He pirates games instead of buying them like a normal person

>He pirates games instead of buying them like a normal person
>He doesn't own at least one console
>He hates Epic

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Other urls found in this thread:


>he's a tranny

>unironically wojack thread
I think you clicked Yea Forums thinking it was reddit or something.


this is 4channel though user

>He pays for movies instead pirating them like a normal person
Never buy from Hollywood fuck them and their trash
>He doesn't own at least one console
I own 2 current gen comsoles
>He doesnt hate Epic and Valve
DRM is cancer and supporting this cancer outs you as mongoloid

Opinion discarded.

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>He's actually transphobic to the point he thinks trans girls aren't women

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ALL women are mentally broken. Something about estrogen fucks them up.

Improve the statistic

Hows that "womb" working out for you, chief?

and youre a nigger so youre ten times worse


You're a mongoloid, though. Anyone who thinks using a tripcode is a good idea is a mongoloid.


>Another lame Wojak edit
Back to R*ddit kid

Hows it feel to put down someone who's never done anything wrong to you?

And you need sex

>get bsod when I try to torrent anything
>spend all night trying to figure out why
>missing five different drivers wtf
>realized that I got drunk two months ago and deleted them and Java
I haven't played a game in two months

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The only reason you have sex is because youre black lol youre literally a fetish and nothing else


The mouth breathing wh*toid abomination and the nigger with the eternal 3 inch dick. You guys should fuck and create the ultimate loser mutt

>defending Epic

Quake > Unreal Tournament

Reminder Epic is a one hit wonder. They created Gears of War, milked the shit out of it, and bailed.

They made Fortnite which was a zombie game and settled for the battle royale, which was an already existing concept.

If it wasnt for their mediocre and sluggish but easy to use engine they would have been bankrupt years ago.

using female wojaks won't remove your penis and sprout you a vagina, David

lets see you do any better

>consolefaggot that shills for Epic doesn't actually use Epic
This is what makes Tim Sweeney's crusade so funny, Epicshills don't even use it.

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Thanks for making a list of based people, OP

It's extremely liberating to not care about other people.

If you consider ruining MY board with your attention whoring, nigger fetish spam, and shitty buzzwords as "doing nothing", then I feel pretty damn good about it

It's sad that Epic has tarnished their own name in the pursuit of greed.
Unreal is one of the best first person shooters ever made.

You look like a homunculus dude

>likes Epic
>cant accept the fact that some ladys have bigger dick than him

she cute

I TAKE “GURLY pills” and wear dresses
>horribly puts on makeup while covered with a 5 0 clock shadow
>cuts off dick
Your just a man rping as one and the bedroom in that pic just proves it
Drink bleach retard

Does he actually look like that? There’s no way...

Ironically all those things you listed is something a normal person doesn't do/have.

Whats next

People thinking youre transphobic because you wouldnt date a trans person

Even better, he's not a virgin

I'd call you fag but this is one of your few alright posts

>he posts unpopular opinions like they are popular just to be annoying

I feel like im missing out some kind of inside joke

>he's so desperate for (you's) that he posts bait

Attached: 1558046482262.png (622x435, 474K)

That's the feeling I have everytime I see whatever new meme this site shits out.

Lmao go back dude

Attached: meanwhile at 4channel v jannys loker room.png (1280x720, 1.43M)

You aight, Tripboy

I pirate games and buy them if they're good. Industry has proven this to be necessary
I own a PS4 and Switch
I hate the Epic store

>telling anyone else they belong on facebook

Attached: aylien.png (1512x1072, 1.34M)


I buy most of the games I play. I'll admit that I do sometimes pirate when I'm just curious about shit I expect to hate.
I don't own any console (unless you count gen 5- consoles).
I don't know who Epic is.

>torrenting media is easier than ever
>infinite options at my fingertips
>can’t decide what to play/watch so I end up shitposting or watching related videos on YouTube

Meanwhile when I was a kid I would replay the same game over and over in an autistic frenzy until my parent bought another one several months later.

How old are you? 33? Games have been easily accessible for like 2 decades. No one cares about our plight of having games that used to be hard-to-get and now are easily-playable. They're too busy being plagued with the games they played and thought would be around forever but now are permanently inaccessible because a server shut down.

jokes on you tranny i have 3DS

Look it’s this ugly tripfag
You literally have no room to ever even speak

1. pirate expensive ones, buy cheap
2. own vita, 3ds, wii, OG xbone, ps2 and dreamcast
3. not a fan of DRM, or companies that throw money around to force users on their platform

>focused entirely on chasing money
>cliffy B was proven to be a hack
>sold itself to Chinese entirely fueled by greed

Real sad.

For a moment I thought this was r9k
Unironically kill yourself for posting this shit

Heh, you think we, the fucking legion of discord and chaos care about your feelings? No, we kill animals, torture the elderly, rape children, all for fun. We are not your friends. We are evil incarnate. Fear us, for we do not forget, do not forgive.

pls post cute tranny butt

trannies call these lesbos who wont fuck trannies and wont accept men as women "terfs"

What is below 1 but also 40?

>he avatarfags with a girl character to cope with the fact that he'll never be a real female

get fucking gassed

you will never be a real woman,might as well kys faggot

>Trannies are pro-epic
You know which side Yea Forums is on, then.

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Dick chopped like spring grass.
After fake vagina rots,
Suicide follows

- a haiku

Attached: samurai pepe.png (1750x1750, 1.1M)

How do I get a tranny gf?

Have sex with black men

Attached: 1555490977293.png (922x508, 516K)

First you must BE the tranny gf.

oh no no no no

Attached: suicide.png (505x283, 52K)

Attached: olga meme 1.jpg (600x435, 55K)

That chart probably counts trannies as male.

Attached: 0e9.jpg (600x600, 30K)

Neck yourself LARPing faggot

How do I do that?

I don't think trannies have existed back there

he doesnt have the same characters in his trip

>tfw just pirated a 60 dollar vr porn game
>it was shit

Attached: 1557733848839.jpg (273x252, 21K)

absolutely thrilling

Much as summer wasps,
trannies are abhorrent pests
that lack a "stinger"

- another haiku

Attached: get fucked.png (1361x913, 669K)

>makes a thread to shit on people
>gets shat on
>"omg why r u liek dat"
u a fucking dunce :)

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Attached: file.png (191x360, 83K)

larping is all this board is good for tb.h

why are there so many people on this single thread pretending they're girls?


I'm not pretending.

destroying crotch and carving a hole into that doesn't count

Attached: ZYaLh6BG.jpg (261x261, 12K)

I am not pretending
because i am not a girl

What are you talking about?

What if there are cute girls on this board right now pretending to be autistic men

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Makes sense....

Attached: olga-gurlukovich-metal-gear-solid-2-sons-of-liberty-8.57.jpg (210x240, 9K)

As the unfortunate viewer of all of what you just posted, this video is literally "it's fucking magic yo!" Bone deforms, flesh inverts, intricate tissue unceremoniously forms an ideal shape just because.

It's pretty fucking grim if you read between the lines. "This is the best we can do with modern medicine and it's completely awful, but don't worry, here's a picture of a doctor sticking his finger through your flesh in a way that looks like he's fingering you, so you'll be alright."

Fucking gruesome.

-t Dem

hmmm.... why did everyone stop typing....

There are no women on Yea Forums. Period.

But I'm right here, user.

>pink hair
>nose piercing
>Apple computer
>using a laptop
Would not date and tell my bros to avoid/10

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I totally believe you.... Femanon.

Attached: MGS3-Ocelot-EVA-Perfume.jpg (1200x662, 157K)

Every poster is a little girl until proved otherwise

>telling others to return to plebbit

Head on back to plebbit now
pure joy

>not pirating every game and using the saved money to buy hyper commissions

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>putting Sayori in this
I am a Monikafag and I am offended.

By searching for FtMs, but why would you do that? Cuntboys are not only disgusting, but better than MtF trannies at looking like the opposite sex.

What the fuck does it matter who is put in this, there's nothing wrong with the characters aside from the trap trash. Unless one of them is another trap I don't know about.
Oh but DDLC is garbage anyway.

i don't even know how to pirate games and i really want to for Lobotomy Corporation. how about you guys tell me how

sorry but im not some brown subhuman who LITERALLY steals stuff

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Sayori isn't a fucking trap, there are no traps in DDLC in first place.
I know the game has suicide, cutting yourself, daddy issues and existential crisis but please keep the tranny shit away - it has absolutely nothing to do with it.

How did we get to the point where if we don't go along with someones delusions and ask them to maybe reconsider fucking up their bodies with foreign chemicals and mutilating themselves permanently and instead seek help for what is clearly a mental illness we're the bad guy?

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Extreme conservatism from Boomers caused their kids to rebel and become "liberated" and "left-wing".