Model o gaming mouse

are you going to get one Yea Forums? Every review says its near perfect

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Other urls found in this thread:

if it has the same dimensions and weight of my vorago 201, yes

i just use a $10 wireless mouse from walmart. no idea why retards spend hundreds of dollars on a mouse

Imagine buying a wired mouse with holes in its shell in 2019

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I'm not a tryhard, so no. I've been using pic related for years with zero issue. Plus those sweat holes look retarded. You can make a mouse as light as a feather, but at the end of the day if you're bad, you're just bad.

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nice meme

side buttons are trash and my OG finalmouse is still working just fine

even worse
>cheap wireless

how much did you pay for a finalmeme mouse? Trash company

Wireless is fine, a bluetooth wireless mouse is not.

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Know those people who blame everything but themselves for being shit at games? They're the idiots that buy this crap.

Know a guy like this and he has been buying progressively more expensive mice over the years. Last one he bought was around 200bux. And one day he'll decide that one is why he lost again and buy another one.

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I literally have 37 victory royales with my cheap wireless mouse. consider getting good, kiddo

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>I'm not a tryhard
wmo is literally the tryhard quake fag mouse

Are there really people who use mice with their left hand? I'm left handed, but trying to handle a mouse with it just feels weird.


I typically buy the cheapest mouse I can get with dpi buttons that isn't from some third party chinkshit company.

>its modelo time

>regular good mouse is tryhard because people use it for said game

okay then

>literal reddit meme mouse

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>Every review says its near perfect

can confirm.

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>actually thinking a bunch of holes will make you better

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>the cable is heavier than the mouse
What the fuck is wrong with you retards?

>white hand

i doubt it'll beat out my logitech G pro

how are the clicks?

they do make it lighter though, you can't go back from a light to a heavy mouse.

They are objectively better, period. Don't talk shit if you haven't tried something below 80 grams.
mx518 sucks btw, shouldn't have bought it out of nostalgia

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I know someone exactly like that. He also keeps buying different mousepads.

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This probably isn't even a dig at white people, because the dude's hand is fucking translucent.

What kind of mouse costs 200 bucks?

>pixart 3360
>250 ips
it's actual trash
and you're an idiot for falling for the ((((reviews)))) on youtube

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top of the line wireless

>cries about others falling for reviews while literally falling for the dpi jew
retard alert

>how are the clicks?
really good. they're very similar to the g403 very crisp.

its the camera. im 100% 56% pinkish brown

works on my machine :^)

Is it powered by palm sweat?

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>every mouse I buy is too narrow
>can feel the carpal tunnel forming just holding it

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>cut out all the material of the mouse
>marketers claim it will make you play better
>charge a premium to use less material overall
oy vey

Now you can sweat directly into your mouse! It makes it last longer!


i said ips, not dpi you uncultured swine
but it wont in 3 months top
have fun with a 3360, you fucking faggot

My MX510 survived from 2006 to 2016, I'll think about getting a new one when my G400 dies.

It's not about the ips, dipshit, it's about the fact that the 3360 only has issues above 2000 DPI. Good job exposing yourself, faggot.

Why. I mean sure, it's lighter, but unless you're using the claw grip 100% of the time and/or your hands don't sweat at all, it's going to be a bitch to clean.

Do people really sweat that much from their hands?

>Fellow gamer, are you buying the newest greatest Pro Gamer Gear computer mouse that's even more perfect than the one we told you about 3 months ago?

>Money stolen

You don't need to sweat much, but everyone does sweat a bit and combined with the pretty much unavoidable friction, you are bound to leave some skin behind.

if you are fingertip or claw gripping your hands will hardly ever have touch the honeycomb holes

Literally a non-issue

I just got a nice mousepad from my girlfriend for my birthday. I'm surprised at how much of a difference it makes in aiming, but that could be because my old one was a 20 year old best buy mousepad that I got for free.

>3360 only has issues above 2000 DPI
>playing with pixel skipping
i see you're a casual faggot that is probably greatly below the average in any competitive shooter
way to out yourself as a shitter.

what's wrong with the 3360? Most modern mice use it or a modified variant of it

>$10 mouse
That's fine.

>$10 wireless
You retardo.

>the 3360 is ba-
your nitpicking is irrelevant

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Doesn't matter how light your mouse is. If you're shit, you're shit.

now get a GPW, model o or g305 and actually get good at multiplayer vidya.

A good mouse makes a difference, most of Yea Forums doesn't even play competitive anyway so they are just flinging shit

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It looks like one of those trashy girls with tats that does bad cosplay porn.

He owns more than one mouse, immediate sign of autism.

These holes are the most retarded hardware trend in recent years. Some designer is taking the absolute piss out of you and you're taking it seriously.

the cable is near weightless, its like a thin loose mesh wrap around the wire, it's less thick and more puffy.


I do the same thing as that user and it works well enough. Pic unrelated.

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If you're playing at low sensitivity (40cm for a 360° turn) a lighter mouse is simply better. You accerelate and decelerate faster, less strain over time.

This is a fact. If you don't play at a very low sensitivity your opinion on mice and fps games doesn't matter.

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The holes help me not sprain my wrist.

Christ, you're like a walking meme who believes everything they hear, and follows every fucking trend. I bet you're one of those retards who has their keyboard pointing away from them.

I hope to fucking Krishna this is satire.

Not being able to go back to a heavier mouse is enough proof for myself that it isn't a meme, so kindly fuck off poorfag.

A 50$ purchase is not an issue if you aren't a poorfag.

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Are wireless mice still a meme? Cable drag really annoys me

This, and if this doesn't apply to you then you shouldn't be buying these high end mice to begin with because they're totally wasted on you.

no, the G305 wireless and the g-pro wireless are both perfect mice

I'll repeat myself then.
If you aren't playing at a low sensitivity there is a very high chance you are shit at fps games.
That's fine, you aren't the target audience.

no. wireless mice now has less signal latency, and continues to improve.

>RGB zoomer shit

outomatically disqualified. ANYTHING with rgb leds on it is the equivalent of this faggot shit from the 90s

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Must be all that onion juice you're chugging down. Even a few extra grams is too much for your celery wrist.

>mouse finally dies after years of use
>have cheap wired logitech mouse for secondary PC, use it
>starts having hardware issues with clicking within a few months
>decide to just buy a mouse made for higher use
>get a good deal on pic related
>feel like a faglord because it looks like trash and you can't turn off the center LED
Could be worse, I guess.

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I lift three times a week, a lighter object being easier to move and slow down is just basic physics user

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still using my oroboros

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If you think a bit of weight matters that much then you're just flatout bad.

Oh, now you're pulling the poorfag card. The classic card for those backed up into a corner. We'll you seem like the kind of person who keeps buying different mice because you think they'll help you git gud. People who use the "poorfag" buzzword are never, ever rich. Just a poor fool who wishes they could buy an argument. A fool and how money are soon parted, after all.

Lift what? Your girlfriend(male)'s dilator when you hand it to her(him)?

Oh wow, now he's letting us know he goes to the gym. What a bug guy.
Could you possibly be any more insecure about your developing buyer's remorse?

Rate my mouse lads. Sweat holes are the future in mouse technology.

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just get a paracord cable and save money

Holy shit, checked their twitter. The guy running finalmouse (or at least the twitter) seems off his rocker.

going to the gym is nothing special user, how pathetic are you actually?

>three times a week

why even bother at that rate

if you play games on your pc every day a 50 bucks mouse is super worth

No wonder he needs a light mouse.

Also THIS . These honeycomb holes will fill with sweat, dead skin and fat. UTTERLY FUCKING DISGUSTING.
Whoever thought this unpractical and extremely unhygienic design was a good idea should be fired.

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of your literally what?

Then why did you bring it up?

He is absolutely going insane because another company is selling the same mouse with better mousefeet, RGB and a Zowie FK1 shape for literally half the price.
I'd be going insane too if someone was destroying my business this hard.

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theres that insecurity

His shitty Brazilian car.

have you read the post I replied to?

Lighter mouse = weaker is the dumbest shit anyway because most heavy mice users play at stupidly high DPI and never use their arm when playing.

I'm on my third M510 now. It's just fine.

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You are the one thinking that 50$ for a mouse is reason for buyers remorse. Are you unemployed?

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>we need to go lighter
>we need more holes!

just use a fucking trackball

I mean, yeah, of course he'd be out of business. Maybe if he actually sold mice constantly instead of trying to limit supply as much as he can, he'd have success. No one recommends his mice because no one can buy it.

give me the tldr on why this is significantly better than my g203

>I lift three times a week
you're not going to gain shit
might as well not go, i see you basedbois every other day there and it's pathetic you haven't gained a gram of muscle since you started and the fact that you're bragging about it on here is laughable

try being more subtle

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You can feel buyer's remorse for any amount of money regardless of income.
All you're proving is that you're horrible at money management, and that you're bad at video games because you obsess over such little weight this hard.

you joke, but the next evolution of mice is a mousepad that functions like a giant tracking pad so there's nothing at all you need to hold or touch

About what, the truth? 3 times a week is a complete waste of time.

post body


I'm not the one currently undergoing to stages of buyer's remorse, and pretending I wipe my ass with $50 while telling everyone I go to the gym while posting that picture to hide my actual tears.

>You can feel buyer's remorse for any amount of money regardless of income.
thats genuinely something only a poor person would say, lmao

>Staying in shape is a waste of time for anyone who's not a bodybuilder

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Ew, get your projections off of me.

look up the word "anecdotal"
I'm sure you're been BTFO by heavy mouse users in your competitive faggotry games

he needs to lift 3 times a week for those heavy non-speedhole mice, but no he might only have to go twice a week


jesus christ. are you underage, have you never had a proper job in your life?

Paying for a gym membership to go 3 times a week is a waste of money. I thought you were rich, brah. Where's the home gym?

>people can win with inferior equipment
is a retarded point to be making, obviously that's true but that doesn't mean they should use inferior equipment


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>walking the treadmill/cycle while you watch some söi show on your phone followed by flailing some dumbells around 2-3 times a week qualifies as staying i shape
yeah alright tubs

If $50 is nothing, why do you need a gym subscription? That's poorfag shit right there. You can afford holes in your mouse, but not a home gym?

It's not inferior for them
here's a tip that will last you a lifetime: get off your high horse

holy fuck yes

are you putting your whole hand on the mouse and sliding it all over your desk like a troglodyte?

I have both a homegym and a gym membership

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You're the only one here trying to be Chad Warden.

has anyone with experience compared a high-end gaming mouse with the the $7.00 AmazonBasics one?

it's inferior for everyone
and basically all "gaming" mice are sold at the same pricepoint with only a few exceptions so it's really not a matter of arrogance or class even if you want to make it one, there's just no reason for people to be buying an inferior product

Bought one just out of curiosity, let's see how it performs

>gaming mouse
lmaoooooooo just buy any mouse lmaooo

>spending 50$ out of curiosity

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I don't know if it would be sadder if this picture was real or fake. You really REALLY crave approval from anonymous chinamen on an anonymous hole cutting website.

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I literally unironically just do some push ups before bed and I'm more fit than 95% of /fit/, you just have shit genes

>cheaping out on the fucking most important input device
I bet you're the type with a highend rig but buys a 10$ mouse at walmart

no, it's literally not. they perform better with heavier mice. you are seriously the last person who should be talking about arrogance

>actually got so triggered by simple banter over VIDEO GAME MICE he went to take this picture

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the joke is we are both shitposting, but I'm not poor

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oh boy user this passive aggressiveness doesn't help your case

t. buys a new zowie mouse every 2 months because the sensor dies

Life is simply unfair

Mine has lastest 3 years, when is it supposed to die user?

he's not being passive aggressive, you terminal autist. he's clearly bemoaning his own lot in life (humorously?)

The only joke here is the person telling the internet how totally rich they are because they got bullied for buying a retarded mouse.

no they don't
after a small adjustment period they'd be better using a lighter mouse
this isn't arguable, resistance is always going to be an impediment, you will always move your hand faster and more accurately with nothing in it than holding something, the push to make mice lighter is because they're objectively better and eventually we won't be using tactile input devices at all


It's not even subtle..

once you start playing games everyday instead of shitposting on Yea Forums with your poor opinions

I can't find a proper mouse that actually fits my palm

oh okay, I wasn't aware you had done extensive research on this topic. please provide me with a detailed study on various esports pros who use heavy mice, and the effects that switching to lighter mice had. I'll be waiting.


You don't understand. He's not poor. Only the richest of playboys have those stackable storage boxes.

The fact that no esports pro the G502 despite it being one of the most popular of all time is enough proof.


You're all retards.

You're not shitposting. You're still triggered.

literally pull up any list of what "esports pros" use in any game, virtually all of them are using a zowie class 2 mouse or a g-pro, both of which are the lightest mice available that use the best sensors, someone even posted one already in the thread

now kiss little poorfags
don't get too desperate working your mentally draining wage slave job

hmm, so it would seem that some of them potentially prefer heavier mice. I wonder why that is?

Anyone who buys these mice are the kinds of retards who tried chagring their iPhones in the microwave.

>y-you're triggered I swear

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certain pros are sponsored to use certain mice

>nazi symbol

enjoy cleaning it for 2 hours

whoa what a fucking original zinger
better tell all your friends about it at school

>This is a fact. If you don't play at a very low sensitivity your opinion on mice and fps games doesn't matter.
Oh, look at this cute CS baby. The reality is low sens = low skill.

just remember our little exchange the next time you feel like acting like a nigger and telling people what they prefer

mine just arrived, ama

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Why's that?

what's the point of the holes if your hand never actually touches that part of the mouse?

Post a screenshot in a year, no cleaning.

I'd rather ask you how the cleaning went in a couple weeks

cope, name one good player that doesn't play at low sens.
what makes you think I go to school, projecting?
Explains why 50$ is hard for you underage.


when did this become reddit

>those holes in the shell
That's gonna be a bitch to clean. No thanks.

you do know you can just add a layer inside if the holes bother you, right?

>no argument
thought so

lots of people prefer things that are worse for them for a variety of reasons, this isn't news to me
maybe you should remember this exchange before you shoot from the hip on a topic you know zero about

About 10 years ago

You're the only one still going on about $50. Seems like a big deal for you. You can't seem to let it go.

Try EC1-B

>trypophobia: the mouse
kek, nah

I'd wager it's because they're idiots.

>I'm not triggered lmao just constantly replying with meme pictures to prove it haha

toxiq, tvique, clawz, serious. Pretty much any good aimer will be between 20-30cm.

>Size: Large
wow thanks very helpful information

Why's that?

whatever nigger, I asked for a comprehensive study on the effects of switching to differently weighted mice and you just said "lol everyone uses X, therefore"
consider a vasectomy

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It's such a stupid point I didn't bother replying


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Please remove this image

You sound incredibly upset

>literally the first youtube result on google is a review that tells you the dimensions
wow thanks for making me waste 30 seconds replying to you because you are literally too dumb to breathe and type at the same time

>obsessed over e-sports
>projects being underage


if the manufacturer is too lazy to list the dimension then I'm too lazy to buy it

you have it backwards dude
my claim is supported by a basic knowledge of physics and logic, and is reflected in the reality of pros drastically preferring these mice
your claim that heavier mice are somehow mysteriously better despite being an active impediment to the task you're trying to accomplish is the one that needs sourcing with a study to be believable, you are the one making the claim to begin with, I'm simply stating a fact

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You do realize you just took this picture for a mouse thread, right?

I need to know cause of the grip thing
the finger rest

what's it called
what type of mice


I would've, had it had buttons on both side.

Being a lefty sucks except when people groom your ego by saying lefty people have a brain with better connections.

then why not just buy a fucking normal mouse

tvique is manlet, him being in the 20-30 cm range is also low sens lmao.

Not to mentions he uses the zoomer buzzwords when they have no arguments. Cope and poorfag are the absolute classics.

>STILL no good Left-Handed mouse

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This board gets dumber by the day. Literally.

physics and logic go out the window when you add in the uncertain human element, which has so many variables that it would be foolish to make a universal claim in relation to it. my claim is that some people perform better with heavier mice. your claim is that everyone WOULD perform better with lighter mice. the difference is, almost everyone who cares about this topic has tested heavier and lighter mice for themselves, and some have chosen heavier mice, which proves you wrong. if you think they're making a mistake, that's fine, but you literally cannot deny that some people get better results with heavier mice. however, you are so stuck up your own ass that you will no doubt ignore everything I posted and just say the same thing for the fifth time

Just use your ring finger. I use my mouse left-handed when I'm holding my head up. If hitting mouse5 is that much of an issue, swap it with the DPI switch.

suit yourself bro, I guess it's not really that big of a deal after all

oh christ my fucking sides

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>Competing against children on touch screens and shitty laptops.

It's really uncomfortable pushing buttons like that with you pinky/fine finger especially when you have very big hands like mine and need to bend your finger like crazy.

I guess I'll die with my gpw and fk1

>post count doesn't go up
>replying to yourself
jesus christ user does it hurt that bad?

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Dont forget controllers.

>he actually did it

The absolute state of you.

there are definitely people who are more used to using heavier mice and thus perform better with them, but what you're actually claiming by denying what I say is that certain people are incapable of using a lighter mouse to do the same motions in the same way which is an absurd claim that does need sourcing to be believable

to flip this and really illustrate how silly your claim is just look at something else pros obsessively try to minimize, which is input latency, input latency is another form of resistance just like the weight of a mouse, players used to playing on a higher input latency will misjudge parts of their play if they suddenly switch to a lower latency because the transition can be jarring, but a lower input latency is objectively better because it's less resistance on what you're trying to do

the claim that somehow a higher amount of weight, i.e. more resistance, will result in faster and more accurate flicks is absurd on its face, and you can see this isn't the reality even without any "study" because just like how pros try to minimize input latency, they try to minimize resistance in their hand and arm

>Every post in the thread is a brand new person
u wot?

I hate the feeling of those holes. A friend of mine has one of those mice and it kept scraping against my palm. I can't imagine how dirty it would get. I clean my mouse at least once a week and every little nook and cranny is filled up with a disgusting amount of dead skin.

now the paranoia stage settles in

He's just damage controlling hard.

imagine cleaning dead skin gunk and shit out of those holes on the top

Patreon was a fucking mistake.

Imagine being such a mong that you have to display your fitness equipment because you can slide 25grams LESS than anyone on a flat surface.
Somebody get this chap an Olympic medal for his amazing feats.

keyboard holes when?

why would you move your keyboard around

who knows what the latest fads will bring
keyboard with wheels are on the way

why does this get you so worked up? Genuinely don‘t understand


it's pretty easy to predict fads

this doesn't answer my question

I would have been interestred if they had four side buttons like the g700, but apparantly no body fucking does that anymore. It's either two, three, or a million tiny ass buttons.

I bought a GMMK tenkeyless last BF though, among some other stuff, and I actually like them. Maybe I'll get the model O this BF to try out.

>Every review says its near perfect
>No pinky side buttons
Seems every reviewer has shit opinions.

Same, can also recommend their mousepads

Yea Forums losing their shit about a genuinely good company because muh holes

This is next-level autism.

You have no idea how things are manufactured right? Cutting or molding holes into the pladtic is much more costly than few grams of plastic granulate you are saving. For cutting you are grtting a very long cnc program and for injecting a very complex mold

Well they're literally paid shills, so... yeah.

>Pcmasterace meme as mascot
>Premium cord
>Rgb meme
>Shell with holes to reduce weight because lite mouse meme to aim better
>Twitchfags shill this trash like no tomorrow
why shouldn't i get a Logitech mouse or any other mouse to be exact, i have a roccats kiro mouse for years and it's still working and feels good

This whole thread is full idiots

Logitech G502 is the current #1

It's the natural successor to the G500, the best mouse ever made

>genuinely good company

nothing suspicious about this post at all

You don‘t have the right to call anyone a twitch fag with that shit taste

web recorded right on the fucking manufacturers website.
how are you even this fucking dumb?

Attached: 2019-05-19_16-03-13.webm (1474x658, 1.2M)

yeah all companies are the incarnate of evil that only seek to murder you, forgot

then why do no pros use the g502?

Its too heavy and thus a bad mouse, fact

Still not buying your meme gear.

Got it for free with a mechanical keyboard i bought years ago so i can't complain

My mouse is so fucking dirty. Eating, touching it when closing a porn tab after i finish, liquids... I have it 7y, is it time for a change?


Because they're sponsored.
Logitech doesn't need that bullshit.

Yes, holes sound perfect for you.

>muh pros!
Pros use literally what the sponsor demands and nothing else. You think Messi buys his own shoes?

iamgine all the hand cheese that gets stuck in those hexagons

Are you going to imply OP is a shill too?

preposterous, he seems like a very satisfied customer

But a lot of them use a GPW?

you do you

christ people will fall for the dumbest shit
especially over compensating gaymurs

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yeah mouse weight is the dumbest shit ever


going to these lengths for a barely noticeable difference is
its literally a plecebo to make you think you're gitten gudder

im interested but i kinda love the G305 now

they use the gpw, 403, 703, but not the heavier g502
really makes me think

Its also shit for anything but palm grip, most pros claw or fingertip

Yeah remember that fad with putting weights into your mouse? That totally wasn't retarded haha..


based retard with 0 reading comprehension

I don't think he was being sarcastic.

>pros don't use the G502 because logitech doesn't need sponsorship
>they use the GPW because they're sponsored

You can only go with one user.

well it wasn't, people have preferences

Cheap wireless mice often come with extra input lag or weight

I use this instead of that shit

Attached: DX-120-Black.jpg (800x800, 126K)

wireless holes when
I need this because I can't aim unless I'm moving extremely slow because I have no control over my baby wrists

yeah some prefer being retarded and throwing their money at gimmicks

I just use A4 paper lol

>muh weak wrist
If you‘re not using your arm to aim your opinion doesn‘t matter

it's a mouse among others, some weigh less some weigh more
what's your point exactly

>you gonna get this right fucking now right
>all my fellow shi- I mean all these reviewers absolutely love it

CSfags are so retarded..

my point is this is going to far
what's next

When did light became the meta? I remember few years back gaymur mice had weighted bits to make them heavier

Attached: transform-top.jpg (620x401, 43K)

paper mice
just you wait
my aim will never have been better

how is it going too far? mouse weight is a pretty important spec
shit like RGB lights are a meme that has gone too far

It's more like a beehive but yeah, it's disgusting

gimmicks gonna gimmick

I swear only Yea Forums would be retarded enough to defend heavy mice and high sens aiming styles

>high sens
>miss because every little input comes from your wrist
>can‘t get better so you use a heavy mouse to “steady“ your shit tier aiming style

>low sens
>every movement comes from your full arm, wrist and ideally fingertips too
>always room to improve

it‘s not even a subjective thing, look at any competitive videogame, from quake to cs, even battlefield comp retards know this

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I don't think the rat ever got anything but shit on.

you're a shill and a cuck and a redditor and a goy

try to prove me wrong instead of using buzzwords

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>comp battlefield
AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAH is there even such a thing

god that looks even dumber than the rbg meme

>Play quake3/wolfenstein et
>6.69 ingame
Kill yourself with your posture meme

Considering your choice of picture, I'll take it I won't be needing to read your post to know just how retarded it is.

>it‘s not even a subjective thing, look at any competitive videogame, from quake to cs, even battlefield comp retards know this
You are the one being retarded though. See .

What gaymers and pros use are two different things.
Pro players have always used lighter, simplistic mice with a good sensor, with no more than two sidebuttons. Years ago that was the microsoft intelli, some logitech mice, then zowie took over and since then everyone is copying their shapes (G Pro Wireless and OPs mouse are straight Zowie FK1 copies)

If you aren‘t playing mmos and have more than 5-6 buttons on a mouse you fell for a marketing gimmick.
OPs mouse RGB is obnoxious but as a Zowie copy its better than 95% of mice by default

Attached: 1B3D609E-6010-4191-B552-958D72FD82EB.jpg (355x355, 7K)

Honest question, is the weight difference really noticeable? Mice in general are already so fucking light. 1

You aren‘t good, fact

>you fell for a marketing gimmick
>now fall for this one lmao

I can‘t go back to my mx518 after having used a G Pro Wireless, its not a meme

Hope you like your G502, you are welcome to join us on r/g502masterrace fellow gamer :)

>it‘s real
what the fuck?

zowie fk series

g502 is the ultimate casual bait

Anyone can make a subreddit for whatever, not that surprising

for me its the zowie ec

Attached: HHKB Pro 2 x Zowie.jpg (3264x2448, 671K)

>dey say pro use dis mouse so now me pro too

Attached: pqafkb6d9ba01.jpg (645x729, 57K)


Why even go in a thread like this when you are content with you 10$ office mouse?

this isn't your reddit hugbox

To make fun if retards who, to this day, still fall for marketing gimmicks.

Deathadder Essential from Aliexpress for $25, good shit.

do you not know how big 20-30cm is? do you think that's high sens? if you have one of the "large" standard mousepads 30cm/360 is a swipe across the full thing to make a 360, from center to edge to 180
there are many people who play on 5cm/360 or less and insist it's good

i just bought a SteelSeries r600 am i fucked

>that fucking wire
>that fucking beehive
>that fucking goblin paw

Attached: 1530988161130.gif (192x224, 42K)

its alright

so you are content with garbage sensors, got it.

Attached: 975FEE86-02E3-43B5-AF0D-8FDEF728365F.jpg (1125x2232, 520K)

Has a 10k$ pc
Uses a 10$ mouse

>used MX Revolution for years
>loved that fucking mouse
>Logittech discontinues it
>hate the successor
>nothing comes close in terms of ergonomics for my hands

Attached: Christmas hype.jpg (646x540, 81K)

>esports athletes

Attached: 1304593939548.gif (200x86, 753K)

performance for stats on a mouse are for bads. I buy mice purely for aesthetics. This one still looks like hot garbage.

If you don‘t even know what sensor your mouse has you‘re a retard

workman doesn't blame his tools

Overclock forums told me the new intellimouse classic was shit compared to the WMO/1.1A/Explorer 3.0. What's a good replacement?

>No 12 side buttons

pretty much this

>20ms click latency
No thanks

Attached: Capture.png (967x882, 66K)

how do you have negative latency
does it read your mind

Read the notes fgt


Dead skin in holes!!!