So which is it Yea Forums, thorium or calamity?

So which is it Yea Forums, thorium or calamity?

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Calamity actually.

Thorium. Calamity has no balance. In fact calamity is big fucking trash.

calamity is bloated shite made by a ponyfag

calamity is superior over poorium. i like terriaria... and not anime!

Thorium. Calamity just absolutely rapes the terraria-feel with power creep shit

Calamity is only unbalanced if you play it with other "campaign" mods.

>Expert Death Mode Calamity
>Drop playing the game after Moon Lord.
This is the only correct answer.

whats the quickest way to get a daedalus bow

Absolutely not. Thorium isn't made by crying discord faggots who bitch and whine and write spaghetti code and delay every single update by at least a month and then rape every single other mod's support because Fagsol thought it was a good idea to change 'throwing' to 'rogue' damage to be SPECIAL and DIFFERENT. Thorium doesn't have the creator's MLP-brony-sona as the best mount in the mod which is practically required to do several of the harder "bosses" which are just reskinned worms because the devs are incompetent pieces of shit. Thorium doesn't force oc doughnutsteel lore as a forced drop item, and doesn't ruin bossbattles with dialogue and multiple stages and doesn't add in a retardedly autistic crafting system which forces you to hoard every weapon from the beginning of the fucking game just to make some better shitty gun or sword that gets replaced after the next boss anyways. Thorium is an actual mod which adds good support classes to the game and doesn't rely on DARK and EDGY bullshit just to make the game more enriched and entertaining. Fuck calamity. Fuck the faggot fabsol and fuck anyone who enjoys it.

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Thorium provides entertainment and balance without being overly ridiculous or breaking the style of the game. Most things look like they belong in Terraria, and seamlessly fit the aesthetic. Calamity on the other hand, despite being a very passionate project, takes itself way too seriously. It's balanced around itself only, breaks other mods, andhas art that is harshly unfitting compared to the base game.

Go underground hallow
Get a bunch of light souls
Make light keys
Put a light key in an empty chest
Beat the shit out of the big ass mimics

Everyone defending Thorium forgets that the last boss of the Thorium mod is literally a Calamity tier boss. Particularly if you aren't playing on casual bitch mode Ranged/Magic + Non Expert

How do I summoner pre-Hardmode isn't their like 2 pets?

Farm souls of light to make light keys, then use the kight keys to turn chests into mimics, then kill said mimics.
I think this is the only way to actually do it anyway besides looking for the mimics themselves.

>Install Battle Rods
>Install Fishing 2.0
>Proceed to murder mimics with your 2.5 billion light souls to make keys.

How do I play one of these mods without having to look at the wiki every 30 seconds

I think both are good

Ask the guide npc about every item you get??

Thorium by a fucking landslide.

Use the guide or install the recipe browser?

Starbound is better than Calamity.

For me it's vanilla :)

a thousand times this

I love Thorium for its near-seamless integration into the base game, and incredible polish.
I like Calamity for the sheer amount of content it provides, and the added challenge.


Overhall is the best choice

Thoriumserver when?