>there are people on this board who unironicly play league of faggots
why?habbit? addiction? sunk cost fallacy?
lets sink into this for a moment
>unbalanced piece of shit where everything revolves around the asian esport
>toxic as fuck where you ask yourself the question whats the point of the chat to begin with
>say a word, money stolen in most cases
>everything is a team mate rng coin flip who gets the less retarded team mates
>boring as fuck and you see the outcome in the first 10 minutes but have to sit there for another 20 since you are being held hostage by failed surrender attempts
There are people on this board who unironicly play league of faggots
People like games they think makes them better. Social trends tell you to play big team arena games because of e sports.
I play it because of the following:
>a lot of friends play so it is social
>i feel like I improve at the game after most sessions
>i find it enjoyable outplaying people, enough so that it is quite moreish
>No communication in my team
>I try to keep team together. By telling them what we should do, strategy wise
>Win game
Wasn't toxic or flaming.
Riot support ticket guy says
>League isnt the place to argue with or demand things from teammates
Meanwhile I called my teammate a raging faggot and that he was just another failed abortion from his whore of a mother and I just got 14 days.
And that is the first time I have been banned since 2011.
You must have been a naughty boy beforehand
>toxic as fuck where you ask yourself the question whats the point of the chat to begin with
>say a word, money stolen in most cases
> complains about toxic people
> complains that he cant call people mean words
Also the current state is the most balanced it has been in years. Based Jatt doing work on the balance team
I don't get this image. Did something happen with the game recently?
Either that or the Chad is just thinking it's a shame the game and its community exists.
i only play ARAM and game modes whenever they come out. ranked autism looks legitimately unhealthy
Yeah I was wondering if he meant that as well lmao
I like the universe and some of the characters, wish riot would make a new type of game like a mmorpg, or a fighting game, or fuck it even a hearthstone clone would be interesting but nope they make too much money from skins to even begin to care besides they're frauds that only got lucky with their watered-down dota clone anyways so there's no talent or passion to be found there...
cringe fanboy
irelia, aatrox, akali, kayn, these are all characters that have set a new standard of cancer
Pic related is the only "good" thing to come out of this game in the past like 5 years
Name a more balanced state
its a meme,original was about gender dysphoria
I have waifus in that game.
>ywn be this goodlooking
Sunk cost.
i don't think people that look like that look good, nor the female equivalent that look like the archetypal valley girls
they don't look like they have souls, they look manufactured
t.ugly fag
that guy probably has women kissing his feet
i've been told by women anonymously through other women that i'm a 7/10
i'll take it, and even if i were less attractive, that wouldn't invalidate my point
Some people actually enjoy ASSFAGGOTS, and while I'm not one of them I do understand that some people enjoy different genres than I do.
same, but i also understand that those people need to get gud and acquire some actual taste
regardless ur a male,the guy is model-lookalike and %99 of women will fall for him just like most men would fall for a good looking women with big tits or w/e
>the guy is model-lookalike
which is soulless and manufactured
Pierce Brosnan, Jon Hamm, David Gandy, or Joe Manganiello just to name a few are all considerably more attractive than that man because they all have unique but otherwise attractive features.
stop thinking like a man for this
i don't care what women think like, and neither should you
i may not be the biggest catch in the world, but i'll tell you it's quite the thing to be able to turn down people you know whose interest in you is so vapid
not that i've had the privilege to do it a terrible amount of times
Imagine thinking that it's okay to be on a team without contributing anything to said team. And that you shouldn't get shit talked for ruining the experience of your 4-5 other team members. I can just tell all these e-sport playing faggots never played a team sport in their youth, because they have no clue how teams function or how to actually practice and get better at things
>>toxic as fuck
Wahh wahhh nigger.
I dunno, it's pretty fun
The recent changes gutted him
>that's shit sucks meme
Maybe go back to re.ddit OP.
>friends to play with
>Pentakills give you at least a little smile
>competitive spirit
>It hits a spot of addiction previously fulfilled by WoW
As a normie with children and such, I can play 2 matches or so, put it down and do other shit with the family. Also I can enjoy playing off meta shit because I don't play ranked like a fucking sperg I find it entertaining to try new builds and new things on different characters.
>thinking thats good-looking
fuckin' hell
All the things you mentioned are correct and yet it’s still the single best competitive game ever to be released. Let that sink in.
Everything else is just worse.
Best by what definition? And best in every genre? Come on now, the game doesn't even have blind picks and stops you from playing mirrors in competitive.
Just because zoomers lap that shit up after sinking enough hours doesn't mean that the game ever was or will be based on pure skill.
>it’s still the single best competitive game ever to be released. Let that sink in.
I can't imagine having this bad taste.
>Tfw I left the LoL competitive scene to play CSGO competitively instead
What is it?
league didnt just kill my urge to play league, but it killed my urge to play all other video games. also op is gay as FUCK not gonna lie, sounds like he is whats wrong with the game from a people point of view.
I play it from time to time, no dedication.
Its technicaly the only multiplayer game that i play.
Also, a lot of satisfaction when teammates do work together.
>that one match
>enemies have a player that carries hard as fuck
>think we gonna lose
>dont give up
>ask teammates to bait
>win by fucking over the carry
I suppose its moments like this that bring me back to the game.
I suppose ranked is different. There is an inherent expectation of knowing ropes and atleast some serious attitude. What usualy ruins it are premades that either steamroll your team or just fuck around like a penguin on concrete floor (usualy they are on your team).
>toxic as fuck
Ignore them and dont engage in disputes
>say a word
Noone is asking you to insult others or spew swearings/insults or anything in derogatory tone. How often do you see/hear chess/sports players insulting each other? Practice good sportsmanship.
>teammate rng
Yeah, matchmaking sucks, but far less than previously.
>boring as fuck when you see outcome in first 10 minutes
It aint over 'till its over. Had a LOT of games where sticking to the end resulted in winning.
You sound like one of those players that engages in most unpleasant behaviour and has the worst possible attitude and then seek to justify your shit on forums.
I like ARAM. Its fast, and very entertaining. Has its downsides, but otherwise fun.
There's been countless cases of guys like you downplaying a ban trying to act the victim and then a Riot employee comes along and BTFO's you by posting chatlog screenshots of you screaming "nigger" at your teammates.
You know when you look at a girl and she has a slim waist but massive tits and ass? All women get turned on like that by guys that look like him.
It's always going to be there unlike other games that are active for a few months and then forgotten.
A lot of people these days rely on external factors to feel better about themselves.
If they achieve something - they think they're worth something.
It very easy to achieve things in video games so that's why these people are so attracted to them.
I blame schools and society for this.
some shitty music video and 20 dollar skins
this is what lolbabbs think is "good"
but i dont.
i deleted my acc in s5 during tank meta.
went back a few months ago to play casually for the free chests and shit is so fkn cancer.
only a californian company could make such a cuck simulator like league of legends,
Trick is to play casually, stay friendly, and don't buy anything. It's fun if you play it for fun.
Well my friends play Fortnite, CS GO, and League. its easily the least bad of the bunch.
>unbalanced piece of shit where everything revolves around the asian esport
anyone who whines about balance like you just wants ez wins
>toxic as fuck where you ask yourself the question whats the point of the chat to begin with
literally any online game
>say a word, money stolen in most cases
odd considering the last complaint but is obvious for literally any game with chat
>everything is a team mate rng coin flip who gets the less retarded team mates
its a team game not a 1v1
>boring as fuck and you see the outcome in the first 10 minutes but have to sit there for another 20 since you are being held hostage by failed surrender attempts
this is true sometimes but you have to get rekt pretty good, there are heroes that literally result in a shitty first 10 minutes
all in all you are a pleb with pleb complaints like a million other whiners
it might be a team game but no one gives a shit about their teammates, if you try saying something even if its supportive people will complain, the only way to play this shit solo is by doing all roles yourself
I only played 2 years and still probably have more games played than 90% of all accounts.
I moved onto mobile mobas. They copied LoL when it was good and stayed that way. Faster matches, less focus on skillshotting, and focus on quick decisions to win matches.
Mobile Legends
Heroes Evolved
Omnyoji Arena
Arena of Valor
All fine picks if you want those 15-20 minute matches back.
I probably play like 5 games over a span of 6 months at this point. I keep picking it back up because the concept of raising in rank is appealing, but the process ends up taking too long so I stop.
League was fun back in the day. I have no idea why anyone would still be playing it.
>he actually believes that zoomers play league
It's fucking 10 y/o game, majority of players are 25+ y/o at that point.
Neck yourself
The only good thing about LoL is the porn of the characters.
My 300€ account got banned :)
>talking about lelling legos
You are like 5 years too late, see
>>plays watered down DotA clone for babies who do not understand strategy
>>gets upset when they are treated like small children who can't behave themselves
how could this happen
>stop playing a game i don't like WAAAH
i play it with the boys maybe if you had friends you'd be able to enjoy more things
Literally me. Permabanned 3 different times but eventually I just ended up being what is effectively perma chat-banned.
>chat banned for 2 weeks
>call trolling teammate a stupid nigger
>banned another 2 weeks
And it pretty much went on like that for months until I lost interest in the game. Ironically there were even games where I got bans for not talking to my teammates. They thought I was trolling, would complain all game and convince the whole team to report me and I couldn't tell them any different because I was chat banned. Also I'm pretty sure there's a backlog on these bans too. I remember having my chat ban be lifted, not say anything for a few games and get banned again. All in all it was pretty funny in how pathetic it all was.
I'd say adiction of some form. I used to play League almost everyday, but I replaced it with Runescape. Less stressful and more to do.
I don't understand this meme. is it a normie thing?
>I play it with my friends
Why this game? Why not one of the many better ones out there? Just because this is "free"?
i broke up with my bf because of his league of legends addiction, he didn't even seem like the gamer type when i first met him
because it's the best free competitive game
Never played a MOBA in my life. But from what I've seen and heard about them League of Legends and Heroes of the Storm seem like they are better than Dota 2.
if this counts as best then the overall quality of "free competitive games" is in the gutter
why not buy a good fighting game and play that instead of wasting money on skins in a mediocre game?
i play league because its a great game and the people who hate it are frankly delusional, bad at the game/frustrated, or retarded. i dont buy skins and i dont know of anyone who plays just because of them. I do play fighting games from time to time but i main league at the moment i solo queue and also flex queue when im playing friends who are more casual.
fighting games get boring real fucking fast also the playerbase fucks off even quicker
Okay, but how do you "ironically" play a game, unless you're recording or streaming it?
/mute all retard nobody in any team based matchmade video game is worth talking to