Fuck Windows 10 and Fuck microsoft

Just found the latest windows 10 fuck up.
Go to your games executable, right click, properties, compatibility and check the box "disable full screen optimization".
It should increase performance in most games.

Attached: windows-10-logo-100739284-large.jpg (699x454, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Using exclusive fullscreen to begin with

Fuck off. I only play in borderless windowed mode.

does this work for all games or just insurgency?
Did you play test anything?

Go back.

I have a beast pc so i don't really need. More for budget and mid range builds. But still fuck microsoft. They had some gaming update for windows 10 that completely fucked everyones gaming experience.

>he actually fell for the Wontworks 10 meme
Makes me glad I'm still using the good ol' W7 Ultimate.

>b-but the end of teh support!!
Who gives a fuck? I've got updates disabled for years now. Next OS I'll be using will be a Linux; thank god for the Vulkan and DXVK!

go back faggot

I fell for the DX_12 meme and now I still use DX 11 in most of my games. Honestly I miss using 7. Every time I start up 10 the first thing I do is run event manager to check whether everything is working. It's too much of a hassle to bother with.

Literally never had a problem with it. Must be on your end :^)

Win 10 Enterprise is better faggot

A quick public service announcement for everone here:
Your OS doesn't need to be secured unless you go on shady sites without common sense/blocker or you're dumb enough to run free_music.mp3.exe.
Hackers do not target private individuals via Intel/etc. exploits.
It's okay to be on an OS that doesn't receive official security updates anymore.
You do not need to be up-to-date with your GPU drivers or OS updates, updating is more likely to break shit so do not update unless your application/game runs bad to begin with.
But most importantly, do not use Linux an start sniffing your own farts like a braindamaged faggot. Braindamaged faggots belong on >>/g/.

I've never had anything BUT problems with W10.
Same with tons of people.

Fuck no.

>Your OS doesn't need to be secured unless you go on shady sites without common sense/blocker or you're dumb enough to run free_music.mp3.exe.

You're an idiot.

this is me btw

Attached: 1_ukxdiU81HuDxprI0UeRwpg.jpg (1600x1066, 153K)

>tfw can't use win7 because it isn't compatible with my procesor
fuck this gay earth

Fear mongering. You deliberately have to go out of your way to get anything bad on your PC. I've turned Windows Defender off and haven't had an AV for years now. Wanna know how many times I've had anything bad on my PC? 0 times.
>h-how would you know tho??
Performance doesn't degrade beyond your typical Windows slowdown and no actual slowdown in games (where it matters) and every now and then I actually check with Malwarebytes' trial version whether I have anything on here or not. I'm not autistic, there's a good chance something IS in fact on my PC, my browser, but it's not affecting me or is even noticeable by Malwarebytes. Google, discord, etc. are already selling data, I could care less if someone else sells some of my data.
You will not avoid getting your data stolen by big corporations unless you only use shitty alternatives.

>One of Jaschan's friends had informed Microsoft that his friend had created the worm.
This is why you don't tell anyone about anything.

>I could care less if someone else sells some of my data.
You're really not the sort of person that should be giving advice on whether or not one should get critical fix updates.

There is an open source work around for that user, just make sure chipset drivers have been released for Windows 7.

They don't target private individuals, retards. Not actual "hackers". Go back on /g/ to fear monger, tard.

Fuck of Snoygger.

>You deliberately have to go out of your way to get anything bad on your PC.
No, you don't. Sasser spread by just connecting to random IP addresses. If your computer was online and you were the type of retard that doesn't download security updates, i.e. you, then you had a high chance of being infected.

>Wanna know how many times I've had anything bad on my PC? 0 times.
How would you even know? You're clearly an idiot that doesn't know a fucking thing about security.

>No, you don't. Sasser spread by just connecting to random IP addresses.
Good thing modern machines don't let anyone connect randomly.
How would you even know? You're clearly an idiot that doesn't know a fucking thing about security.
" I actually check with Malwarebytes' trial version whether I have anything on here or not"
Learn to read maybe? I do check once every half year or so with their free 1 month premium trial. Once again hackers will not steal your actual data. Browsing data will be stolen by big companies and other individuals but nothing of real value is lost there. Intel's current exploit requires programs directly on your PC to abuse the bug or a malicious browser javascript/etc. If you're dumb enough to let spacejam.mp4.mov.exe on your PC and you run it it's your own fault.

>thinking Yea Forums gives a fuck
a good 70-80% of Yea Forums uses win10 and defends it to the death

Okay, what do you do about the fucking forced vsync with input lag?

If you leave SMB ports open on an internet facing machine then you're a retard who deserved to be compromised.

What a blast from the past, also sasser did literally nothing but force your computer to shit down, something you could easily overwrite and every script kiddie knew how to do as it was a regular prank on school computers.

Windows 10 is good unless you're Indian, Chinese, or Arab.

Attached: 1556578748437.png (1116x645, 357K)

>Chad using Win8

Attached: 1555887829618.gif (303x277, 1.77M)

The Chad Windows 8

Attached: This_I_like.jpg (540x414, 19K)

Actually Chinese windows 10 doesn't have telemetry so it's the best

>my hdd with win7 broke
>didn't have an installer for it
>now i have to use win10
>too lazy to download win7 to reinstall it

Attached: 1465146750091.png (373x503, 408K)

>unless you're Indian
Funny considering the people maintaining it

Buy a CD off ebay tard.

Same way how a guy working at McDonalds doesn't want to eat McDonalds ever again cause he's seen first hand what goes on in the kitchen.

>chad windows 8

Attached: 1435043193028.png (435x269, 5K)

>a good 70-80% of Yea Forums uses win10 and defends it to the death
I doubt they defend it, it's more like they just don't give a shit.

>the latest
This has been a thing forever and it's also snake-oil broscience.

>Windows 10

>Literally fired everyone from their QA department, expects other employees to do that job and they don't
>Turned the most commonly used OS in the world into rolling release, good going there mates
>May sometimes fix old issues, but still releases new disasters like 1809 because hey, no QA
>Arbitrarily cuts support for older software even though their own product is just a growing mess of legacy code
>Actually blackmails hardware manufacturers into artificially cutting support for their older OSes
>Used actual, honest to god malware tactics of software distribution on W10 launch
>Steadily moving towards OS as a service, you WILL live to see Windows become a subscription
"W-w-w-works on my machine!"