Do you play video games because they're fun

Do you play video games because they're fun
or are you pointlessly trying to regain the fun you once had with them when you were younger?
Are you just keeping up with the most relevant game in order to stay relevant within your social group?

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I play video games to remind me of eating a stuffed crust extra cheese with pepperonis and jalepenos pizza from pizza hut with a water to drink and whiskey to chase the water with after I've hit a dab of pure THC and fucked ur mum.

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>fucked ur mum
Finally, after all this time...

i have no other interests
there are days where i sit and scroll through my steam games/start them for 20 seconds then realise i cant be bothered to deal with them, inbetween sessions of rewatching the same 5p or so youtube videos that i enjoyed once, and getting lost in reccommended videos that i dont give a fuck about
i wish i had the motivation to do something constructive, learn guitar or some shit, or at very least maybe engage in a normie hobby, like watching sports or game of thrones or some shit like that. help improve my social skills, have something to talk about. but i dont find any of that shit interesting either.
so instead i just do that mundane shit, day in, day out. barely getting enough wagie hours to keep myself alive.
i really wish i hadn't played videogames in school. maybe i could've got somewhere in life. living in the present is too easy and self destructive, but ive not got the motivation to do anything else, so i guess ill just keep playing videogames.

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lol I don't actually play video games

>underaged the post

honestly at this point I play videogames because I have literally nothing else to do
the alternatives I have ar to lay in bed, sleep
or shitpost here which is even worse

I have more fun with them now than I did when I was a kid.

they keep my mind occupied so i dont put a round between my eyes

I play old videogames and have fun with them. And I don't have a fucking "social group" because I'm not a fucking identityless 14 year old desperate for fucking attention.

Right in the feels.

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I like hacking and tinkering with consoles more than anything, but doing so makes me end up actually playing games. I beat BOTW, Bayonetta and Jak and Daxter in the last two weeks just because of hacking.

Watch anime, it's a good passtime and give you something more to talk about, or become a movie buff

Because they are fun. I don't have time to play as much as I want, so when I do play it is fun. If I was a NEET playing games all day then naturally that would make me immensely bored with them.

you're just lazy sorry to break it to you

This is me, except I'm on disabilitybuxx so instead of working it's just more shitposting.

I desperately want to be interested in something, but forcing interest is impossible.

Sometimes when I go to sleep I suddenly get a spark of interest and plan out something for the next day, but when I wake up the spark is gone.

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I play them when my online (((friends))) watch me, or I play with them.
Otherwise I try to force myself to play them because I just sit at home day after day until I need to go a doctor's appointment to hopefully fix the problems I have.
But they will likely never be fixed.

So you're always alone, it's okay.

>is on the internet
>access to infinite knowledge regarding any subject he chooses to learn about
>"literally nothing else to do"
imagine being hardcapped by your own brain lol

damn this is me. I make enough money at my job so I dont have a reason to go further. No plans to marry either so it feels like I already did everything worth doing in life.

Yeah OP is a typical autist doesn't understand he doesn't have to fit in and can just find his own intrests without becoming obnoxious

It's not a good feeling, I haven't changed or improved in 10 years.

you're doing it to yourself

>he thinks knowledge is inherently good or useful

education is a spook

Definitely because they're fun.

Could be, but I don't know how to change that. I think it might be too late. It's like nothing interests me anymore.

Lazy people still have stuff they want to eventually get around to. What are you when you have nothing?

I play video games to get inspiration for the video game that "I am making" (i.e. I will never finish).

I don't know how to make new friends given that I'm in a whole new country doing my studies online.

So I sit inside, alone because of different timezones, with buckets of time to spend playing video games or reading. I collect pieces that interest me from history as well, so I try and balance both virtual and real life. I don't know what I'm going to do when I finish my course, probably won't get a job because my fear of people is so high, but at least nobody can call me stupid.

In terms of the vidya I actually play, when I'm on holidays and with friends I do more MP stuff like CSGO or whatever flavor of the month there is, because I enjoy the banter more than the actual game. When I'm alone, I like really long story driven experiences to lose myself in. If you have to pretend or be fake to be part of a specific social group, you're probably in the wrong social group.

I play video games because I don’t have any friends that I hang out with. I play games to hopefully get that same gratification I once had as a 15 year old playing my 360 with tons of friends. I play solo and it hasn’t been the same. All my friends have jobs including me, and we don’t talk often like we used to. Gaming for me is used to waste time so I can move on to other things later in my life.

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I have fun with them but I know theyre wasting my life. I'm incredibly lazy and unmotivated 24/7 and video games are the only thing that, sometimes, keeps me from being bored since I never leave my room. Its not like I don't have other things I'd rather be doing though. I've always wanted to tell stories in some capacity and I also dabble in warhammer minis. But again I'm extremely lazy and sitting down and mindlessly playing a video game is easier to do than actually taking the time and effort to do something. I wish I wasn't like this but I'll probably end up killing myself anyway because I don't see this stagnation in my life ending any time soon

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i play videogames to escape from the misery of chronic pain and health issues

i went 3 weeks without bleeding from my ass when i shit, thats a record for the past 3 years

Why the hell would you play video games if they weren't fun for you anymore? That's the whole point of a video game. It's supposed to be something you play to have fun and pass the time. It's the same with every single other hobby. Why bother if you're not having fun?
This is just gonna be another >I'm a depressed NEET please feel bad for me. thread

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I've forgotten how it feels to play a game with a friend.

that's why you're dead inside and can barely force yourself to play a video game? lol stop making excuses, you can do literally anything if you learn how to. and thanks to the power of the internet, you can learn literally anything.
you're probably not even 25 yet. you're just depressed. what do you think being depressed means? take care of yourself and have intentions of doing something, anything, and you'll find yourself more interested in the world around you. if you don't THINK the world is worth being in, why would it feel that way? depression is a hole
not trying hard enough

Damn, my exact sentiment in myself. I don't have a job yet can't bothered to look for one despite the need since I'll lose my time to play video games anymore. I feel that I will lose my sense of self once I let go of video games, I don't have any other interest after all, so either get a job and lose myself, or keep on it and despair for being a worthless leech.

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It wasn't the vidya user. If you hadn't played vidya, you'd come up with some other excuse to sound full of melachonic regret. Just fucking do it. You don't need to enjoy new shit when your this demotivated. Pick something you would want to learn (like guitar, you said), take lessons and stick with them. Keep doing it every day even if you don't feel like it. Also go do a sport, and do the same thing.
Stop blaming your other shit for your laziness. Just go out and DO things, not sit at home and complain you should have done them.

Just meet people on discord

I'm 32. I've been depressed for 12 years.

Not him, but laziness is a bitch. I could just as easily learn a new recipe or read about WWII history, but it's so much easier/less mentally taxing to shitpost here and browse booty threads

You really want to hear people say that you might be depressed, huh? Is it so you can have an excuse for being lazy? Go see a doctor if you think you're depressed and get on meds.

>has interest in telling stories
>nothing stopping him except himself
>going to kys yourself because you can't sit still long enough to write a story
dawg are you for real right now? you're considering suicide because you haven't built enough discipline to pursue your interests?
rome wasn't built in a day. discipline is a habit. the more you do something, the easier it becomes to do it. humans are creatures of habit and routine. our bodies adapt to our routines extremely quickly. if you have a depressive routine, you'll stay depressed.
my one question:
How do you people expect your feelings, attitudes, and thoughts to change if you don't actually do anything to change them? If you keep doing the same thing every day, why would you get different results? You have to do something differently.

I try to have fun, but more often than not, I just become annoyed/bored and drop games.

When trying to find the enjoyment I had with videogames in my youth, I learned that most of the enjoyment was based around unrealistic expectations/potential. Hearing stories from other kids was never as boring as the actual games themselves.

Bloodborne/FromSoftware, Inc garbage is where I stopped. Now I no longer care if something is popular, because I distrust the group itself.

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Then see a doctor and work on fixing it. Take XTC, not kidding with that. It helps with serotonin release, making you remember what being happy means. It's not a fake feeling either, what people always meme about with drugs.
I took it once without even realising I was depressed. It completely pulled me out of that mindset and made me genuinely a happy person after that by realising there's so much shit in the world that's worth doing/seeing/experiencing


same here. i really need a new hobby. maybe fishing would be fun to try

Get over yourself fag
The game is fun

now this is quality shitposting ^^

>just learn random shit bro, it will make your life better

in fact stupid people are happier

>random shit
Who said anything about random shit? Pursue an interest you fucking mongoloid. Honestly if you're this dumb and lazy you deserve to be depressed you piece of shit

I play videogames because my mind is a rotten cesspit of pure self-hate that wants me dead, and I use any excuse I can to overload it with whatever stimulation I can find so that it doesn't succeed and I don't have to listen to it.

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Why the fuck would I play video games if they weren't fun still? They are too expensive to keep buying them if I wasn't actually enjoying them.