Anyone play V? If so, is it worth getting on PC at half price right now?

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it's shit lol would like to know as well, getting the itch to play a battlefield game but I haven't played since 3


I'm getting that same itch, but wasn't sure if it was worth grabbing

Just go play Battlefield 4. It probably has a larger playerbase than V to be honest.

cats are the only animal that plays with it's prey before sending it to the gas chamber

prostate itch

play BC2 instead

Alright boys, as someone who had the itch recently and got it last week

>cheaters come up 1 in every 10 games
>weapon variety and customization very lacking
>lot of focus on vehicles, playing infantry puts you at a disadvantage (unless you're into tank battles, but there are better games that do it; I assume you play Battlefield for the gunfights)
>Firestorm is crap
Also unless you have really good aim and map knowledge you can't run and gun, I know many anons like the slow paced, almost realistic gameplay of camping, holding and moving as a squad, but that just ain't it for me these days

As far as positives go, if you're looking for more a WW2 game than just a Battlefield game, it's got you covered at least. The score is beautiful and the maps are visually scintillating. I don't think I'm getting $30 worth out of it though.

Not anymore, was true during Hardline days but the game dried up around BF1.

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Playing with the access pass myself, it's not a bad game but content wise a lot is to be desired. I just miss the old days when planes spawned on the ground, and you unlocked attachments the more normal way instead of having to purchase tech trees.

>I assume you play Battlefield for the gunfights

battlefield hasn't been about gunfights since bf3

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When BF3 came out it wasn't exactly very good either, but the DLCs made it much better. I personally enjoyed the gunplay in BC2 more than bf3, guns just felt more powerful and better and not to mention the good maps. I hope the rumors of a BC3 is true, although i hope it don't have the old unlocks, helis spawning at the ground and so on.

>Not anymore, was true during Hardline days but the game dried up around BF1.

ignore this idiot

right now BF4 has lots of players worldwide even in australia
most servers are conquest but there's the occasional mixed mode server
Bf3 even has sufficient players in certain regions

>Yo bro, pass me the fast bullets
>Nah nigga not the slow ones
>Yeah, those
>Yeah the fast ones
>Yo, pass me that ACOG sight too

Attached: FAST BULLETS.jpg (860x403, 25K)

I have like 40 hours in it and I think I got about all I could from the content here. The maps get old quick. Two factions in WW2 is insanely stupid. It rarely "feels" like WW2 and I cant quite put my finger on why.

The shooting is good. The graphics are good. It's standard Battlefield. Just stick to BF4.

Well, the idea of starting out early in the war and moving on is good. But they are doing it way too slow, and i fear that we won't really get any of the more known WW2 battles or even the classic Wake Island until it's either too late, or not at all.

Maybe the premium pass was a necessary evil, you kinda had to buy it to not be left out - But at least it gave us content much quicker. BF3 and 4's maps and content was decent.

bf3 was about gunfights because maps were designed for infantry and vehicles to work with and for infantry, without infantry the vehicles are useless
not the case in bf4 and any game since (maybe hardline)

bf3 has amazing vanilla and dlc maps which no game to this day has beaten

>ignore this idiot
Hey that's a bit me-


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Yeah, the "back to karkand" maps were pretty good. I put a lot of hours in BF3, not so much in BF4 or BF1 though. A remaster of BF3 with BF:Vs gunplay could actually be pretty sweet.

yeah, firestorm fucked this game entirely. if they had skipped that garbage and just focused on add content, adding the new theater we'd have had it all by late 2018/early 2019 and this game would be in a much better place.

i just realized it's $10 though so i'd say it's worth it for that much.

>remaster of BF3 with BF:Vs gunplay could actually be pretty sweet.
>with BF:Vs gunplay

I'll take BF4s or even 3s over 1s/Vs

add on at least 40 to 120 during any australia day or night

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>dude let's make a ww2 fps without usa, russia or japan lmao
I still don't get this, all the weapons are literally who as well.

Wasn't it half price after like a week? Doesn't seem like a very good deal

it was more or less a BF1 asset flip. that's why it all feels so similar. i do like what they did to the squads in BFV though


>literally who weapons
If you're a Wehraboo BFV has literally everything you could ask for.

half price off the $20 it now costs. it's $10.

Why have all the last campaigns been ruined by stealth sections?

>it didn't have the Garand on launch

fuck off

BF4's is more random than BF5's and therefore worse.
The gameplay designers for 5 say they used 3 as a basis for gunplay

I've enjoyed the little firestorm i've played, but not focusing on adding lots of content is a bad thing. There's a new map coming out that's looking pretty good, but when they're so fucking slow doing it then it's something else. For 10 dollars it's worth it for sure.

I can't really remember what the gunplay was like, but i do like the BF:V one.

What part of Wehraboo didn't you get?
Pretty much every german gun that people would recognize is there.
I agree the rest is shit but still

>it was more or less a BF1 asset flip
It was? Besides some character animations and arguably some parts of Rotterdam, BF5 is all new assets.

>bf1 announced
>oh boy can't wait for some bolt action
>game is released
>no one gets a bolt action rifle except scout
>everyone else get full auto weapons
>later they actually add a bolt action game mode
>dies within the week

Attached: confused-argonian.gif (237x223, 4K)

gunplay: tight as fuck, best part of the game

vehicles: about as balanced as they've ever been, AT everywhere keeps things in check

content: lacking

maps: meh

Christ just do another modern one. If they can make another battlefield 4 quality game and give it the same level of support I will gladly sell EA my immortal soul.

Look what jackfrags tweeted. Please be fucking true, i want 2143 so much.

there were countries in ww2 other than germany but fuck em and their instantly recognisable guns, lets put in more obscure guns

>the good
squad system
guns feel better than bf1
some maps are good

>the bad
most maps are forgettable
content drought
two factions in a WW2 game
vehicles suck
content people want (pacific theater) isnt coming for another 5 months
only two new maps until then

>the ugly
dev resources dumped into shitty BR mode for months
womeme soliders

They'd ruin Titan mode. I can just see it now.

to this day the 'randomness' aspect grinds my gears
but i'd still take it over 1 or V, every other aspect was great

Maybe.. But it's reasonable to assume a 2143 would at least come at some point, as BF4 final stand is more or less a prequel to 2142, confirming that the games share universes.

What? Where?

BF4 has 8k active players on pc and bf1 has 9k
Couldn't find numbers on bf5, even if that mattered

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oh wait sorry, thats the "deluxe upgrade". i thought that was the full game. i was wondering why it was so cheap

The maps are seriously trash. They did so well with BF1's launch maps and then threw it all away. The new team has no idea how to use elevation and terrain to make a map fun.

>BF2142 HD remake
>no destructible environment
>only 20 GB in size
>hover tanks, walkers and heli jets

>99% of people using the bolts anyway were hillniggers with the 10x scope
My levernugget didn't deserve this

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Yeah, got me confused there. $10 don't even get you Factorio I think

Did they already go back on the "no locked content" thing?

>BF3 was modern day
>BF4 was slightly in the future from BF3s events
>Final Stand has future technology
>Borscht railgun, XD-1, Levkovsky hover tank, target detector
>In construction titan appears on Hangar 21
>In construction walkers appear on Karelia
>PAC emblems on Karelia

by the end of BF4s content it felt like 2143 was the next game for sure

its all cosmetic so yes if you count that as content

Yes, there are """""elite""""" skins that can only be bought with good goy bux

>original dev teams of cod and bf had a dream
>make a great fps game like never before
>they do that and it is good
>the team moves on to other projects
>but the ip is still owned by the publisher
>publisher hires literally whos to make sequels

I'd still wait a little bit longer. It suffers from a lack of content and DICE is taking their sweet ol' time adding to it. Play Battlefield 1 or Battlefield 4, both are solid games while you wait.

They never backpedaled on that though, they made it clear from the beginning that there would be buyable cosmetics

what game are you referring to that members of CoD and BF made?

Did anyone else have trouble beating combined arms on hard? Half the time it doesn't even queue up for the right mode, a quarter of the time it shits me into an empty server, and the rest of the time we get wiped during extraction. I don't know if I'm retarded or what.

Yeah, and lorewise in 2142 the PAC was the first to deploy titans too. What we see of course is just some prototype but they wouldn't throw in all of what you mentioned just for the fun of it i'm pretty sure.

Get it, its fun

Bought BF1 a few weeks ago during spring sale, its literally an arcade fps shooter with WWI theme

no faction specified weapons is the last drop

>I assume you play Battlefield for the gunfights
the fuck am I reading
I haven't played Battlefield in ages, when did people start playing battlefield for the gunfights?


Why is there no M1 Garand in a fucking WW2 game?

In my opinion the best part of Battlefield are the infantry-based maps where you have to work as a squad to take objectives without vehicles. But the main selling point of Battlefield has always been the massive battlefields and insane vehicle combat

Chapter 5 of Tides of war (full fucking year after release :^) :^) :^)) is supposedly gonna bring the burgers and japs

Because EA wanted to rush the product out way before it was finished and almost made the game a commercial failure in the process

If the Pacific theater maps dont have move-able carriers/infantry boats I'm dropping this shitty fucking game for good.

Honestly, it's a lost cause, a full price early access game that for the last six months has drip fed content that should have been in since release. Every patch screws up the balance and meta or just ruins performance. Very few "Battlefield Moments" in comparison to previous instalments. Awful visibility. Customisation is poorly executed: Mix matched outfit.

I understood BF1 was a WWI themed shooter. I have to keep reminding me BFV is supposed to be about WWII, zero atmosphere or identity.

burger detected

the best part of newer battlefield installments are the turbo autistic phantom programs.

this game led me to learn morse code

Are people actually playing BF4 right now? I remember I tried to play it a couple months ago and there was absolutely nothing going on at the time so I uninstalled

I actually really liked 1 but couldn’t get into v. Not sure why but something was missing

yes, check battlelog but make sure you put filters on to specify your region and to show official and ranked servers at least

Yes, the player count is usually around 10,000 on any given night. Plenty of Rush and Conquest servers, and dedicated DLC communities as well

Reinstalled a few weeks back and it was nothing but metro and locker.

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Are you me, user? Been in the mood for a multiplayer shooter that isn't a BR, Overwatch, or CoD. Last Battlefield I played was 3 and and I really enjoyed it.

Just play BF4, the best modern Battlefield game.

No and No. Battlefield 1 and V are absolute dogshit.