: 1526426340570.jpg (596x630, 152K)

Yea, well i wasn't saying this damn porno deserved to win the Nobel in literature or anything just that in terms of Shindol it might as well be fucking Faust.

and /pol/ is yours

That's when I dropped it. That shit was the jump the shark moment

based and second chance at life pilled

>being this mad and not being able to follow through with the completed thought and realizing that the forced joke and replies thereafter are commentary on the problem present
user, what's your IQ?

I just ignore it and go straight into the hobo fucking and pimping.
Dad must be the biggest dumbass or must be getting the best rebound pussy from his wife

right wen i got to that point i knew something was up

Attached: 1515994589047.jpg (357x312, 29K)

Mom must've been a yandere for the dad. No other way to explain the beating and the dad just getting a slap on the wrist

Agreed, Ibuki is the absolute best, i love her.

once fakku started publishing my favorite futa artist bosshi
i love them forever now

Attached: bossh-thank-you.jpg (800x1130, 267K)


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Emergence is kinds fucked up but its more comedic than anything.
I felt kinda bad for the girl at first but the whole family bullshit and how her mother treats her like shit after getting raped by her father made me not take it seriously anymore.
One doujin that really disgusted me was the one where the girls get raped by giant flies and years later they decide to just stop fucking men and just clone more women so they can get fucked by more flies, and that one manga with the cute otaku girl using the cat ears (you know the one) also makes me irrationally angry.


To me the real depressing doujin is the K-on one where Yui OD's and dies after becoming a star, Mio or someone is a cam whore, Ritsu is in a dead end delivery job etc.

Fucking depressing shit.

Majority of people defended him and he got shout outs from celebs he clearly loves. Probably tops the harrassment he got.

Absolutely motherfucking cock-sucking based.
I can't believe dumb edits like this make me smile so much.

Attached: very nice.jpg (209x163, 7K)

Good for him, i never understood why anybody would waste his time attacking some ugly fat dude crying over star wars.

based and wholesomepilled

Attached: aaa.jpg (680x664, 41K)

these don't look alike at all.


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>seething this hard

JoJo is a fantastic American Saturday morning tier cartoon show

>artist who draws rapes and mindbreaks more often than you get laid
So he's drawn each once?

>Knowing its a reddit post
you are just as bad

coudlnt make it past the 2nd page

It literally has the r/ subreddit name in the URL.

>knowing the names of subreddits
you are just as bad

>Pretending like "r/" meaning a subreddit isn't common knowledge

sure thing redditbro

just the first chapter is good.

welcome to Yea Forums my weeb friend

Attached: Capture.jpg (582x464, 48K)

>it's another "thread freaking the fuck out about a piece of content posted because it doesn't have a Yea Forums watermark on it" episode

Attached: 1527735463843.png (866x900, 94K)

How do you know if it was made by reddit and not actually here, and then reposted there?

Attached: 1556508792779.png (336x376, 32K)

Cat posters should be exterminated.

>tfw you will never suckle on her big stinky mexican titties
someone help ive been looking for a doujin where some guy mistakes a tan little girl for the onahole he ordered and he proceeds to fuck the shit out of her

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No fucking really, shit's super embarassing to read. You literal children are so offended by a fictional story of torture porn that you shove in other fictional heroes to make things nice again. Might as well toss in Sonic and the TMNT to warn of the dangers of drugs while you're at it.

It's Reddit tier sad hentai, had no strong feelings one way or another. I don't mean to sound like some boomer asshole but someone should hook these normalfags up with Uziga Waita or that one box loli doujin to get those people to shut up about the tamest shit

Why're you so offended by an edit, faggot.

I think he's more angered by the amount of soft reddit cunts who are mass replying like the original was some sort of travesty.

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user, please, by rambling about maturity you're taking a piss-take that forces Jojo characters into it more seriously than the people that made the thing.

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Have you by chance heard of Junko Furuta? It's a real life murder case which is worse then any hentai you would ever read in your life, no visuals to it but it's baaaaad

Someone send this to Shindol and maybe he'll do something with it.

No seriously, stop being such a soft cunt.

It's just dick-waving, straight-up "nuh uh my spear of invincibility cancels out your invincible armor and u die" playground one-upping.

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Yea Forums... home.

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Teach me the kind of guro hentai that real men read so that I can impress strangers on the internet.

>She was dreaming it before she died
>When you do that your entire life flashes before your eyes
>but somehow she was seeing the future and experiencing its fine details including her several years old daughter
Nah motherfucker, you ain't taking this away from me.

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is some subredit raiding us right now?
nigger kike faggot tranny

None, just stop being a soft cunt.

I've never read this and I never will because it's obviously the most normalfag thing ever since normalfags can't shut up about it and constantly talk about it as if it were the only doujinshi ever made.

I agree, I can fucking smell the dilation fumes from this thread.

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>google the text in the comment to find the original
>comment doesn't seem to exist anywhere on reddit
>username is mysteriously scribbled out
reminds me of that "Yea Forums would be boring without our console-war shitposts am i right reddit" comment chain that turned out to have nothing to do with console-wars or even Yea Forums

The Heart.

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>That jojo imgur album link's source is from Reddit
>2 ironic weeb memes came from Reddit
You can imagine my shock

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don't go on Yea Forums, they've got all sorts of weebshit memes over there

>not being a virgin

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I'm fine with the old stuff since they seem like they were actually made by anime fans, all this new stuff just seems like cashing in on a meme or made by someone who just faps to anime and nothing else

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>still being upset about a deformed midget in a wheelchair getting laid before you did

this but unironically

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>getting laid before you did
Man, involuntary celibate is more than a baseless insult.

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wizardchan in general is a wild ride to read about user, encyclopedia dramatica has a relatively accurate assessment of it


>Literally a hentai

I really don't give a shit about wizchan while /r9k/ exists. We will take our board back from the trannies, fags, jannies, niggers and normalcunts.

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its awwwwwright

Hover your mouse on top of the album where it says source, it's a Reddit link

you're missing out, wizardchan is all the anons that thought they were too cool for /r9k/ or that /r9k/ was compromised by normalfags

this fucking guy

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>you're missing out
Not really, it's not my time yet to retire from /r9k/.

hey bois

how are my Yea Forums niggas doing?

drawing the sex stuff is second nature to shindoL, so I imagine that he drew the comic for shock value and didn't find it hot (hopefully).

i'm not saying go there, user, i'm saying read about them if you want some entertainment

All niggers must fucking hang

I am a 24 KHV, why would I laugh at my own kind?

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*schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop*

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not quite as based, but close enough

aaaaand ive had enough of this forum

see ya

He plays a very dangerous game.

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retain self-awareness and not fall into the same pit of despair and unwarranted feelings of superiority maybe

Right, don't forget to tell your red*it friends about your time here!

god why did i have to fetishize such basic shit like cuddling and handholding and kissing so hard
literally can not stop myself from getting an erection

I am a drug addicted despair lord as is

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Why is this edit upsetting people? I don't understand.

"how dare things happen on the internet that we didn't have any hand in, all outside communities are bad"

That's board culture dumbass

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what the fuck is this thats not the picture i submited

It is now

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Based image server fucking with the reddit immigrants

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So how do you explain that time he literally un-cooked a plate of spaghetti because it looked fishy to him?


Doesn't matter how much you edit it, its not canon and it never will be.

holy shit this thread

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Cooking requires breaking the ingredients and mixing them together. Pasta sauce is made of pulverized tomatoes, for examples

Reddit can be based too. Sometimes.
Usually they're complete cocksucking faggots, but there are rare moments where they stop ooking and eeking about muh climb-it change and do some cool stuff.

She ODs and dies. It's like porn, but for your sense of morality and justice instead of for your penis.

Well said fellow 4channeler!

Thanks, you too.
Edit: This is my liked comment and it's not even on reddit, wtf?

There will never be good straight kingdom hearts porn