Discuss virtual reality HMDs here
VR General
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you seem to be mistaken and think the vr thread on vg is actually about vr.
That is the VR chat general
Should I get the Rift S? I know it is a downgrade in some aspects, but don't really have any other option:
not available in my country. Can't justify the price of the base stations
lost tracking pretty often with some games. Poor revive support
outdated trash
Neat but quite restricted in terms of games
Why is every /vg/ general a literal erp wankaid general?
For me? It's the Labo.
And Ninty just didn't think to put a head band attached on the thing so you can wear it while playing BOTW or Mario?
They're usually full of rejects who fight in cliques. Eventually one or 3 of them goes too far and spliters happen. These people also follow eachother across games so the faggotry spreads.
Kinda stupid really.
>just wear this console heavier than the virtua boy on your head bro
nah, work those arms fatty