Old gamer thread. 25+ fags get in here

What games do you still find enjoyable at this age?

I really can't stand most modern games, specially if they're open world. Seeing all those quest markers just makes me think of busy work.
I still like grand strategy games, survival horror, 90s FPS games and atmospheric experiences like yumme nikki

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Other urls found in this thread:


I just play whatever my old friends want to play since it's the only way I socialize nowadays

>the current state of Western gaming

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This is the kind of person that posts "have sex"

Managed to make myself beat Enslaved:Odyssey to the west this weekend. Wasn't good but it killed an empty weekend, I'm shocked I don't see Trip in waifu threads.

Imagine taking the boomer/zoomer thing seriously

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I play only a handful of games now.
Despute having decades worth of games at my fingertips, I just dont bother with them.

Still like rpg, rts, fps, and so on.

>Not actually old enough to be on this site

It's all downhill after the mid-20s lad

Have sex

33. New games are alright but I don't have time for their sprawling, meandering fluff designed to fill NEET's 24 hours of free time a day to try and entice them into buying loot crates and cosmetics, because "playing XYZ game" is part of their identity now.

So I mostly just play indie crap and catch up on old stuff.

Sorry if I'm being a stereotype but I just mostly stick to pre 2007 games, FPS and RPGs, have tons of PS1/PS2 games I still want to play. Most recent game I bought was Amid Evil in February this year if I feel like playing online I hop on Darkest Hour 44-45. Currently waiting for Ion Maiden, Wrath, Hellbound, Prodeus, Blasphemous and Pantheon.

Tried RAGE2 couple of days ago, uninstalled after 40 minutes or so, pure trash. Currently trying out Druidstone, might get it if I like it.

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34. Mordhau is fun, since votekicks usually fail so when you hurt somebody's feelings and they start a votekick more people pile on. Other than that, I'm playing pic related.

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I've just been playing the same handful of games over and over for nearly 2 decades at this point. I keep an interest in whats new but they're always disappointing.

32 here. Mostly siege or some single player shit. Been enjoying persona 5.

I've decided to go back and play all the Kirby games that I missed on gb and ds. Also played Robobot a week or so ago and loved it.

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how to get good on mordhau. I mean really good not just raking a lot of kills because SSS or Rapier.

good riddance

>Seeing all those quest markers just makes me think of busy work.
This, holy shit.
I cant stand Ubisoft games. It doesnt help the fact that its just the same 5 quests copy-pasted 150 times

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how so ?

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32 here mainly been playing xenoblade 2

Danke, Herr Doktor.

I'm 30, replaying FF7 currently on the switch. About to leave Midgar.

The only open world game I'm currently playing is red dead redemption 2, and only because I like the western setting. Can't manage to play more than 3 missions per day

You start balding and losing weight gets harder.
People expect more from you

Wrath looks goddamn amazing, love how it's just a straight homage to Quake 1, it also looks super fun.

30 here, I've been Sonic 3 and Knuckles AIR, shit's a ton of fun. Also playing the new Prey and DMC5. Still need to play RE2 on hard as well.

I forgot I was playing through Kirby's Dreamland 2 on the GBC. Getting those hidden items can be a nightmare in some stages.

Such a timeless game. I played it when I was 21 and it hit me with full on nostalgia as if I played it as a kid. Those kind of games have that sort of magic. Maybe it's the graphics 16bit music that reminds me of my childhood, idk.
That's why I won't even bother with the remake. I think the magic will be lost

At least Adventure would let you know if you missed a secret in the level. I don't think Dreamland 2 has anything like that

Mostly don't care, I try to stay away from games that try to use more than one method of paying for them (i.e. most games with DLC after already purchasing). The way I see it, having to purchase the game more than once to experience all of it means it's going to be a low-quality experience. Hasn't really failed so far.

26, playing JRPGs on the Switch (Octopath, Vesperia, XBC2:Torna) but I played only Smash Ultimate for about 4 months after it came out.

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>Turned 24 in april
>Still a NEET after 7 years
I thought I had time when I was 20, that I wouldn't wake up one day and be 24 and still like this

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Better start doing something about it right now.
I thought I still had time when I was your age
Now I'm 3 months away from being 30 and still an unemployed kissless virgin
You still have time, but this might be your last chance to turn your life around.

>I really can't stand most modern games, specially if they're open world. Seeing all those quest markers just makes me think of busy work.

Yeah I can relate, I absolutely hate that games became so fucking big.
I would rather play a short but good game with nice mechanics than an overloaded AAA shit game.

When they put everything into every game it gets boring fast.

I took up reading, and play racing games while I think about what I read.
By the way, if you think Yea Forums is full of underage b&, you should visit Yea Forums sometime.

SSS? What do you mean? Anyway, I played Chivalry for about an hour in total so you don't need to have played that or For Honor. Rapier got nerfed anyway, so don't bother with that. I used halberd, mostly, but now I just run around with a toolbox and get into hard to reach places and toss a firebomb and just hurl ballista bolts at random people. I have more fun with that. I don't do duels or any of that horseshit.

The best way to git gud is to play horde mode. The bots aren't bad and at high levels they're really good.

I play slower games like total war and xcom since my stroke I don’t have the reaction times to effectively play most shooters. I still play rpglite shooters that give you shit tons of health and shields to react to things.

Imagine being so new that you think 25+ threads are because of the boomer/zoomer meme

If your present self not gonnado shit, dont expect your future self to do any better

>tfw good hair genes from my dad
>tfw fit
>tfw successful and married
Being an adult is easy

I liked Cuphead, wasn't as hard as the average NES game though

I just borrowed botw. It's fun, the rain is so fucking annoying and ruins everything. I dont like how weapons break, but the variety of weapons makes up for it somewhat. I don't really bother with the horse, climbing is fun.

Everything else is so dull though

join tdm/duel servers and watch videos/streams of good players

>no kids
As of now you’re just a genetic dead end.

i finished xcom2 yesterday and started yakuza 0 today
xcom2 was okay, i don't like how you actively have to try "not to" see enemies so that you don't trigger too many encounters at once and the chosen were just annoying, but all in all it's enjoyable

yakuza 0 i'm loving so far. i only played yakuza1 years ago when it came out.

I only just got married. We bought a house with 4 bedrooms and intend to fill it

I'm 28 and my interest in games has never been lower. Used to pretty heavily follow the industry, knew people who worked in a few different studios, got some early information about releases and then in the last 2 years my interest has very heavily dropped off. It's not that there aren't still quality games being released but after almost 20 years of pretty obsessive playing, I've seen almost everything games have to offer at this point.

There's still a few things that pop up like Baba Is You that get me interested again but new releases do very little for me. Even Sekiro, which I was looking forward to, bored me to death because it's the same shit FROM has been doing for like 9 straight years now. I tend to stick to SHMUPs or arcade games in general now since there's a goal of 1cc'ing them in mind that keeps me going.

Good shit my friend. Just bought my own house and had my first kid. Newborns are easy.

Have sex

What sleep training method you use?

>bringing more children into an overpopulated world is what defines someone as successful
Trailor park trash are the most successful people in life huh?

I keep coming back to the classics. I haven't bought a game since 2013, everything new is a manufactured uninspired product

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When would you say the "Short = Bad" meme took off? It really ruined games.

I basically only play cutesy rpg games like Rune Factory/Slime Rancher and Monster Hunter games at this point. Not into really anything else but in the past years I did get sucked into one-off games like Factorio and Lobotomy Corp

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>bringing more white children into an overpopulated world is what defines someone as successful

I think it started moving that way around the PS2 era. Partially in response to how short a lot of the PS2 launch titles were. And the whole sandbox movement didn't help.

Feeding him and then laying him down lmao. We use bottles because he couldn’t latch to titty properly so we know he’s getting enough food. He still wakes every 3-4 hours though.

My first pc game was the Age of Empires 2 demo.
Now the only game installed on my pc is Age of Empires 2 HD.

I play some modern games but most of what I play is from gen 5 and 6.

I wish survival horror wasn't dead.

>He bought into the overpopulation meme

Not the guy you're replying to but this has literally always been the case. There's always been an idea that more "gameplay" means better value for your money which is why so many games shoehorn RPG mechanics or open world bullshit in. People unironically think doing the same 3 basic mission structures in different locations is new content. I had a conversation with someone once where I asked if he would rather play one 40 hour mediocre game for $40 or three good 5 hour games for $60 and he said he'd rather play the mediocre game because it was better value for money.

29. I couldn't finish GoW and Witcher 3. I don't even try to play those open world AAA games anymore. Nowadays I mostly play 3DS games (it's nice because I can just sit on my bed and chill for a while). I used to be into old rogelike games on PC a couple of years ago and it was really fun, might go back to it again. Other than that... I don't know. If I want to consume a good story I just look for a good book, the black and white plots with generic charactes on most games are very boring to me, cannot care for them or the story at all.

I mostly play the same games but I've taken up dangerous hobbies like motorcycles

I'm tired, and I want to leave. They told me things would get better after high school, then they told me things would get better after college. Now I'm an adult, I've been one for years, and there's no more benchmarks left for them to lie to me about.

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crpgs and new games in the same form, like age of decadence. When i was 10 or 11 I got Pool of Radiance and began climbing the path to wizarddom

Newer games are okay as long as they're not preachy movie dogshit. Like I can play nuDOOM but shilt like TLoU can get fucked.

It's the kind of person that has never had sex and so needs animu titties as a surrogate. And therefore his estimation of video game quality is the density of animu titties and hot ladies, because he's a manchild with the mentality of a teenager.
Have sex.

Sounds like your wife is a titlet lmao
Enjoy feeding him autism milk

I agree.

Why are you gay?

I mainly just play fighting games, older platformers/shooters, and read VNs.

I have 1 year until 25. How do I go out with a bang?

32. Still enjoy all the same type of games I've ever enjoyed, save for like I don't play MMORPGs anymore. I just wish there were even more good games being put out.

Sucks for all you pathetic jaded faggots who feel compelled to whine about everything. Also love you dumb faggots who blame your lack of skill on your age when you're only just 30 or whatever. I'm still flicking with the best of them in competitive shooters.

>having the maturity of an adult is gay

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Yeah yeah grandpa, really cool

I tried playing Animal Crossing New Leaf but I just couldn't get into it the same way I got into the original.



Only time I game is when someone wants to. I cannot enjoy single player games anymore.

I almost exclusively play Quake these days.
Not kidding.

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Seething neckbeard.

THPS3 is the peak of the series.

I just asked you a question, are you sure you aren't the one seething gay man?

They’ll get the hang of it. Good luck user.

I mostly play Japanese games on PC nowdays, RPGs, action games, visual novels, animu games in general, a lot of the high budget western games that come out look really samey and bland, man I regret buying a PS4. Sometimes I feel like replaying stuff like the Deus Ex games, Thief or Dishonored too as well dedicating a night or two to having a big game of Civ 4 or 5.

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Suck start a shotgun

>just get a job
Well, I guess I'll just waltz on down to the free job store and snag one since they're just handing them out and will take anyone.
>go2 mcDonalds lulz
Got rejected.

I honestly only play battlefield and pubg now.Before that I played single player games like batman arkham games, dishonoured 2. I cant bring myself to play 30 minutes of sp games now cuz i only think: this shit is scripted af, the ai is dumb, i dont want to watch cutscenes where is the fun in this?

I've been playing Morrowind again lately and realized I really fucking need to play more WRPGs. Gimme some recs.

So far I've played
Various TES games
Deus Ex
System Shock 2
Fallout 1
Diablo 1 if you count that
Witcher 1 and 2
I'm sure there's more but I forget.

I've got Ultima 4 and Might & Magic 6 downloaded but haven't played them yet.

Nah we pump breast milk; she’s currently a g cup so I don’t really consider that a titlet, but hey to each their own man.

Right now I've been occasionally playing TF2 and Wolfenstein ET for multiplayer. Been trying to find a good singleplayer rpg/adventure game to sink time into but I end up just getting bored within the first few hours. Either I've got ADHD or video games are starting to get boring. Maybe I'm just retarded.

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Only 24 but holy shit I love deus ex. I started it a few days ago for the first time and am in Hong Kong, what a fucking game. Nearly 20 years old and still shits on the entire gaming industry
In terms of recent releases I have been playing Sekiro, Mordhau, aHiT. Trying to set up my ps2 with a SATA HDD so I can play ISOs but it doesn't want to detect the hdd for formatting.

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Sure she is, user.

27 years old. Alone, with a job
I like /vr/ stuff, both replaying old favorites and playing games I had no access to back then. Mostly arcade style games that are easy to pick up and stop playing any moment.
Fighting games are still important for me. I wish my friends were still interested in playing them, like in old times.

Things I stopped playing completely
Used to play a lot of RTS in school, but RTS are dead and I hate mobas
FPS and team games in general.
Rhythm games.

Say what you want about modern open-world games but the reason I like stuff like Mario Odyssey and Spider-Man is that simply moving around is fun. I feel like more open-world games would benefit from doing stuff like that.

One thing never changed about Yea Forums and its how easy it is to bait people who've only been here for a year or so.

Ahh, so you marry a cow.

Dragon age origins is pretty good and mostly a self contained story. Ignore the rest of the series

Just get a PS2 emulator. Any toaster can run them nowadays

Whenever I'm not tired from work I play Risk of Rain2, LoL when some friend wants.

I really wanted to re-play Morrowind but I can't spend 3 weeks modding because BTB took down his fucking list. Also I'd have to ditch the gf if I am to enjoy it since Morrowind usually keeps me occupied for the whole day.

I'm also burnt out of souls games.

Any suggestions ?
I just wanna enjoy 3-4 hours after work without wanting to murder someone (see: LoL without 4 other people)

I'm a crtfag and I have a cute tv to run them on though

I still like playing Counterstrike from time to time, but I barely play games anymore. I just keep buying ones I think I'd like, then I watch anime instead.

You can probably hook your PC to the TV or get a CRT monitor

I basically am just waiting for death, so what I play doesn't really matter. Nothing really matters.

27, been here since 2008.

I recently quit my job and have been playing MGSV, Total War Warhammer 2, and dragons dogma.

What else should I be playing?

>What else should I be playing?
I wish I knew friend.

>boomers are in their 60s-70s


>hook your PC to the TV
It's a bother that requires a converter box
>get a CRT monitor
I do have one, I like it but it's not exactly the same kind of screen. Plus it can't do 240p deinterlaced so you'd have to do processing to get those fat scanlines. I'll figure out the hdd issue eventually, I have practically everything else already set up

Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja

The autist who makes dozens of threads each day complaining about Blood got me back into playing Build engine games. It's great fun.


30+ here. I stopped following past the PS3/360 gen. I still game on the PS3. 7th gen games are insanely cheap these days. I don't see much reason playing on current consoles since its practically mostly remasters and some games are available on PS3/PC.

All I've been playing for the past two weeks is rimworld, can't stick to anything else for more than an hour
If this with no mods already sucks up all the time I have, I'm afraid of what the more autistic games of the genre will do to me

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I'm only playing single player not-open-world-checklist games because job, I really hated open world checklists even before I got a job

list some

You should try Dwarf Fortress and experience real (fun)

The only things I've been playing much for the past few years have been old-school versions of MMOs.

>Back in 2012, everyone on the Internet ranted about how the late 00s-early 10s were the "Downfall into shit era" and how they wanted the 90s back

>Now Zoomers have taken over and you're seeing more and more late 00s-early 10s nostalgia on social media, blissfully unaware that their childhood was the downfall into shit


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Already said that I'm afraid of the other more complex ones, especially dorf fort

Most of these examples in compilation picture are ironic

Why did you quit? Are you working from home now or something?

I got my first job at 23. No job prior job experience, just a bachelors. Pay was shit but you gotta start somewhere. Getting a job is a numbers game, apply to as many as you can and you’ll eventually get an interview.

Lack of options for upward movement. I was compensated well and have a large nest egg but nothing is worth being suffocated for.

Taking a few months off before getting back in the workforce.

I'm legit feeling nostalgia for the 00s and I was born in1989.
That's how shitty this decade has been

Ace Combat 7. It's like a blast from the 2000-2006 past

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Pretty much all of them. Playing games is still a luxury to me at my 28 years old.

I found Elevator Action Returns, man i would have loved that game as a kid. Also, having a blast with pic related.

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I enjoyed Sekiro. It was challenging and having to replay boss fights again and again reminded me of getting my ass beat as a child in platformers and whatnot and then getting that great feeling of satisfaction when I succeeded.

But I play Counter Strike and strategy games mostly. I will generally give some flavor of the month single player games like DMC5 and RE2 a try but haven't finished either of them. They were fun for a while. Quite enjoyed Ace Combat 7 for the arcade gameplay.

30. I just played C&C 3, Starcraft 2 Trilogy for the first time. They were OK.

Tried RAGE 2 (pirated) for a couple hours but it bored me to tears. I just don't understand the appeal of open world trash and reputation systems. It's so fucking boring. It's like work, why are people conditioned to like this shit?

Thinking about starting a new hobby and want to try gardening maybe. I really like the idea of growing my own food and making my garden look nice.

I have all that except the married because I'm still working through a decade of impostor syndrome and general feelings of inadequacy.

37 here.
Mostly play single player games. I don't follow release dates anymore, usually just buy something on a sale somewhere and just ocassionally play. I'm a casual now, and don't care :) and I'm guessing: a pretty standard old guy 'gamer'. Most recent played vidya are:
FTL, Hollow Knight, Dragon Quest11, Minecraft, Stardew Valley and Redout.

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A few years ago I played Ys The Oath in Felghana. It felt like I had been transported 20 years into the past, for the first time in so long I was being challenged to improve and having fun even when I was losing.

I find a lot of games enjoyable still.
Except open world games. I just can't care enough about them. I like my journey to unfold as I go, not have to travel large voids of empty space to get to a little bit of content or engage in bland collecathons that aren't Banjo Kazooie or Super Mario Odyssey.
I prefer to play games like Nuclear Throne, or Binding of Isaac, FTL, or Hand of Fate 2. I love that random factor of having to deal with things that crop up as you go. Fond of my retro platformers. Play the odd rpg. Dive into some arcade racers.
I'm trying to stream the odd game here and there too. I find it helps me focus and stick to games more since I have a goal. It's more of a voyeurism thing than anything. I want to learn some skills in recording and also video and sound editing. Will help in little game projects I want to make.
I spent years not doing anything except being depressed I couldn't make anything out of a business degree (good grade, just can't get my foot in the door. Get told time and time again I'm "unsuitable" "inexperienced" or "overqualified") so I'm just like: fuck it. I'll just do little projects for myself on the side whilst doing shitty part time work I've been stuck with. At least I'm still learning new things.

I'm sure you'll find a nice girl who hasn't been riding the cock carousel :)

I like all those games. You're a pretty cool dude to me user.

>37 here.
>Mostly play single player games

I have a hunch that most younger gamers, and those who are into online/multiplayer-only, will be kicking themselves in the future when they realize their go-to game is offline. It kinda shocked me how many dead online games there have been in the past decade.

I mostly just find one grindy game and get obsessed with it. Currently it's enter the gungeon, but I've almost unlocked everything in there. just need to get gunslinger, kill the rat, and beat challenge mode.

Now I just play siege in casual. It's the only game I like playing now because it allows me to watch YouTube or browse Yea Forums while waiting for the round to start. I don't even search with the drone or put up defenses. I'm afk until the round fully begins.

/vr/ was a mistake. I just want to talk about emulating Sega Genesis classics like Gunstar Heroes without ">Muh Treasure" faggotry.

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28, just play the same single players that some friends and I decide on, just so that we have something to talk about. It’s pretty pathetic. Just recycle through FFs, FEs, DQs, etc. Golf Story was the most fun game I’ve played that’s “new”

Those sort of people also likely piss on Ross Scott for his crusade against companies forcibly killing online only games too. Think he's just a rambling fool and what he's talking about doesn't matter.
I agree with Ross of course. I feel like we should all do our part to preserve videogames as much as we can. Because even a bad game can have great ideas and inspire people.
I'm 28. I grew up with a genesis and snes so most games I played rarely even had multiplayer. Whilst it can be fun I kind of find it a little annoying sometimes.
Like playing Dark Souls. I usually never unhollow or play offline because I don't like being invaded. I like the IDEA of it. But the experience of someone dicking about in your game you're trying to beat is kind of annoying in practice to me actually.
Last time someone invaded me in DS3. I just rushed him down with the big knife str weapon I had and moved him down unceremoniously. I feel like a unfun git but I really wanted to focus on making progress.

32. Still like gaming and even enjoy modern gaming,especially the coop games even if they are AAA. I also do enjoy older games but I do prefer modern games due to their longevity. I am still baffled that nowadays people hate QTEs, I understand games like Brain Dead 13, Road Blaster, Space Ace etc are not people's cup of tea, but whining that QTEs are immersion breaking is ridicule to me (especially when it is done well.)

Heh. I play MGSV without markers once in a while.

The other day I got depressed because I used to watch Jiano in the early days of streaming and I realized that all of those videos are gone. I can never view them again.

I have the feeling it's us who are the unusual ones and lived in a rare age where everything we cared about as kids were fairly well preserved and documented. But, damn, I can't imagine not being able to play a game you used to play, not being able to find a video you know so well, all the defunct website and lost media that makes up the base of your media.

I always find it funny when normies say "everything that goes on the internet is there for ever." It's a fucking slaughterhouse.

The Deus Ex franchise is a good example of just how simplified modern games are.

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Play video games.

Can't bring myself to play anything but osrs and lol anymore.

Lol isn't that enjoyable anymore since I feel I can't get better and without climbing the ranks the game is just boring.

28 yr old here.
Been mainly emulating/playing games I didn't play as a kid (grew up as PC only thanks to dad).
As for new Vidya I enjoyed Cuphead, Hollow Knight, Sekiro, Nioh and MHW. Been meaning to play DMC5 but just haven't gotten around to it.

Honestly, the last genuinely interesting open world games to me were:
>Shadows of Mordor
>Breath of the Wild

One thing never changed about Yea Forums and its how some morons still think that getting replies to a post is some form of le epic trolling

this but unironically
i bought deus ex invisible war and remember it being unplayable in like 2004 and now its like awy better than modern faggot ones
i never asked for this shit

It's just so weird to me that games want to be full time jobs. Some of my best memories are renting games over summer vacation and just going hard and finishing them in a week tops. Games I still revisit today. Sneaking internet peaks from whomever we could bribe if we got stuck.

Even older I wanted to try and complete as many games as I could. Alot of these games became yearly playthroughs like Killer 7 and Eternal Darkness. Just because you play a game doesn't mean you cant go back. If anything it's more satisfying on Round 2 since you are familiar and you can mess with the difficulty settings and all that.

Starting a game today have you hourly challenges, daily challenges, monthly challenges, thousands of collectibles, hundreds of copy and pasted side activities and I just feel sick and randomly select an older games iso I havent played (check out Ghosthunter on PS2 little jank lotta soul).

Just wondering how we got here.

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Somehow I beat the original Deus Ex and Invisible War, but not Human Revolution. I don't even hate Human Revolution, just lost interest in the game at Hengsha.

Dumb white boi.

Waiting to pirate the sinking city, was waiting to see if rage was any good but ofc its shit, still playing tropico 6 but I got a new job that pays a lot but it slowly sucking my soul away (8-9 straight hours a day) and when I get back home I just do menial tasks like shoping or watching a movie with the gf rather than being in the mood to play games...such is the boomer life...

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Any games with a high school teenager as protagonist

I only play ck2 and conan exiles desu. Also I'm looking forward to vtmb2 and mount and blade bannerlord. Before vtmb2 was announced I was only looking forward to bannerlord. We are unironically getting a sequel to vtmb before bannerlord comes out.

Have sex

31 here, bit by bit finding interest in shmups, fighting games, and drpgs. I'm losing my aim in a lot of shooters and still really shit at rhythm games.


>old game gud :)
>new gam bad :(

Nothing like an arcade rhythm game with a rock solid input. You gonna Round 1 nearby?

if you think mid 20s, just wait until you're 30+. I hope you enjoy mr. Bones' Wild Ride

I'm trying to play Planetside 2 but it just consists of one or two moments of actual fun and the rest is just my team, going in the same room where they get mulched; for 4 hours. I'm probably going to drop it.

So then trailer trash are the most successful people.

31. Playing Tetris 99. Enjoying the new Gameboy skin

Unironically. You missed the golden age of gaming. Enjoy your shitty platinum age.

They are also the most conservative except when it comes to oxycodone so yes. By Yea Forums standards, grubby poor whites are more successful than super rich whites.

>mid 20s
>weight loss harder
lmao just stop eating retard how hard is it? I say this as a fat kid that only saw the light at 25 and managed to become /fit/.

I always thought the “you will have money for games you cant play when old” was a meme yet here I am finally getting promoted and being great at my job yet can at most play an hour a day. Atleast weekends it is free estate.
Currently enjoying Hitman 2 and DMC5.

Really, if you are older and established with no family you have way more time for vidya. It's when you have to take care of others like family that chomps into that time.

27 y/o here

Currently replaying The Witcher trilogy while awaiting [spolier]going home[/spoiler]

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>came out as trans when I turned 25
>dad disowned me and told me to never go back or he'll put me in the hospital
>broke my moms nose when she visited me
>only brother I had overdosed at 15 and killed himself
>zero friends
>no other family
>cant even get past silver in overwatch
I feel like one of those statistics you stupid incel fucks meme about

28 years old.
The games I currently have downloaded are
>Destiny 2
>Hollow knight
>Fallout 76
>Dark Souls 3
>Apex Legends
>FF 12 Zodiac Age
>Titanfall 2
>Surviving Mars, which I downloaded yesterday and haven't tried yet.

What do you do friend? I'm working as a junior doc 70-80 hrs per week (3 weeks a month) and I manage to get vidya in there plus more activities. Mind you I live 3 mins walk from my work place so that helps a lot.

Lol wait until they're 2. You'll want to kill yourself because it's easier than dealing with them. Throw in another one and you'll wish you died long ago.

Technically he can still play 90% of older vidya. Only thing they missed on is some of the communities of new games and I suppose the lack of internet culture of games where you used to go and ask a friend to help you with sections in games and exchanging tips etc...

>Tfw people on Yea Forums are unironically married with kids
>4channers are allowed to breed.
I've been playing some WoW again actually. I also played Sekiro as my most recent singleplayer game.

You do realize IQ is genetic so if you want more higher IQ people in the world you'd wanna fuck like a rabbit IF you do have a high IQ

Arcade shmups

There were people in the 90's who wanted the 80's and 70's back. Different generations will normally feel nostalgic for whatever they grew up with, regardless of what everyone else might have thought about the era at the time.

30 year old here.
I've noticed my reaction time has slowed somewhat, so I tend to stick to TF2, Warframe, Dead by Daylight, Minecraft, Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, Fallout: New Vegas, We Happy Few, Vermintide II, Planescape: Torment, Nuclear Throne, and a bunch of (comparatively) smaller indie games such as LISA, Undertale, and the Devil Came Through Here trilogy (the games by R. Michalski)

>somewhere out there some kid is speaking Yea Forums lingo after learning it from his dad.

>silver rank

you don't do a good job disproving the "mental illness" angle

Yeah, if I end up married I’ll probably reserve vidya for when the kids want to have some fun, tho I would rather teach the kids to do something proactive first.

I work on a pretty big third party agency, mostly getting some of the most difficult clients of the company to deal with. Pays great thankfully, but it can be quite a long time before arriving home.

27 yo i play dota 2 and all fromsoftwares games, also recently beat yakuza 0
>tfw got a new gf and she wants me to teach her how to play dota 2, she played league

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Couple of days back I went to this local store I am a regular at and this kid of the owner was doing the cashier job while his dad did something else at the back. After finishing paying I said good night and the boy who at best is 12 replied with “Good night, sir”.
I might be 27 but it still fucking killed me.

I am almost 30 (I am 29) its hard to make time to play. its hard to start even when I do have time...

I feel really anxious but after I start it gets better.

Sorry user but any girl that plays league is either a disgusting low IQ hambeast or a disgusting low IQ ugly chick. Either way they'll cheat on you.

playing diablo 2 for the first time in 15 years. it's pretty fun, will probably grow tired of it before the end but it's ok.

one thing I can say is I really don't think violence in vidya affects kids. I have 0 memory of all the horrifying torture shit and torn up humans you find in that game. it must have gone straight by me.

Except you inherit your propensity for baldness or lack thereof from your mother's side.

Having more than 12 and still playing vidya its phatetic and lame old fart

Does your mommy know you're on Yea Forums?

I play whatever looks interesting. Last few games I played was Doom, DMC5 and now Kingdom Hearts 3.

Really don't have a lot of time to play games though. Might do it every three days or so if I get in the mood to actually turn on a console.

Mostly VR and short indie stuff like Katana Zero or Slay the Spire. Not very many AAA games appeal to me anymore because they feel samey and hollow.

i walk in here and nobody ever posted a picture or comic of that tree asking if you're over 25?

Just got KF2 on sale and am enjoying the fuck out of it.
I played a shitload of the original and remember not really liking the beta for 2, but it's really nice if you just want to unload for an hour or two. Especially since I rarely have patience for games with lots of cutscenes and story anymore.


Games aren't for enjoyment at this age.
They're for mental arithmetic and doing other things while AFK

It's reasonably old for anyone still frequently playing video games user. A good amount of people by that age have either moved on from vidya as a hobby or just simply don't have time for it anymore.

>Dragon Quest11
Is the any good?

Your life is over by 30 mate. You'll understand soon.

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>Slay the Spire
O lord save this man from wasting several hundred hours on this game

This isn't Pokemon. Genetics are just random. If anyone in your family has baldness you have the chance.

I think people are just more devoted to single games now. A lot of my friends that say they play videogames actually just play csgo or r6 everyday and occasionally play a new single player game for a week or two before going back.

I'm surprised just how much of a self esteem boost a job is

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I can play whatever multiplayer game I want, because good ones every part of the learning process is enjoyable and they get more rewarding the more time you invest. I do have a big problem with single player games though, there are so many open world action games with light rpg mechanics just filled with meaningless shit designed to kill time, I think a lot of it is holdover from early console days when getting hours out of your money was more important especially for kids. I would be open for any recommendations on fun "concentrated" single player games, last one I enjoyed was Celeste or RoR2 if that counts.

I mean it's a game I can pick up, play for a short amount of time and put down before doing something else. In comparison I end up dropping a lot of open world games because there's way too much shit too do and I get bored trying to do all of it.

i m almost 30.
i only play fighting game now with friends and sometime online. mostly KOF and tekken.i only purchase 1 new game since 3-4 year ago.

I've been playing a lot of original X-Com mods, recently. X-Com Files and X-Piratez are plenty of fun.

t. 27

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true. short roguelites are nice in that aspect
StS in particular is just so easy to spend an exorbitant amount of time getting gud in without realizing you've wasted so many hours in the game

doing anything that retards here tell you not to do is a self esteem boost
for some reason

It really is, isn't it?
Got laid off a month ago, and I can already feel my self esteem slowly declining. I like contributing, but fuck I hate feeling like a slave to that way of thinking.

Arma 3 and Squad with the boys. Maybe some hearts of Iron or Mount and blade. Usually the latest rpg/shooter although I havent played any latest flavor game for a while now. I think PUBG is the most recent game I continue to play.

Couch co-op is the only thing keeping gaming alive for me. I highly recommend Diablo 3 switch with a buddy. One play witch doctor, the other play necromancer. You have a million pets and then either start exploding corpses everywhere or raise an army of the dead. Shit gets insane real fast.

Just started Soul Hackers on 3DS this weekend, it's pretty cool so far.

>What games do you still find enjoyable at this age?
Ace Combat, unironically multiplayer FPS's and Visual Novels.
>I really can't stand most modern games
I have a harder time enjoying games in general as I grow older

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I absolutely LOVE it

last game I had genuine fun playing was ftl

Final Fantasy XIV. It's the right amount of linear button pressing and raging against idiots who cannot do mechanics so when an ex trial goes correct, it's always fun.

Recently, A Hat in Time was fun. As was Sekiro. I want to play some more deep RPGs but don't have energy for them.

I'm also trying to get into Umihara Kawase because it looks cute and I liked the SNES version when I emulated it back in the day. The steam version plays a lot better than zsnes on my old pentium 3, lol.


have sex

More like "set on stone"

That's why midlife crises happen: people get unconfortable being in the same atmosphere for 10 years/realise they are there forever and want to jump ship.

So please PLEASE choose something that'll make this hell bearable

it is though. it's always funny to see a faggot seething at an obvious bait post.

yeah needs like a /vrr/ or some hidden board to actually talk about games and not circlejerk about developers

I'm 30, I hate my life, my job...but at least I still got games, RIGHT?

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27 here. I don't play video games anymore. Just passing by.

>boomers are in their 60s-70s
Lol, you're such a boomer. "boomer" now refers to anyone around 30. It's a generic word for the previous generation. It hasn't meant people born at the end of WW2 for at least two years now.

Im starting to cut out my caffeine addiction and its affecting my gaming habits. I can't stay more than 30 minutes in front of a video-game anymore without feeling sleepy.

But I'm playing Halo, started the first one for the first time in almost 18 years. It's been so long but I still remember it pretty well.

>Lol, you're such a boomer. "boomer" now refers to anyone around 30.
>Taking a meme seriously

I'm 28, here's what I play or only stopped playing after putting at least 50 hours in:
>RS2 Vietnam
>Hotline Miami
>Day of Infamy
>Hitman 2
>Titanfall 2
>Dragon's Dogma
>Souls series

bretty nice stuff on that list

Honestly, the entirety of the video game boards needs an overhaul.

holy shit.. 28 and this is accurate. two years ago my hair was thicker and my body was trim.

holy fuck are trannies this useless in their lives lmfao
i got GM in OW with tracer only and never played again, s1

you're probably going bald. it's generally at this age that baldness starts presenting.

>I feel like one of those statistics you stupid incel fucks meme about

that's because you are

I think in addition to the economic situation it's a product of how our generation was raised that we aren't all going into the comfy nuclear family shit
>get the hard work out of the way, study hard so the rest of your life is easier
>you can do whatever you want if you put your mind to it
It seemed like the world was your oyster growing up and as long as you did what people told you to do everything would work out well. Unfortunately the previous generation is shit at giving advice especially with how computers have changed the job market and I know a lot of people in their 20s to early 30s who are still in the mindset that their real life hasn't started yet like that one scene in kaiji, then all of a sudden it hits them one day. That's why I try to not be some tryhard self improvementcel who swears off vidya but just dedicate a small amount of time each day to making my life slightly better like trying to floss more regularly, eat a little healthier, or something like that.

Hold hands.

All of language is a meme, mate.

Most games just feel like a waste of time so I increasingly hate games that have long drawn out tutorial sections before you can play. I resent booting up a game and spending even 10 minutes having to learn shit.

How exactly is 25 "old"?

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Now that I have a job I only play casual games on my phone or multiplayer at weekends.

I'm past 30 now, and I gravitate more and more to safe, predictable games. Pouring a couple hundred hours into some ubibox is perfect. Doesn't set off my anxiety, doesn't require me to put in a lot of energy after work. Pokemon, same thing.

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You will maintain an "acceptable" level of function to society and to those around you, but you will never acheive anything more. If you do not focus on living a healthy life, while doing away with your indulgences you will remain a +0, just like the majority of the world. At least your not a -1 though right?

it's not. being a boomer is not being literally old. 35 years is not old either. You're officially old when you're 60 or higher.

It's the exact opposite for me, I felt reborn after 20/21
I guess you have to work on yourself and your surrounding.

literally only reflex arena

fighting games mostly but even then they aren't as good

>What games do you still find enjoyable at this age?
Virtually nothing.
I pick up new games but they never last for more than a couple hours.
I'm a cardgamefag so I play shit like SV/MTGA to kill time but they are dogshit compared to the ones I grew up with. Now that I've stopped smoking weed I don't even get any enjoyment out of them.
The only thing left is to replay whatever you had nostalgia for during eras where games were still good.
The most fun I can have gaming now is getting drunk at a friend's place every other weekend playing Melee and Double Dash.

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34. Can't say I know what you feel. Life's going a thousand miles a minute and I have a hundred choices at my fingertips. And if I ever cut down on the drinking both those numbers go up tenfold. Guess I'm just a late bloomer.

try duelyst, faeria, shadowverse maybe...

I pretty much only stick to VR racing/flight sims nowadays but i'll pick up the flavor of the month and try it out till another comes around as well

Smash bros

That's basically it. Cinematic games bore me.

What competitive game should I play?

tekken 7 and persona aaaaaa

Because you shouldn't be playing video past college years (around 25) and should be working instead. Or that's at least the idea.

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that's depressing...

I work 200 hours a month and have plenty time for vidya.

You're supposed marry and pop out kids instead, but fuck that.

>you shouldn't
Why? Should I kill all my hobbies and work half a day, come home tired and go to bed?
I understand the importance of work, but hobbies are almost as equally important in life. It's not all black and white.

only if you fap.
If you start practicing semen retention and never fap again you only get more attractive and ambitious until around age 45.
Problem is most of you fap pretty much daily and your body is decaying at an early age.

If you guys like Slay the Spire try Dream Quest. StS is a dumbed down rip-off of it.
As an old cardgamefag it's the only single player game I can keep coming back to at this point. Feels like the only good card game on the planet right now, sadly.

I'm 30, right now I basically just play Subnautica/Monster Hunter World on PC while I watch shows on my second monitor.

I was playing FFXIV and looking forward to the new expansion, but I unsubbed when I realized I have no time for it anymore because I work upwards of 10+ hours a day at least six days a week and I'm always too worn out afterward to deal with the mindnumbingly slow and easily triggered playerbase.

I wish I could find some shit I enjoyed but I'm pretty sure I have anhedonia anyway so it's a no go regardless of what I do.

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These days I'm playing turn-based RPGs and casually playing fighters by myself like a loser. Recently I beat Dragon quest 1-5, 9 and 11. Currently taking a hiatus to play Final Fantasy 5, playing it on my phone at work during down time and also have a run on my PC going as well on a GBA emulator with the music patch. It plays sort of shitty on mobile, it's difficult to quickly and accurately menu during battle so I've got two characters with berserk to cut down on inefficient menuing.

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Do you have a single fact to back that up

Who told you that bullshit?

Yeah that's fucking bullshit. The only thing you accomplish is raising your cancer risk. The rest is mistaking correlation for causation.

I just don't fit in anywhere, do I?

44rtyh 335i fty6.fAQaadfrhkk FDA ha JFK dvd by hy er ri yi juiy8 uh h yyh bch egg h tb gf fez fb c Hmm sa z x X GB HM B COUGH J GB JP PL 900P POLY I'D F CV BB TB GC, BY CV BBC CV CV.. MLM G.

I think OP is confused about how old Yea Forums is. There's a ton of people on this site who've been here for more than a decade now.

>just qualified for the 25+ gaymer club last month
I can feel my life beginning to speed up, trying to escape from me

Not me, though. The 90s were the shittiest. Worse than the fucking 80s and that's an accomplishment.

>STILL haven't started practicing nofap

Going by posting habits alone I definitely think the demographic skews toward high schoolers and colleged age, largely because they have the time

>What games do you still find enjoyable at this age?

>31 y/o boomer
I mostly play strategy games, puzzle games, builders, and RPGs
I can still into shooters but it's just not enjoyable like it used to be

I still like pretty much all games.
Haven't played much new in a while though, making my way through many franchises I've neglected. Over past several months I've played through the Mother series, Digital Devil Saga 1/2 ,SMT nocturne on hold and didn't start Persona yet, Drakengard 1/3 and the Niers, Yume Nikki and the dozen other good RPGmaker games, Currently playing through DMC series, up to 3 and working on a DMD SS to see how far I can get before its impossible.
Next I'll probably go back to Persona or get into Monster Hunter or play God Hand or who the fuck knows.

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the chance is higher to inherit the baldness from the x gene but that's just it.

>practicing masochism
Come on, you gotta yank it once a week if you don't have regular sex

Why do guys like you always just give generic multireplies instead of answering the question, what is even the point

All studies say masturbation is healthy as fuck.

It's a /pol/ meme

fapping causes your body to depend on orgasm for dopamine boosts, so your natural dopamine levels start to plummet.
Fapping also has a negative impact on your testosterone levels so you get an increase of DHT and prolactin, which have been linked to hair loss and depression.
If you're going bald and depressed, chances are it's definitely being amplified by your masturbation addiction.
also notice how user mentioned nofap and within 30 seconds got multiple responses saying
they're literally addicts defending their drug and refusing to accept it's harmful.
It's your life, I don't care if you want to destroy it by fapping your life away. One day you'll realize how stupid you were for not giving it up earlier.

This study found masturbating in your teens/20s increases risk of prostate cancer

Here's another study that found even later in life you still increase your risk of prostate cancer by masturbating

I keep going back to retro gaming, got a bunch of old consoles, everdrives and have hooked everything up to my PVM in rgb quality. Play mostly platformers and RPGs.

turning 26 this Friday. have been playing
>Stalker Clear sky
>ratchet and clank 3
>a mod for Blood called French meat
and when I'm not playing vidya I'm just shitposting here and/or wageslaving

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Corrrelation and causation, mate. Actually read it. People who will have a higher risk of prostate cancer just also happen to masturbate more.

>For men in their 20s, "frequent masturbation" was two to seven times per week.
H-heh... Surely they mean per day, yes?

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well all of that is actually bullshit with no actual facts to back it, but whatever keeps you from committing suicide I guess

are you balding/depressed?
How often do you masturbate?

hating on one specific genre is stupid my man
hate on objectively bad game-design
open world can be so fucking awesome if its used properly in conjunction with the gameplay

> They suggest that young men genetically predisposed to have hormone-sensitive prostate cancer will be at higher risk if their bodies naturally produce high levels of male hormones -- the same hormones that give them an intense sex drive.

> So it's not masturbation itself that's increasing prostate cancer risk in young men. More masturbation may just mean more sex drive -- and more androgens bathing prostate tissues.

balding is associated with high T

That's why I said once a week. If you do it every day, you are an addict with zero no willpower.

High DHT, which is a form of testosterone but it's a beta androgen that is increased through masturbation, stress, lack of exercise, poor diet.
High testosterone increases hair growth, where high DHT makes your hair fall out.
It's like your body is punishing you for being pathetic by showing the world your true self by making you bald.

masturbation confirmed for both raising and lowering your chances of balding/prostate cancer

Or maybe all of this is bullshit and even pro athletes go bald.

28. I can usually count the new games coming out in a year that I want to play on one hand. This year it's Ace Combat, Animal Crossing, The Good Life and AI: Somnium Files. Other than that I play older stuff that I've been interested in like this user . I'm pretty much constantly playing games I haven't played before.

who else /earthrocker/ here?


Based on this pic and your main childhood era here, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?

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You wish. I'm 26 and my life has never been this great. Being 16-22 was awful, filled with insecurity, drama and overthinking trivial stuff.

>Gay shit or weeb shit
don't play Asian games but at least they are not complete faggots

You should do it as often as you need to. If one day it's seven times, then so be it. Personally I've never had that kind of stamina, there was even a period of about a month back in uni when I just didn't have the energy to do it even once.

TWO studies
ant those two are fucking bullshit(laughably small sample size, people in those sample sizes doing shitton of stuff that heavily influences the scientific purity of the study etc)

>meanwhile about a dozen studies with more probands are link frequent masturbation with the prevention of prostate cancer

7 times is rare, maybe only happens every month or two

I know the studies you're referring to, they recommend you should fap 28 times a month and were ALL published by Jews.
and you believe them?
come on, user. You're literally rubbing a dick for fun, you're gay bro.
Only betas masturbate.

I do tho, been getting consistently better in regards to my health, career, and hobbies for a couple years now. But yeah the idea is that just getting small +1s is fine as long as I avoid those -1 days. From my experience when I first started getting fit and rubberbanding between spurts of motivation I know how easy it is to lose out on progress and motivation if you put yourself on a schedule that makes you feel like you need breaks and same thing applies for life in general for me. Especially in college it was easy to crank a bunch of shit out on busy days and then do nothing the rest of the week, but that shit doesn't fly as a wagecuck and I feel like I spend way less time total on tedious life maintenance stuff now that all that shit is a daily routine.

WTF? Not even on my horniest days as a teen I could masturbate 7 times a day.


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this is why i love "scientific" news
it's always something like:
>eating twinkies causes super aids!
and five minutes later
>eating twinkies cures cancer and turns you into super chad!

I just replay games like DX whenever I get the itch to, just absolute 10/10 classical gems.

I'm also not a fucking idiot so I did save up a couple of video games that interested me and that I knew I'd enjoy going forward, so I still have a steady backlog of older games to go through or revisit since it's been a literal decade since I've played them.

Currently playing through SMT1, I haven't finished (or gotten very far) into any mainline Tensei game, AND I still have DDS2 to finish. If that shit gets boring or I need to take a break, I have Vagrant Story to check out or I can finish Tomb Raider 4, replay DMC4 in prep for 5, consider giving Battletech another chance OR start to get further into Killer 7. Maybe check out Langrisser/give some earlier Star Oceans a chance?

tl;dr modern games do suck and are no longer made for US but you're retarded if you don't have a steady backlog going - it's as simple as making a fucking .txt file on your desktop and applies to vidya, manga, anime, movies, books, etc.

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Yes, you seem like a well-adjusted individual who has a healthy relationship with his sexuality. I'll be sure to follow your advice so that I, too, can spend my time crusading in anonymous image boards to justify my life choices.

SMT1 and SMT2 are some godlike rpgs, as long as you emulate them on 10x speed.

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>skipping kyuuyaku megami tensei

Either I have a problem or you do. I'm gonna go ahead and say you do cause that makes me feel better

I only ever play Bloodborne these days.
Everything feels ugly, clunky and/or boring in comparison.

I enjoy JRPGs less, and every other genre about equally as much.

I've recently started playing Nier: Automata finally and have really been enjoying it. Don't typically get games when they first come out, usually wait until there's a sale to finally try them out. Otherwise most of my favorite vidya is fifth or sixth generation games. Also currently playing a Digimon World randomizer and having a blast, I love how optimal they made the recent version and how easy it is to patch now compared to before.

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Vegans, nofappers, people who meditate/use mindfulness are all attention seeking cattle who need to be lined up and shot in the town square.

A bunch of niggers who are MAD about someone not masturbating.

I don't really spend much time playing vidya anymore. Play Apex with a bunch of my normie friends and I fuck around in DMCV and Nioh for about an hour or two when I'm really bored, but I don't game like I used to.

My PC is 8 years old and needs to be upgraded, but I bought a new laptop for work and some rock climbing shoes instead. After seeing how many hours I've wasted in the past, and looking at how my friends spend all their time online playing the same games over and over, I've realized that's not what I want to do with my free time anymore.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

The encounter rate in SMT1 is pretty much the worst thing I've ever seen in an RPG but I do use save-states to make it more bearable on myself, plus I can kinda ignore it since everything else is just so fucking raw and unique. That title screen alone where the computer boot up screen starts saying shit like "ELOHIM" and names of the angels just had me hooked from the beginning, not to mention that wispy, surreal kinda writing where you're meeting doomed people in your dreams, buying Cyber Arms (whatever the fuck that is), shooting demons with a fucking SPAS, and so on. I just hope that whoever thought making mapper a spell is a good idea was taken out and publicly executed.

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I've just accepted my balding. My grandfather and uncle on my mom's side both showed balding symptons early, even if they were in denial about it. My biological father also doesn't have much hair on his head, so I know I probably only have another decade or so to savor my hair, already got a decent sized bald spot. Thankfully I'm tall and no one seems to notice it right away, but it'll get worse. Probably just gonna go full chrome dome around that point.

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>Feel superior buying climbing boots instead of computer
Me better. Me hobby better than you hobby. Me smart

That was meant to show how my priorities and interests have shifted, nowhere do I try to flaunt any superiority. No need to project your insecurities, user.

28 here, I feel like my taste is similar but I'm much less prone to cramming trash games down my throat just for the sake of playing them, or similarly I'll drop games more often now. But if a game is really good then I've no problem spending my entire weekend playing it. Recently played Dark Souls 2 which was awesome.

>but I'm much less prone to cramming trash games down my throat just for the sake of playing them
>Recently played Dark Souls 2 which was awesome.

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>when you play games you describe it as "wasting time"
>climbing is "doing things with your free time"
Not even subtle bait, don't know why I'm still replying

Sounds like you're just looking for things to get upset at user. People perceive the value of their time in different ways, just because I shared my story about how my values have changed because this is a thread about aging with respect to vidya, I don't think it's that absurd to see someone talking about how they play vidya less, and value other things more. I apologize if you took it the wrong way.

>my values
>a thread about hobbies
Just stop

I don't really have any local friends and I spend the rest of my time at work and working out, so games are all I really got. Funny enough despite being in my late 20s I think I'm the best at games I've ever been, I guess i just understand them better now or somethin'. I don't even hate all modern games cuz I can play something like siege or mordhau with my internet bros and have a good laugh but all the single player games coming out these days are really sucking dick, well not quite, this year started strong with RE2/Sekiro/DMCV but the rest of the year looks fucking weak
Being old and liking games still doesn't suck, I can afford any game I want and know what I do and don't like, but I miss playing games with friends locally

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Values and hobbies are intrinsically linked though. Why would I waste my time on a hobby that I don't see value in? What's the point you're trying to make here?

Yeah you're wrong. I'm 25, currently the fittest I've been in my life with my hair still intact. Nobody expects more from me either.

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no one cares dude, post about vidya you are playing or fuck off

kind of undermines your point when 25 is the bare minimum

I did if you read my original post. Had to deal with some booty-blasted user but I guess that's done now.

Hobbies are for pleasure by definition, there's no value in hiking or gaming. That's like saying you only do gay sex now because you find it more valuable than straight sex


I tend to play a couple competitive multiplayer games and one or two short attention indies until something grabs me like Sekiro.
The multiplayer is suffering on weekdays after work when you get a really shitty experience but I just can't quit the addiction

32, enjoying playing Dying Light with my real life hasubando. LAN option sure is nice.
I miss genuine old JRPGs with ATB systems. FFXV was atrocious. Just give me a dialogue heavy grindfest. You don't even have to voice it, man.

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But i don't.

So? They are still white trash.

>mid 20s

25, just made it in, yeah baby.
Last game I really got into and fucking loved was Dragons Dogma, I felt empty when I beat it. But then I played and beat the DLC a few times (which was also amazing) and got a ton of great gear for me and my pawn. Played a bunch of different vocations, lot of fun. So the only things I'm left looking forward to now is Dragon's Dogma 2 which is basically confirmed at this point, and FF7R. So I'm really looking forward to E3 for the first time in a few years. Probably going to try getting into Dragons Dogma online once I get done moving, looks like a lot of fun.

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Do you really want anyone in here to have a kid? You know how many shitty fathers this place would be?

I'm 24 but I already behave like a cranky 40 year old in relation to popular games. I'm literally unable to enjoy something like PUBG or modern open world games even though 10, 15 years ago I'd jizz in my pants whenever I found an open world game with vehicles for the PS2 (based Mercenaries). I literally got addicted to Battlefield 3 and that was the last popular AAA online game I've ever been able to play, literally bought BF4 and dropped out after an hour or so and never played any AAA ever again.
Why am I like this? At least there's plenty of lower budgeted games I still enjoy, not to mention the odd OpenXCom game or so.

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27. I’ve been playing a lot of Smash and Mordhau recently. Wrecking zoomer anime swordsmen with a cartoon dog still hasn’t lost its appeal.

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Working is the bare minimum, what all the boomers want from you is to fuck SOMEONE and pop out kids.

I've found myself mostly enjoying retro-inspired indie games these days when it comes to single player games. Shovel Knight, Alwa's Awakening, Curse of the Moon, Momodora, and the like. I've been itching to find an RPG to play, but I always feel like I don't got the time to invest into one, which destroys me because RPGs used to be my favorite genre.

>masturbation is healthy
How fucking gullible are you goys?


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I still play with my dinosaur tamagotchi from 1997 every day

34 here.
Still enjoy shooters despite most of the ones worth playing being made by the biggest assholes in the industry.
Still enjoy jrpgs despite the fact that I rarely finish. Avoid lower quality ones like the plague.
DRPGs are great on the commute despite the rare quality publishing.
Avoid most "open world" stuff like the plague since it rarely satisfies.

Classic RTS is dead if you don't want to play decades old games or SC2.
CRPGs were and still are obnoxious jank.
I do like the occasional strategy game but all the tryhard bullshit in XCOM2 pissed me off.
Don't have the patience to gitgud at fightan or darksoulslikes.

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31 here. I play a lot of old games. Also Dominions 5.


33, thea 2.
I tried to multi 7 days to die recently, it wasn't that great, soloing till i get bored again.

Stop trying to be cool, accept that your teenage life happened the way it did and enjoy what's left of your second puberty. I'm 24 and tell myself this so much it's become irrelevant

>tfw ive been balding since 23
im just saving money for the surgery now

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I still like the same games I always liked. Getting betrayed by Sony so damn hard recently was a big hit though. I had every Sony consoles until the PS4 which was a total blunder even before the censorship coup de grace that now makes me hate their guts
Right now I'm playing Yakuza K2 and DMC5 and Ace Combat 7 and it's like nothing changed though, thanks god good devs still exist, but for how much longer?

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How old is it?

I can't decide if I want to sell my PS4 now or if waiting on Kojima's Masterpiece is worth it.

>tfw didn't bald at all and I'm lighter and feel much better than ever at 30
Fix your diet and eat natural DHT blockers
People still think I'm 18.

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Exception : you play the games with your own kids & teach them valuable life lessons.

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Can't hurt nearly as much as Microsoft dismantling the PC gaming juggernaut they had from the 90's.

yeah :)

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>finally get my life together at 25
>no longer interested in doing my hobbies after work
Why am I like this?

> imagine what it's like when "oh darn I my ((gayme)) is offline, I should have more wisely spent my time playing sp trash instead" makes sense to you

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All I've played for the last few month is FFXI on a private server. Nothing else makes me happy.

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I'll be devastated when years after I've stopped playing they'll shut down the servers


>internet in its infancy
>golden era of vidya
>3d gamin' on the scene
>huge technological leaps every year
>economy booming
>jungle music hasnt taken over pop culture yet
>no sjw yet
>shittiest decade

I kind of feel ya OP. The lack of time to play makes me very peaky about new games. I don´t really have the time to waste 60+ hours on a mediocre RPG like i used to so i only play games that impress me or have very specific features that i am interested on. For example, i played Divinity Original sin 2 even though TRPGs are not really my thing because of it´s environmental gameplay. It was pretty good.
I also played the Witcher 3 even though, like you, i usually don´t like open world games full of fetch quests, markers and forced grinding. Specially when none of those sidequests add much to the main plot. I´ve always liked story driven games like the golden age JRPGs but nowdays it´s really rare to find good quality ones. Tales games are in decadence, FF is dead, KH is going that way soon, Star Ocean´s been agonizing for years too. Seriously i think that Ni No kuni one and DQ XI are the only worthwhile JRPGs in years. Kuni 2 already failed me...
I also played Nier Automata. That was pretty good despise having useless quests and whatnot. I am interested in playing Hellblade and maybe a plague´s tale but haven´t really got around playing either yet as i lack both time and motivation even though they interest me.

the author of that pic doesn't know what quotation marks are, it seems

I mostly play older games. Valve and digital distribution ruined gaming, most games aren't even worth pirating.
Most people who play games these days, especially on PC, are non gaming casuals that wouldn't play games if it weren't for easy access granted by digital distribution platforms such as Steam, these casuals are who games are made for these days.
I hate faggots that complain about how games like Deus Ex aren't made anymore yet the faggot complaining uses Steam and pays for downloads, they are the reason games like Deus Ex aren't made anymore.
Japan prefers physical copies. Coincidence? I don't think so.
