
>it's free

what's your excuse?

Attached: dota2.jpg (390x390, 16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Free doesn't mean good

MOBA are literally the worst genre of video games. None of them are actually worth anyone's time.

It's too intimidating to start. Seems like every decision you make is wrong and everyone else yells at you.

It’s full of subhuman dirt villagers

HoN was better. I wish they would just buy all the HoN characters or something, all of them are so much better than the dumb boring characters like Pangolier or Mars

Dota 2 costs your soul.

Don't waste your life on bad video games. You will be subjected to hundreds of hour-long games where the outcome was decided from the start because two guys wanted mid and now one of them is intentionally feeding and other egoistic conflicts

Attached: file.png (282x111, 38K)

Dota2 is the absolute best of all the MOBA's too such a degree that it isn't even subjective
The problem with the game is that it's crack cocaine, and every bad high makes you want to get a good high
and every good high makes you want another good high

Take it from a neckbeard like me.

LoL is better.

Attached: DontPlayThisTrashGame.jpg (283x111, 8K)

>the players are bad
>therefore the game is fundamentally bad
Does not compute.

It's shit

>pay to win
>boring to play
>the result of the match depends on your teammates more than yourself

What does it matter? The game and its players are inextricably linked

oh yeah well take it from me, dota is better

Attached: Dota.png (292x141, 59K)

Dota 2 is amazing. Nothing makes me hate myself and humanity more than that game.

No other ASSFAGGOTS or multiplayer FPS or MMORPG can come close to that enraging high.

I second that

Attached: Screenshot (121).png (282x127, 52K)

That's my excuse not to play it. The only decent MOBA I've played is a fucking mobile game.

>try dota
>first match of dota since dota1
>pick ogre magi since i can remember him as failsave
>ingame, walk to shop
>random retard keeps yelling in the mic
>ogre, ogre, come lane, where are you going
>tell him that im buying items
>"ahh okay"
>whole team starts flame each other
>everyone wants to give up, saying we cant win
>we actually won

was a level 1 fun match and firt experience with dota2.
dota2's community seems to be even greater subhumans than league of legends

How long have you been playing LoL?
Because LoL seems great at first. 1000 hours later though you start seeing it for what it is.

Attached: having fun with friends.jpg (862x1648, 308K)

Because as much as Yea Forums wants to claim they're good at games the common posters sucks ass at everything remotely challenging. The only thing they're good at is coming up with excuses. Just look at any xcom or darkest dungeon thread.

>dota2's community seems to be even greater subhumans than league of legends
it is

I've played it for 15 years now. Still the best strategy game there is.
Also Pangolier

you sound like a nigger stick to lol

>Nothing makes me hate myself and humanity more than that game.
pretty much this desu

the game might be free2play
but it's definitely not fun2play

Whats ur Mmr user?
Because if u r under 4k u r pure shit lmao, everything works under that mmr and there isnt any pressure at all

uhh like under 1000 hours.

I got perm banned because some conk hacked into my account and cheated so it got my account banned. Try to appeal but they didnt listen to me.

Meta was absolutely butchered in favor of 20-30 minute games where the outcome is decided before the clock even starts, and that's to say nothing of the balance. Everything is balanced around the very top 0.001% of players; if something's busted in your average pub game, don't expect it to go away any time soon.

t. 2.7k hours

Attached: worse.png (718x531, 352K)

I love dota but I will never play it again. I was lucky to just get away with it. I dropped out of college would just play dota and skip all my classes.

I used to be 5.6k but dropped down to 3.5k because I got a more demanding job. Still great fun playing that game and reaffirming the belief that there's no hope for mankind.

if you know a friend like him just dont invite him.
its that simple.

continue idorting it up in casual modes and let him continue losing his mental in ranked with other faggots just like him

because it's gone downhill in quality since it diverged from Dota 1, with 7.00 plunging it beyond redemption

haha...Fun... sure user..
Pick HC:must farm more than 30 mins to do something
PIck support:GOnna need to roam and get killed to do something and have boots at min 20
Pick off:Gonna get fucked by the typical CM sven and SS combo
Pick MId:Gonna get assfucked by 2 suppos and the mid
Pick roamer:Gonna get cucked by pos 4,3,2,1 and creeps

likewise loved it, but will never play it again. for me though, it's because of the way it's changed since I loved it. I hope I can play some comfy Dota 1 games in Warcraft 3 Reforged

Why is the offlane the chad lane?

>all other games are fighting against toxicity
>sell cosmetics that enable hard bantz

How does Valve keep getting away with it?

Dota 2 is the only game in which if I lose a certain match, I will be still be seething about it the day after. Also the only game that gives me headaches while playing. I do like playing support becuase it's the role that gets the less flame since everyone is focused on what the pos1-2 are doing.

Attached: 1557132808385.webm (616x720, 1.03M)

fuck I hated the way they forced the meta like that, makes me miss the game when it was still patched concurrently with Dota 1/the several patches before 7.00 when they added Bounty Runes in the river

Shut up both of you.

Attached: both of you shut up.png (304x120, 57K)

i mean...dota players were used to play games of 40-50 mins , but now all is faster and even it shocked me coming after 1 year to see how the game changed , i was like "wtf is this hsit now league of legends meta or what"

Valve is based, even in cs go (Reports dont work there OMEGALUL)
Me too user, me too.
I miss the sniper cancer, the TW cancer, and prolly the dark seer AUTISTS , but yeah, i think it is better than now, back then i could use to build dominator on jugger and push without any problem and kill everyone, meh

Dead in north america

MMR or pussy

because in pubs where noone coordinates you could play shit like solo Omniknight or Kotl against the right matchup and fuck the enemy heroes and tower repeatedly


Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA

>Sniper cancer
a wave of nostalgia rushed over me. I personally miss Helm of the Dominator the most, stacking camps with my creepbro...

I don't play ASSFAGGOTS

Helm is still ingame. You still control a creep with it.

because theres only two possible outcomes playing offlane
>start off raping the carry and his sup so hard solo that he has to send a third person to help him last hit, making your game easier for your carry
>start off getting zoned hard by their safe lane not even getting 1 cs by 3 minutes but it doesn't matter because you can hit 6 and solo kill two heroes, funding your blink dagger

>my creepbro...
but then i quit dota for 2 years and got a life and a gf and came back and Noice, no more diffusal blade(RIP), dominator is now a support item(i dont remember well) and oh shit we lol now

HoN was only better because there was no any kind of delay on the movement.

>it's free
user look over there!
It's an unguarded piece of dogshit, eat it quick!
What do you mean by "no"? It's literally free.

Getting tired of being matched with nothing but chinks? Lmao who the fuck plays Mobas anymore

Watched the Alliance-OG matches, epicenter qualifiers I think. Alliance is looking fucking strong.

>tfw you can't ERP as a healslut in dota 2
Fuck your shit game.

really? could've sworn they altered it's function
I did it with Gyro, I miss him so much. my support friend would stack ancients for me before I had the Helm, too

7.X sucks

>the trash that literally killed Warcraft 3
>hurr durr its le good lol xD

get fucking gassed, you piece of trash

anything 7.00 onwards is trash, this user knows what's good I JUST WANT TO LEVEL STATS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

yeah lifesteal is gone its an aura support item now, pretty much required 1 per team in higher mmr

>ALLIANCE IS BACK!!!!!111111

Step down old man.
They're never coming back.

Yeah sure if 5000 hours of your life are free.

>one of them is intentionally feeding

This is very rare for me, my behaviour score might have something to do with it.

Also this complaint is easily addressed by having friends

>Aliance is back
>navi is back
Nvm user

Why do retards cant stop hitting Bristleback from behind?

oh, I remember that now. I still played for a bit in 7.00 before I accepted it was never going to be as fun as my golden era, I remember using new Helm a bit. don't know why I thought it didn't dom creeps anymore. thanks user

>healslut trannies can't erp because supporting actually takes effort in Dota


>muh 7.00
>thread full of retards who think stuff like hotd and diffusal were removed
>retard group A claiming games last 60+ minutes
>retard group B claiming games last 20-30 minutes
Please consider not posting in threads if you're clueless

I literally only played omniknight every single game, picked him first pick every time and then went to whatever position was left.
How is him these days? Haven't played for a couple of years.

>he defends 7.00

League of legends is actually better that nu-dota
I'm not being ironic

>You think 2.5k hours is bad
>Meanwhile I'm sitting at 11k

Attached: cdba5e365a4f98083533a361b66fc8b0.jpg (600x450, 26K)

>muh shrines
>muh talents
>muh free circlet


I'd prefer playing Hots to League, honestly. now that the Dota I loved is dead, at least

>20-30 min games
Good. All the jungling plebs get filtered to under 2k.

I wish we had your doujins lolbros.

Loli Pugna soon.


i played it years ago.

Just a few days left before Icefrog nukes the balance again

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Dota 2 taught me tolerance.

Working in Singapore and being forced to play in the SEAmonkey server for three years does things to a man.
Now even Yea Forums's worse shitposting doesn't faze me. I am at peace.

I just had a game where I was TA and was 5-0, had desolator, blink and treads before 15 minutes. We still lost, even though i ganked lanes more than enough times. FUCK all team games, FUCK all mobas. im playing starcraft from now on

it's for mid-level retards that think too highly of themselves and think they are too good to play with teammates but in fact they lack core teampplay skills

Fuck drow.

Shotavoker soon trapfag.

free games are for children with no financial support, and poor people with no finances at all
i am neither

good. my boy earthshaker aka free mmr wont be touched anyway.

I bet you preorder the overpriced collection editions of whatever your favorite youtuber tells you to buy.

I still can't believe valve whitewashed the only female nigga in dota. Now only Chen is left.

Its not even stats thats the problem, 7.X has been nonstop increases to the overall gold per minute, there is 8 more jungle camps and creeps now give deny gold and they're constantly nerfing gold costs on everything.

Old dota getting a pimped item like butterfly or heart was rare sub 30 minutes, nu-dota its pretty much standard to see people have 2 of these items by 20 minutes

You really think characters like Bombardier, Myrmidon, Puppet master, Flux. Deadwood, and Scout, aren't better than boring shit like Pangolier and Mars?

I just started playing dota2 im still playing the bot matches. Should i stop?

Run now lad.
You're on a slippery slope to literal cancer AIDS.

I have a life.

Hots is LITERALLY dead tho and it's a shame

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While the amount of gold has increased on the map, the real reason people are getting items faster is that they have gotten so much better at the game. Even though it sometimes feels like you are playing with literal retards, the truth is that the 5k players nowadays who aren't even close to the peak skill of dota, would dominate any team at TI1 and dota 1 level. People have learned farming patterns and how to get most ouf of the map in ways that people couldn't even dream about 8 years ago.

Play with bots first. If you wanted to go play soccer, would you just go and jump into a pickup game with people who have been playing for years? You'd get trahsed and they wouldnt want to play with you, the loser. At least in Dota, you can play versus AI who dont say anything except call missing.

>>it's free
>what's your excuse?
7.00 turned this game into league hots clone also Valve does nothing against scripts cheaters smurf and bosster. You will play every game against at least one 90% core win rate booster peak dota was 6.70.

new Dota (7.00 onwards) is trash
>can't level stats, forced to use talents instead
>spell amplification exists, we well as shit like spell cast range increase
>no Aquila
>no Poor Man's
>map rearranged every patch
>new heroes always have bloated kits and release in an over powered state
>Roshan sits in the middle of the river, too lazy to change the pit graphics also so it has lava flowing from nowhere
>4 bounty runes in the jungle to artificially force fights
>supports receive gold from stacked camps, part of a trend to incentivise casuals to play support rather than have them do it for the organic good of the team. roles are more homogenised
>shit Aghs effects all over the place, affecting abilities besides ults
>viable hero pool at a competitive level has never been as diverse as pre 7.00
>denying creeps gives you gold/EXP (whatever it fucking is, changes every patch I swear) which again, gives incentive to casuals to deny because simply denying a last hit to your opponent isn't good enough
>Icefrog is such a beta male he only talks to chinks for balance feedback, because western Chads bullied him for his retarded decisions
why are you still playing it, anons?

I'm not an asshole
I said to my brother when he asked for my beta key, "Only assholes play moba games, eventually you'll hate everyone you play with"
A year later he told me I was right

Just do normal matches. If you find it fun continue, if not stop. I shouldn't have to be telling you such simple things.

Cute! I Iove teaching new players. Post steam and ill play with you

Is there a better redpill game?

Why do retards pick bristle when Silver edge exists?

>can't level stats, forced to use talents instead
didn't bother reading the rest of them
I never understand retards attachment to levelling stats
The trait system literally makes the game deeper by adding more factors to account for compared to a system that almost universally was ignored until every skill was maxed

You know what? supporting in dota is the best compared to other ASSFAGGOTS (I tried HOTS and League and god it was awful)

Icefrog killed the community forums

>pangolier and mars
those are peak HoN designs, user.

>haven't played in years
>kind of want to get back into it
>but I know so much has changed
fuck it, can't hurt to try

He might get buffed considering he has an Arcana coming out

It's obvious bait, not that it will prevent retards from replying or the guy samefagging.

Because the hero isn't only the passive. Bristle is a pretty good laner and can farm teamfight items pretty quickly. The problem is that his abilities don't really do much compared to other options that can buy the similar items. You would rather have an initiator with stun carrying the greaves/crimson/pipe/other aura items .

Support in dota is the chaddest role

Game is decided in the first 5 min
Can't comeback cause youre constantly losing gold to dying

Game is only fun if you are winning

>ganking lanes
should've taken objectives shitter

Fucking this. And this is why dota 2 is the greatest game of all time. You get to relish your opponent's suffering and eventually watch in glee as they squabble among themselves as their side burns to the ground.

2k+ hrs and 4.7k mmr highest 5k
Played it since release on steam and prior on WC3.
Honestly fun game with friends but just not worth after all my friends left most randoms were angry retarded russians at least that was the case 2-3 years ago.

Attached: doto.png (426x118, 87K)

>in current year+8

My buddies got burned out on it, and I’d rather eat sandpaper covered dicks than play it alone. It’s an enjoyable experience when you have a team that can reliably delegate roles and coordinate, while also knowing that you can play games from start to finish without the risk of getting annoying pissbabies in the team who start throwing games after the first failed fight or spend more time complaining in chat than playing, but solo queuing is the most anti-fun thing I know.

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Well whoppidoo someone gets a good start in the game. You get an advantage of it, not win the game instantly. This seems really hard for people to understand at all levels in dota.

patch 7.0 ruined the game :)

>sucks away your social life and happiness

There was no visible mmr in 2012

more complexity =/= deeper
at least with stats there was actually something to put a point towards on every single level, whereas talents leave you with dead levels because it was clearly tacked on to the existing level framework. being able to choose whether additional stats was more worthwhile than an additional level in an ability was a deeper system. most of the time the trade off was not worth it, but the few times it was made for some very interesting builds. certainly more interesting than literal Hots talents

if you're not playing this game for turbo and ability draft with friends then you're doing it wrong


I rather have fun.

Even fucking TI chink teams weren't farming items as fast as your averge pub these days, and china loves the ricing meta.

Yeah I know ? This shows when I purchased for some reason rather than when last played.

t. delusional new Dota player

being free doesnt excuse it being a shit game

He needs a rework his quill spray takes ages to build up in a teamfight, snot takes a long build up too.

Your average pub now is better at ricing than the professionals back then. Let that sink in for a second.

Starcraft 2 coop is fun as fuck, too bad blizzard are too stupid to pump out more content for it at a decent rate.

I think Loda is the coach, but it's a whole new roster, obviously. Taiga in particular is pretty good.

Secret must be fucking jynxed, seems like every season they appear unstoppable and they begin to fall apart as TI aproaches.

if you're playing this game at all you're doing it wrong

Just make his passive have an active that does something and make his ulti give attack speed. Or remove damage cap from quill spray.

>can't level stats, forced to use talents instead
b-but I want to spend my xp on circlets
>spell amplification exists, we well as shit like spell cast range increase
Is that a problem?
>no Aquila
>no Poor Man's
And that is a good thing!
>map rearranged every patch
Because the map is still fucked and has been ever since the game first came out
>new heroes always have bloated kits and release in an over powered state
That literally was the case in dota from the very beginning. Remember when Ember was broken on release? You probably don't.
>Roshan sits in the middle of the river, too lazy to change the pit graphics also so it has lava flowing from nowhere
wow what a nitpick
>4 bounty runes in the jungle to artificially force fights
yes, don't forget the towers on the lanes that force artificial fights and the ancients, that force artificial gameplay.
>supports receive gold from stacked camps, part of a trend to incentivise casuals to play support rather than have them do it for the organic good of the team. roles are more homogenised
In pro games, roles are not homogenized. In pubs, any incentive that makes people want to play support is a good thing.
>shit Aghs effects all over the place, affecting abilities besides ults
And? This isn't that new and it makes heroes eligible for an aghanim that weren't before. And I prefer more diverse Aghs than "cooldown down damage up"
>viable hero pool at a competitive level has never been as diverse as pre 7.00
Incorrect, only 3 heroes were unpicked at TI7, the first post-7.00 TI.
>denying creeps gives you gold/EXP (whatever it fucking is, changes every patch I swear) which again, gives incentive to casuals to deny because simply denying a last hit to your opponent isn't good enough
Denies get changed a lot, because as it was it caused too many issues with offlane play.
>Icefrog is such a beta male he only talks to chinks for balance feedback, because western Chads bullied him for his retarded decisions
lmao sure


Saying "literal hots talents" is not a sufficient response to claim something is lacking complexity or deepness or whatever the fuck you're trying to imply through dumb wordplay
HOTS is not a complex game, but the talent system is one of the few areas where it draws any level of complexity. Saying "this comes from a casual game, therefore must be casual" is pretty hilariously moronic logic

One of his passives is definitely going to get an active component to help against silver edge.

did you only read the last 3 words of my post? I explained beforehand why I didn't like it

dota classic when?

Attached: 1408838236618.png (411x387, 11K)

Silver Edge is a 4000 gold item that doesn't delete BB from the game, it only lets you fight him without dying to his passive quills

Why? The silver edge is really a nonissue when you got tanky items, you just get a little squishier for a few seconds. The real problem is that the hero doesn't really do anything.

>tfw 10v10 is dead

It hasn't been good since TI3

personally, I'm hoping that Dota 1 will see a small resurgence with Warcraft 3 Reforged supporting all old custom games

Heroes have stat gains, no level is ever dead, just get good

>The trait system literally makes the game deeper by adding more factors to account for compared to a system that almost universally was ignored until every skill was maxed
>do I skill the good talent or the shit talent
Do only thing the talent system adds is power creep and retarded power spikes only a nu-dota dotard would think it's good.

Cant buff my boy more. He will be picked too much. Pls no icefrog

Dota's 2 playerbase will be hit pretty hard with classic and reforged.

Fuck that. Keep the dotafags to dota 2.

I want all the other custom maps to flourish again.

levels with no points to spend*
>get good
have sex

Purchased for uninstalled/not installed games, last played for installed.

I don't play competitive games anymore.

Attached: 1521817197795.gif (500x373, 2.92M)

If anything we'll see a surge of all the DOTA spinoffs getting remakes that existed before DOTA allstars ruined that scene

Nah. It'll hit the custom games a little though.

i play the superior moba i do watch doto esports and post 7.0 game looks really dumb especially when cores hit the lvl 20-25 talents

Attached: if you died to ad sion, you got outplayed.webm (960x720, 1.98M)

You said it was a trade off system, but traits are still a "trade off system
I have no idea what you mean by "dead levels"
i assume you're referring when theres nothing else to level, which makes no sense because theres nothing else to level in the old system other than stats
I really have no idea what you're suggesting is deeper other than maybe once in a while a low BAT hero may skill stats over an ability to get extra agility
which hardly seems deeper than a genuine choice that all 10 heroes have to make up to 4 times a game

Sure it will buddy.

>nothing else to level other than stats
unless you have already levelled those earlier

I think you'd genuinely have to be retarded to think that every talent is a clear one is better than the other always, in the same way that items aren't always one is better than the other always
Theres always a reason you could pick the talent, and if one is so clearly better than other than its just one of a million things that needs a readjustment

>dotards think dota has a health player base
lmao the game was dying before dota chess 60% of the player are only play chess.


Well, we will see the player numbers once classic comes out. I'm sure blizzard are confident enough to make a page that keeps track of current/peak player numbers like valve.

you just did the thing where you ignored the rest of my post and only replied to a part of it that you just made fun of me for

>I really have no idea what you're suggesting is deeper other than maybe once in a while a low BAT hero may skill stats over an ability to get extra agility
There are only 3 heroes you can level stats on, viably. Sven, Wraith King and Medusa.
And with the way the game is played today, you wouldn't level stats on any of them.

Leveling stats is objectively bad in every situation no matter what.

They don't need to but every brainlet knows even BFA or Overwatch has more players than Dota.

I made a patch for a custom map I caught a liking to but I was too slow and it already died
>3 playing right now
DotA 2 but it's Artifact

Attached: 1532557637170.jpg (285x248, 36K)

Wow has something close to 1/10th of its peak subscriber numbers and overwatch never has above 50% of hours watch on twitch compared to dota. I'm sure all the layoffs, moving devs to mobile and senior devs leaving in droves are all signs of a massive player base.

I like dota 2 because it lead to the existence of Artifact.
And Artifact flopping probably humbled those lazy fucks at Valve.

They needed a game to crash and burn now maybe they'll actually try with any future potential game they do.

>dotard talk about layoffs
Oh remember how successful shartifact was or the Vive? Yea I remember. How many people from shartifact are working at Valve now? zero?
>muh twitcher number indicate if a games does good
lmao so classic beta is has how many players? fuck off dotard.

>lmao so classic beta is has how many players? fuck off dotard.
classic is unironically going to bury retail

autochess meme is already dead
everyone is back to playing overthrow

We wouldn't have to resort to twitch numbers if blizzard kept us updated on numbers like the early days of wow and overwatch. Wonder why they stopped.

Shitty third worlders and retards who can't even stay connected to a match. Unless you're like 2k MMR above everybody else in the match, it's a coinflip to see if your team doesn't completely fuck up, either with picks, plays, or just outright throwing.

Attached: dotastats.png (255x124, 53K)

Random draft or all pick?

Attached: 1548464137178.jpg (184x184, 19K)


Straight go to ranked and click on random hero button.

Why is porn of dota so rare? Is it that models are worse than HotS and no one cares enough?

Bring back captains mode where you have to click fast to become a captain, I was winning when that was a thing and I was picking for everyone.

players are too autistic

Doesn't pander to weebs and/or horny teens.

instead of reeeeing about "toxicity" like most other communities, dotards welcome it. wallow in it. delve deeper in it. only the biggest of absolute pussies actually use the report option. unless its against your friends. now thats pretty fun

a whole community that givers barely a fuck about toxicity makes the game unironically fun

m8, reports are how you grief people in dota, due to how behavior score queue works

>places plag on corpse
>high fives whole team

I have 10k behavior score and I rarely see griefers and feeders myself. Think 1 in 30 games.
Even when I temporarily dropped to 9k because of two consecutive abandons (internet loss), players were still well behaved.

Tilting the entire team by shittalking in all chat is an unique experience


"its free"

it's called time and even the richest people on this planet can't buy more of it

do you really wanna spend it playing dota2

Attached: 1542408868841.jpg (500x375, 25K)


>he doesn't know

>kill the enemy's carry
>praise the enemy support and mid while apologizing that they could have had a fun match if it wasn't for their retarded carry
>watch as they implode

theres the rare "your team gets crushed early game, tilts in all chat, enemy team starts getting too confident and start losing, they in turn start flaming each other in all chat, and your team somehow wins"

damn there needs to be a short term for this specific scenario because ive had that happen so many times

>in a hobby website
>on the videogame board of all places

Attached: 1551063822974.jpg (591x591, 31K)

Sure, if you don't value your time. If you're going to enjoy shit talking more than playing any sort of competitive game, why even leave Yea Forums?

Its called throwing

Best feeling is keeping quiet early-mid game while the winning enemy team trashtalks you, then they go more and more quiet as you slowly make your comeback then they stop talking altogether when you get mega.
Then you trash talk back.

games with hamfisted censorship like OW will never have these moments.

>valve consistently knows how to monetize toxicity
fucking how? everyone fucking loves the banner dropping, highfive giving, sound byte spamming shenanigans happening right now.

The problem is that 10K means you can just as easily get matched up with someone at 8K, which is really fucking bad if you think about how fucking awful you have to be to get reported to 8K.

You're right that we don't see griefers and feeders but it doesn't stop people from being insufferable shits in their communications. The issue is that there's no fucking fixing it either. You can't give people more reports because then 10K doesn't mean anything anymore because people will be free to spam reports on everyone who says anything during a match and tank everyone's behavior into the shitter..

>buy a clock
>It strikes midnight
>revert it a couple hour back
>get INFINITE TIME because you just extended the day time

Should we give the people that gives us money what they want? Or should we censor everything? This must be a difficult question since nearly every dev gets it wrong.

>games with hamfisted censorship like OW
>scoreboard is hidden so you dont know who is contributing to what
>career profiles are hidden by default, even in public the stats arent of much help
>a fanbase who unironically gets triggered by "ggez"

Peruvians still breathe

>blizzard filters gg ez
>valve ads the part where the chink calls ceb a little faggot to the ti8 documentary

>>retard group A claiming games last 60+ minutes
>>retard group B claiming games last 20-30 minutes
If this isn't proof that dota experience varies between bracket, nothing is.
Compared to lel where everybody from iron to master say the same about the game status

Played and found it boring as fuck. Not worth the investment of time to learn it in order to have a few matches now and then.
The people playing that game aren't exactly sound in the head. Mostly passive-aggressive retards. It's a game that in no way would play along with four other random people.

Dota might be dead, dying, or already a walking corpse but can someone explain to me how you fucks have such kino fagsports story lines every time?

Valve doesn't own the pros.

I'm pretty sure Blizzard has no idea how to make co-op good. They just rip pre-existing assets and mechanics to build commanders and just make clusterfuck mutations and just expect players to throw themselves at it.

Occasionally a brutation will come along that actually forces players to have to pick specific commanders or lose but Blizzard likely never designs brutations like that - they just accidentally happen that way. I feel like only ~5 or so brutations force you to be at peak performance and the rest are just throwing your random big army at the enemy with minimal adjustments to your playstyle.

I agree it's too fucking bad but it's not surprising.

talk shit to other pros?
talk shit to randos?
had a little too fun of a time on some small tourney?
its all fine

the only rule is to not talk bad about gaben and valve in a serious manner.

Players can put money for big prizes. Seems that Valve uses that money for intended purposes instead of keeping it for themselves.

I suck at it and I don't have fun with it.

>the only rule is to not talk bad about gaben and valve in a serious manner.
Let's be fair. Even valve doesn't give a fuck about that.

Now if you lose them money on the other hand.

>blizz rakes in money from lootboxes
>servers still shitty
>god awful slow pace of making actual new content

>but they still have to pay a guy to """write""" the """story"""
>Toxic Behavior is Slowing Overwatch Development

people actually believe this is a valid excuse

They've been pandering to China lately.
New hero is basically made for China

Dota pros are people, they're human and most of them have been around for a long time.
or it's all scripted, in that case Valve has some really good writers

theyve always pandered to china but in a good way.

siphen chinko money into the good old US of A's treasury

How is mars pandering to china?

Fuck off retarded chinaman and take your awful fat jolly big smile characters with you

dotka pros and streamers are absolute madlads

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Dota 2 is complete trash

How can i make money playin dota?

Good job son.

clipping of a dutch newspaper after singsing won a tourney

When asked on what he would spend the prize pool money he responded: "Bitches and Coke". However he shyly added: "I’m still too young to know what to do with this much money".

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game is shit now
valve ruined it

He was designed with the Disney Hercules aesthetic. Look it up.
If there is a hero that was no doubt pandering to the chinks, it's MK and that animal came out years ago.

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the frog had giveth for years and the frog can taketh a way

now its a question wether volvo is willing to venture into the forbidden lands of making a third game

they could make a dota 3/4/8/12/56
it would be the same garbage it is now

Team reliant games always have utterly trash teammates that just make games a waste of time. Playing in a stack of 5 is a bad idea because even friends can get really angry during a match because its easy to mess up and be the single reason as to why the enemy is winning.

>dota 2
>dota underlords (in production)

It may not be Dota 3, but a third dota game is literally coming

>dota underlords (in production)
probably auto chess standalone

Its not autochess unles they hire the original devs.

Dota 2 is an anti-game, all MOBAS are. They are not for people who like video games, they're for bitter burnouts who used to enjoy video games and can't face the fact that they are burned out.

No other genre turns good friends against eachother as quickly as this one. Everything so is strict, there's no room for creativity, you have to follow the strict autistic meta or whatever you do is "non-viable" and you get fucking crucified. That's why chinks love it so much, they love following stupid rules and being bossed around so this is a perfect game for them.

Fuck this retarded genre, it's everything that a game shouldn't be.

>Expecting zoomers to know this

why do people enjoy autochess?

Give smite a try. You can avoid the classic 5v5 conquest (even though it’s the best mode). And just do the more casual modes and do all kinds of dumb shit. Like building all power on tanks that do absurd damage and one shot squishies. Or pick three characters in joust (a 3v3 one lane) that all have plucks and toss people clear across the lane inside your tower.

m8, if I can stomp games picking meme shit then you can too.
Or at least you could if you got good.

Used to play, but my friends started taking it too seriously and it stopped being fun. Quit at 2,5k hours, sold all my immortals and I'm not going back

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>I stopped trying to git gud and got left behind
You don’t have to lie lad

The only shitty argument you dota retards have is "get good", it's like a cult, you people can't imagine someone disliking your pile of shit "game" so you think they don't like it because they're not good at it. I wasted over 700 hours in Dota 2 in 2013, it was fucking shit.

There are way better comp games out there that the chinkfest mobas without retarded rules, inflated egos and shitty restrictive meta.

>teammate throws game
>call him a faggot and tell him to go to Greenland
>game ends
>get banned for toxicity/hate speech while the other guy goes on to ruin the game for more people


Things that never happened, a 5 part series by user.

I only play custom games. They should add an all mid mode.

You haven’t refuted anything.
And that post further proves you got shit on and rage quit

Git gud

what makes dota 2 so much more cancerous than all the other team multiplayer games? is it because it's more punishing?

user, if you can't play the game, you cannot criticize the game based on how you have to play to win games. Because if you get good, these restrictions no longer apply. If you are good at dota, you don't have to care which heroes are meant for what anymore.

Dota is not made for people like you and I understand that you may not like that, but honestly saying that a game is bad because you're bad at it is the same as all the game journalists demanding easy modes for Sekiro and Darks Souls and whatnot.

Either you get good and learn to play and you criticize faults with the game that exist. There are many things wrong with it right now, but someone like you wouldn't understand what that is and why that is. Or you just shut up and stop whining about being bad and blaming the game for it.

>no surrendering so you get stuck with a bunch of shitters for upwards of 50 minutes if the enemy team is fucking around
>no punishment for subhumans who ruin games
>subhuman playerbase

have sex

>Playing a repetitive loop based game

Life's too short for playing these type of games

play dota

you don't get banned for toxicity. you only get muted but you can still play the game. even constantly reported throwers can still play, only in low priority single draft mode but not banned.
The only time you will be banned from queing is if you fail to accept games and then there's the 6 month ban which is so fucking rare not even hardcore game ruiners are guaranteed to get it.

We are talking about Dota here, not overwatch.



It’s a very over-tuned game with one of the steepest learning curves. Being good at other mobas doesn’t really matter because even gm/challengers in others come to dota and play like -200 MMR for quite a while. And my personal favorite part is you won’t get banned for rightly shitting on people like lol.


There is a surrender vote.
you just all have to leave the game at the same time

save hex for the carry

*slurps up every drop of shit that leaves valve and icefrogs asshole*

The biggest issue with dota 2 is that you cannot spam the chat with a glowing GG made of smaller GGs and you can't drop dumpsters onto people after you killed them
prove me wrong

they can both be shit user
they're both garbage for different reasons
play dota though, at least it's free

Dotqa custom game. Pretty popular. It gets 100k to 300k CONCURRENT players depending on the time of the day.
Those numbers are enough to put it on Steam's top 4-5 most played games if it was a standalone title.

i have an old ass league account from before i played dota that pretty much has every champ unlocked(after i started playing it again)
i just can't tolerate dota and it's bullshit anymore after 5k hours

Even in our best games my friends always found something to bitch and moan about and it was much worse when we were losing. And fuck playing solo, I didn't encounter a single decent human being in solo ranked

>even the absolute hipster sseth plays autochess

Attached: sseth.jpg (1280x720, 164K)

Yes I fucking would. I wouldn’t spend fucking months practicing in my backyard before my first game.

But you can surrender. And then play with people who also want to surrender.

>check autochess on arcado
>208k players right now

WHAT THE FUCK, it's dota in WC3 all over again

More games should have LPQ. There's nothing better than seeing people get sent to the mines.

that's because dotachess is actually fun and playing dota isn't :^)

I mean, I don't play dota anymore. The game is too hard for me, I suck shit, feed offlane, feed middle, mediocre carry, garbage support.
I'm just pointing out that League is made by even bigger jews than valve.

Ah, yes, Dota aka No Fun (since 2015). That would be a hard no from me.

That is true i agree, i would unironically rather grind in lol than trying to get into dota as a completely new player though

>give us your phone to play ranked

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the new high five option is so simple but kino as fuck

Dota 2 has the best psychological warfare options in a multiplayer game

I like competitive games, but MOBAs just aren't for me. I tend to be great at turn-based and real-time strategy and okay at fighting games, but not sure what I should play these days.

>im a 1k shitter
That's what i read.

The insane part is that you can high five enemies as well.

True bantz of the highest caliber.

so you think it's ok to play a 60 minute match with no hope of winning because there isn't an option to concede like every other fucking game?

Techies and why is he the most fun hero to play in dota?

Attached: Techies_icon.png (256x144, 63K)

Nothing is preventing you from leaving the game.

If the game is 60 minutes long, you have a good chance to turn it.
If the game is unwinable, it's done in 15 to 20 minutes. Then you just accept the loss, learn from your mistakes and move on.

In a 60 minute game anything can happen.

>guiz lets wait for their 10/0 spectre to farm 6 items we can win if he dcs

this is your brain on dotards
a battered wife defends her husband

>letting the enemy spectre get 10/0
you deserve to suffer

This place doesn't play/ is bad at video games

Even if the enemy has mega creeps, if it even reaches 60 minutes it means the enemy is having trouble pushing high ground. That usually means your late game cores have outfarmed theirs, and you can make a comeback with one or two teamwipes.
Truly one sided matches are over before 30 minutes.

id rather play a game i have a chance of win


Nah, you're just a faggot that wants the decision whether or not the game is winnable to be made only by him. You know that playing with 4 people like yourself us god awful so you don't want the lpq.

It's only free if you don't value your time.
It's not worth mine.

>posts on Yea Forums
>values his time
Choose one

just played hots last night, matchmaking still works and queue time is still surprisingly fast

>tfw new Starcraft hero never ever
>tfw Reinhardt never ever
>tfw Wrecking Ball never ever
>tfw Doomfist never ever
>tfw Rock 'n Roll Racer never ever
>tfw Blackthorne never ever
literally only Warcraft swordniggers and Diablo demonniggers for the past year, and now we get nothing ever again. RIP hots.

Whitemane does things to my dick

Only niggers play techies

this game sux desu

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i tried playing hots recently and the comp matchmaking is like 5-10 minutes minutes to find a game

I don't like it.

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I don't have fun learning the game and I think farming is boring as shit, I just wanna fight dudes so I play hots

I have 1300 hours clocked in Dota 2 but I quit playing years ago because team based multiplayer games are absolute cancer
I tried the game again couple weeks ago, I didn't know what to pick so I went with the next hero in my list for the "All hero challenge", which was Doom.
I was laned with a Monkey King who right from the get go went apeshit about EVERYTHING
He blamed me for literally every mistake in the game, spammed pings and insulted me with his broken russki english in the chat and constant "REPORT REPORT". He was 1/6/4 by the 10 minute mark, I was 4/1/5
He cried about me taking CS, even though I literally gave him all CS while I was consuming minions from the jungle. He failed his last hits on the minions and blamed me for this.
The game lasted for a bout 50 minutes, the entire game this cretin MK was farming on lanes while the rest of our team was fighting against the enemy team. We won every single encounter and pushed for the victory, without the crying idiot's help. End score he was 2/16/7 while I was 17/4/21, he kept saying to the enemy team to report me and kept insulting me to the bitter fucking end.
I kept asking him what was his problem throughout the match but it was like his head was locked in to a state of constant fucking anger and hatred and like there was absolutely no brain activity going on in his head, it was like a broken record.

This is when I realized that games where I have to rely on teams is fucking cancer, because of people like that, actual literal fucking NPC's whose functions consist of playing bad, tilting instantly and repeating same insults for hours upon end.
I can get behind games where individual's skills matter and there's no one but yourself to blame if you lose

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ah damn, haven't tried comp/storm league, only solo queue in quick play

The game gives you the means to be cancerous

When you are forced to play with 9 other people every match then yeah, a bad player base makes the game bad.

I don't find the game fun enough to play

i suck at mobas so i hate them plus im not korean

I used to play Dota2 daily back in college with some dudes that were really into it. I stopped around the time ranked matchmaking was released. How's my dude omniknight these days?

I tried going back to it a few years ago but it has changed too much. Last I heard about Dota was that card game that failed spectacularly.

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which heroes does the ten-thousand-hour chad play?

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gookoids are fucking terrible at dota
although, MVP used to be really fun to watch

post yours

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The game was fine when it wasn't League with a different coat of paint. Everyone wants to pretend they're some god yet they play a version of the game with "balanced" Roshan pit, fountains, more shopkeepers, etc.

kill me

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I'd rather not humiliate myself.

have you tried playing a good hero

60 winrate

Mute and move on, what kind of child are you?

1) Endless hours of playing for no reason beyond getting "good"
2) Unless you're part of a team, your only option is random people who range from good to completely retarded
3) If you dare talk about the game anywhere without being in masters, your opinion doesn't matter and you are berated to no end
4) Only what the "pros" do matters, anything outside of that is considered trolling
5) Endless hyper grind cosmetic events that require you to spend thousands for the best stuff

I had enough of LoL, moved on to DotA2, found it to be more of the same, moved on to other MOBAs, and just found more of the same.

There is literally nothing you can say that will change anything I listed.

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not for much longer haha

It's just unaesthetic as fuck.

rude as fuck


it's a game for subhuman nigger faggots

just play qm, theres really no reason to play comp anymore

>1) Endless hours of playing for no reason beyond getting "good"
Do you need another reason to play?
>2) Unless you're part of a team, your only option is random people who range from good to completely retarded
just play bro
>3) If you dare talk about the game anywhere without being in masters, your opinion doesn't matter and you are berated to no end
Correct, you don't know anything. So don't act like you do.
>4) Only what the "pros" do matters, anything outside of that is considered trolling
Is it still trolling if you're winning? Pros also do a lot of strange things.
>5) Endless hyper grind cosmetic events that require you to spend thousands for the best stuff
it's just cosmetic, is playing dota not enough for you?

I only play unfair mode co-op bot matches because I can't stand playing with people that don't speak english or feed and drop my MMR.

No, this was a troubled person and I wanted to get an understanding of what was going inside his head
Muting is like sweeping troubles under the rug, an adult faces them head-on, it'd be different if I joined him with the name calling and didn't try to do anything constructive, but rather sink to his level, but I used the opportunity to learn.
In the entire 50 minute session, his mental block didn't budge, he was beyond saving.

based and botpilled

I've got over 5K hours in it and I suggest you stay away from it.
If I could travel to the past I'd beat the shit out of my young self to keep him away from this garbage.

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Wtf are you talking about user. Abaddon literally exists to transfer his hp to you and remove debuffs. Shit is so broken and you get free rides home and come back with full hp and mana. He will get nerfed tho

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>muh incentives
Fucking zoomers

my favorite hero is rubick because i love stealing other peoples spells

>T. absolute retard

I don't play shit.

>Spend thousands of hours gitting gud
>then "new meme' rampant meta changes pandering to TI esport faggotory happens
>Now no matter how gud you get, you will never be gud unless you play the game like a second job because every major patch is a massive clusterfuck

>Do you need another reason to play?
Yes, some kind of progress, something that says you know the game.
>just play bro
"just play" doesn't change anything, winning and losing is still decided on your team, having bad teammates can force you to lose.
>Correct, you don't know anything. So don't act like you do.
Incorrect, if you've been playing for 5k hours, you know the game inside and out at, but you're still treated as someone who just picked up the game.
Being in masters is decided by the previous problem, you cannot win a match solo, and no amount of a "pro" winning solo in bronze will change this.
>Is it still trolling if you're winning? Pros also do a lot of strange things.
Yes, it still is. If you're called a troll and your team still wins, then they say they won despite having you on the team, that their accomplishment is just that much more amazing.

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>used to play WC3 dota
>bounced between games over the years
>say that the genre hasn't improved at all
>"fucking zoomer"

>something that says you know the game
your rank
>"just play" doesn't change anything, winning and losing is still decided on your team, having bad teammates can force you to lose.
You can't win every game, get over it.
>Incorrect, if you've been playing for 5k hours, you know the game inside and out at, but you're still treated as someone who just picked up the game.
You know mechanics, but you don't know how the game works, otherwise you'd have a high rank. No?
>Yes, it still is.
No, it isn't. Anything is viable as long as you win doing it.

I have 4,8k hours. I only play with friends.

Feels good.

I just stopped playing at all because it's too much of a hassle to relearn the heroes, items, mechanics, and map changes.

You might as well be if the only reason you play games is for retarded incentives(aka cosmetics) instead of playing because you're having fun with the game.

I like Smite better

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I still play it myself thought only a few matches per week since I'd like to play my other games too

the new heroes are fucking awful, I'd have preferred the unreleased WC3 heroes like Ghost Revenant or Mortar Team

>play literally any other game
>say opinion about it
>"lets have a discussion!"
>play a moba
>say opinion about it

>this dogshit survived but dawngate had to die
i will eternally seethe about this

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Smite is only good for Neith's victory dance.

I played enough of it years ago and have no desire to get back into the boring, grindy gameplay.
Also I don't like that it's only had one map for all these fucking years, would be nice to have some more variety in terrain but Gaben is too lazy.

>say opinion on Yea Forums

Single Draft+All Random

That's exactly what happens buddy. Just admit you're fishing for replies or addicted to skinner box games.

Remember to icon stack...

what the fuck are you on about mate, games are still 40-50 min on average, unless its turbo, then I can understand 20-30 min. But regular doto? Its still an aggravating timesink. Early game is still a slog. Maybe youre in some shitskin trench where comebacks get handed out like candy

>all of them are so much better than the dumb boring characters like Pangolier or Mars
maybe classic HoN, but as soon as they started pumping out gay shit like emerald "autopilot" warden or midas it went down the shitter

>Discover Smite when it was in beta
>Made by the same people that made Global Agenda (it was good at release)
>Love mythology and the change from isometric looks interesting
>Find out it has garbage joke skins like beach clothing and such
>Lose all interest instantly

What a shame.

>your rank
Decided by teammates.
>You can't win every game, get over it.
Don't change the subject, random teammates makes it a coinflip, your previous point of "rank" is decided by you and four random players who range from good to bad.
>You know mechanics, but you don't know how the game works, otherwise you'd have a high rank. No?
No. As already stated, rank is random because it is dependent on four random players who are not guaranteed to be of your skill level.
>No, it isn't. Anything is viable as long as you win doing it.
Please refrain from replying to my posts before you finish reading.

It doesn't matter if you're winning, you will still be called a troll, your efforts and good plays will be either ignored or credited to your teammates.

Dont listen to the "mute and move on", tilted retards that throw games one after the other will eventually drive you mad, just move onto something else. I started playing TCGs and RPGs both digital and in-person when I finally put down Dota and it was a much more enjoyable experience. Dota was better back in the WC3 and beta days when it had a proper playerbase, now all that remains are the whales and F2P ruskies/peruvians/brs. Just move to something else or give custom games a try, AutoChess is actually pretty fun and engaging.

On Yea Forums, /vg/, the offical forums, steam forrums, fan forums, ect.

I stopped playing MOBAs a long time ago.

Hard pass. Plus I have to pay to get a git gud pass in the form of the DOTA coach, so I'd rather not spend money on a game I'd be playing with randos. Friends hate it.

you are unironically the only constant

Is there any standanlone game similar to Ability Draft?

>run out of argument
>resort to age old meme used to discredit people in the absence of a reason for why they're wrong
You admit I'm right.

>the supportcuck life when you have to play against sk, bh and NP with shadow blade

we still won so I told them to eat penis at the end lol

Attached: file.png (413x112, 21K)

My excuse is that I played the shit out of it at LAN parties back when it was a Warcraft 3 map. No online experience could ever match that. Nowadays playing with randos that will screech at you for not playing optimally is just not that interesting.

It's literally and unironically not a meme.
If you have decent behavior score you will end up where you belong.

You've been explained to multiple times why your thought process is wrong, ignoring it does not change it, your personal skill has nothing to do with your rank in a MOBA, rank is random.

is dota dare I say, kino?

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4 retards + you on your team 5 retards on the other team.
If you are better than your rank, you will eventually end up where you should be.

There is no refuting this.

It has some good skins

Attached: Smite-Thanatos-Demonic-PatchNotesSkin-588x664-BH.jpg (588x664, 124K)

>900 hours
>Played ~75 in the base game and got bullied so hard I have anxiety whenever I queue up for any game where leaving has penalties now.
>Played the rest in custom games that aren't base DOTA2 period. Made ~275 USD off of some stupid Windrunner bow that came with an ugly t-shirt, and bought a ton of games I wanted plus a Kotobukiya Roll kit.
Element TD is a hell of a drug no matter where the fuck it is, War3, DOTA2 or otherwise. Also while it was hot, Bleach VS One Piece was pretty damn fun. A shame the weeb hero brawlers won't have a resurgence in War3 Reforged.

Now you're making assumptions that everyone who is not you is a bad player.

Telling me not to refute this does not help you.
Your logic is flawed and you are angry that I have not gone away.

God, Yea Forums threads of dota is always full of shit
People who claim to know shit, people who overanalyze the dota 2 situation with shitty ""theories"" ("dota is the anti-game" ROFL FUCK OFF NERD), MUH 7.00 and other shit

Literally kys, you are just mad because your little tiny cock can't handle a game where you have to deal with people. Just play some farnite for fast shit games like masturbation or single players.

Omniknight has been completely obliterated and dismantled. Dude used to always be one of the highest winrate supports. Now he is a joke of a character. They changed his W Repel from giving out magic immunity to only applying a buff that increases heals/regen and reduces status effects on that target. Also there has been a support power creep. An Abaddon can easily hit 13k in heals whereas Omni is a fucking cuck that can barely muster 3k. An Abaddon spamming Q on a 4 seconds cooldown with Holy Locket and aphotic shield REMOVING debuffs invalidates Omni's existence.

>Now you're making assumptions that everyone who is not you is a bad player.
You must make this assumption if you believe that your rank is not correct.
You must make this assumption if you believe yourself to be significantly better than your rank.
Which is exactly what you are doing, you claim that rank is meaningless because you cannot influence it enough.
You are the only constant.

>Telling me not to refute this does not help you.
I am saying that you can't.

>1 hero per year because they have to make golden cosmetics for the whales

t. subhuman slav or chink

1 hero per year, because it takes a year to get a hero into playable shape.

i tried it and unfortunately i'm too stupid to understand and play it.

Still in beta

Nah, I bet you account shared like every other fucking league player. I don't understand why league players share accounts so fucking much

Don't have the energy. Dota used to be my shit and I played to absolute excess and it was great, but whatever gave me that drive once upon a time is no longer in me. I still like watching tournaments but playing Dota if you don't have a perspective on it that considers the next 100+ games you'll play is a waste of time. You need to not be good at dota to enjoy it and it takes a continuous effort to not fall off.

I don't play shitty looking 10 year old games not to mention F2P.

How are my boys holding these days?
I played only PA before quitting back then.

Attached: 2019-05-19 18.36.20.jpg (1074x1477, 556K)

looks like garbage
valve cant into fantasy for the most part

i reached immortal recently and have been playing for around 2 years (casual play about maybe ~5 games a week ~20 games if I feel like going hard)
I still have fun.

I've been playing lol for 6 years I think, tired as fuck of it but man is it 10x easier to get into it in comparison with dota

No they aren't, he's right nu-Dota shits out free gold and xp for everyone like some communist piece of shit.

I don't like it. I see it as Runescape with more features, and I like Runescape for reasons besides combat, so I like nothing about it. I feel so removed from the game with real time click to move controls that I can't take it seriously.

Well that sucks. Glad I quit the game during the time I did. Lots of good memories out of it.

It was a mixed bag. Puppet Master was great but there were countless shit heroes.

Guild wars 1 hahahaha kill me please

I got to 5300

once you're good enough to escape playing with literal apes it's an insanely complicated and fun strategy game

some matches are horrible but some are the most memorable experiences you'll ever have in a video game

yes? its a team game, there's no real option but to play with others

this game is so much better with behavior score and pseudo region lock enabled now
used to get third worlders a ton now I never do

Terrible genre, awful players. I would rather be at work

>20-30 minute games

post discarded

Am I alright

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All Dota Plus adds is some statistical information and valueless good boy points to collect. It's just a little extra entertainment for people who have already largely exhausted the game's contents. The worthwhile learning resources are still free statistical information from Dotabuff and similar sites like Opendota and Stratz, as well as spectating/downloading replays from high rank players, which is just a basic feature of the game.

Watching good players who stream and try to explain their gameplay (like Khezu) or make video guides (like Jenkins) are probably the best actual way to learn the game. Avoiding the game based on this amount of effort or because your friends would never want to play is a very valid reason, but it's also the game's main strength since you can get an inordinate amount of playtime without getting sick of it. It's a good deal for NEETs who want a free game they can play endlessly and learn all the details of, since there is an inhuman amount of trivia you need to know to play all the different roles, matchups, and builds even if you only play one character.

It's a double-edged sword where the positives may outweigh the negatives if you have a particular taste in games. It's a great game if you're a masochist.

>it's free
that's the problem

you have bad kda ratios desu

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Disney major

you have bad win rates.

Dota 2 is way too autistics for me desu.

You don't "play" it like you play a video game.
You "play" it the same way you do an instrument.

Hours upon hours of endless grind just to be slightly better than a portion of mouthbreathing retards.
And yet unlike autistic speedrunning you will never reach the heights of this fucking garbage pile.


Time is also a cost investment, and I'd rather spend my time on something else.

This game has by far the most cluttered and downright garbage UI I have ever seen in any relatively modern game ever. It looks like it was made by some random low tier deviant art faggot. It's borderline insulting.

>most played hero is axe
>30% w/l

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bounty hunter and dark seer are top tier, viper is good, zeus is kinda bad and puck is STILL dogshit
trash after million buffs
rest of them are ok

i played it in 2010 when it was in beta and only 10k people were on the servers. me and all my m8s had keys and we played it solid for a year or two. I have over 1k hours and I don't think I'll ever go back to it. decent game though. i first played dota 1 in 2007 with those same m8s. dota has always been pretty solid. Just not my thing any more.

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I'm 27 and too old to pick up this fucking convoluted mess of a game. At least it's not heavy on reaction time I guess.

>>can't level stats, forced to use talents instead
Level stats was never meaningful
>>spell amplification exists, we well as shit like spell cast range increase
how is this something bad?
>>no Aquila
>>no Poor Man's
Its sucks indeed, those item were too powerful, icefrog took the easy way and just remove them
>>map rearranged every patch
>>new heroes always have bloated kits and release in an over powered state
Only monkey king, and dont make me laugh, dont you remember the release of centar or earth spirit?
>>Roshan sits in the middle of the river, too lazy to change the pit graphics also so it has lava flowing from nowhere
Roshan in the middle is more fair, and the rest is just a pity complaint
bounty runes in the jungle to artificially force fights
It used to happened the same with normal runes at the river
>>supports receive gold from stacked camps, part of a trend to incentivise casuals to play support rather than have them do it for the organic good of the team. roles are more homogenised
How is rewarding supports a bad thing?
>>shit Aghs effects all over the place, affecting abilities besides ults
Fair, talents should be affecting normal abilities
>>viable hero pool at a competitive level has never been as diverse as pre 7.00
true, i blame the "forced" meta
>>denying creeps gives you gold/EXP (whatever it fucking is, changes every patch I swear) which again, gives incentive to casuals to deny because simply denying a last hit to your opponent isn't good enough
Currently denying gives gold which is much better to the pacing of the game unlike giving exp, and i see nothing wrong incentivizing casuals to explore deeper mechanics
>>Icefrog is such a beta male he only talks to chinks for balance feedback, because western Chads bullied him for his retarded decisions
bullied him for his cat*

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>the result of the match depends on your teammates more than yourself
no shit sherlock. it's almost like it's a team based game

yeah thats why its trash

having shitty teammates is only a factor that increases difficulty you god damn pussy

ever tried quake duels instead?

>Level stats were never meaningful

Wtf am I reading it was very common for players to choose stats in a difficult lane or to have more mana for one skill/combo, and unlike talents that was a choice you made at any level.

quake duels and FFA/1v1 games like starcraft or rhythm games are a lot better than these shitty team-based games

Why aren't you playing them

I am

what are you doing here then

shitting on your trash game obviously

how are you doing that and playing starcraft/quake at the same time

I am not currently playing them but I play them on a daily basis
Rhythm game btw, a genre that isnt based on matchmaking rng

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it is however a genre based on obsessively practicing mechanics instead of using your head.

>it is however a genre based on obsessively practicing mechanics
just like your mobas, except there's no rng here

Dota 2 is a really excellent game, but it's a torture playing without a complete team, one person can fuck up your entire match by feeding the enemy or just being a shitty jungler, it's not worth playing a 30min or 1hour match and getting a chance of a single motherfucker ruining the entire match.
Just play fighting games where matches are short and the only problems are lag and you being bad.

No, actually.
Dota has extremely low mechanical demands. Being good at pressing buttons fast isn't enough to win.

and being good at the game isnt enough to win either because there's 9 other retards in the match

it is, if you are good enough

post smurfs with 100% winrate

>2k hours
that's barely the minimum to play somewhat okayish- I am sitting at 5k hours and I stopped playing like 3 years ago

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you cannot win every single game

Omni can remove stuns with his W as well

>you're the best in the match and you'll still lose
see the problem here

Opportunity costs. Why would I waste time playing dorter when I could be shitposting on Yea Forums?

>people playing together well can overcome one player being extremely good
That is a problem?


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>Dota2 is the absolute king of a giant pile of shit named League of Legends and nobody else

people playing well together is tied to rng
you dont know if your team is capable of doing that when you enter a match

I thought you were good enough to beat the average team you face with the average team you get, but apparently you're just not good enough at the game.

You are the only constant.

because playing techies is based and redpilled and ruins the game for everyone on the other team if you play right

>Wtf am I reading it was very common for players to choose stats in a difficult lane or to have more mana for one skill/combo
It really wasn't. Only a handful of heroes actually needed the mana from stats to pull off a combo (and if they did then leveling stats wasn't really a choice) and otherwise you leveled stats because the skills you can level are so useless at this point that you might as well get a slight stat boost instead.

Neither of those are meaningful, you either pick stats because otherwise you can't hit two buttons in succession, or you do it because it's slightly better than useless. Regardless of whether you like talents or not they're an objectively more impactful choice than the option to level stats ever was.

by your logic, a bad player who get carried is good at the game

He will not get carried every single game.

There were precisely 3 heroes that leveled stats early because their spells were shit.
Sven, you could go stun at level 1 and your armor thing at level 4 then get stats until maxed and that was okay. Back in the day.
Skeleton King, you'd get 1 point in stun at 1 and 1 point in crit at 4 and then get stuns until you couldn't anymore.
And Medusa the hero where getting stats at level 1 used to be the thing to do.

On no other hero people would get stats.
Basically it killed 2 shit builds that simultaneously got killed by ability reworks and people starting to get good at the game.
Losing stats on level 1 Medusa is sad, but I think it's possible to get over it.

and being above everyone else in the match doesnt mean you'll win it
so if the worst player in the match can win and the best player in the match can lose, what's the point of playing these games again?

Winning against someone you shouldn't be able to beat.
very intoxicating.

i suck at it and dont know how to get better

I came back this year for dota auto chess
started playing unranked

the game honestly feels way better than I remember but maybe it's the new region lock thing they added cause I don't get beanboys on my team anymore

Autism coming through

is there a russian region lock on west european servers?

I exclusively play QW Invoker, though.
I have not gotten a point in Exort before level 17 in any of those games. I did not use Sunstrike even once.

>people playing well together is tied to rng
Any team based game will have an element of luck with who you get matched with, but you're forgetting an important fact about that. You can communicate. If you actually fucking talk (or ping or draw dicks on the map or whatever) with your team you can mitigate the effect that randos have on your winrate by trying your best to wrangle them in with whatever strategy you're going for. Just fucking suggest plays or gameplans, even if you're not sure if they're going to work you'd be surprised how well five people working at a single bad plan can do compared to five people working on five separate good plans.

Would be easier if 90% of the community weren't russians who dont understand english

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>almost 500 techies games
There's a special place in hell for you

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>that game where we played 3 hours straight and everyone in both teams had at least one rapier

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