>Permanent death, you start all over again if you die. This increases your awareness makes you actually interact with the game.
>Should not use any guides
>Should not use any exploits
These things turn games great again and your well being also improves. You start to actually use your brain and stop being a drone.
How games should be played
you mean like real life? simulations offer an amazing opportunity for compound learning, and it carries over, so I'm afraid it's too late for you to truly appreciate a game with permanent death unless you have no gaming background whatsoever
Dying should give you a hardware based ban
>you mean like real life
I don't understand what you're trying to say either. Permanent death means you start the game from the beginning after you die.
>plays turn based game
>enemy has insta kill skill
“Welp time to replay 100 hours!”
Games would die as a hobby
>casuals will get filtered
it only gets better
Dying should kill you in real life. It's the ultimate filter.
That's a weird way of saying "people who aren't autists like me and don't want to redo hours of gameplay"
>who aren't autists
How do is it feel to be so mediocre and fragile. Hiding behind muh social life even though the most powerful people in real life are beyond autistic yet you will never ever dare call them such in real life and will actually bow to them. Imagine being such a pathetic slave who just lash on people who has higher ground.
permadeath has no place in longer games with heavy character investment. being forced to play incredibly safe at all times kills any sense of experimentation and big dick moments.
yeah bro im an intellectual lozl i watch sargon of akkad and my twitter picture is an obscure philosopher bust heh yeah dude, games should be way more challenging rite heah
Pythagoras is a total bro
I've actually never seen a 8/8 tombstone myself
Games before
>limited lives
>checkpoints at few select spots
>cheat codes
>unlockables (cheat codes, different game modes, outfits etc)
Games now
>2 hours of cutscenes
>press X to win
>checkpoints every 5 minutes
>DLC, season pass, lootboxes, paid cosmetics
>checkpoints every 5 minutes
Nothing wrong with that though.
Yeah, just like real life.
>defending handholding
No, it's babyshit.
Oh sod off. Even most old games had auto saves all the time because they know that losing 2 hours of progress because you forget save is fucking bullshit.
So you are saying you don't want any games longer than two or three hours and require more than one sitting to see the full thing?
>forgetting to save
Your own fault.
I like this, but it’s actually too hard for me and time inefficient. Maybe if it was a really grand and good game that was worth spending millions of hours on, but man I’m not going to go back to room one just cause I died to an enemy in Dark Souls. The game would take forever if I did that. By human logic, it just doesn’t make any sense to keep doing them when you don’t have to. It wouldn’t improve the game and so you shouldn’t. Roguelikes on the other hand are very fun, maybe that’s what you mean.
fucking bullshit. old amiga games were unreasonably hard. the whole idea is that it's a game, you get respawns, besides how is a game supposed to tell a story if you it keeps resetting you back to the start. in some respects games have used ease of play to tell the story or express something, or at least varied it. that'll be the next thing. on top of cosmetic microtransactions ea'll make some kind of game where if you die you have to buy the game again at full retail price with some kind of pass code that means you can't pirate it or get it preowned.
*sips* yep, games were far better back in the ol' days
>Should not use any guides
>what is reincarnation