Squad game

Play Squad

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Play VBS2.

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>actual milsim faggotry
I don't work for the government and dont plan to

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You can easily find the US Army lite version for free. It only has three missions included, but has the full mission editor and three big terrains. I insist that you try it. There is also JCOVE lite, if you're into the British military for some reason.

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I'm into PVP and not playing against braindead bots

genuinely why would you play VBS when Arma and a thousand mods exist?

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>genuinely why would you play VBS when Arma and a thousand mods exist?
Even RHS + ACE for Arma 3 don't have the sheer variety of variants for equipment and vehicles.

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But you get to play with other people.
Where is the enjoyment in just playing with bots?

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PR > Squad

>shit vehicle mechanics
>aim deviation
>outdated engine
>no players
all it has is lots of content from 10 year of development but nothing can save the aging gameplay and engine

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>muh multiplayer
Ah, I see. So you're a zoomer. Imagine needing other people to be entertained.

PR's been dead for quite a while now my dude

it is though

imagine being entertained by bots that pose literally no challenge except for people bad at videogames aka most people that play arma

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I would if I had a computer capable of running it

HOG is full right now squad shill, your trash game can't even beat a 10 year old mod

buy it for me

Well is there actual teamwork and tactics, or most people just pick up a gun and run towards the frontline?


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I'll reinstall it when they have co-op servers.

Most squadleaders kick people if they don't have a mic

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How potato is your PC?

>1-4AM USA
>still full server
How much do they pay you?

post webms of gameplay and convince me

Squad LITERALLY has 20 times the playercount and costs 40$, while PR struggles to stay alive on weekends despite being free.

Actually pathetic

Currently reinstalling, haven't played in a year and a half.

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How the fuck are these people able to just mindlessly walk in the open for 5 minutes without getting shot at but I can't so much as peak my head out without getting bushwookie'd?

I played PR pretty heavily back in the day and always liked running logistics.(Building FOBs, transport chopper, etc.) Bought Squad when it was first available on steam and it was pretty barebones. Is it worth giving it another try? Have they added any aerial units?

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You'll be suprised, all animations have been revamped and most maps have had foliage and lighting overhauls

you got it

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>larping as a soldier with a mic the game

Squad is still too unfinished for me to enjoy. The development barely release updates as well. Hell, it took them several years to add idle animations and they're still using some stock models if I remember right.

If you played back during the original steam release it changed a ton. went from 4 maps to 14, also
>overhauled lighting
>overhauled foliage
>vehicles are in
>supression mechanics
>vehicle damage like broken tires, destroyed engines, detracking etc

Attached: sks baynonet.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

There is a reason why squad only has 2k active players. I wont play your shitty game.

>stock models if I remember right.
thats wrong tho, those have been gone for a year atleast

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stop shilling the game u faggots

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name a tactical shooter with good PVP and more players than Squad

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Some of the militia models may as well be, they're so poorly modeled. Many of the maps still feel like betas. Empty buildings, copy pasted forests, shit lighting (Narva, Al Basrah), dull environments. The game feels so inconsistent in terms of quality and the devs are slow as fuck releasing content.


>LMG +/- zoom sights
>zero to 200m and 3 round burst at everyone
>60+ kills a round, 107 record

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>playing a game that will be stuck in development hell just like PR
I can't go down that road again. Never again will I participate in the squad night shenanigans on the tactical gamer server.

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>3 years to reskin a truck and call it a tank

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There is no development hell when Squad is almost finished

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>every bullet is a tracer
>smoke is instant and doens't take 15-20 seconds like real life
much realism
very wow

>every bullet is a tracer
wrong you fucking moron, every third bullet on the machineguns or squadleaders is a tracer, everyone else doesn't have any.
>smoke is instant and doens't take 15-20 seconds like real life
only on the 40mm smokes

stop talking shit you don't know about dumb larper, Squad isn't a milsim

sir, i said sir, my mike two forty bravo had 1/6 tracers, sir

>every bullet is a tracer

Probably every third, are you blind?

>still runs like shit

Looks playable.

only if you're a poorfag, every mid tier PC shoud be able to run it at 60 at this point.

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Shill somewhere else faggot. You post the same webms of smoke in every thread. The game is nowhere near completion. At the rate it's going, it will be another 2-3 years before we get anything resembling a 1.0

nigga dats metal gears olid

All the game is lacking for 1.0 is choppers, commander mode and 100 players. Thats all achieveable until the end of this year dummy.

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comp-stomp casuals should be gassed

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Military shooters are for retards and children

>he does it for free

Jesus christ you've been non-stop shilling this shit for a good week now. It's just BF2 meets ARMA but worse.
The game is played by wannabe homeguard dropout armchair generals and is extremely boring.

Squad is nice but I’ve always held that WW2 is a better setting for FPS than modern day so I hoped that Post Scriptum would give me my fix.
Of course it ended up being fucking awful and now all my hopes rest on Hell Let Loose.

>that bulletsponge
Into the trash it goes

>dying to 2-3 shots is bullet sponge
why are you so desperately grasping at straws to shit on a good game?

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V13 is so damn full of bugs.

HOG is absolute garbage. Squad has steady development. Try again sweetie.

No aerial units yet but it is highly polished now. Choppers coming some time this summer.
You're in for some big changes.

SquadOPs, West Coast Tactical, and EasySquad are best servers, hands down.

Dude was dead in 2-3 shots, body didnt hit the ground that fast though. Almost like real life!

Head on back to plebbit, zoomer.
Sounds like you've literally never played it.

Currently the most idiotic post on this board.
Feel free to link contenders.

wait you're telling me the game STILL doesn't have commander mode OR 100 players? yikes I didnt know it was that bad

>the sheer variety of variants for equipment and vehicles

Imagine having autism.
All assault rifles are functionally identical in Arma, same for battle rifles, light/heavy MGs and snipers, unguided/guided rockets etc.
You need a grand total of 1 of each.

You're not a military weapons enthusiast, so of course you don't understand.

You armchair gun autists are the footfags of vidya.

>There is a reason why squad only has 2k active player
yes, and that reason is that it is a niche game not pandering to the lowest common denominator aka IQ 80 teen with ADHD
and since you are not able to come to simple conclusions I have a feeling you are one
don't play it. it wasn't made for you

Falllujah is absolutely going to blow any of the maps so far out of the water in the simple number of new assets, points of interests and general map layout.
It truly will be the games magnum opus

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"the shovel simulator"

>stop liking what i don't like
jeez kid, go do something better with your life

>t. brainlet retard who calls all AK's "AK-47's"

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I'm not good enough with keyboards (I can barely switch weapons hotkeys in Doom) to play something like this and I have no friends to play this with, so I just watch other people play instead. It looks so fun..

Project Reality Vietnam maps was the peak of the genre and Squad, Post Scriptum, and Hell Let Loose will never be able to reach that level of kino.

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Any server recommendations for EU nerds with people that actually talk?

508 and blood bound

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Until Squad has bots and a mission editor on par with Arma, no buy.

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coop shitters are truly the worst, imagine actually having challenging opponents lmao

Fuck off chancebruh

Imagine posting for other people to be entertained, you boomer fuck

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rising storm 2?
yeah, that's weird, is it a russian thing? or does the machine gun just shoots super fast?

When Squad's multiplayer isn't supported in 10 years and you can't play it anymore period, I will still be playing Arma 2 and OFP unabated.

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still can't stablize your rifle on window frame or a tree.

>rising storm 2?
Not a tactical shooter.


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>logistic fag

Sorry mate but FPS aren't for you

Oh look, the short attention span normalfag outed himself. Go play some nu-Rainbow Six to get your "tactical shooter" fix, retard. Leave Arma and PR to people who actually care about the game beyond just shooting things.

>watch all those meme/fun compilations vids of SQUAD
>know it will be nothing like this ever if I play it

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My attention span is fine, thank you. It just appears to me that you prefer stuff like base building/crafting and hauling shit from A to B and other genres cater more to those things. No need to get butthurt

Nothing is better than popping vehicleniggers with RPG
just look at this

I had to stop playing in September last year, only set my PC up again in April. The game's gone to shit. SLs don't communicate with each other and both sides now just rush to the center of the map like they're playing Battlefield.

It plays nothing like this OP.

If you actually ownt eh game aqnd join a server, Most the time, its not even teamplayer, You just have retards join a "squad" and than everyone SOlo/ rambos their way onto the ojbective. Sometimes something cool happens, Like a enemy squad with a vehicle show up. But most the time its just people running around, ramboing each other in the woods. And sometimes in the objective area.

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1) It's unoptimized.

2) The maps for it are terrible. Maybe a couple good maps, Talil being one of them are decent. A lot of the others seem like they were designed to purposefully be terrible with progression, flanking, or, anything, really.

3) Graphics are nothing to admire. The only good thing is the effects.

4) Sounds are outdated. There's no 'echo' or location of shots that change how sounds work. It's so easy to pinpoint where you're being shot at from.

5) It's a miracle if you get into a decent squad. You could SL yourself but you need to herd lemmings like you're a kindergarten teacher.

6) Vehicles are useless. Sure, you can feel cool killing people for 5-10 minutes but recent patches has basically turn vics into a useless tin can.

7) Shadows/Ambient occlusion, through means of hiding yourself in foliage or in an area that requires shading to work, disappears if you set settings to low, which STILL hasn't been fixed. Despite Post Scriptum being on the same fucking streamlined code from OWI.

8) Competitive scene is filled with a bunch of rampant sperglords that take it way, way, too seriously and want the game to be a 90% replica of Battlefield mixed with some 'realistic' traits making the game faster and easier to appeal to wider audience.

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Sounds like a perfect game to not play then.

you won‘t be missed

I can tell you only play on free weekends because that is simply not true.

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>When modders can make more interesting maps than devs being paid full time

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btw, is Post Scriptum still alive? i

>close up screenshots are worth judging a map by
small brain

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>Big open map with nothing interesting in it apart from the town to the north of the map, and small parts of the airbase.


It is, kinda. I don't play it much anymore. But they fixed the 'disable shadows' shit before OWI has which is sad.

>It's unoptimized
this argument doesn't work anymore unless you're poor
>call most maps terrible
>calls a map with basically no cover anywhere a good example
really nigger, do you want to sound like an idiot?
>Graphics are nothing to admire
they are perfectly fine on most maps, only very old maps look bad due to being made when they developers had less experience
>Vehicles are useless
vehicles are stronger than ever, cost less ticket when destroyed and rarely get one-shotted anymore. You really don't make the impression that you know what you're talking about or pay attention to meta changes
>Competitive scene is filled with a bunch of rampant sperglords
that's not unique to squad, devs don't cater to compfags at all tho

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Charlie's point MVP, followed by the Barracuda vietnam layout.

Why would you ever play squad when ro2, rs2 and insurgency exist?

>that's not unique to squad, devs don't cater to compfags at all tho

so that's why Nordic is a QA and also big in the comp scene, you fucking retard?

Gatzby, no one cares about Squad. It will die within a couple years, and OWI will move its department onto other games.

Quit advertising this shitheap of a game, and quit your job as a community manager for OWI. You deserve better.

lmao fucking zoomer, great examples

Forgot to add La Drang. That's the best.

Fuck off tranny it’s not my fault your game is boring as fuck with a dead player base. All 3 of those games are miles ahead of milsim shit like arma or squad. Enjoy playing with retards who want to act cool but are too fat to actually be in the military irl

>call game boring and dead
>more players than all three games he mentions as being better
oh no no no no

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compfags have been crying forever about supression needing to go and they don't get that, so why are you whining? Nordic being in QA doesn't affect developer decisions

I’m ganna move the goalposts on you just give me a sec

>commaded T-72B3 with friends
>30 kills no deaths
>knocked out 2 Abrams + some light vehicles
This game is the tank """sim""" I've been looking for all the time

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you've got it wrong my friend

people like that joined the game because they are just like that, autistic and shy
unlock yourself to people like you, courtesy of this game.