You backed up our game, right user?

You backed up our game, right user?

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no lmao. skull girls sucks ass and this game looks like tranny shit.

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post yfw you didn't back

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Yes, although I honestly have no idea why. It's not a genre I have any particular attachment too, I played Skullgirls and it was good but it's not like I'm some massive fan of the studio, and the game itself looks distinctly mediocre.

I'm hoping the prerelease footage isn't representative and I'll have a good time with it when it's out, but I definitely wouldn't back it again if I were given a second chance.

yes, now where is it?

No, it looked like shit, the demo showed it didn't bring anything new to the table that matters, frankly it's an inferior game than the one its aping on. The only thing it has going for it is the art, but I'm not a graffix fag so it doesn't matter, also they've already shown they're making comprimises to that and changing it from what was promised, so I'm glad I didn't buy in to it because of them.

Also it's taking forever to actually finish despite all the clamouring by fans that it was so much more complete than any other kickstarter at the time of asking for funds.

>backing censored shit

Yes, I just want it to come out already. It's exactly what I've always wanted. VP/NamcoXCapcom/ProjectXZone style combat except not braindead. The metroidvania part is just gravy.

personally I hope it flops

Yeah, I really enjoyed the prototype but didn't have the money at the time so backed a while later. The backer preview was cool too.

What is it? a Beat em up?

>backing games
I only spend money on fully released and tested games, preferably at a discount.



RPG. look up Valkyrie chronicles. its kinda like that

You mean Valkyrie Profile, stop just repeating things other people have said without knowing them yourself, you end up looking stupid.

brown bricks

is there romance? I'm so fucking lonely

How many times did they need to extend the deadline on this? It get to a point where if don't make the money you need, it's obvious people don't want it

While most /pol/shitposts are trash, this is indeed true. The team went overly PC (people that literally hired multiple porn artists) before this game was announced and went excessive when this game started getting funding.

Just a bunch of shit japanese games to me. sorry I cant keep track of all the crap they put out

4 times

At least it released, which is more than I can say for this piece of shit that's well over a year late.

They only extended it once. It was supposed to come out in 2018 and they pushed it back to 2019.

>They only extended it once.
He means the indigogo campaign which was extended at least 3 times.

Yes, and I regret it!

>a third person camera looks the same as a sidescroller camera to me
Just admit you have no clue what the fuck you are talking about, you'll look less of an idiot.

The campaign was only extended once too.
I mean fuck, Indiegogo doesn't even allow you to extend more than once.

>Tumblr: The Game
Is anyone actually playing this shit?

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It's not even out user.

i love how much this game makes Yea Forums seethe. I remember the fundraising campaign where everyone was celebrating it not getting any money. Then the cope when it did

all JRPGs are trash for lonely incels.

No I backed Bloodstained and Shenmue 3. I'll get your game if it turns out decent.

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