ITT: Video game abilities that make no sense
ITT: Video game abilities that make no sense
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You fucking bottom feeders who have no idea how King Crimson works need to die
Well, explain it to us, if you're so great.
Well that's how it works
Video is 30 seconds long
King takes out 10-20
Everyone else can see 0-10 and 20-30
King can see 10-20 and manipulate it
King Crimson can see into the future along our current timeline, up to 10 seconds ahead. That's his passive ability. If he chooses, he can activate his ability to move to a new timeline which takes the entire past of the current timeline, the end frame of a section of time he wants to delete, but nothing in between. During his transition to this new timeline, King Crimson has free movement.
>this shit again
why is he so angry bros
autism, he literally gets angry over idioms.
Hrs tired of you faggots speaking English and not being a patriot by speaking Italian, gaijin will confuse patriotism for autism
Diavolo can use Epitaph to see ~10 seconds into the future (he can also give this ability to other people, as seen with Bucciarati)
He can then activate King Crimson's noryoku to erase that time either for everyone else, allowing only Diavolo to act during the skipped time period, or just completely erase time (as seen when he uses Aerosmith to kill Risotto Nero)
It's pretty flimsy but so are all the OP final enemy Stands in Jojo
You shut your whore mouth.
>he doesn't want to see gay priest dab on inmates
Lol, all wrong. What a bunch of brainlets. It's like I'm really on Yea Forums
lol you're wrong also
haha you moron
Think event timeline A-B-C-D. Epitaph (KC sub-stand) knows what will happen in about 10s (it's fate, it will happen) so, lets say it's B-C. KC is activated so Diavolo can manuver while at B-C, but everything else happens exactly as it would (fate). For everybody else timeline seems to have been skipped as A-D.
It's not even that hard to understand, it just a meme some day
Hey man, fuck you.
I wanna see how they spin the fairy tale stuff, because they're sure as hell not getting away with it.
Also I want to see the ending in motion.
Okay guys, I got the real scoop on how King Crimson works, you see, when King Crimson activates his power, Araki just does whatever the fuck he wants.
What did you expect? Average IQ of a Yea Forums poster is 70.
It takes a whole damn essay to describe time skip
He doesn't take anything out, retard, he just reads the future and skips time.
>he can activate his ability to move to a new timeline
Animating Jojo was a mistake
Here's an example of a previously mentioned Yea Forums poster. .
proof of this: rewatch the scene with the cleaning lady
King Crimson sees the future and his timeskip just erases a fraction of what people currently do while he moves in that fraction.
it's just weird to you because by physics standards it doesn't work.
how did Araki think about this? it just shows that in our minds we can bend everything about something that we know to have certain unchangable properties.
>rewatch the scene
I don't watch the shitty anime, retard. There are no new timelines, it's all the same timeline. The only ones who mess with timelines are Pucci and Valentine.
actually moving between timelines is Valentine exclusive though.
bossu can't move to another timeline directly. of course he's in a new timeline when he erases time because in one he's almost discovered or might die so through KC he avoids these and is automatically in a new timeline.
it's just in the whole package of his stand.
fuck every idiot ho thinks ereasing time means skipping it straight to the future.
King Crimson ereases time! I'll explain in easy way what that means
lets say If your oponent wanted to hit you it would take 3 stages
1 take a swing
2 hit you in the face
3 retreat arm to the first position
king crimson deletes completely number 2 so after skip you are unharmed. damage is not done cause that moment was completely ereased! if it was just timeskip you would end up with a bruise and broken teeth, it was perfectly shown when aerosmith shot at doppio during final moment vs risotto.
Thats why king crimson cannot damage you during his ability like Dio does during timestop, cause those moments are ereased.
The one time Diavollo cheated that rule was when he threw narancia onto spiked fence, the moment when he was spiked and killed didnt happen but when KC was canceled narancia was still on the spikes impaled kinda like wallglitched in the game, spikes bursted through him even though impaling moment didnt happen
It's spelled erased, you retarded ESL monkey. Like your brain cells were erased when your mother failed to abort you.
This is how I see it: he can erase the cause without erasing the effect or vice-versa. To make people suddenly unknowing move around, like he did in his first encounter with the gang, he erases their ability to memorize what is going on without erasing the stuff they actually do during that time.
Stands ruined JoJo, they progressively made less sense every chapter, by the end of Josuke's arc they were asspulling like crazy already, King Crimson is just the best example of how dumb it got.
however, from part 7 and on Araki gets to breathe again and resets everything to make up for this stupidly senseless writing. the stands are way vetter now than ever.
King crimson sees cookie > uses time erasure and eats cookie > for everybody else they just see cookie dust on king crimson face
reminder King crimson is a bootleg The world
that's what I am saying.
does everything happen in time naturally and other people just don't realize the moment the noryoku activates?
so to everyone who is affected by it looked like time went by quick/skipped
Dang, this actually makes sense.
So basically, and you're a fucking faggot so read the manga
Can't wait for you faggots to not be opening new threads for part 6 in 3 years
What? A spoiler? I wonder what's behind it...
>jobin is the main villain. found the retard
KC can just turn intangible and invisible for 10 sec with very light memory loss tldr but araki just wanted it to do with time
Aight, here's how it goes:
King Crimson can erase time. The little face on his head, Epitaph, can see the next ten seconds of the future. Epitaph sees something Diavolo doesn't like so he activates KC's erasure.
When time is erased, time doesn't exist for up to ten seconds. This sounds weird, but Diavolo basically experiences ten seconds of time during his erasure. Now, time doesn't exist but space DOES, allowing the universe to keep on existing while people play out their actions in erased time. Because time doesn't exist the things that happen during it never happened in history, so people's memories don't work. They are just puppets acting out the future Epitaph forecasted earlier.
When the erasure ends, everyone feels like they skipped forward like a YouTube video. Diavolo, being KC's user, is the only one whose mind is able to function normally while time doesn't exist.
Diavolo can't hurt people during erased time but can interact with objects.
You forgot that Johnny is dead in Part 8
Who do you suggest it is, Kato? JJL is 85 chapters in and likely very close to ending. It would be stupid of Araki to make the main villain someone we've barely had time to hate. Besides, Speed King's heat power is indicative of the reality-warping powers of a part's main antagonist's Stand given that KE is a crucial element behind many interesting parts of physics. Araki could do some crazy shit with an entropy-controlling stand.
>It would be stupid of Araki to make the main villain someone we've barely had time to hate.
But that's going to happen anyway because the only MV candidate with any buildup at all is Jobin, and nobody hates him.
Man it really sucks that I don't have a close friend who could help me with Diavolo and hard counters his stand.
>Diavolo can't hurt people during erased time but can interact with objects.
Except when Araki forgets how his own characters are supposed to work and cuts off the hands of Trish and the palm reader.
Tf is wrong with his head
I always saw that as a situation where they were already fated to get their hands cut off as seen by Epitaph. He erases time and their hands come off as if Diavolo attacked them because he erased the time in which they got them cut off, meaning those outcomes were 100% going to happen unless Diavolo intervened. I always figured it was the same for Narancia too, with future Diavolo doing a suicide rush and killing Narancia while actual Diavolo in the present just skips to the results of his previously fated actions.
Wouldn't it be the other way? Diavolo could see his being attacked in skipped time and just skip to when Jotaro leaves his stopped time state.
You now how those youtube e-celebs do shitty jumpcuts? Well he does that but someone dies from it.
He does, just not every time.
>and eats cookie
He can't interact with anything when his time shit starts.
He would only see how he get his ass kicked without having time to react.
Even with time stop it wouldn't be that simple. King Crimson can erase events that have already happened up to 10 seconds ago.
ok but what about tsurugi tho? the head doctor theyre chasing could be paper moons new stand update. i still dont understand part 8. team josuke just wants the fruit in the vain attempt to split them back up and team jobin wants it to heal tsu but like cant they heal tsu with the walls eyes like jobin?
On activation, King Crimson . It's not complicated.
he did call jotaro and he bitched out and told koichi to go instead.
I think he can kinda, like how Narancia (I believe it was) ate something on the boat outside the clocktower. Eating a cookie in this case would not be 'interacting' with it, but instead 'moving' it into his stomach.
And then he just erases the instant where Jotaro attacks him for 10 seconds.
Why doesn't erasing time just end up being absolutely inconsequential? If blood still drips during the erased time but nobody sees it, why aren't the other characters still making the same decisions and actions?
He can if he was already going to before he used his ability, just like everybody else continues on with their previous course of action.
>he can't move to another timeline, he just moves to another timeline
user please
Doppio should have retained Epitaph. It would've given Diavolo a weakness and obviated the need for the GER asspull.
Asspulls are nothing new to the series, mind, but KC/GE is just such a boring matchup. GER is just a straight-up negation of KC--there's nothing clever or interesting about it.
They are. But they don't react to any new stimuli during the skip, so the boss can just move away and they'll still keep attacking where he was.
See He takes the results from one timeline and appends it to a new timeline with 10 seconds removed
this guy
Damn, that wouldve been cool. To see Diavolo's thought process as he tries to rely on deduction to predict his enemies' actions instead of just cheating with epitaph and ending up just as confused as them after time return to normal would've been fucking sick.
What would Diavolo see if he activated King Crimson/Epitaph the very moment before Dio activated the World?
The Prince has one of the most insane passive abilities everybody overlooks.
>Can replenish energy by drinking any kind of water.
>Salt water, rain water, water stuck in a pond or a sink for who knows how long.
>Gives no fucks about cholera or any gastrointestinal sickness.
>Doesn't need to eat to recover nutrients after all that SICK PARKOUR; Only water and magic sand.
he eats pomegranates off camera
He'd see what Dio would do for 10 seconds after The World ran out.
It would have been an interesting development to his character besides, since his whole deal stems from a fear and desire to manipulate "fate." Suddenly he has to deal with the fact that he must act and react without knowing to any certainty what the consequences will be.
I wonder how the crunchyroll subs will handle that.
He's not moving to an existing one, he's creating a new one on the fly. He doesn't move to a different road, he makes a new one on the fly.
From the outside viewer's perspective, The World ability can be described as Dio just moving extremely fast in a short timespan, so it would also look this way for Diavolo. If he predicted the future, in which Dio stopped time, he would just see it like any outside viewer would see it, and would not be able to see Dio moving in stopped time.
why is your browser piss-colored?
>how to beat asylum demon
I see what you did there, user.
Yeah. That's what I said in my original post. Or at least that is what I meant. I think we already agree we are just arguing about wording.
Why is your mother gay colored?
4 minutes and that's the best you can do? sad
In that 4 minutes I was banging your gay mother, fren
King Crimson is such a needlessly over-complicated ability the way it's explained. I mean sure you could say it fits thematically with the boss wanting to erase his past but why did Araki have this obsession with the final boss having to have time powers every fucking time? Could have been something simpler but equally terrifying like if he gets within range he can completely erase *people* so that they disappear even from everyone's memories after a short while, barely giving their companions time to mourn or figure out what's going on. Like imagine the gang being in total despair one moment and then trying to figure out why it seems like one person they can't remember is missing the next. Could have been more interesting than "I can cancel out your everything". you last 4 minutes in bed? wew
that actually sounds like it could be cool
King Crimson is very simple but it requires you to understand how time works in JJBA. In essence the point where most people cease to understand things is that fate exists in the JJBA universe - things that are destined to happen will always happen exactly as they are destined to and this destiny is pre-ordained. You're probably nodding along with this but let me explain why that isn't necessarily intuitively understood by most people.
If fate is ordained and has always been ordained and will always be ordained then the necessary causality from the very first instant (big bang) to the very last instant (big crunch based on how Pucci's Stand works) is set in stone and will always be set in stone. If you think of the flow of time as a film reel then there is one continuous reel that will always be true and CANNOT be changed. If you were going to trip on that rock you were always going to trip on that rock and will always trip on that rock - it's not negotiable and you cannot avoid it. Even if you were to somehow go back in time the universe has already accounted for this and you will still trip on the rock.
What King Crimson does is selectively skip parts of the film reel. Those parts have been deleted so nothing in them happen however from the point of view of time itself nothing ever happened there to begin with so it's irrelevant, no causality has been broken. When this action is performed the film reel is rejoined between the broken parts as if there were no discontinuity. Time just jumps from where it was to where it will be.
If you unironically don't understand King Crimson then you're a brainlet.
>Brainlet hasn't read part 7 to see D4C's introduction arcs bullshit
Araki thinks time powers are the ultimate powers and fitting for a main villain, not some grunt. Then again, Valentine is the best villain and Ringo was the best henchman, so maybe he's just proving himself wrong.
epitaph shows you the future and noryoku deletes everyone's memories of it
No your mom did, her giney gave out
Needlessly complex explanation brainlet
The most difficult part is explaining to retards like you that fate is an unapproachable god in JJBA. The only thing which can fuck with it is GER.
okok you can go back guzzling cum now
king crimson hard counters star platinum and the world
Here's the non gay answer. A youtube editor made a shitty jumpcut.
It's the reverse idiot. Star Platinum and The World lose only to GER.
Didn't D4C function completely different on its first appearances than how it's explained later?
Everything loses to GER.
Every protagonists and villains stand tend to do that.
>blocks your path
Is that an invitation?
It's not. How are they supposed to beat king crimson?
If Jotaro was in shape he'd have stomped that fight. You cannot dispute this - there is no time to accelerate within the time stop.
There is no time to foresee within the timestop - King Crimson straight up cannot interact with it, Epitaph would see Jotaro/Dio teleport around and punch Diovolo in the face and be able to do nothing to stop them.
Gay priest is here now.
The timestop still happens, and King Crimson could delete what happened in the timestop.
Killer Queen didn't, it just added new features as it went.
>Ok, now it has a second bomb, and this one's an automatic heatseeking tank
>Dio got time powers, I want those too!
>How about a chest compartment to hold other stands?
No he couldn't. Deleting the punch would just lead to an infinite recursive loop where every time the punch is deleted a new one immediately takes its place. At best Diovolo can force an infinite draw but more likely he'd get mindfucked by his stand getting hard countered and lose because he wasn't paying proper attention.
>blocks your path again
Also, Pucci can move in stopped time. He actually gets fast enough.