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Other urls found in this thread:


irresponsible cuck drunktard


Is this the subtle GoT thread?


I name thee Dea and embrace thee as my daughter.



Who was your first kill? Not counting defenseless women.

>just a copy paste of Robert Baratheon
How did CDPR get away with it brehs?

bloody baron questline is unironically the peak of TW3 storytelling
prove me wrong

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I can't.

I made this guy in mordhau.

Post pics then

More boar your grace?

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And it was written by woman, too bad she left CDPR.

I can't, it's really good.

I liked how Velen was just a complete shithole too

More wine Baron?

> written by woman
wtf i hate it now.

nigga you ded

Reddit ruined bobbyposting

HoS is

>implying /got/ wasn't a Reddit colony

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Its pretty basic shit. What so special about it? Your average quest, not bad but not good eather

I don't get it how the peak can be right in the very beginning of the game and then every else is just sort of M E H. Well actually I probably can get it, sort of makes sense that the start would somehow be the best since they had lots of great ideas for it.

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I feel the only problem with Baron and Velen quests is that how trivial it was to the main story. It basically boil down to Ciri spending one night in Baron's castle, Geralt goes "where did Ciri go?" and Baron holding information to let you do a convoluted series of quests about his family. The answer boils down to one word "Novigrad" no shit. CDProject made a big ass city up there with all the fancy assets no way they not let you go to Novigrad. You can skip his whole schtick and go straight to Novigrad. Geralt's Velen adventure was a whole waste of time.

Best Girl

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u forgot uma

Several writers. karolina stachyra wrote both the baron questline and the wedding quest for HoS. She's now a lead narrative designer at techland.


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ah..., i came inside keira not asshole and she puttin me to sleep. i should restarted?

no, its fine, it was either that or just going to the tower

only if you're retarded enough to let her get away with the documents

>not killing her yourself


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>Cirilla, you will marry Cerys an Craite and I will hear of it no more.

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>killing lambert's future waifu
not cool


>marry Cerys an Craite

I can not. You are correct. Skillage (sp?) was maximum comfy, but The Barron was as good as the game ever got.

>posts moonman while bitching about reddit


because I made all the wrong choices

Skellige best kingdom desu
Vikings with Irish accents is a great combo


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the skellige dude voices in thronebreaker 10/10

Can't, I'm in bed.
You can't get the beard colour right, so he kinda looked more like based bobby b, but with baron's clothes (minus the dressing gown thing and a full chest breastplate instead of the half one he wears)

>Witcher, I don't want to see you ever again.

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post your tummy

How can someone named Voorhis be such a bro?

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Isn't it the better ending anyways, since you save the orphans?

man fuck those mouthbreathers.

Why does everyone jack off this character so much? Crones were kino, but this guy and his floating little baby goblino were so average. It my mind how much you guys like it. Is because you're all alcoholic wife beaters? Someone explain it to me

Jason wasn't that bad, it was his mother who made him crazy.

>tfw you thought the ancient Leshen quest would've more to it when you decide to listen to the pellar, only for you to come weeks later and see the village getting fucked up by your decision and allows you to hunt the Leshen in the forest for good.
>tfw you though there is more to the Nilfgardian twins and that you'll be able to woo them/change their mind about the northerners - but it was cut short when she just say her goodbyes after getting harrassed by two drunks.
>tfw you thought there is more to the HyM in that you should keep watch over the two villages in that island and hunt the entity once it was banished from the Jarl.

There are questlines that should've gone farther but I have feeling are cut short because of time constraint.

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>Is because you're all alcoholic wife beaters?

>Saving Orphans who are going to die from starvation or other awful shit in a few weeks
>Keeping alive the only man who is holding the shit stain that is Velen together, whom without Velen basically descends into anarchy

I know he fucks off in either ending but I like to think when he comes back he starts cracking skulls together and trying to fix shit, because his men are all whoresons.

TW3 had severe under representation of dwarven architecture.

Movran, you will marry Cirilla and put an end to this. You will wed her and bed her and put a child into her. Surely you're capable of this?

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in the grand scheme of things, probably
but it's only natural that when you're invested in the baron's story that you want it to end in his redemption
unless you're one of those people that doesn't believe in second chances and is happy when the baron necks himself

Brown hands typed this post

Who gives a crap about those brats, they'll be dead come winter anyways. Their parents got rid of them specifically because they couldn't feed them.

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That's what he gets for murdering innocent trolls

How do I beat this fucker? I don't want to summon the little girl for help

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>Blizzard gets Mark Addy to voice a character who only speaks maybe a minute's worth of dialogue total
With that money you'd think they could make a better game.

>Witcher 3
>Hype the fuck out of the wild hunt
>they all die like nothing

>hype the fuck out of the night king
>he dies like nothing

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>believing nilfgaardian politician
he would stab you in the back the moment he needed to, same as Roche

Dude can tank all sorts of damage, with or without armor. Use the environment, pushing him through walls or something

fish for backstabs

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The book ending is going to be different than the shows, RIGHT?
W-when is the next book, anyway?

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>807kb webm
>picture goes to shit as soon as they start moving


Why did they change so much shit between the show and the books?

Jorje's cunt wife is gonna force him to make Arya just as big of a mary sue. Please look forward to her killing Cersei, Night's King and everyone else.

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>1920x1080 webm
Holy shit, what are you doing?

Only brown from anal fisting your aunt. Answer the question alchie

Just dodge him until you get the QTE for the 1HKO tackle.

why the fuck are you all tlaking about GoT here?
right after show ends, the bastard probably already wrote it and just sitting on the hype train

>how trivial it was to the main story
That's how sidequests usually are.

When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves.

George is obviously sick of the story. Like he still has interest in the setting which is why he's gone back to do the prequels but he really has no reason to end it.

it's obviously not mine

I thought Roche was a total bro, just a massive Temerian loyalist. It’s not like he doesn’t make it incredibly clear where his loyalties lie

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Once they ran out of book and had to write on their own they lost all confidence in themselves and reverted to contrivances.

The buck stops with whoever propagates it, that means you.

I always hate this perspective. If an author is sick of the story just end the fucking story and give everyone an adequate resolution, how hard can it be? The hard part is sculpting the setting itself, not the logical conclusion. Same exact shit with Berserk and Miura

This. Bloody Baron is a cool character and that's what makes this story better.

Make a new one, you can help saving the entire board.

>Why do people resonate with a well written character with good and bad traits, who's essentially a good person brought down by his soldier upbringing, the violent life he lives and his PTSD
Gee I dunno. He's not a Goku retard who's pure at heart but wants to fight everyone so I guess he's too complicated for your tiny non-white brain.

Movran may be a cool dude in TW3 but i simply can not abide that this uggo is intended to make more ratfaced babies with my daughter.

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>saving the orphans
>allows a seething mouth breathing tranny tree NEET to possess a horse and go free, ravaging Velen with its seething quest to KILL KILL KILL
>doom Velen even further by allowing the only man that can put order to that God-forsaken to fall into total despair that he necks himself.

B... but at least the children are alive roight reddit?!

Waste of a fucking talent. Holy shit. I hope she's getting hot potatoes from there.

it wants to kill only the things connected to sisters though, everything else is safe

Nah, I mean there's tons of stuff that got changed even when they had book material to use got changed over the years. It's almost a different series altogether there's so much that's been changed.

To be fair if you save his wive he just fucks off with her and leaves Velen to be raped and plundered by his men so that's not much better.

DL2 looks very promising.

No dagger, that's why you die.

I mean even Avellone is working on that game...


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I think she's doing contract work for Techland and not actually full-time employed by them. She's credited on CDPR's card game campaign as a writer.

>Baron, you will marry your daughter because that is the ultimate cuckoldry if you think of it rationally.

Why is Wolven (mastercrafted) the best looking armor set in the game?

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Why are Skelligers so based?

>silver sword clips through your sheath
Why do so many of them do this?

>go on some quest to get a guy's sword back
>go all over the place to find it
>here's like 10 gold for your trouble

They ain't based, they're jews.

>their old high king literally fucks off to wherever in order to avoid responsibility both in his household and in ruling.
>only goes home with booty from raiding to spend shit before fucking off again.
I am torn if I should call him being an irresponsible dickwad or being a based man 10/10 Skelliger.

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Skelligers do not sow.

Always looked to me like Geralt is too dumb or fat to button up his vest properly.

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>only reason they aren't getting their asses beat at every opportunity by actual kingdoms is because it's not worth the trouble

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Oh boy. Skellige. How will our kingdom ever survive while Skellige holds all the good Gwent cards?

I'm glad people are finally turning on this show. It's been crap since season 5, but better late than never, I guess.

Does anyone have a Webm of that hot Asian chick with ridiculous legs performing a bunch of standing kicks in the middle of some gym/dance floor?

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>can't into /fa/


This, shows been shit before this season, it's just gotten so bad that even the mouthbreathing masses manged to notice it.

>Have to visit that shithole to get very good spy and monster cards.
>have to be the errand and slave boi of some shit sniifing treefucker in order to get his spy card.
*ding ding*
Fuck Skellige.

They are just mad because it was HER TURN

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>tfw saving Roche from Djikstra
Roche, you're nowhere near as cool is Iorveth, but you're still muh bro

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>mfw I let Dijkstra kill Roche
That's what you get for cutting my boy Iorveth out you polish jew rats. Dijkstra is the best choice for the North anyway.

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True a lot are, but the show deserves the hats regardless of why.

Still a few tards defending it though unsurprisingly.

>not Breaker of Ceilings
The right can't meme either.

The Var atre quest was such a blueball

ill never understand this quest line
people say it was the best in the game. what? what the fuck do i care about some random drunkard fuckhead in the middle of nowhere with relationship issues, literally the most boring and pointless part of the game like what were the devs thinking putting this fuck in?
velen is full of random nobodies without relevance to the backstory and no characters from past adventures
i always rush through this shit. FUCK VELEN AND FUCK THE BARON

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Buddy, unless im grandly mistaken, that picture was made with the earnest intent of having the comparison be flattering.

It's kino then

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People are only butthurt with game of thrones because muh danny, most people were clapping when arya killed the night king anime style

I don't even watch GoT but man this season is generating some MASSIVE butthurt online.
Somebody give me the retard greentext version of the half-assed ending they're putting together.

whats her name?

Sensible people were made that she 1 shotted the NK. Normalfags finally understood with episodes 4 and 5. Though some are still in denial

Doubt it.

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>waaa waaaa

Witcher 3 went downhill after Velen. I beat the entire game about a week after it came out and never returned to it. Never touched the DLC, how was it?

>most people were clapping when arya killed the night king anime style

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>Never touched the DLC
lol, thats the best part of the game

Both are some of the best DLCs out there.

How can anyone not like this game? It was magical from beginning to end. Nonstop delivering on being amazing at every turn. I know that when enough time passes for me to revisit it, it's going to be awesome all over again.

Maybe I should save up for a 4k monitor first, though.

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Gods, start shitposting again.

From memory.
>Dany gets mad a Tyrion for freeing Jaime and arrest him
>Tyrion tell Jon that his family will never be safe because they he and they threaten Dany's rule
>Jon confront Dany, gets "justified" and Jon kills Dany
>dragons justs fuck off with Dany's corpse
>Bran is made king for some god awlful reason
>Tyrion, Bronn and Davis are advisors to the king
>Jon fucks off back to the wall

>A quest about family abuse
>Written by a woman
Makes sense

was it kino?

Why didn't Cersei just kill them all with the scorpions? They were standing still and well within range.

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Sounds like I should replay the game then.

You're fucking with me.

Because events needed to happen but Dan and Dabid didn't want to properly build them up.
Shit was rushed, yo.

they can't aim that far down

but at least the archers could fire one volley

Those leaks have been very accurate so far. There might be an alternate ending, but that's unlikely.

best part is you can just play the DLC without playing the main game, tho ive never done it, so idk if its a good idea or how the game goes after etc etc

>Bronn is an advisor
the fuck is this guy doing on the king's council? he literally held tyrion at gunpoint on cersei's orders like one episode ago and apparently all his friendship with the lannister brothers was a fucking lie
>Jon fucks off back to the wall
for what purpose, winter is not coming anymore thanks to the night king being nothing personell kid'd

Written well because there were no good characters involved including the abuse victims. Which is surprising unless the writer thought the whore wife did nothing wrong.

>show starts putting a huge amount of effort on fights and special effects
>writing goes to shit
>everyone is okay with this for like 3 seasons
>something bad happens with popular character
>wtf this whole season was shit all the time!?

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>Bran becomes king
That makes 0 fucking sense

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I wanna see the webm you're talking about.

Anyone else getting comfy for tonight trainwreck?
What are you eating/drinking tonight?

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I couldn't care less, I stopped watching mid season 5. I'll probably be reminded it was a thing tomorrow on my lunch break though.

This or HoS

>just started the game
>controller is busted so playing keyboard and mouse
>absolutely suck ass at combat so trying to avoid it for the time being
>drinking with papa vessimir at the inn
>a few armed assholes trying to start shit
>don’t want to fight three guys in a crowded place, just buy them some vodka and they fuck off
>few hours later reach the baron’s place
>guards won’t let me in
>one of them recognizes me, says I bought him a round
>“yeah you’re cool dude, come on in”

I'm going to be honest, I have almost no drive to even watch it as it airs. This is the first time that's ever happened, even though I've disliked the show for much longer.

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>coworkers start talking about game of thrones

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nothing makes sense this season so it makes perfect sense

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if the leaks are true the trainwreck won't be that big which is sad
just muh bran

Lambert, Lambert, what a prick

Now that the dust has settled, was it KINO?

Attached: GOT.webm (1920x1080, 2.5M)

I don't care about watching the show either but i'm going to furiously check twitter to revel in the tears and outrage.

Coughposting is the best thing to come out of Season 8, so far.

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>to be raped and plundered by his men so that's not much better
except in this case that shit will be shut down shortly, either by the Baron returning or whatever government controls the area (an autonomous Temeria/Radovid/Dijkstra) realizes that kinda shit is bad for business and intervenes.
also they were already doing that sort of thing on the sly, remember the boy fucking dude I sure hope everyone killed quickly?

It got way worse after season 4 but was for the most part watchable until the pants-on-head retarded bring-cersei-a-zombie plot, and this final season made it clear that it wasn't building up to anything and that D&D give absolutely no fucks and are doing whatever the hell they want no matter how stupid or contrived it is. The Night King being offed by Arya in 5 seconds was when most casual viewers realized this was unsalvagable, and Dany nuking thousands of innocents was when even the most normalfag watchers turned against it. I thought the writing went to shit over 3 seasons ago like you said but even I never imagined that the final season would have worse writing than a filler episode of Power Rangers

how did it became a meme?

It must have been cool being an all powerful ruler and shipping irl

Skyrim mods have come a long way

It was forced and posted endlessly until it grew on a large enough audience.


the episode had little to actually talk about so a meme could be forced more easily

No. The Hound getting actual vengeance against the mountain is his bad ending. In the book he gets his revenge by making a new life for himself with a new name, leaving The Hound to be lost as a myth and another victim in the war, while his brother spends the rest of his days in constant pain as a slave to the throne. This Hound dies for nothing burnt to a crisp alongside the brother that he hates.

>>just a copy paste of Robert Baratheon
>How did CDPR get away with it brehs?
They made him seem like an evil bad guy before you meet him

HOS should be played while doing the main story if you want it to feel right, definitely after you've done Novigrad
B&W should be done after the main game or I don't think the ending makes much since

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God I wanted to fuck them so bad

You can save both the Orphans and The Baron's wife. If you encounter the tree spirit and free it before having ever been told about it, it will still save the kids for you and the witches won't blame the Baron's wife for it. This allows you to save her and the kids and the Baron but it does cost the lives of that one entire village, though they were loyal to the witches anyway and had no problem sacrificing kids to them.


Fuck off knife ear

It usually just comes down to the execution and not the plot synopsis

He was an idealistic fucktard who was an absolute fool for trusting Nilfgaard. Djikstra was right, the quest was just handled in a rushed and idiotic way.

isn't it implied that the tree spirit is ultimately even more destructive than the witches?

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Does he ever backstab you?

I've jumped to the blood and wine DLC without playing through the main game after a spell. I began much, much better equipped going into the DLC than I was at the end of my main game sans some witcher gear.

Nope. Him and Pritchard from Human Revolution are perfect examples of characters that you'd expect to backstab you sooner or later, but turn out to be bros.

>dat feel when first major Nilfgaard character you come across is perfectly reasonable and actually nuanced

Not his fault fucking peasants wanted to scam him. PEASANT HANDS.

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then what's the ending for the baron?
since his wife would presumably remain sane and he wouldn't neck himself
I haven't played in a while but I'm pretty sure the tree is implied to be the "mom" of the crones and is evil as fuck in its own right.
personally I wouldn't be taking any chances letting it live, even if a few kids died (who would be dead anyway honestly, the parents basically sent them there because they couldn't feed them)

>Taking Nilfaardian gold

>remember the boy fucking dude I sure hope everyone killed quickly?
No? Refresh my memory.

>Djikstra was right, the quest was just handled in a rushed and idiotic way.

Not really. It's just that like everything else in Witcher games there is no clear cut good vs evil aka there's no binary Bioware approach to decision making. I also like the fact consequences are delayed so you can't save scum to see the alternate outcome. Only one who ARGUABLY got gypped by the story is Radovid who went full insane for no reason.

>being a piss poor moralfag

Yeah but now she's helping write Dying Light 2 with Chris Avalone. So prepare for absolute kino

I don't care about the show per se but the twitter sperg outs are funny as fuck.

I’m gonna make a lamb pie and heat up some spiced wine

there's one inn early in the Velen zone where a group of the Baron's soldiers come in, and one dude was boasting about raping some boy because the family had no daughters when they shook them down.
you can get into a confrontation fast and kill them all, and later the Baron will remark on it.
So it's not really as though the shit that happened afterwards was some new phenomenon, though with the Baron gone they do dial it up to 11

I really enjoyed White Orchard. I spent a lot of time there. I thought it was like BOTW where the starting area has all the atomic elements of the main game put together excellently. If you're completely ignorant of the Witcher series and lore you can still understand the general gist of it completely by going through it. Absolutely excellent intro.

We never got to see Kovir lads.

Apparently it's like snowy Venice. Maybe they felt snowy/mountainous regions were over-done due to Skellige.

Also, the most undeniably KINO moment of the entire game was walking through the portal after landing space Iraq and you're in the spooky poisonous gas alien forest

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>Temeria gets the autonomy they were promised
literally nothing wrong with that, AND you get to cuck the eternal fire cunts and the Redanian scum

I was fully expecting him to be a dick, so the trip to the horse race and him having fun and giving you a saddle was pretty unexpected.

If you kill the baron's men you have to sneak inside his place to meet him. Afterwards he'll give you free reign around his place. If you don't hurt any of his men you can walk right in. I never stopped to smell the roses and met him the easy way.

I disliked all the shit having to do with alternate dimensions and bullshit magic science. I'll be genuinely pissed if Ciri is in Cyberpunk

I really wish most of the rewards weren't invalidated by exploration, though. By that time I already had a way better saddle and all equipment ended up made obsolete simply because I pursued Witcher sets. Itemization has been Witcher's weakness since the second game.

Both the setup and the actual fight was shit.
>suddenly the Hound has only lived to kill his brother
complete crap D&D, the Hound as a character was great due to his flaws and grounded reality, they had a chance to give his character peace by having him work for the sept in bumfuck nowhere.

Now that that wasn't possible they could atleast have made the fight KINO, it had a few good shots, but overall it was too short and not enough use of SWORD - also D&D back to their dumb antics of armor being made of butter ruins everything.
What they should've done was have more cling-clang and have the Hound's fate be left unknown, who knows, the little goblin maybe happens upon his sword somewhere outside the city but no sign of the Hound etc.

bruh the entire premise of the story is the wild hunt are fucking aliens

The ambient track there was absolutely incredible, too.

We met Uma Delicia in that quest line, who is later on revealed to be a very important character to the main story

>went full insane for no reason
That's how insane people usually are.

this. as someone who started late (season 3) and watched every episode afterwards as it aired, it’s just so disappointing. tywin, early ramsay, the hound training arya, jon getting murdered, tyrion before the beard - everything. EVERYTHING great about the show is gone. I’ll still watch it, I suppose. the show died for me a long time ago, so the disappointment might not be too bad

Conjunction of the spheres, you know, that time when all the silver weak monsters came into the world, is literally about alternate dimensions. Also humans and elves aren't native to the Witcher dimension either.

>Triss went to Kovir
>Eskel goes to Kovir


Geralt went to Kovir with Triss too


Desperately needed appropriate music for the fight.



I don't think so man

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>you're in the spooky poisonous gas alien forest

i unironically want to know more about that place

what's the Yea Forums equivalent of GoT threads? smash threads?

I really doubt CDPR are done with the world. Geralt as a protagonist is what we won't be seeing anymore and even that I'm only 99% sure about.
Another AAA is to be released by CDPR by 2021 which means it is well into development right now. My money is on it being a Witcher universe RPG, a lifeline in case CP2077 underperforms and a cash in either way.

Season 1 was literally the Sopranos is medieval times. The series really went to shit afterwards.

More like since halfway through season 3. I'm genuinely amazed people ate this lop for so long and now are calling it the greatest tv show in existence.

Dying Light 2 is starting to sound amazing, I really should play the first one.

Yeah I can't believe it took this long for normies to realize how shit its. It's been godawful since they started going off script with season 6

>Geralt went to Kovir with Triss too
No, not canon.

I think there is so much vitriol now simply because everyone knew the show was turning shit past season 3-4 but excused it and tolerated it simply because they thought it was going somewhere. But it wasn't and people are now mad for 4 seasons worth of trash.

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nah dany going crazy was how it was going to end anyways, at best you get better stuff in the middle

The timeline is essentially
>Red Wedding goes viral
>people flock to GoT because 'omg so shocking, anyone can die!' without realising the context
>when the crayon cartel realise what a horde of retards they've gathered, they start getting lazier and lazier, relying on pandering rather than writing
>retards never cared about the writing, so this is fine
>D&D get so far up their own ass they think they're geniuses
>unfortunately they forgot that they have a mandated ending to follow
>one which is the polar opposite to the pandering shit they've been doing
>they desperately need an extra season to pull off the character changes
>but Mickey is waving dollars at them, and their ego is the size of Andromeda at this point, so rather than fob it off to someone else, they genuinely believe they can pull it off
>they can't. dear god, they can't

>Never finished W2
>Want to play W3 I got in the sale last year
How important is it to play W2 first?

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>Backstab him
>Phase through the stairs mid-animation and die from the fall
Fucking dark souls

Not really, to be honest. The game are pretty self contained. The import bonuses are minor. Still, you should definitely finish the 2nd game.

Don't forget they originally made a pilot so awful D&D told the producer to give them another chance or he'd be openly admitting to everyone he just blew $10m and had no good judge of quality.


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Cunty response but W2 is great. It's not important to TW2 save from a quest but it feels great to play the same Geralt from W1 to 3

It ain't. After the opening area, you get to choose the serious decisions from W2. Almost like importing. And you won't be furious that Iorveth and Saskia are nowhere to be found.

fuck off Chris

In the main game yes overall its hearts of stone

It literally has to be. there's so many things in the books that are written completely differently from the shows. past a certain point there are characters who lived in the show up to the last season that are already dead.

Hey, I already did that joke

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They are based off Norse Gaelic. Vikings conquered and settled many British isles during the 9th century

>furious that Iorveth and Saskia are nowhere to be found
That is my biggest goddamn gripe. Iorveth was supposed to be in, he has a model. I wanted to hang out with him again, he was a fucking bro. Also, Saskia was a top tier qt

Intro is too fucking long, I tried twice and got burnt out by the time I got to the village

What decisions should I choose?

It's a reference to hussar dress.
They wore a second jacket draped over the first like a cape. When it was cold out they would put their arms in the sleeves properly but only did up the first couple buttons at the neck, so it could be removed quickly.

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The ones that keep characters alive.

>the 10 year anniversary cinematic wasn't canon

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Roche over Iorveth, 'cause Roche is actually in the game. Spare the prince, or you'll meet his very bitter mother later. That's all I remember.

>something that's not in the game isn't canon to the game
That's right.

>Stark tradition was whoever passed judgement wielded the sword
>Sansa doesn't
>could have been used as symbolism for how she's not ready to take responsibility for her actions, or to show she's spurning tradition
>it's not even acknowledged; the writers fucking forgot

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This questline was so good.
I remember playing it with my ex gf, and she was genuinely interested with the Baron's quest, the whole Skellige lineage thing, and minor quest like that white haired witch and things like choosing between Yenner and Triss

I miss those days, and I miss good GoT episodes


Makes sense to front load alot of the great parts at the beginning since most players and especially most reviewers won't make it past the first 12 hours anyway.

>hearts of stone

dude was an asshole who went around murdering and raping even before he sold his soul. FEEL BAD FOR ME GERALT. I was so glad when the option to tell him to shut up came up.

>the writers fucking forgot
You mean Sansa kind of forgot.

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>episode 4
>dragon "get's caught by surprise" and killed in a matter of seconds
>episode 5
>dragon absolutely dabs on the fleet and the entire city
>dragon dabs so hard on everyone it makes you think if it was even necessary to build an army

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Man GoT used to be actually well written I forgot
How long until HBO announce a GoT Rebellion show featuring Robbie and Eddie?

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Agreed. His quest and meeting the witches the first time were by far the best things in the game.

As long as they get fat bastard himself to supervise the writing it could be the most Kino happening in the franchise.

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You mean just like how they forgot Davos had never heard of bells to mean surrender?

it's no use if D&D are still in charge

Rebellion show would be total kino if done right, but I have my doubts
what about a cinematic universe

Why didn't Dany just marry Cercie?
Why are all lesbian relationships in fiction so shit-tier?

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If you beat your wife you're a bad guy... but if you feel bad about it then you're redeemed. We all know that women are a pain in the ass, for most of human history we knew how to deal with them. Muslims still do.

y'all niggas already forgot?

prepare for HBO, D&D and GoT to be BTFO by Netflix

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Fucking incel lannister posting never fails.

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Wait what's D&D got to do with this

What was he fucking doing during these last few seasons? I thought he was involved in production

>Turning peoples waifus into shitskins
Gonna flop hard, did everyone forget they tried to compete with GoT before with Marco Polo?

>thinking netflix won't abruptly cancel it after two seasons like they do every show not named stranger things

>mfw Rickon and Dickon become the gay emperors of Essos

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Bran is going to sit on the Iron throne

im not fucking kidding

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He means the producers of game of thrones, dabid and the other one.

>I thought he was involved in production
iirc he completely hopped out of doing anything for the show after s4 or s5. These last seasons are all D&D originals.

Nah, it's gonna be tyronne

Don't pretend Yea Forums isn't the same as r/games.

>jon snow
what was the point of this character?

Relieving but also gay.

Capeshit killed GoT. Change my mind. Everything remotely fantasy will be marvelized for maximum profit.
This too.

Other leaks are saying that Jon is actually ending up as king, and that dude was also right about all the other shit he spoiled.
I don't know anymore, could be one of those scenes they shot just to fuck with spoilers, and yet were never meant to be in the actual show, like the scenes with Jon and Cercie.

can you even read nigga

this is going to be different, Marco Polo had weak material to begin with
the books are filled with hot steamy sex, battles, intrigues, magic and shit
leditt will be all over this, and ST is basically over

people forget Dany was literally triggered by those bells because she heard the very same ones ringing when she was a baby child, escaping from King's Landing

Killing the cutie Mad Queen, thats basically his entire existence.
Fuck this guy, killing Dany once she finally became an interesting character.

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Every single thing I have seen/heard since the series was announced has lowered my expectations.

At this point I am 90% sure it will be irredeemable trash.

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He gave them the cliff notes of the story and they seem to have adapted those cliff notes exactly. That's the problem with what we have now, the exposition is all gone and its just plotpoint after unconnected plotpoint. Dany turning nuts would have made sense with another season's worth of content building her up to be losing her mind instead of it happening largely offscreen.


The funny thing is, if you completely erased their romantic relationship it wouldn't even make a difference. Wait, it would, Jon would be a better character overall.

Marvel and DC have several fantasy properties that would be fun to see on the big screen, ngl

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Nah, HoS objectively the best as far as storytelling goes. B&W is also pretty good.

BB is basically just an episode of GoT which is fine but its not THAT good.

But the red keep didn't fall during Big Bobby B's rebellion, the kingslayer killed Aerys "Mad Lad" Targaryen and the doors of the keep were opened for the rebels.

Threadly reminder that TW2 is the best of the series.
But it only shines after you've played it a few times.

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I'm playing the complete edition for the first time and I've done everything and now I'm in B&W...
I'm in love lads ..

The entire writing staff is a bunch of massive SJW faggots/cunts, this along with the race bending they are doing, all but confirms that the show will be absolute irredeemable garbage.

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I swear Netflix gives everything a second season as a hype scheme regardless of success

>Marco Polo had weak material to begin with
Marco Polo was fucking great you pleb
>the books are filled with hot steamy sex, battles, intrigues, magic and shit
Sounds expensive, how much money is netflix hemorrhaging again? They don't have the budget the leaks look terrible and you severely underestimate how much people will resent their vidya waifus being changed

toussaint is beautiful, definitely one of my favorite parts of the game

Blood and Wine is the last REAL DLC in the history of videogames
something that actually adds content and feels like an expansion, not just cut content added later

Maaaybe The Wilds DLC from HZD too, but it was just too short

It flopped already

Why are Ciri's tits so saggy?
Isn't she 20?

>never liked Dany. she was literally written as a marry sue
>but still hoped it was just a setup for her getting a reality check that being a ruler is tough shit and requires making hard decisions which can and will fuck up the lives of innocent people
>she might turn into a female Stannis (based)
>instead they turn her into a comic villain with a character development which even outshines that of Gul Dukart in idiocy


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It's just a circle jerk. Imagine, if this is the best fucking quest in the game how dull must the rest be?

I appreciate that the big choice between which side you pick actually means something in a way it doesn't in other rpgs. Nobody else is brave enough to design content half the players won't see.

isn't geralt pretty much an sjw of his universe anyways? friend with witches, vampires, dwarves, elves, shapeshifters, all kinds of degenerate and despised weirdos

Every single fucking thing they have released in regards with this show has been met with utter disgust, even by normies who though Cavill looked retarded with that wig.
I expect this shit to flop hard.
They already lost all the hardcore fanbase with the political changes they are making, that was their first mistake.

It's an actual expansion you fucking retard.

I massacred all the elves, dwarves and every other shit I found, so I don't think so

>downtrodden outcast associates with downtrodden outcasts


When are we gonna get a game about the Onion Knight?

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>wildlings have been fighting to get past the wall and live in better lands for centuries
>they decided to fuck off back to the north now

I don't think you can massacre all of them, only some of them sometimes, certainly not the sorcerers, Dudu or Regis
which are all aberrations
so an sjw

Final Fantasy series.

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Odd, I don't remember that Dark Souls boss.

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>can side with the pro humans against the nonhuman rebels in 1 and 2
>can let Radovid win the war in 3 and basically gas everything remotely nonhuman or magical
You can go either way
>outcast who associates with other outcasts=sjw
do you even know what that word means dumbass? or are you a newfag who only learned it when it became yet another vague buzzword

neck yourself, weeb

Hey, you asked.

Making some changes here and there from an existing source is totally different from being given a blank canvas.

The only region where people have a sliver of pride, they know how to have fun without destroying each other and aren't prude little bitches.

you still can't kill plenty of characters who are not normal by human standards
quite literally sjws stand for the downtrodden outcasts, people who are ostracised because of their race or beliefs, you can't twist it any other way

Nah. SJWs are SJWs because they continue to fight for people who are no longer downtrodden or outcast.
They don't want equality, they want to turn the tables completely.

>quite literally sjws stand for the downtrodden outcasts
If you mean by "downtrodden outcasts" anime-haired degenerates who spend their entire life on Twitter complaining about literal non-problems like manspreading, being addressed with a wrong pronoun and catcalling - yeah, that's Geralt alright.

>trying to survive as a sellsword in that universe without being a superhuman with magic hacks
Damn that sounds brutal

The beautiful rape

the ran out of book content around season 5, they've been making shit up ever since

What were they thinking?

>you still can't kill plenty of characters who are not normal by human standards
in 3 your actions would basically get everyone you met who didn't flee killed so you kinda can
>quite literally sjws stand for the downtrodden outcasts, people who are ostracised because of their race or beliefs, you can't twist it any other way
I don't think you comprehend the difference between advocating for their acceptance (a SJW) and an actual outcast simply associating with his fellow outcasts.
unless he's actually advocating for their acceptance he's not inherently a SJW dumbass.
though actually in that response I'm buying into your retarded simplification of what they originally were anyway. They were the most militant far left aggressive pushers of various ideological beliefs under the guise of acceptance for supposedly downtrodden groups, and were often hypocritical straight white women more using these groups as a weapon than anything.
as an example saying "trans people are normal" does not contrary to the buzzwords degeneration make you a sjw, though 99% of sjws would agree with that.
though considering the entire sjw phenomena started fading away years ago its all a gigantic fucking meme

They kind of forgot.

honestly not too hyped about it

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>tfw no yandere aunt gf

How am I supposed to prove you wrong when you're right

except you can't really decide that, minorities and people with different orientations still encounter plenty of prejudices and violence against them, which you of course celebrate, further feeding into what sjws stand for
both are social outcasts so if there's a choice then geralt is most certainly rather an sjw than a far right conservative advocate of puritanism
nah you kinda can't
well you sure are making sure that they don't disappear by constantly discriminating against people, but by all means keep calling people trannies and niggers to feed further into their narrative

Now that you mention him - at the end of the books, he basically told the public the body double was the real Ciri. But was the double mentioned in the game, at all? I don't remember, it's been a while.

>handsome chad white man protag paired with mulatto/black/latino/asian women
>beautiful white woman protag is paired with malay/black/latino/asian men.

Why do they always separate the chad white men and beautiful white women and pair them off to other ethnicities? It always baffles me why caucasian protags pairings are becoming like this these days.

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>which you of course celebrate
Cool projection m8.
All I'm saying is there's a bit of gradient between "Nazis Uber Alles" and "Kill All White Males" and Geralt probably isn't in either extreme.

I'm a liberal gay man you retard
kinda ironic you're feeding the /vpol/ bias by agreeing with the idea that sjw decribes the left in general, rather than just a phenomenon that petered out by 2016 like the fedora atheist craze, and really did social liberalism no favors with its mirror version puritanism

jews are working really hard to push the race mixing narrative.

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from the wiki
>Though she never features in the release version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, "False Ciri" was mentioned in leaked materials from 2014. She was to appear on Skellige and use another name - "Becca" (the same as the second queen of Cintra). It was not explained whether or not this was her real name or just another alias.
also just to get my timeline straight the Witcher games are basically a direct sequel to the books, with some changes right?

I'm glad that it's putting a bullet in the parasitic progressive takeover of established IPs
After GoT shits the bed, people will be going into it with far less hype and it dark fantasy won't have the same normalfag draw.

not on the extreme, but on the left side of it for sure, with his weirdo friends and consant degenerate sexual activities
and I'm Hitler currently hiding in chile, trying to argue as an identity on a site full of falseflaggers and chronic liars doesn't really mean anything
sjw is the left in general, that's what the word means, I can't really give a shit about whether you like it or not

deepest lore
I'm a bit sad we didn't get an audience with Tywin in Vizima's kino throne room, that would have made a great game just a bit better. Is there a mod for that?

I want a brown wife

>sjw is the left in general, that's what the word means, I can't really give a shit about whether you like it or not
let me guess, you learned that from /pol/?
because your newfag is painfully showing right now
it's also the equivalent of calling Jeb Bush an alt-rightist or a fascist simply because he's on the right but okay kiddo

They have made it clear since the beginning that the endings are different

>sjw is the left in general, that's what the word means

Redditor get out. SJW is a very specific extreme, a reference to the God Warriors of the right we used to bully back in the day.

that's how people use the word so that's what it means, you can whinge how weeb doesn't originally mean "anything that has anything to do with asia" that's still how people use it so that's what it means
that's how languages work bud
the left in general stands for the equality of the oppressed, that's what sjws stand for, you can find the opposite quite easily even in this thread where people say that anything abnormal and degenerate should be gassed

>muh appeal to majority

I don't come to 4channel.org to fit in with the herd, redditor.

but he has sex?

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I thought it was more him getting mad at them constantly cucking him put of rewards and anytime they came back and offered him a bigger one they never went through with it.

TL:DR next time don't post some fapbait picture retard, get banned


you're a decade behind if you think current Yea Forums, and fucking Yea Forums of all places is any different from reddit
this board might as well be a subreddit for all it's worth
and languages are pretty much formed by the majority, you can start calling the sun glaakrlalkl but people will just think that you're a retard

everytime crhis avalone gets name dropped the game turns out to be trash

>suddenly starts killing civilians and acting crazy instead of just being a smug retard

>being such a cuck you do your job (killing monsters) for free

I've never watched got, I've indulged so hard on the memes and tears the past few weeks that part of me is sad to see it end. No more justification for boarposting.

Was pathfinder shit?

We have culture and traditions here that I intend to keep, no matter how staunchly you newfags refuse to lurk.

>best girl Shani escaped this mess
Based, lmaoing at Yencucks and Trashfags whose waifus got MUTT'D

like spamming the same frog and feelsguy images that you guys spam on twitch, youtube, twitter and r/gaming?

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You must be the legendary faggot everyone's talking about, How do you get this gay?

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>isn't geralt pretty much an sjw of his universe anyways?
Are you talking about the book Geralt that the series is based on? He's pretty much apolitical, he cares about and protects those that he gives a shit about and those that can help him. He has no qualms about killing elves/dwarves/sorcerers (who he hates by the way) if they are an obstacle and try to do harm to him.

I don't post on any of those normalfag services, no. That's more your wheelhouse.

>retards on /pol/ use the word this way, therefore it means that and totally didn't have an actual meaning beforehand
once again, your newness is painfully showing

>*blocks your path

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>That Stregobor choice
Fucking based as shit. That Cahir looks like a fag but that is in line with the character I guess.

projection nigger

Daenerys was born in Dragonstone though

>It's just a circle jerk
This is the fastest way to out yourself as a redditor

shes always been doing it tho

>she finally became an interesting character.
Yeah I really enjoyed her turn from being a 2 dimensional marry sue who can't do no wrong to being a two dimensional Sunday morning cartoon villain with a wicked sense of humor No seriously, the Twitter salt of retarded fangirls is amazing

>he cares about and protects those that he gives a shit about
who are mostly weirdos and social outcasts
that's what Yea Forums is though, I'm pretty sure I could open the catalog now and find at least 5 boomerzoomer or shitty frog threads that get posted 1:1 on reddit
seems like you have a severe case of schizophrenia because you literally can't tell the reality from your delusions
it's pretty irrelevant what you think it used to mean, it's pretty clear what it means
this site and especially this board became a reddit copy when hiro declared that he wants it to be a reddit copy, the mods just did what he told and the few users who disagreed got rangebanned constantly so they either left or just accepted that this isn't a secular site for otaku anymore but just a sandbox where redditfags can spam pewdiepie videos and le funny frog all day

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thanks for ruining it for me, cunt.

GRRM fucked it himself by overdoing it
he should've stuck to a trilogy as he initially intended that ended shortly after the Red Wedding and then have the threat of the Others/Winter looming at the Wall
then he could've done a second trilogy, AFTER the time jump that he had initially planned

2 is by far the worst Witcher game. You can just skip it and read what happened in 3

women writers fuck this company really went down hill

>>who are mostly weirdos and social outcasts
Not really, no. He's friends with kings/queens, royal advisors and high ranking sorcerers. Have you read the books? Many times he is asked to help in some grand cause of the downtrodden only to decline because he gives no fucks about anyone other than his group

do you know what the word "mostly" means?

>not ursine

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>Why is Wolven (mastercrafted) the best looking armor set in the game?
but that's objectively wrong since ursine gear is a thing

Do you know what "sjw" means?

Based but its kinda immersion breaking when youre wearing a shit ton of layers and fur in toussaint