Find. A. Single. Flaw

Find. A. Single. Flaw.

Attached: 792-age-of-empires-ii-the-age-of-kings-windows-front-cover.jpg (800x965, 188K)

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AI isn't very creative.

not the star wars reskin

RTS are boring.

Pathing ruins the game.

>destroying a town
>finishes building a mangorel from siege factory
>instantly fires
>several units die
Also that fucking bullshit archer kiting micro.

the steam release is bugged and now expansions don't work. The devteam is long time dead so no one at microsoft cares to fix it

That's why good RTS games show the buildings creating units.

The AI is always spamming that shit since he has virtually infinite money.

a code to say i'm bad at RTS games desu

Hold on, what?

Balance, every unit looks the same almost, etc.


Lmao fucking play multiplayer/lan against real people then.

Theres no true sequel to it. Imagine this with phiysics based destruction and amazong graphics

if you try to play as a civilization from an expansion it won't let you.

Attached: screen.png (755x373, 563K)

Blows my mind how badly they fucked up AOE3.

aoe3 was good

vills stop doing shit when someone attacks them

I hated AoE3 when it launched but after more than a decade later I appreciate it alot more for the diversity of the empires and the faster pace of the gameplay



What's a fun game setup or campaign in this game to play.? have it but haven't played in Ages. Wouldn't mind firing her up.

Fuck, that's good.