What video games make me feel like I’m at Disney World

What video games make me feel like I’m at Disney World

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You know that gag Simpson game of waterworld.
That one.

Magic Kingdom > Animal Kingdom > Hollywood Studios > shit > Epcot

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Swap magic and animal and we're good

Magic Kingdom is best in Spring
Animal Kingdom is best in Summer
Hollywood Studies is best in Fall
Epcot is best in Winter

You cannot parks objectively, but these are the best times to visit each section.

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Got a blowjob in the parking lot of epcot once. No cameras, and we waited like 30 minutes in the car before we started to make sure no one was around. Then we went in and had a good time and fucked a lot when we got back to my place.

Scared kids in line at test track.

Wtf user I'm at Disney now are you stalking me?
Animal Kingdom > Epcot > Magic Kingdom >>>>>>>>>>> Hollywood Studios

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Sad cos hollywood studios used to be the second best until they added the toy story and star wars shit

If Galaxy's edge is anything like pandora it'll be pretty great.

Kingdom Hearts 3 on easy and spamming attractions in combat.

Great movie ride was kino. Now they have some dumbass animated Mickey ride taking its place

t. niggers

animal kingdom sucks who wants to wait 4 hours to ride around in a tram all day to look at faggot nigger continent animals that smell like SHIT

>ohhh look a zebra eating grass so majestic i couldnt look this up on youtube and save the hundreds of dollars it cost me to spend the day here


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Anyone who visits disney world/land/whatever should be shot and made an unperson, and their families considered subhuman,

>He's been to Jewsney World
please leave this board and kill yourself

Literally backwards.

t. poorfag whose parents couldn't afford to take him there


Anyone with kids should take them to disney world at least once while they're still young.

No I just don't support the evil empire that is Disney.

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I'm against brainwashing children, user, unlike your jewish fuckwit bosses

FloridaFag here. Been to Disney at least twice a year for 25+ years. The true tiers are

Epcot >> Magic Kingdom > MGM/Hollywood Studios >> Animal Kingdom

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Really makes you think.
You don't have to worry about brainwashing as long as you actively raise your children instead of putting an ipad in their hands to babysit them while you fuck off and do whatever else.

Sorry you never got to go to disneyworld user

Epcot is based. Im pissed they got rid of the Norway restaurant boat ride and replaced it with frozenshit though

>tfw you want the oppressive jackbooted regime to win just because you hate antifa that much

good goy. Be sure to watch AVENGERS© Endgame

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Same. I hate fucking Frozen. The countries were untouched by Disney and felt annexed from the rest of the parks and I loved that. But they have to cash in on the hype

Why? There's plenty of themeparks that aren't as expensive. I'd rather take my child to North Wales and visit the castles and the railways there.

>Why? There's plenty of themeparks that aren't as expensive.
Because they're not disney. Unless you're one of the super woke types that won't let your kids watch anything disney. In which case, it doesn't matter.

>You will never experience late 80s/early 90s Epcot with Horizons, World of Motion, the Original Journey into Imagination, Body Wars, Cranium Command, Kitchen Kabaret, ImageWorks, and more ever again

It's not FUCKING fair

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>b-b-but it's DISNEY!!!! DISNEY!!!!
cooperate brainwashing at it's finest

elder scrolls online has disneyland type castles in summerset isle , a zone with big trees, and pretty sure it has orbs. It's shit though.

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this one hurts so bad. epcot is fucking soulless now, minus the countries which are still pretty cool. but even they are getting IP'd now so who knows

Hello fellow Floridafag. I would rate Magic kingdom lower because it is always packed year round.

It's not brainwashing to say disney has a huge cultural footprint. Stop being a faggot.

Disney's reliance on IP is going to come back to bite them in the ass in 10-20 years when interest in these start to dwindle. It's clear the reliance on original ideas that built the parks is dead and gone.

FFS what was the last non-IP attraction we've gotten? Everest in Animal Kingdom? What was that, like 2005?


>make Twitter account with the main point literally being trespassing on Disney Property
>props start going missing, mouse gets pissed
>police raid his house, he refuses to give up his iPhone for some strange reason, police arrest him and take his iPhone
>make Youtube video claiming it's all a witch hunt and Disney is out to get him, bitches they didn't give him his phone back when there's nothing on it
>Phone ends up having tons of messages and proof that he was stealing thousands of dollars of park property and selling it

what a retard

Remember when the yeti in everest actually fukin worked

lmao you mean for like a month and then never again? lazy fucks

Animal kingdom is the hottest park during the summer hands down. Its much better to go during fall

If you're not suffering from heat stroke, you're not truly communing with nature.

Backdoor Disney is the biggest fucking retard in the theme park community. He's a laughing stock.

What makes it even better is he thinks he's the hero we need to take down da big ebil corporations. He acts like he's Batman or some shit because he takes pictures of the utilidoors

>he doesn't want the African bush man experience


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>successful company uses it's profits to find and expand into new business lines to generate even more profits

why are you 12 year olds surprised by this?

That's DisneyLAND you tard, he was talking about DisneyWORLD.

Epcot > Magic Kingdom > Hollywood Studios >>>>>>>>>>> the rest

Reading the arrest warrant is fucking hilarious because he didn't even try to cover his tracks. The idiot really thought he was always a step ahead of Disney and the Police when they had logs of every time he and his friends (who weren't Disney employees) entering the park.

To make him look even more retarded, they were taking pictures of the shit they were stealing, and wearing the stolen shit while still on property. Maybe you should have fucking waited until you were off Disney's property before showing off your stolen goods.

lmao seriously are you 14? Big boy just learned how evil capitalism is? Wish you were old enough to vote for Bernie?


What role did you have? I'm thinking of applying for shits and giggles and only accepting it if I get attractions. I wanna work at Splash Mountain and shit

isn't that the whole point of Kingdom Hearts?

Imagine being this contrarian.

I was culinary. Spent the majority of my time working the Epcot Food and Wine Festival.

You should go for it. It's seriously an unimaginable experience.

>didnt do the college program
why am i so dumb bros

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What can you tell me about it, user? I'm considering applying but I have heard mixed things

Contrarian doesn't mean disagreeing with you retard.

Thanks user. I heard some good things and bad things about it. I'm graduating next year so this would be my final chance, but I live in NYC and I'm a Comp Sci major, so going all the way to Florida to work a minimum wage job that won't really help my career is off-putting. But it sounds fun as fuck, and it's my only chance, so I'll consider it.

MGM keeps getting gutted. If they ever remove or replace tower of terror I’ll probably never go there again

>backdoor disney's twitter and youtube have been completely beleted

kek. enjoy prison

Nier Automata's got you covered.

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It's definitely a mixed bag of experiences. Some people go and have the time of their life, some people are fucking miserable the whole time. honestly a big part of it is whether or not you like Disney. If you arent a fan of Disney world and aren't going to go to the parks on your day off, it's simply not worth it.
However for me and my friends, all huge Disney/theme park nerds, it was fantastic.
The work was never easy, and as a culinarian I was working about 60 hours a week (it will depend on what field you are in. I knew people in attractions who were getting less than 40) but the time you get off is seriously fucking unforgettable. If you can have a good enough time on your days off to make up for the hard work, you will come out of it smiling. It's seriously an unexplainable experience. The true joy of living at Disney World like that.

I can answer whatever specific questions you guys have. I love talking about my program

How many college students did you fuck?

Epcot>Animal Kingdom>Magic Kingdom>Hollywood Studios.

Prove me wrong

>Epcot anywhere that is not last Post-Dreamfinder

the fuck is an epcot?

2, but both very frequently. There was a third girl who kept saying she wanted to too, but then would always put it off.

The girls there are fucking wild man. one night I came home to my housing complex and some random girl I have never met asked me if she could come up to my room. Out of fucking nowhere. Shit like that was always happening at Vista Way

Experimental prototype city of tomorrow

>Worked at Disney
>Worked in Culinary
>Not gay

You were the only straight guy there user, that's why.

what makes it different from other parks?

That insanely good magic kingdom map for left 4 dead 2.

Persona 5 where you get to go to Japanese Disney world

it has a bunch of DUDE I FR*KING LOVE SCIENCE attractions and muh diversity. best thing to do there is get drunk because you're around a bunch of niggers and mexicans and literal africans the the entire time.

Epcot has the best food though

The theme park basically has (or had, rather) two sections - Futureworld and World Showcase. FutureWorld basically celebrated human achievements and showcased potential upcoming technologies. World Showcase was just that, a showcase of a bunch of countries with their own cultures, food, etc.

Nowadays Futureworld is abandoned as fuck and it's just the park you go to when you want international alcohol.

Hot take: journey into imagination is only slightly better than what we have now. At best.
A third of that ride could be gutted and suffer little to no loss.

user, Africans are based, it's the American variety you have to watch out for

>Last night of my college program, the majority of students were leaving in the morning
>Go to watch the fireworks at magic kingdom one final time
>Don't notice anything out of the ordinary at first, pretty standard crowd for want I'm used to. More crowded if anything
>The music starts and imediately feel my eyes swell as I come to the realization of what I'm leaving behind
>The show ends and I look around
>Realize the vast majority of the crowd around me are all college students, all bawling and hugging each other knowing they won't see each other again after tomorrow, all putting behind them one of the best experiences of their lives
>Imediately burst into tears

Lads, I had never cried publicly like that before. It was one of the most emotional experiences of my life.

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Would have been more emotional if it was Wishes. Happily Ever After is fucking trash.

Don't down play world showcase like that. It's probably one of the most kino lands in all of Disney World

Actual Africans are fine, if they’re able to fly to the US they have to be wealthy and thus intelligent.

Tokyo DisneySea > Anything Disney or any other theme park has ever done. I don't see it being topped either. Also might be an unpopular opinion but as a Commiefornia fag who has gone to Disneyland more times than I can count I enjoyed Disney Paris more than the original. It's a more horizontally oriented park and they really take advantage of the space. Rides like Thunder Mountain and Pirates are fuckhuge and have even better theming than the originals. The Sleeping Beauty castle and shrubbery are awesome too.

Fallout 3

I heard Paris has the best thundermountain and Haunted Mansion. Didn't know their pirates was kino too, what's so good about it?

It's just a bunch of above average restaurants. I mean, it's enjoyable, sure, but it's not worth a full day of admission. Especially since there are tons of better eats at Disney now and alcohol is easily available everywhere as well.

If you want a quality table service meal, just go to Disney Springs or one of the Resort restaurants.

>If a multi billion dollar corporation paid to have them flown in and work in their parks it means they must be intelligent

Kek half of the employees at disney world are on a college program and were flown in and live there for free. Disney literally looks for savages to hire in their african attractions for muh authenticity.

Cali Disneyland is arguably the worst fucking park and the only people who defend it are SoCal locals and >muh original Walt Disney park retards

which dismey world is the best to celebrate christmas/new years?

Magic Kingdom for Christmas, EPCOT for New Years.

But don't plan on enjoying any attraction because the park will be packed as fuck

i always suspected this was the case. every "disney" girl i've ever met has been an absolute freak.

Magic Kingdom. But they are all crowded as fuck and a miserable experience the actual week of.

DisneySea is a feat of engineering. The Jules Verne area is one of the most unique and well themed parts of any Disney park I've ever been in. Not to mention the Journey to the Center of the Earth ride is just fucking insane.


Dont get my hopes up user, doin it next summer

It's true. If you are even remotely attractive I promise you will get laid.

Do you know which housing complex you are living in yet?

Nope am i supposed to? Im doin the international thing so they're gonna put me in the england section at epcot

>Actual Africans are fine
t. not Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday

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This guy is right. Plenty of opportunities to get laid. Vista way was a big fuck fest , careful of the roaches though.

Does prior work experience matter at all? I'm graduating this summer and was gonna fuck off for a year before going back to grad school. I used to be a chef for a couple years before going to uni.

Do you know when your program starts?

Probably not yet. They will email you with a survey asking which housing you prefer assuming the international program is anything like the normal one. Vista way is the best choice imo. Best bus stop (much more important than you would think) and easiest girls. However it's the farthest away from the other complexes so you need to take a bus to get to them instead of just being able to walk

The theming of that area is just next level. The Swiss Family Robinson treehouse creates an artificial island and jungle and when you pass through some caves you come up Captain Hooks Ship and Skull Rock which you can climb all over. But behind that is a fortress that has been commandeered by pirates. The fortress is actually the line for pirates. Everything is dark, mildewy and rundown with dungeons and skeletons and shit

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>Year round Disney pass
>Friends are either too poor or not interested enough to visit Disney World
>Like 20 mins out from Orlando
I need more friends. Help

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What are you going to school for?

I know they look for different things from people doing the culinary program rather than the normal college program

I don't know about their culinary program specifically, but it's literally slave labor. They don't care about your experience as long as you're not a retard who's willing to work long hours and share a room with 3 other people.

Make friends with CPs

have sex

For culinary? Not really as long as you are in school for it and are confident in the interview

DisneySea was the first Park I'd ever been to where it felt like I had stepped into somewhere outside of the country/state wherever I actually was. Something about having to take the train over the water to this artificial island and then just feeling like you're just at Disneyland on an island was some fucking magic. And the literal perfection of theming only makes it better

I'm not good with acronyms

College Program castmembers

College program students

I miss him so much Yea Forums. You never truly realize what you had until it's gone.


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>guys you should totally do this Disney program it was the best time of my life
>They also work you to the bone and pay you shit
I'm smelling mice ITT

Thanks. I'll see how that goes then. It isn't a bad place to visit if you watch your wallet. I love the food at Epcot.

Fallout 3

My experience with the College Program was basically a dream come true. Sure, you work long hours but it gives you a chance to experience new things meet great people. I was blessed to do the program. I hope you experience the same britbro.

Both of those things are true

You mean Hollywood studios. One of the worst parks I have ever been too.

Both of those things are true

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Best rides

>Magic Kingdom
Space Mountain

Spaceship Earth (Jeremy Irons)

Tower of Terror

>Animal Kingdom

My friend did this. Can you tell me about it? Wish I knew about it right after high school. Does it cost an arm and a leg?

Legoland Billund>any Disney park

extremely based taste.
dinosaur (before they toned it down) is one of the most terrifying things ive ever experienced. its sad half the ride is broken now and it'll be scrapped for indiana jones soon.

how can I get into this college program

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I can't tell you how much I despised the Toy Story land when I went with my family back during Thanksgiving time last year. It felt incredibly rushed and more like a budget carnival that Toy Story.

This just reminds me of when I went to Disneyland and I saw a 400 pound man riding a carriage with his family, i felt bad for the horse

>all the anons itt ignoring the most based florida theme park

>dinosaur (before they toned it down)
When was this? I remember it being scary as a kid but I didn't think they changed anything when I rode it last year. Still has the t-rex pop up at the end, which is what I distinctly remember making me shit my pants.

Good taste, but for me

>Magic Kingdom
Splash Mountain

Spaceship Earth
Drinking around the world is goat but not really a ride so eh

Tower of Terror

>Animal Kingdom
Expedition Everest

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>just staggers back a few steps

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Only old games, new games focus too much into the characters.

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remember me

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Sure, you basically work in one of the four parks or downtown disney (now called Disney Springs) for a few months. You can work as a custodian (what I did), food and bev, merchandise, attractions(working on rides) as a character (auditions are required). Hours are super long (mine were 12 hour days). They supply housing but deduct from your paycheck. All the $$ required from me was the cost of the flight.

How much did you get paid?

I had a tough time choosing between ToT and the Great Movie Ride.

L4D2 has a custom disney world campaign.

There should be recruitment in your university or junior college. When I went, I was in junior college and saw an ad on the bulletin boards.

>Splash Mountain
Has literally never been topped. It's quite literally the perfect ride.
>Dark Ride
>Views of Disneyland outside
>Thrill drop
>Line is always fast
>Line is themed
>Anxiety over level of wetness keeps you tense the whole ride

I don't think there's actually anything missing whatsoever

damn, I mean I haven't been to college In a while would they accept older people?

you mean Vista Lay?

I think you can be signed up for an online course and still qualify. I would ask a recruiter.

I'm not that poster, but when I did it as a custodian I got paid like $6.20 upper $6 an hour.

>people ITT literally defending making $5 an hour to pick up people's shit at Disney World because muh Disney magic.
Ffs I like Disneyland too but there's a reason their employees are constantly in the news over being treated like shit

My nigga. Not the most extreme ride but it has it all. It's the first thing I think of when I hear Disney World, always ride it 3-5 times in a row before the park closes because the wait is so short too.

Shenmue 2, you get ripped off and bamboozled at every turn.

fuck bros I wish I had the opportunity to do the college program...

You can literally take a single online class at your local community college and you'll be eligible to apply. There's no age or class requirement.

Epcot>>>>>>>Hollywood Studios

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That doesn't mean that disney isn't overpriced as fuck, and a nightmare for anyone old enough to foot the bill. You can get by just fine not being another Disney media slave. t. Was taken to disney movies regularly as a kid and hated it, already planning actual vacations for family instead of overpriced pretend land ones

Kingdom Hearts 1 is unfortunately the only KH game that really captures the right vibe. The later ones are less soulful.

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>a nightmare for anyone old enough to foot the bill
Disney is just like every other fun thing in life. It's shit if you're taking and paying for family. A blast if it's just you and a girlfriend who can pay her own way too.
t. Traveled Europe and Asia and also every Disneyland outside of the China ones

Disney World has no soul

big corporation bad small corporation good

Typhoon Lagoon>the rest

>Hating Epcot


The one with Sneed?

Kingdom Hearts 1-3.

i wouldve ranked shit higher, i really enjoyed that park

>going to disney for the water parks

Hollywood studios get a lot of shit. Sure, it isnt AS beautiful / thematic consistent now a days, and the HOURLY star wars parade are a disgusting.
But rock'n'roller is the best disney rollercoaster. The tower of terror is also great.
But the big star is Fantasmic. By far the best show in disney world. Its great. Its like KH if KH werent shit

I already grad

Bro did it, told me 2/3 of the students are hot girls and half of the dudes there are gay. A straight man can bang any chick there. As long as you are good looking and sociable. Disney try to avoid picking up people who look like jabba the hut.

>What games put me in the hot sun for several hours, force me to wait in 2 hour lines for 2 minutes of entertainment, shove advertisement everywhere, force you to pay a fortune for food, and contributes to the Mega Corporation trying to have a monopoly on all entertainment*

Max pleb

Epcot is literally the best by a country mile

>I miss this old jew.
>Fuck this other old jew!
I miss walt.

What fucking parks are that tree and tower of terror at? I've been to both and I keep forgetting they even exist.

Tree is Animal kingdom. Cant blame you for forgetting it.
ToT is Hollywood.

>never go to disney world because family was too poor
>find out later that they were going to bulild a park like 20 minutes from my house but didn't because rich people didn't want traffic near their mansions

>People actually like epcot
What the actual fuck.
It has shitty rides, it is HUUUGE, the only thing it has is an expensive knock off of other countries cuisine.

Have fellow anons ever caught excessive lines in Disney World / Universal studios, or did you properly planned your vacations and went there during low season?
Nothing better than being able to get into roller coasters with less than 10 min lines

>anything at Magic Kingdom
>better than Expedition Everest
No way, fag.

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Epcot>Animal Kingdom>Magic Kingdom>both waterparks which are pretty mediocre>Hollywood Studios
I was there during Star Wars week a few years back. Hollywood Studios is absolute trash now

Best ride at Animal Kingdom is Avatar Flight of Passage hands down. I don't even like Avatar and that shit is fucking amazing. Dinosaur is fucking great though. Every time I go on it I laugh my ass off.

Ride-wise, Adventure island used to be the best. Until they took away the dragon coasters.
Now they are building a single gay ass HP coaster.
I dont even like HP.


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>Test Track and Typhoon Lagoon only get crappy "COLLECT ALL THE BITS" tracks

Volcano Bay's virtual queue system sucks

>I saw my friends turn into donkeys and sold off
>I can still hear them when I close my eyes

Why was this given a Xbox One/PC port along with that pixar Kinect game?

Not Disney World Related, but close enough.

What do you wanna see in pic related Yea Forumsros?

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Mario Kart VR but on an actual track.

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Smash simulator.

Don’t even fucking remind me. Norway’s ride was incredibly underrated. I often went into the ride just to scope out the 4-6 hour line for the Frozen bitches before I started my shift. A good ride and miserable families for the price of one.

to see it not left on the backburner and actually put effort into it unlike the Monster Hunter attraction in USJ

>Kilimanjaro Safari is the only thing at AK


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People smelling Yoshi’s eggs just for laughs haha

>When you could just have actual kart races in recreations of the maps

How would you handle items?

F4: Nuka World.

>Space Mountain
>Test Track
>Rock N Roller Coaster

Shit list.

While Epcot now is shit compared to 80's and early 90's, It's still far better than Hollywood Studios which should now be renamed as Igar Land.

The correct list is this:

EPCOT CENTER>>>Magic Kingdom > Animal Kingdom > Epcot >MGM Studios>>>> shit >>>>>Hollywood Studios

>Went to Animal Kingdom with family after Avatar land opened
>Wanted to do the flight ride first thing.
>lines were forming before the park opened
>turns out one of the simulators were busted so the wait time would be longer
>ended up waiting 3-4 hours
>we were so annoyed that we only did Everest twice before leaving to get taco bell

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>nintendo world
that just looks like mario

Blame the asshole who got someone to lose an eye on it.

10 an hour as a culinarian

Fire Emblem waifu cafe

I wish I could have gone to Epcot when they still operated stuff like the Wonders of Life pavilion. The place is like a weird tourist trap with no sense of purpose now.

Have icons on the floor, computer overhead generates a random item which you'd store in some small screen inside the cart. When you use it, the computer messes with the opponent's kart in some small way.
Or just give the illusion of items through several displays to keep the overall theme since it could be dangerous to actually mess with people's karts.

How do I get over my distaste for rollercoasters? I feel like I drag down the enjoyment for anybody who is stupid enough to take me along.

>They closed one of the Innovention areas for more fucking character spot space
>it could be dangerous to actually mess with people's karts.
You could probably have minor damage stuff like slowing down or distracting music.

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What exactly do you do?

I went to DIsneyland (California) recently and it was pretty mediocre. Space Mountain was alright out of the shit on that side and the stuff on the other side just seems like standard theme park fare with Disney characters.

Why do people act like this is the be all, end all of theme parks? Are they so far up their own asses with Disney adoration that it's the only appeal they need to come? I'm not saying it was shit but Six Flags and other shit is pretty much the same, sans shoehorned Disney stuff.

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Disney pays people that low? That's pretty fucked up.

The Frozen ride is kinda boring. I will give one props to it over Maelstrom, and that is the queue for the ride is way nicer than Maelstrom's. Makes you feel like You're in a Norwegian village anyway.

Still, Biggest IP take over I hate was Nemo replacing the Living Sea. Got rid of the awesome Hyrolator. Also EPCOT CENTER had the best ride ever being Horizons. Pic related.

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>Why do people act like this is the be all, end all of theme parks?
"muh walt nostalgia"

>>They closed one of the Innovention areas for more fucking character spot space
Another reason why I’m glad I quit years ago.

I just sit out the coasters while they go on them. I just hate the feeling you get in your stomach. Ill go on tame coasters like Matterhorn or Space Mountain, but nothing that gets really tall.

>far future
>whites still exist
>people can grow crops
They have to close this stuff for realism.

Yes Indeed. EPCOT CENTER was the shit. Even As a kid it was my favorite and never found it boring, as some parents claim about their kids.

>No thunder mountain

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Joe Rhode, who created this attraction, wants to go back and fix that attraction. The main problem is that where the Yeti is built. They would have to dismantle the entire attraction in order to get in where the yeti is to fix the animatronic. It's a massive animatronic too. But Joe Rhode says he committed to wanting to fix it if it's the last thing he has to do before dying.

>You could probably have minor damage stuff like slowing down or distracting music.
The problem with messing with people's controls is that it could lead to a lot of accidents. When I was young I went to the karts with some friends. Slowed down for a corner, friend didn't react in time, rammed into me. Got some serious whiplash from that.
Imagine you're last and you use a blue shell. The person in 1 suddenly slows down, person behind doesn't react fast enough and you get more accidents.
It'd be better and safer to simply have the whole imagery of Mario Kart then to actually implement its gameplay.


>tfw europoor who will probably never be able to go to World
What am I missing out on lads?

epcot is onions

In 2019, not much. Disney World died in the mid 2000s.

As a college program kid yeah. Actually I probably made closer to 11 but still

Animal kingdom is easily the best park.

Completely retarded taste

>I’ve come to make an announcement!
>Dr. Nigel Channing is a bitchass motherfucker, he pissed on my fucking ride!

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So you were an intern or doing like OTJ training? Because being an employee there for just above minimum wage seems really shit of Disney.

>Disney thread
>recent influx of Lovebug threads

Fuck, I was just in Orlando for 2 weeks and I already want to go back. The Avatar ride and Mission Space were fucking amazing.

I’ve always loved Magic Kingdom and Epcot the most out of the main 4 parks. I feel that Epcot is starting to lose its original vision and charm though and I can’t say I’m a big fan of the IPs they are jamming into the park.

MGM and Animal Kingdom were parks you’d spend a day or smaller portion of the day in.

>>Rock N Roller Coaster

I'm gonna guess your favorite game is Revolution X

What the fuck was that purple dragon from?

LOL. That ride closed down in 1999. So way before the anti-White agenda we have now. However the ride was created when Walt's son in law was CEO, and it closed down when Eisner was CEO so you may have a point.

the l4d2 campaign that takes place there

Hes an original character called Figment created for the ride a Journey into Imagination, back when Disney had original ideas for their park instead of trying to be Universal 100% of the time

Super expensive.

Might as well buy an international plane ticket to Japan since buying Disney World Tickets for a family of 4 or group of 4 already costs a plane ticket to Japan.

>ywn never get to experience Disney Paris original Space Mountain again
wtf bros

>haven't been to World since 2002
I wish I was rich.

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>Nintendo Land sequel never ever
Just kill me now

My nigga

Biggest difference between Tokyo DisneySea and other Disney parks is Tokyo has much, much more freedom in how they build the themepark or come up with rides.

How it works is that Japanese third party companies only buy the rights to the Disney brand name and then they can do whatever they want in the themepark.

Other Disney locations on the other hand are basically 100 percent control from Disney executives.

Disney Sea apparently was suppose to be in California, like located at Long Beach, by the way.

I worked full time, but it was technically an internship. I got a semester worth of credits for it too

Try to make friends with someone in Orlando that works there and have them get you in for free on their Cast Pass. I didn't have to pay for anything but food and got into all four parks and Typhoon Lagoon like that.

Didn't Disney buy back full control of Tokyo?

Is it true Orlando Studios is for people who are too poor for Disney World?

I just want the DK minecart ride to be real

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Test Track but with F-Zero.

I hope the ride vehicle ends up being similar to the one on Escape from Gringotts/Indiana Jones

I know Disney California employees strike all the time but never hear anything from Disney Florida.

I'd smash your mom lol

Disney World was built through Walt scamming Florida politicians.

Bought the cheapest, shittiest land in Florida through 3rd party shell companies.

So much money was spent draining swamps because the area was literally a big swamp.

Wouldn't be able to do that today since swamps are considered protected areas.

I always wondered, why Florida, though. Walt could have chosen any State.

Haha, I always get a sunburn at Disney no matter how much sunblock I use.

Did you guys know fucking earlobes can sunburn too as well as parts of the nose?

Was not a pleasant experience. I learned better after that and not be so embarrassed over white paste on my face.

No. It's different but I wouldn't say it's much worse. They have some kino there

>why Florida, though
something to do with miami, perhaps?

Nope. They did Buy back Paris though. That's why fucking Bob Igar is so enthusiastic of implicating in so much IP and Synergy into Paris now.

I heard they recommend registering on the Disney World website and download some official Disney World app for your smartphone.

>Anyone with kids should take them to disney world at least once while they're still young.
I brought my 24yo gf. First time for her. She was in awe like a child, so cute.

kys epcot is based

at this point I think he's just tired of Disneyland paris being considered a failure and a laughing stock since day 1.
I mean, he's putting €2 billion into the parks so he wants something to change.

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Probably mainly cause Cali has ridiculous Taxes while Florida have low taxes. Also, DL being near LA is going be higher living rates than living near Orlando.

There is a weird magic to Disney. I used to go when I was young and it really was like stepping into this perfect place where nothing bad happens. Must be something in those air filters.

also in 2019 they're hosting a Dota 2 tournament and an officially sponsored gay pride parade.

He brought ALL that land because originally he wanted to build a fucking futuristic city. That's where the name EPCOT came from. Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow. Or Progress City.

But he died and other executives and Walt's Brother, didn't want take that risk, so they scrap it. Instead decided to turn all that land into an immersive theme park vacation area.

>Escape from Gringotts
Disgusting user. Its a very very bad ride.

Isn't Nintendo just temporarily lending their franchise to Universal for a few years?

Nintendo isn't fully invested in running an actual theme park.

I think it's a long-lasting contract, similar to the ones Universal have with Marvel.

They should just turn Epcot into a clone of Tokyo Japan.

Walt did not even want Disney World to only be a theme park.

Documentary stated Walt wanted an actual big futuristic city like Neo New York or Neo Chicago but he died too soon and Walt's brother decided to ignore Walt's vision and just make Disney World, a theme park.

It's just Florida except with roller coaster rides.

>submitting to corporate conditioning stating that everyone must visit Corporate Theme Park™ because it's Corporation™
cringe and bluepilled

It's weird that they're not going all in. It seems like the next logical step for Nintendo.

how proficient at moonrunes should i be before going to disneysea? ive always been interested in it

Risky move, though. Walt must have believed he would break even converting all that swampland to usable land.

Played through it several times, always makes me want to go to the parks. Not really the best kart racer ever but really cool if you're a Disney Parks fan. I think they did a great job at capturing the spirit of most of the rides.

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My parents only took me to Disneyland when I got older because I was too scared to ride any rides at Knotts Berry Farm.

Bioshock Infinite has that feel. Shit you can even go on "roller coasters".

And I know its babby games but Rugrats in Paris (n64) was a big ol theme park.

True. Mario is arguably as recognizable as Mickey Mouse in the world.

You know Disney would have loved to buy Nintendo without those pesky Japanese laws that prevent Foreign Takeovers of Japanese companies.

Nintendo has a lot of properties perfect for a theme park.

Nintendo don't have imagineers.

I believe Mario is more recognizable than Mickey at this point, which makes sense since Disney mostly uses the three circle logo instead of the actual character.
Disney doesn't birth imagineers in some sci-fi pod, deep within the Disneyworld underground. If anything, what Nintendo is missing is the equivalent to Walt, someone with a unique vision of what the park needs to be.

It really was. Also those chocolate chip cookies in that Pasteur shop were actually the body of Christ. They were so good. Ill never forget that perfume they sold at the gift shop too, I have fond memories of that.

i still don't understand why pandora is a thing
avatar clearly didn't warrant a park

Step the fuck back, Cedar Point up in this bitch.

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I was at epcot in 1998.

I've only been to Disneyland but I don't get the appeal either. Literally every ride but the kiddie merry go rounds and shit just take place in dark rooms. Most of the time you can't see shit. Nor are they actual rides like in normal amusement parks.

Most rides and attractions are voiced in Japanese but you should be able to understand the context.

Cast members may be fluent in English or partly in English

The people who handle tickets and information about the theme park know English.

Food menus have English

All important locations like restrooms have English signs and they can give you an English map of the entire park.


Disney cast performances are mainly in Japanese but you could ask for an English booklet that could explain what is going on.

Disney even delayed Avatar.

Cameron could kick the bucket before Avatar 2 comes out.

Yo, what up nigga I can hang with you

What video games let me feel like I'm at Six Flags over Georgia?

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Is it true people die all the time on Disney rides?
I remember some user talking about bloody corpses on the matterhorn ride or something, sounds horrifying.


Here are some statistics of how many people go to Disney
Magic Kingdom: 1971 (20.45 million (2017))
Epcot: 1982 (12.2 million (2017))
Hollywood Studios: 1989 (10.72 million (2017))
Animal Kingdom – 1998 (12.5 million (2017))

While the bloody corpses thing sound like total bullshit a lot of people probably die at Disney due to the sheer volume of people running around there

Sin and Punishment shooting ride/coaster hybrid.

Most of them tend to be people with pre-existing conditions or just old, nothing like a cart going off the rail and mangling everyone on board. Those kind of stories would spread like wildfire.



There was that one time a cast member was crushed by the revolving walls of the bicentennial ride

>After Horizons
>After Journey Into Imagination
>After ImageWorks
>After World of Motion
>After Kitchen Kabaret

How was Body Wars you goofy motherfucker

Maelstrom's line was basically a couple of undecorated hallways before you get to look at a mural over the load zone for five minutes.
Pretty much anything would be better.

Arnold was lucky the guy was short and skinny because more mass means more force

The kick landed really close to Arnold's spine which is actually dangerous.

I personally believe it was wrong for Arnold to laugh it off and pretend it was something minor.

Spine injuries are serious and football tackles have caused players to become cripples due to spine damage.

I know that feel user, I can't breathe when rollercoasters give me those butterflies in my stomach

>Young guy dropkicks a 70 year old man who didn't even see it coming
>Barely moves him
Dude really is built like a tank.

If I was Arnold, I would fire those bodyguards. They are overpaid but the video shows how much of an amateur they were in guarding their client.

The overpaid bodyguard was more interested in looking at Arnold than scanning the perimeter.

Go full time dingus, I finished my degree after my college program and now I have a job there that pays better and has better benefits

I think he mostly played it off as a joke to avoid giving the guy anymore undeserved attention than he already has. Also because I'm sure he didn't want anyone to be worried about him, specially since he was trying to get people's focus on the kids in that event.

Not necessarily a bad idea. Employers like people who experiment and have other talents. Showing that you moved to Florida to do something you felt passionate about can be a good story to tell in an interview.

>The overpaid bodyguard was more interested in looking at Arnold than scanning the perimeter.
I think he was more worried about anyone who was in front of Arnold possibly taking out a knife or something.

I cried while riding California Screaming aka Incredicoaster, literally tears in my eyes.

I just can't suppress my brain telling my body why I am riding a roller coaster.


If they give you quick service food run the fuck away. I went to college in Philly and had the same plan, to work down in Disney World starting with an internship and then find a way around to other stuff. I got stuck in an economy hotel doing quick service food and it was pretty fuckin' rough. Your major sounds more promising than mine was (communications) so they might give you something you like. Hell, being a janitor would be better than quick service food.

If you watch the video, the bodyguard actually pushed the same guy away from Arnold.

Watch the beginning of the video. Bodyguard pushed away a man in the beginning of the video and then instead of looking at the man and make sure he is walking away, he turns his attention to Arnold again, and that is when the very same man dropkicks Arnold.

Not a doctor but I wonder if ice or heat pads would be appropriate in treatment afterwards.

Maybe Arnold should see a physical therapist and get a good back massage.

If not a physical therapist, a sports doctor or something since these kind of impact injuries are common in rough sports like football.

Again, Arnold was lucky the guy was way shorter and skinnier than him.

Only World of Motion and Kitchen Kabaret closed before 1998. Horizons closed in 1999. Journey Into Imagination and Imageswork closes in 1998 but that's depend when in 1998 that user went on that park

I'm not saying that there was nothing he could've done to prevent it, specially since he seemed to have multiple bodyguards on hand. Just saying that the bodyguard wasn't just starstruck or something.
Arnold is rich and famous. I'm sure he got looked at by the best doctors, but there's no real need to drag this story out. If he's back in America he'll probably do a few tests just to make sure, since obviously any physical issue can affect his acting career.
This is just a retard who wanted his 5 minutes of fame, he got it. No need to drag it into 15 minutes.

I'm surprised there haven't been more accidents like that

I'm going to disney this year. Paid trip too. Going to be good I hope.

Didn't that happen because America Sings rotated in the opposite direction of the Carousel of Progress so cast members were placed in a really awkward spot in the theater?

I honestly lost all interest in ever going back to Disneyland Paris after they got rid of it for Mission 2. It was fucking glorious and they killed it. I still hope one day they'll restore it to its former glory, but I know in my heart it'll never happen.

We're talking about theme parks, not attraction parks you goddamn plebeian.

>not orchestrating fast passes
jesus christ welcome to disney world

Reading this thread, makes me wish I was young again.


Fast passes are 100% mandatory for Disneyworld now. If you don't use them you'll only get to go on 2 - 3 rides tops in one day because the lines are so fucking long.

Arnold already mentioned he has heart issues, sadly.

I think he tweeted out a twitter video showing him going to the hospital with horrible bed hair and taking medication for his heart.

His heart issues have already affected his acting career.

Fuck they removed it?

>Arnold is rich and famous. I'm sure he got looked at by the best doctors,

Bad stereotype. You don't know how many doctors end up prosecuted after a suspicious celebrity death.

You think celebs find the best doctors to have as their personal doctor and it ends up being able to find a doctor willing to abuse pain med prescriptions for them.

Also, which ever plastic surgeon seems to do all celebrity plastic surgeries should honestly lose their license. They make celebs look worst than before to be honest.

Yeah, celebrities can afford the best doctors. The problem is, do they actually want to find a good doctor or a doctor that can be paid to prescribe what they want which has happened quite a few times already.

Not saying all doctors are bad. But every time a celeb brags about the doctor, the doctor on TV looks like a really shady person or the doctor's official website is full of advertisements or product placements.

Apparently it was due to some heart defect he already had. But again, rich and famous. He can afford the best doctors in the world to help out. If he tweeted about going to the doctor because of this, all it'd do is give the guy more attention.

I get that but doctors end up prosecuted after celebrity deaths because the celebrities' families see opportunities. It's like accusing MJ's doctor of killing him or something. That's either simple greed or a family grieving and lashing out in a way they know how. I'm sure if the average Joe had enough money to throw around, they'd also sue the hospital after a family member died.

Any former Disney interns or workers here?

I heard you can live inside Disney World now, 24/7.

Apparently, it is called Golden Oak.



Anyone have experience working at Golden Oak?

Heard living there is like having butlers and maids like in a Hollywood movie.

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Magic kingdom is amazing on shrooms. Those rides are PERFECT for tripping.

Fans have been attacking celebrities lately.

Think it was a few months ago, but someone at WWE got tackled by a fan during his celebration.

There have been increasing cases of people throwing water bottles as well.

What's it like, working at Disney's shill department?

I'm sure that's always happened to some degree. It might just seem like it's increasing due to the notoriety or due to Twitter spreading every worthless info like wildfire.

I don't even feel like looking up how absurdly expensive living there is going to be.

>Sister lives in Japan
>Went to DisneySea
>I'm incredibly jealous and bombard her with questions
>"I dunno user I didn't think it was that special, there weren't enough Disney characters everywhere"
Dear god, my sister is a fucking pleb

Why would a Disney employee be shilling million dollar houses on Yea Forums?

It's not like Notch is in this thread, looking to buy another home.

A couple of weeks ago while trying to get my wife to buy me a ticket to Disneyland, I thought of the video games we are all familiar with: Call of Duty. This game is something that I have seen play at the amusement parks since ages 1: my first exposure on the medium. With Call of Duty, there is only one type of player that can control who is allowed into the world of their favorite game. While it is certainly a world of endless death where everything is bulletproof, most players stay in the safe space of their homes until they play for one hour or more.

The game was recently re-released, and this time around the theme is more violent. There are various locations on the earth that are destroyed by a virus called Blackwater virus. As a player, you must travel out into the world in search of people who are willing to sacrifice their lives and join the team as their body has been hijacked into the infected world.

This is, in fact, why there are many games that use video games as the foundation for their narrative: it's hard to describe exactly how exciting a story is with a video game.

I actually interviewed for an engineering internship at WDW last semester, but ended up getting shot down. Kind of a bummer, but I'm hoping to beef up my resume before I graduate and get my interviewer to give me another shot.

I've considered doing the CP, but even though a couple people in here are really singing its praises, I don't see myself enjoying doing unskilled labor upwards of 40 hours a week, especially since I'm doing actual engineering internships that pay more.

It’s a bad ride but I like the way the car moves

>a gated community, but in an amusement park
maybe if I was stupid rich and I wanted to exile my embarrassing NEET children

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>I've considered doing the CP

That's what happened

>TFW Del Toro's more adult Haunted Mansion movie will never actually be made
>Didney Worl Mansion will never get the gorgeous new Hatbox Ghost animatronic
>Have to go to France for Phantom Manor
>Gonna be in Orlando next week but can't afford to do a day at the park
Anyone ever play pic related and if so is it any good? I need my spook fix.

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Fuck this little kid thread

No one here had to endure watching disney vhses on repeat for the majority of their childhood.

Fuck Disney
Fuck this thread

No Studio Ghibli?

No Snoopy?

Sure i did, as a child i knew the words (not just to the songs, i mean the entire script) of both snow white, and the little mermaid. Quite what my parents were thinking im not sure, because i am a boy. Didnt effect me i dont think.


In the 90s pokemon was satanic same with quest 64 beastie boys the nes gun the sims and jurassic park

My grandma put stuff in a pit of flames to represent hell.

But then id go over to my friends house and they are watching arnold movies playing mortal kombat bloody roar etc.

I wasn't allowed to have much of anything but disney. I had star wars too.

I had to sneak switching the channel to beavis and butthead and music videos as a break from all of the restriction.

This restriction was around till i was in highschool. I played games to get away from the entertainment.

Now i look at movies from the 90s and enjoy them. I enjoy all the music as well.

But if i hear disney vhs shit again ill go mad

I work right next to it, people there are super chill and laid back. Gonna suck when I eventually transfer to Magic Kingdom and get nothing but entitled cunts all day compared to laid back rich af campers.

It was every disney video on repeat.

And christian videos.

I think I have an aversion towards Disney stuff as well. For some example whenever I see old Disney animations, I feel dehydrated and bored as heck.

Connotation, connotation.
Probably partially due to the washed out color pallet, and plots that don't really go anywhere interesting.


The official anime studio released the full movie online for free on youtube.

The Nightmare King was the scariest villain of my childhood.

What went wrong?

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Flight of dragons soar in the purple light
In the sky or in my mind
Flight of dragons sail past reality
Leave illusion behind

Is it the past I see
When I look up to the heavens
Believing in the magic
That I know could never be

I want to go where they are going
Into the world they've been
Can I open up my mind enough to see

Flight of dragons, heavenly argosies
Catch the wind, rise out of sight
Flight of dragons, pilots of fantasy
In the sky or in my mind

I just feel sick from it. If that makes any sense. It was very boring. I kinda feel the same thing for modern movies. Last three i went to in theatre i fell asleep. Even with the loud noises. Something just doesn't click with me. Im so glad i had the attitude era and other entertainment i could switch to.


I was terrified of Barney the Dinosaur.

My parents made me watch Barney on TV and I couldn't change the channel.

I didn't like watching Sesame Street either.

I was thinking, why nobody was scared of talking animals or talking dinosaurs

Same thing with the teletubbies and i wanted to beat the shit out of spongebob when he came out.

It was the most annoyinf show i ever seen.

Planet Coaster is such a beautiful game for this feel.

The music and colours and themeing are just so uplifting.


I know themeparks IRL can be pretty shitty, but the game really sells you on the idea of them being a place for happiness and fun.

Shame about the nogameplay.

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Cool thank you user

*telletubby looks to the left*
*gross slimey eye turn noises*
Probably would've turned out better with gory action movies desu

Mickey Speedway USA

Dr Seuss books were like that for me. Some of his creatures, coupled with his art style, are pretty bizarre and came off as creepy to little me. I think his books are cute now but they were not enjoyable as a kid, I would hide them.



Someone uploaded the Little Nemo movie soundtrack on youtube as well in case you like any of the songs.

I’ll tell you a little something user. I used to be a fucking coaster bitch back then. I wouldn’t do anything that wasn’t a simulator or a merry go round. I started on thunder mountain first and rode it a few times my freshman year of high school then my senior year I went on space mountain for the first time. I recently went on mummy twice at universal studios last week and I plan on doing Everest and rock n rollercoaster on my next disney trip. My advice to you is to start small. Go on a toddler ride like thunder mountain and space and work your way up when you’re comfortable. Ride the rides a few more times to get used to it. Your first time going on a ride you’re usually anxious about any surprise drops or what happens and don’t really enjoy the ride but ride it multiples times and it becomes more fun. Also don’t succumb to pressure. You’re not gonna have a good time if chad or Stacy pressured you on there. Get on the ride when you know you’re ready. I know how it feels user, but I believe in you. You can do it :)

Goosebumps traumatized me as a child. Accidentally watched one episode and in my entire lifetime, I think that one episode was the most frightening horror fiction I ever watched.

I don't know if I was dreaming of the episode but basically the world gets taken over by cannibal pet dogs and human beings apparently taste like peanut butter and the episode ends with the dogs attacking the protagonist when he gets peanut butter all over his clothes.

Again, can't tell you the season or episode number. All I remember was peanut butter and dogs.

I hated seeing my childhood friends bring Goosebumps books to school as well. I refused to touch the books or look at the covers.

Ghosts n goblins on the nes scared me.

But i loved this


This was banned because it was to scary.

This scared the shit out of me


How is a kids show creepier than modern movies

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good taste. Although I think epcot is equal to magic. Epcot is good for adults, magic for kids

Back then there was more of a mindset that it was okay for kids to be afraid, which I agree with.
It's why so many Disney classics have a lot of dark imagery. You can see how this mindset changed through the years. Pinocchio had god tier horrors. Monstro is still my point of reference for the unstoppable monster.

Disney might as well try to achieve Walt's version of an actual city with Disney World with schools, hospitals, etc

Fantasia was creepy

>be weird lonely faggot at Disneyland
>see other people hugging each other
>cry because you will never see the people who ignored you ever again
Christ, the fag level is high here

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Night on Bald Mountain being a perfect example. Possibly the darkest thing Disney has made.
It's a shame they likely won't do more Fantasia's. Fantasia 2000 was terrible with the exception of one or two sections but I love the concept behind it. And the original one gave us what might be the quintessential animation piece with the Sorcerer's Apprentice.


Disney is building 2,600 new apartments for its College Program and that could mean bad things for Vista Way

>implying I didn't willingly put them on myself
Ariel made my peepee feel funny

>On August 15, 2018, a 61-year-old worker died in an industrial accident near the park and the Coronado Springs resort. He was standing on a grate until he slipped and fell into a vat of grease. Another employee tried to rescue him by pulling him out, but he was unsuccessful and the man was pronounced dead at the scene.


While we're talking about amusement parks:

Haven't been to Cedar Point in a couple years, thinking of going again this summer. How's it gotten since then? How are the new rides?

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Who has been part of old world disney.
Lets see how old ppl are here

I will never forget this ride.

This was absolute soul compared to the buzz light year game.

Also epcot in the early 90s had a feel that was the best.


As mention above about my love for old EPCOT CENTER, I'm old school Disney theme park guy. been to park since I was born. Remember so much about it, right down to That the Tiki bird attraction used to have this goregous outside tropical pond (located right next to where the Ahola orange swirl stand is.) . Or that there used to be an actual Market Place that sold exotic stuff in Adventureland.

I remember Dream Flight. I believe the previous ride, If you could Fly sponsored by Eastern Airlines (my grandfather worked for them) closed before I was born so I never got to ride that one. It was the prototype ride idea for Mexico's Rio el Del Tiempo. Mexico's first ride before it became Three Caballeros.

They really just took all the good ideas and destroyed them and put whatever was popular into it.

Norway was one of my favorite ride now i can never ride it again.

I hope someone who develop vr games to make the old rides to a t

Can someone explain the disney college program deal to me? Why would you want to fly out to a place in order to slave long hours on top of taking your classes unless you were literally planning to work at disney?

If you looked for a job on your own you'd have a more realistic shot of finding something that fits your class schedule, pays better, and gives you skills that actually matter relative to your career.

I was brainwashed as a child yo like disney and i need to make my parents proud by joining the ministry i mean company