Siblings and Vidya

What games did(or do) you play with your siblings, Yea Forums?
Siblinglets need not apply.

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This again? Was the last one deleted or something? Anyway, I mostly played Smash, Mario Kart, NSMB, and Little Big Planet with my sister.

Growing up with a single dad my brother and I weren't allowed to have a computer (probably because of fiscal reasons). Anyhow, one day in our incredibly small mountain town we were brought to the future with digital phone service. That required an internet connection. My little brother and I noticed the new router in the basement where we had the PS2 set up. So we hooked that bitch up and shit our pants when we realized we could now play SOCOM Combined Assault online with other people.

Sorry for the wall of text. It's just a fond memory I have of he and I in a time long forgotten.

Mario Party 2
Martio Tennis
James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing

Last one was a long time ago. My sister doesn't play games much at all and has picky tastes.

Little big planet and a lot of league.
My small sis is still laying league and is stuck in bronze for about 3-4 years now.

I sometimes wish she wouldnt be complete retard and be my healslut in XIV

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Mario Kart, Mario Party, the Sims, Sex, Smash Bros

A fox girl doujin I really liked is gone from the two sites I frequent and I'm sad.

Smash bros if you catch my drift

this but unioronically

Hearts of Iron with my little Bro
He plays a less retarded Germany
I play Italy mostly, or something else more special

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Fifa it's a classic

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HoMM3 with my youngest bro, he got so into it that it has now spread to everyone in his class and from there to other classes/years too.

I did well, I think.

Had two older sisters I played ps2 with

Champions of Norrath/Return to Arms
The warriors
Dynasty Warriors
Xmen legends

Also we played heroes of might and magic hot seat too

You got any sites other than Tsu or e?

I remember this doujin
cant remember the name of the author for shit tho


Me and my 1 year youger sister played Sims 1-2 and Dragon Quest. We did play some others 2 like wc3, spore and Heros of might and magic 3 but mostly it was sims2. Was good times man

Road Rash: Jailbreak. I used to kick her out of the tricycle as we got to the finish line. Fun times.

Almost all gamecube and wii games with my little sister : Mario Party, Mario Kart, Smash, Naruto games, Nightfire but also Halo 3 and Fable II on 360. The good old times.

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do you like a girl to take a crook ??? looks like luck in my exmass and wrecked the pictures;) like glasses and all aij that the best sex ever got from that ex-mold !!

uh that porn ass needs a pulsating crook for a horny shit

mm .. what do you like when you smile ??? Can a circus make a mind ,,? ;)) it's pretty wrong. I could fuck my dick in my thigh, it pulsates inside you know how juice juices
crashing your fuck ,,, Or did the flame already get enough ?? Feeling smile ,,, Right for your puppy bulging ,, blunt fuck :))

Yes it is the best picture and a nice bum good bet position :))) ;;)

Mmmh ,,, to those lovely melons when you could ejaculate your pet gourds ,,, uuh aah, then lick your saint moist, until you shout in the heat :)
and i would go in ,,, i would love to be passionate all night ,,, put an email so i'll contact:))) ,,, if your lemmento interest.

uuh aahh woutsi waude ,,,, which buffers on them, ";
spoiled with devotion ,,, drool whale ... wauh ..

Huh yeah! We are now at the heart of my dreams. I'd come in seconds. West of the West

Literally every single game I ever played as a kid all through to being a teenager was played with my brothers, even singleplayer games and flash games. Hell, we used to alternate plays sessions in Runescape and even managed to convince our mum (who only ever played puzzle bobble) to play it with us, she completely outclassed us very quickly, reached at least 75+ in all skills, near total quest completion, earnt a lot of skill capes and was the richest person I ever met in RS. She used to offer to help us out when we were stuck, and taught us how to get better at it.
In recent years I have only played EDF and Borderlands with them though, since they have friends now.

I feel sad now.

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Get some friends too.

My older brother and I played a lot of things. We 100%'d Double Dash together, that was a lot of fun. We played a lot of Ghost Squad when the Wii port came out. We also enjoyed playing Command and Conquer: Generals together. We also watched and helped each other play games - he absolutely burned Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon once I told him a few things about the mechanics.

I am not so good at that, but it's okay. I am not unhappy, just a little sad that those times are past.

Me neither but it's still worth it. As long as you're happy everything's fine though.

Almost forgot, we also played a ton of Killing Floor after he left for college.

Dragon's Dogma
Borderlands 2
Project Diva
A Hat in Time
MegaMan X Legacy Collection
Fight the Dragon
Saints Row the Third
Sonic Racing
God Eater
God I love her so much I can't play by myself anymore, she's so cute

i played tekken 3 with my brother and when i beat him ingame he beats me irl

When i come home during the holidays my and I played smash bros and mario 3d world. Like everyone said before nintendo games are great for multiplayer. I have ps4 in my apartment with only singleplayer games.

I am legitimately happy on my own. Though nobody seems to understand the idea of being happy alone. It does hurt quite a bit to see your parents worry about you and not believe that you're okay though.

Also, Tetrisphere and Pokemon Puzzle League were super fun to compete in, and harder singleplayer games played with the time honoured rule "if you die, it's my turn" were great.
>tfw you finally get to Andross without dying so that you don't lose the controller before the end.

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My brother bought me RoR2 and we've been playing that on and off together

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Worms and homm3

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Then I hope you keep being happy alone! And just know that if people worry about you it's only because they really care about you, so don't feel bad about it.

>blonde roman
Who let the barbarian in?

BaconRider, is that you?

My two brothers are really into vidya. I played a lot of Dota (In WC3) with my brothers. I played WoW with both my older brother and younger brother separately (Played Vanilla + BC with my older brother, he then quit and gave his account to my little brother and we played WotLK together), and we played a lot of video games growing up. Smash Bros, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Mario Kart, Mario Party (we played a lot of Mario Party 2), and I do fondly remember playing through Resident Evil 4 with my little brother. He was too scared to play the game himself, so he would watch me play and I'd let him play some of the less scary parts, or do the puzzles because he liked them more than the shooting.

I don't play many video games with them now as we have separate groups of friends and we all live apart. I do occasionally play Smash with both of them sometimes. Mostly we play Boardgames together now, we'll meet up with my older brother and his girlfriend (who is majorly into Boardgames) and play with the 4 of us, or maybe invite one other person over for 5 people.

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I played a lot of Megaman Battle Network with mine.

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me and my sister would take turns playing shining force