So, we can all agree that switch version is a trash?
TSR: 30 fps on switch edition
I hadn't seen gameplay of the game before
Holy shit this is so slow.
>party game cart racer for aspergers man children doesn't run at a smooth framerate
for real, it feels like 75% of the speed of transformed.
No clue why they had to fuck even that up, like removing the transforming and non sanic characters wasn't enough.
Except, mario kart is running at 60 fps
The graphics are almost completely identical to the PS4 Pro, I wish they had a mode where the graphics/resolution were scaled down in favor of keeping 60fps instead.
Sucks since the community for this game is going to be on PC and Switch for the most part.
Why would you buy this for the switch when mario kart is available on it?
Because mario Kart is the most basic shit.
that's a bygone conclusion for any Switch port.
Most of these video previews play on the first tracks on easy difficulty. Look up other tracks and difficulties and you'll notice a difference.
can we turn this into a CTR thread ?
>I wish they had a mode where the graphics/resolution were scaled down in favor of keeping 60fps instead
agreed, but
>The graphics are almost completely identical to the PS4 Pro
lmao no
I want variety. I'd love having MK8D, STR and CTRNF all on the same system.
Yes they are. From the video, there's only a little less lighting effects.
>no cross play
When will this shit be a common thing? ffs
even thinking about playing that crap makes me want to puke
either blind or not watching on a 4K display. The Switch's resolution is nowhere near the Pro's
you do when you have been playing mario kart for thousands and thousands of hours and seek some variety
blame snoy and M$
Was anyone expecting anything different?
>30 fps is bad now
>crash team is the goty though
Why? Nintendo seems fine having 90% of their games at a stable 60fps.
It's 30fps on the PS4 too. Both regular and pro from what I've seen.
have you watched the video?
>blame MS
The fuck? They're the ones pushing this most of the time. All their games have crossplay.
Yes. The game dips 30fps in the multi-player mode on the PS4.
It was the other way around in the previous gen, zoomer.
Expert difficulty is effectively much faster, around 150cc, the review footage is pretty meh.
I already played MK8 to death when it came out on wiiU ten years ago
But this isn't the previous gen.
>only on local 4-player mode
I wonder if CTR dips at 10 fps.
Pro single player is 60 but with constant drops.
I wonder if CTR has DRM.
At least it doesn’t jitter like crazy or drop to 20fps in 4 player splitscreen.
>b.b.but at least
>Switch version of a multiplat looks and plays worse than the PS4/XBOne/PC versions
How utterly surprising and disheartening. Time to break out the Wojaks.
Yeah that's what I meant to say.
Execting solid 60fps on consoles lol
>PS4 pro randomly dropping 10fps while Switch barely budges from it's 30fps target despite both being at 1080p
What the fuck happened on the ps4 version's end?
It was always bad, zoom zoom.
Why does the Switch version look so jittery? There are plenty 30fps racers that manage to mask their low framerate and make it look smooth, but this looks like it's actually running lower than 30.
That's a valid excuse for the game not looking as good. It's not an excuse for 30 fps.
If Mario Kart 8 Deluxe can do it on the Switch, which has equal or better graphics, then yes everyone should expect 60 fps.
because playing a multiplayer only kart racer gets boring after a while
I still cant tell 30 from 60 unless it has bad drops
mario kart isn't multiplayer only
yeah no shit but the single player modes suck
Poorly optimized game, I guess.
Unironically looks like a reskinned MK8.
Same physics, same camera, same controls.
I'll pass.
CTR on the other hand.... now we're talking!
Come forth Crash and save the Cart racing genre!
This game looks very tame and boring compared to SASASRT
Really not feeling that sense of speed
just as much as this game's single player modes which is identical so what is your point
It's trying to do 4K on a machine that shouldn't be trying to do 4K
True, it really looks like someone made a sonic mod to MK8 and called it a day.
>same physics
T. Never played Transformed
this game has more than just grand prix that’s my fucking point
Normal difficulty.
You guys do realize the game will be on PC right?
See There's multiple speed levels and the game gets pretty damn fast from what I've seen.
Mario Kart doesn't have midair flips, weighty cars, and the ability to save up drifts around corners
>it really looks like someone made a sonic mod to MK8 and called it a day.
>Mario Kart doesn't have midair flips
Excuse me?
What. You can do tricks in Mario kart and you can hold your drift boosts as long as you want
The point he's making is that you can't keep your drift charge while going from a right drift into a left drift
that's such a massive difference, it might as well be a different game
It has tricks, but they're pulled off differently. I've played hours and hours of MK8 and the Switch version, and Transformed, they feel way different.
That's not what I mean. In Sonic Transformed and Team Sonic Racing, you don't have to waste your already slightly charged up drift boost. Uf you're fast enough you can switch between sides while drifting, so say you're drifting to the right, you're able to switch to drifting to the left while still charging up a mini turbo. In Mario Kart you have to use that mini turbo.
lmao no thanks
Post more choice music.
Tricks in Mario Kart 8 are only performed when jumping off the ramp. If you perform one, you get a mini-boost. If you don't, you don't.
In Sonic Racing, you can perform flips for the entire duration of your time in the air, more flips results in more boost when landing, but you can also be punished for being too greedy by losing speed if you land mid-flip.
They've also changed it in TSR to make you lose Rings if you fuck up, which I like, because it adds an element of risk to the game
>version of a game is 30fps instead of 60
>fans turn on it
Do you really not have enough trust in the devs to give you an actually good game regardless of whether or not it's at 60fps? If you care so much about having 60fps then why don't you just play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe? Honestly, as long as a game has a consistent framerate of either 30 or 60 then what difference does it really make? So what, 60 gives you like a tiny bit more input precision or some shit. Don't pretend that actually makes a difference to anyone besides the very very top players anyway.
Why would I play this over Transformed? It just.. has less content. And the tiny amount of new content is garbage sonic characters like Silver, Big, and Zavok
>dude just like ignore the game running like shit lmao
based retard, what would we do without you
only reason for getting it gone, time for CTR!
The switch is so trash
Mario kart is a port
The Switch version is also downgraded, you can see missing assets on the Switch version throughout the race.
>running like shit
Ah yes, I forgot literally all games were steaming piles of garbage before glorious 60 FPS was introduced into the market.
If they're missing, how can you see them? Checkmate.
>time for CTR!
30fps lmao
A racer running on such a low framerate is unacceptable, zoomzoom. Fuck, it's not even a stable 30fps for God sake.
And lower with local 4-player mode
Anyone know if I can still drift in a jump? I can only find videos made by shitters.
Bought a Wii-U and I played MK8 to death there. Also played Transformed to death on PC.
Pretty sure you can yes
Gamestop wagie here they gave us like fifteen switch copies, one xbone copy, and two PS4 copies lol
>Execting solid 60fps on consoles lol
Weren't sonicfags bragging about solid 60fps for weeks
Her new voice actor fucking sucks
How? If anything it's ctr and mk8 that feel exactly the same.
Sumo games have always been more weighty and focused on doing small tricks with shorter windows.
Crash/mario have the really featherweight karts and wide open tracks for hopping about.
But then again, I'm replying to a falseflagger.
Yes you can do that exact same move. BUT in TSR instead of you getting an instant boost and continuing the drift, instead the air trick instantly adds a level to your drift instead of giving a boost.
So if you drift into a jump and have a lv1 drift already, doing 1 trick and continuing the drift will instantly put it to lv2.
The pop ups of the characters talking look pretty unnecessary. Can you turn them off?
Can you still use the boost in the air after releasing the drift?
Yeah, you can, or make them text only
I believe you can, and you can even save your boost up when you land into a drift.
No idea.
All they had to do was make Mario Kart but with Sonic characters. Instead we got
>Stupid team mechanics
>Slow movement
>The characters never shut the fuck up
What were they thinking?
That guy has been a saving grace for this game. Everyone else is out here posting vids of normal difficulty as they drive in straight lines, never drift but still manage to crash every 3secs.
He's the only decent person uploading gameplay.
I wish they made a new All-Stars Racing instead, that game was amazing
You gotta play SRB2 Kart. In fact, this game actually started out as Mario Kart but with Sonic characters, then in later years, it received further polishing, development and effort to stand out more as Sonic Kart with its own charm and feeling.
>Stupid team mechanics
That you don't have to use outside of story mode and even then there's many missions that don't have it
>Slow movement
If you're playing on Normal. Game speeds up on higher difficulties
>The characters never shut the fuck up
You can mute them
Yeah I really appreciate his videos. Dark Arsenal has never looked better and I'm honestly kind of glad to see it recreated in the Transformed engine
Kill yourself, indie shill
>60FPS is only for Esports
It’s about getting fucking sick while playing, dumbass
It can't be shilling if the game is free.
The framerate in TSR dips from 60 all the time. Is it really better having an inconsistent framerate that gets even worse on splitscreen than just having consistent 30?
Yeah, inconsistent 30 fps for CTR
>stuttering 60 fps on the pro
>solid 30 fps on switch
Top lel.