>watch shards of warcraft classic beta streams
>world is completely empty even though they're all in sub 30 level zones
why make an mmorpg if you're going to put everyone on their own server?
Watch shards of warcraft classic beta streams
Damn that's pretty lame. So much for wow classic lol
>closed beta
>need to be subbed or an 'influencer' to get a spot in it
Gee whiz I wonder why there aren't that many playing
did you even watch the webm? The barrens are fucking packed, it's just that some people are sharded into an empty world.
posting blizzcon footage and trying to pass it off as beta isnt very honest of you user
Webm is from the demo
that webm is from last year, is this thread actually for discussion or just bait?
what is going on here
This webm isn't from the classic WoW beta. The world is empty because there's like 500 people in the entire game and they staggered the player access.
Why are you spreading misinformation? Is it just ignorance?
>need to be subbed or an 'influencer' to get a spot in it
a fucking ton of people have already gotten the beta. and more and more are coming in every day
There are no threads on Yea Forums that isn't bait
TL;DR OP is a SEETHING retail pleb who is hoping his shit babby's first MMO doesn't go down the drain when classic launches (it will).
>Why are you spreading misinformation? Is it just ignorance?
where in that post did i say that the webm was from the beta? the webm displays sharding which is what this thread is about.
gotta pass 3 months of time SOMEHOW
It's bait. OP has been spamming that and similar .webms recently.
>Why are you spreading misinformation? Is it just ignorance?
I get the feeling it's that autismolord who gets fixated on a certain game/company and wants them to fail so he constantly spams the same shit over and over until some other game triggers him.
>thread is about WoW classic beta
>webm isn't from the beta
You're a disingenuous piece of shit
Alpha chad no changes vanilla vet here to say that layering is actually based and redpilled
layering is gonna ruin the economy bro
dude just trust me
i've played the auction house enough on private servers to know that several instances of world resources will fuck so much shit up.
Even with layering the default vanilla respawns are insanely low, it's gonna be an absolute shit show if they don't shard. It's gonna be 700+ people in each starting area with 5 minute respawns if nothing changes at this point.
If layering wasn't in it'd be 3000+ per starting zone.
Anyone advocating for either of these options is an actual retard.
How do you figure?
WoW doesn't give you enough of a dopamine high to justify the massive time investment required.
I'd rather just play Mordhau until E3 gives me some real games to look forward to, not MMOs which are a dead genre for people with addictive personalities or severe escapist syndrome.
This. I can understand why there is opposition to it but it only makes sense. Even with the vanilla 2k cap starting zones would be a god damn nightmare.
Private server node respawns are completely fucked dude. They have no relation to actual vanilla spawn rates at all.
Every single aspect of them is incorrect on private servers. And I mean all resources, herbs/mining/leather/cloth etc.
None of them are even slightly correct.
These! dynamic mob respawns aren't actually a thing and have never happened ever and i'm not a fucking idiot :^) how could more resources fuck up the economy btw?
Cool blogpost
WoW ain't shit in terms of time investment. Try older MMO's like Everquest or even RS. On OSRS some of the slower skills can take as much time to get to 99 as it takes to get a level 60 character on WoW.
nodes and weather are the two constant fuckups on every server I've played. Nodes never spawned so clustered, screenshots of like 9 fucking herbs in one minimap are commonplace. In places like mines you could find a few more nodes close by, but in general it seems like private servers have no restrictions on how many nodes can spawn near each other
Fully expecting nuBlizz to fuck it up too
>These! dynamic mob respawns aren't actually a thing and have never happened ever and i'm not a fucking idiot :^)
Only on private servers you stupid nigger.
>how could more resources fuck up the economy btw?
The low level zones mean jack shit to the economy.
>The low level zones mean jack shit to the economy.
its server wide, not just low level zones.
>Fully expecting nuBlizz to fuck it up too
Why would they? They're using the 1.12 data, so it should be the same.
nah I already messed up my childhood playing Vanilla WoW, I'm not going to ruin my adulthood too.
Raiding also isn't very fun.
The most fun I ever had in WoW was ninja looting multiple guilds, disenchanting the drops in front of them, and having a friend I talked the guild into letting join rob the guild bank.
The layering will end before most players even hit 60.
they will never turn off layering meaning world pvp is absolutely dead
i told everyone classic would be shit and have sharding. you won't be going home, you will just throw money and actiblizzard before you realize the game is shit
>Only on private servers you stupid nigger.
Dynamic mob respawning was a retail invention you fucking retard lmao.
>The low level zones mean jack shit to the economy.
Layering is every zone holy shit the pro layering blizzcucks are braindead
be honest if I corpse camped you for 3-4 hours everyday you'd quit the game right? If you can't even handle idle time how the fuck will you last in this game?
there is no guild bank in vanilla
Your missing my point dude. By the time a lot of people are into the level 50+ zones with actual relevant level 60 resources sharding will already be removed. Only the hardcore poopsockers will make it there by then.
after they nerfed ninja looting in the xpansions I had to resort to guild bank robbing which wasn't nearly as much fun.
Can you ninja loot in classic? I might join just to do it at least once.
>Dynamic mob respawning was a retail invention you fucking retard lmao.
I mean in classic retard. Dynamic mob spawning existed in retail vanilla.
>Layering is every zone holy shit the pro layering blizzcucks are braindead
See >be honest if I corpse camped you for 3-4 hours everyday you'd quit the game right? If you can't even handle idle time how the fuck will you last in this game?
>Implying you could corpse camp me
a good guild isnt gonna let people ninja loot they will always be on master looter
>Dynamic mob spawning existed in retail vanilla.
Meant to say never existed.
even if they turn off layering. it's going to atleast 2 months in. the wolves will reach cap within days and farm the absolute shit out of the world. say there are 10 layers, they're going to get 10 times the normal amount of drops. not only are they going to flood the market with cheap ass herbs but they will trivialize early consume heavy fights like ragnaros.
>layering>dynamic mob respawns
Yeah you're not making it to 60
>layers will have the same cap as original servers at launch
huh so the game will be somewhat playable day one then. why is this bad thing?
hang yourself you stupid blunderfag. You are such an autistic fucking nigger.
>if I corpse camped you for 3-4 hours everyday you'd quit the game right?
id get my buddies to come and corpse camp you for 4 hours instead fuckface
have sex
>Friday night
>Former Marine Guild master leaves free for all loot on because he got drunk before the raid again
easy loot.
imagine paying for this
>be honest if I corpse camped you for 3-4 hours everyday you'd quit the game right? If you can't even handle idle time how the fuck will you last in this game?
by rolling on a pve server
corpse camping wont be a thing in classic since you can just jump layers whenever youre about to get ganked lol
Yeah i'm playing a rogue that's not gonna happen ever, thanks for getting everyone to come out though.
>one of my buddies is a warlock with felhunter and catseye goggles
nothing personnel fuckface
Off to layer 2 cya in 30 mins
>they will never turn off layering
Based on what, your opinion? They've *promised* they'll turn it off before world bosses come in. Do you know how big the backlash would be if they went back on it?
I know you're stupid but try and think things through a bit.
>having to fight alliance over quest mobs?
just change layer
>having to team up with players to share quest mobs?
just change layer
>too much pvp in stv?
just change layer
>think your guild is about to get wiped in brm?
just change layer
>did you mine or the veins?
just change layer
>did someone just pick the black lotus?
just change layer
getting corpse camped? no worries just go to another layer. Banding together with allies to defeat enemies is sooooo last decade.
quest npc dead? just go to another layer!
want to escalate a skirmish or save a zone getting pillaged? Don't even try to bring a couple of raids in to help they'll just get stuffed on another layer
someone kited a dangerously strong mob to your area or let an infernal loose? just hop on over to another layer!
>being a shitter that can't get ahead of the pack
This, I have no idea why people are upset about layers/sharding/phasing. It just makes the game better and playable for everybody because there would be too many people, can you imagine waiting several hours sometimes for a mob to spawn because +50 people are also camping it? Nah fuck that id rather solo level in a empty zone
seething anti layering bros we are going home and theres nothing you can do to stop it
First they said there won't be any layering. Then it was only for the first zone. Now it's everywhere for the first phase. Why would anyone trust them? They've already lied about Classic related shit multiple times.
>i told everyone classic would be shit
You were never going to believe otherwise, no matter what. You would have found something else to bitch about if layering wasn't in. You care more about being staying 'right' than actually being correct. Examine your biases.
It actually won't be that playable, because the same cap as vanilla = 500+ people in every starting zone. Hopefully between now and launch they realise playability is more important than appeasing retarded #nochanges idiots.
How do you imagine you'll be able to switch layers at will?
>no rp-pvp realms
Can't go home bros.
its almost like playing a single player mmo, just like BfA
just make more realms and force the populations to be roughly even. fuck layering, it ruins the feeling of a living world, and the idea of server communities.
if getting backlash would turn blizzard away from doing stupid shit they wouldnt be in the position they are in right now. the real reason layering is in is because their modern client/server cant handle large amounts of players interracting. have you ever seen the 40v40 pvp events that crashed their servers simply by fighting? they've written all their infrastructure around sharding so now the game just doesnt work as an mmorpg anymore. they've probably done some improvements in order to turn sharding into layering. but i think that is as far as it will go for now.
Get people to inv me until I get phased.
yes the majority of people agree and so does blizzard, if you dont like it dont play classic, thats all there is.
>How do you imagine you'll be able to switch layers at will?
relog/join a group thats in another layer. they've confirmed that this will work and i bet more ways will be discovered in the future,
>People thinking you can just hop layers whenever they want.
Stop spreading disinformation.
You can only change layer by joining a group or relogging.
If the person you are joining is in the same layer as you, fuck all happens.
There is no "LFG" interface that handily lists groups for you to auto-join and they will likely try and stomp on addons that try to jury rig such a thing.
Are you people just going to furiously whisper people at random looking for a group to join?
Just RP in a pvp server and give no fucks.
>How do you imagine you'll be able to switch layers at will?
You switch layers when someone from another layer invites you to a party and if you relog.
I don't have to imagine. I've done it before, and the satisfaction I got from finally getting it was well worth the weight.
Go fuck yourself and your instant gratification shit cunt
I know you're a private server hero, but you have no idea how much harder it is going to be with vanilla respawns. If you get in 15 seconds behind the pack at launch you are completely fucked.
The only real hope of getting ahead of the pack will be exploration/fedex quests.
You can relog whenever you want so you can hop layers whenever you want. Also guilds exist to coordinate this shit.
>there are people that actually believe people won't be multiboxing layer parties and also using discord servers to organize and traverse layers
I've been part of tons of MMO launches that weren't private servers and have literally always been ahead of the pack. Just don't be a shitter.
>just make more realms and force the populations to be roughly even.
This is what layering is, except that after the tourists leave, the realms aren't all dead.
Why is this so hard to comprehend for you retards?
wheres these discord servers, i want to get in early
>accidentally kill a streamer in wpvp
>get mass reported by his zoomer fanbase
>account suspended for griefing
can't wait to go home bros
RIP clASSic wow i guess you faggots aren't going home after all LOL retailchads win again *dabs* on clASSic
>no point playing pvp servers with layering
You're wrong, they literally addressed this exact thing in an interview.
Daily reminder to not waste your money by throwing it at Blizzard's incompetent asses and play on vanilla private servers instead.
Yeah no sorry I don't want it to take me 10 more hours to hit max level so layering it is
no thanks ill be playing the ULTIMATE FRESH without chinks and russians and poorfags like yourself
>seeing 500 people in durotar trying to level up
>being amazed over the fact that this many real people are playing beside you
>look forward to all the adventures you're going to have with all the people around you and maybe even remember a couple of names for later
>feel that you're actually a real mmorpg for once
>game is still playable because blizzard just changed the respawn timer for the first few days
>fucking empty dead landscape
>nobody around
>feels just like bfa
pic related is fucking FUN god damnit
You aren't understanding at all. There won't be any mobs alive to tag. You're talking about 700 people in dun morogh trying to kill 150 mobs on a 5 minute respawn. There is no getting ahead. What's your plan, to pull xp out of your ass?
if you dont like it, you can play on your buddy free servers.
how about they make layered realms for the tourists and non layered servers for the people that actually give a fuck about vanilla
increase spawn rates. GROUP UP WITH OTHER PLAYERS to kill harder mobs / complete quests together instead of doing them yourself.
9/10 you'll get told to fuck off, you wont be helping them with anything and there's a chance YOU will pull THEM to your layer and screw them over.
Relogging takes 20 seconds of doing nothing and leaves you vulnerable.
I guess you can eat a death if you really want to game the system so badly but it seems like a waste when the exact same situation can happen in your new layer.
I'll give you that, but how exactly do they track which layer they are all on and who would be bothered enough to manipulate it through sheer trial and error?
And an easy fix to the relogging switching layer is to give persistance to your 'spot' on the server, so you have to wait something like 5-10 minutes before the spot is given to someone else.
no it isnt
> Said they didn't WANT sharding, thought they might have to because of a variety of reasons related to the long term health of the game, found a solution in the spirit of preserving the communal feel of vanilla to mitigate the population problems bound to be cause by tourists and retailtrannies
It's not perfect, but it shows a lot of goodwill that they understand what/why people want classic instead of retail
>>seeing 500 people in durotar trying to level up
try 700+
>game is still playable because blizzard just changed the respawn timer for the first few days
They aren't changing respawn rates, as of now. Still looking forward to it?
This is with layering btw.
below your hypothetical 150 mobs
nice job retard
>compete for boar kills for 4 hours
>camp a quest mob for 2 (got lucky with a quick tag heh)
>stand in line for 2 hours to loot a quest objective
*sips* ahh, vanilla WoW. The way it was meant to be played.
There are always spots that shitters like you miss, just camp those while all the other retards fight for scraps in the middle of the map and you're good. There are always ways to get ahead early on. Why else do you think there's always people that make it out of the early zones so much faster than everybody else? Fuck you can make it even easier by just grouping up with some people and tagging everything. This was no problem back then, it's not going to be one now you fucking retard. Also 700 people in Dun Morogh? You retarded or something? The cap is 2,5k. It'll be closer to like 300 at best. Stop being a shitter.
Get friends. Group leader moves everyone to their layer, exactly the same as retail.
Yeah they'll just use their future vision to tell them apart.
People will bitch
Exactly why the fuck would we play on private servers classic has way more fucking layers
my point is that they should increase spawn rates INSTEAD of layering. but their servers literally cant handle that many players so they're doing sharding instead. with layering you're barely gonna see 50 people anywhere.
Don't mind me while i hold the group hostage for the next 15 minutes :^)
Even if they did say they didn't want it, not that they wouldn't do it, they still lied about it being applied to the first zone only. Fuck off you retarded Blizzdrone.
>waiting several hours for a mob to spawn with +500 people and be lucky enough to tag it first
>taking days to leave the starting area because of that
OH BOY, sure is fun user!
>Yeah they'll just use their future vision to tell them apart.
not hard to label a server or make lists detailing how each server works retard
What the blizzdrone cucks don't realize is blizzard chose the objectively worst option in regards to player experience but the objective best option for their hardware budget.
i've played several private server launches and it's usually only a clusterfuck for the first hour maybe untill you reach level 4ish. then you can farm shit outside of the quest zones. i'm really sad that people wont be able to experience the fun of a real server launch.
>there are STILL people that actually believe people won't be multiboxing layer parties and also using discord servers/guilds to organize and traverse layers
its all about the hardware. but these people havent realized this yet. they think blizzard is doing layering instead of an mmorpg because they want to be nice.
>a real server launch
it wasnt like this when vanilla first came out
normal people:
>Wait a minute, brb
these fucking niggers:
>thinks 5 person groups each camping 1 lvl 1 mob is a good solution
And i'm the retard?
>This was no problem back then
You didn't play back then, so how would you know?
>Also 700 people in Dun Morogh?
>The cap is 2,5k
The cap is 3k, 3000/2 =1500
1500/3 = 500. But it won't be 500 because gnomes and dwarves combined are more popular than nightelves or humans. 700 sounds right to me.
Anything else you want to be wrong about?
Fuck I hope they ignore ignorant low IQ fucktards like you and just shard the starting zones.
oh yeah i forgot. when vanilla first came out they used layering and sharding. i was there you fucking retard. there was a ton of people playing around in the world, like it fucking should be.
>And i'm the retard?
you are because you suck and out of 5 people cant tag more than 1 mob at a time lmao noob
Its a well known fact that classic community has double standards. Just like gold buying when complaining about how easy it is now to earn it in retail, or using questie, gathermate etc, while their mind is already in MC when they talk about how you should take the game slowly, and enjoy it, while they minmax and in their entire classic career is set in stone at character creation screen. Or when the biggest classic advocates do this. and while on stream they are the living proof of being two faced, while those who watch them, the players parrot everything they hear.
Oh yeah and I remember wildstar too.
This is why I hate blizzdrones, and blizzard itself. Its like believing in a lie so hard you trick your own brain too into a bullshit what you made up. You talk a lot but say nothing. Just like Ion.
2 weeks after it comes out there will be an addon too.
500 people sitting over a quest mob waiting for it to spawn did not fucking happen you dumb fucking nigger
Haha yeah mate it's just the games fault that you can't get out of the starting zone, definitely doesn't have anything to do with you being shit at the game. Lets not actually address any of my arguments. Nah, lets just pretend I didn't play the game. Fucking retard. Keep getting buttfucked by your Activision overlords faggot.
Blizzard have said they came up with the sharding technology to deal with the WoD release, what are you talking about
increasing spawn rates will fix this without turning the world into an empty barren landscape and killing any sense of world pvp in the process. its the better option. but blizzard is not able to do this because they're server code wasnt made for a large scale mmo so they had to cheap out with sharding instead.
When you try to use your army of fans to get you the arena trinket, but they want if for themselves so they defect and betray you and steal it.
that doesnt happen on 7k private server launches either you dumb fucking nigger. people fight over tags for an hour before spreading out killing other mobs. literally every problem that comes with over population is gone after 48 hours. a MUCH better solution than layering destroying so many aspects of the game for several months.
>you're barely gonna see 50 people anywhere.
Why are you retards always wrong?
You'd expect that you idiots would be right sometimes, but nope. Just wrong every single time.
Like you can trust retards like you to know which they'll end up being.
>i've played several private server launches
Private servers have fucked respawn rates. Nothing is going to prepare you for how fucked classic will be.
>increasing spawn rates will fix this
we have SEVERAL private servers that did that in varying ways and it fucking never worked to a satisfying degree. People only exploited it to grind.
so why do they even have layers to begin with?
>Like you can trust retards like you to know which they'll end up being.
doesn't matter
word will get out that the layered servers will have shorter queues or no queues at all and they'll go there
i don't mind sitting in queue for 10 hours if it means i get to play on an actual persistent server and not a layered shitheap.
>anti layering fags will still be paying blizzard 15 a month
all this complaining for nothing
>we have SEVERAL private servers that did that in varying ways and it fucking never worked to a satisfying degree. People only exploited it to grind.
and you think nobody is going to exploit layering? i have several plans to exploit the absolute shit out of it.
>i have several plans to exploit the absolute shit out of it.
no you dont
I will be enjoying leveling on my own and actually experience classic again while you gonna stay mad and still pay 15 bucks to blizzard so whatever cuck.
Just play Ascension and have fun already.
blizzard has spent the last 8 years merging dead realms because there were too many to begin with and people left the game progressively
there is no need to bloat the realm list just to deal with the release, people would cry about their realm being empty again
>there are people that actually believe people won't be multiboxing layer parties and also using discord servers to organize and traverse layers
Yep and this is a perfectly good argument for having the servers capped at vanilla populations so none of this shit is required.
watch me faggot. every thing you could do on private servers that they had to nerf to non-blizz because it was too effective will now work for each layer on the server.
you wont do anything stop lying
They also spent the last decade ruining their game.
they spent longer than a decade m8
the problem with that is that 2months after launch when 80% of the retail babies have quit and gone back to retail there would be 80 servers with a "low" population.
So their solution to that is to have less servers and completely overpopulate them and mitigate the crowding problem with sharding in the beginning
who said I will you ultranigger?
doesn't matter how good classic is, 2 months after release the population will have drastically decreased, and when that happens Blizzard will get rid of layering
>140 groups of 5 competing for 150 spawns
just tag more than 1 mob at a time xd
There is going to be zero enemies alive. EVERY SPAWN will be camped by multiple people. Players will outnumber spawns in every starting area by 4+ times.
Actually think about it before you say dumb shit. You reveal how stupid you are by even thinking that there will be more than 1 mob alive in an area at a time to tag.
> but blizzard is not able to do this because they're server code wasnt made for a large scale mmo
You're an idiot if you think this holy fuck. Do you know how much less data vanilla characters require compared to BFA ones?
Stop comparing private server launches, they have nothing to do with classic. You can't compare a private server dynamic 3 second spawn rate to a classic WoW 5 minutes. It is going to orders of magnitude worse than your worst private server launch experience, EVEN WITH LAYERING. The only non retard solution is layering + sharding for starting zones or dynamic spawns for starting zones, but they probably won't do either because of retards like the people in this thread who rage over autoloot being in.
So you just came into this thread to troll and shitpost? Well good to know that all of your comments ment nothing.
part of classic is fighting for mob spawns. fuck layering/sharding/desert simulation!
So that each server can have a huge pop cap at the start to deal with tourists, then reduce to a normal amount a few weeks down the track when they leave, instead of having to merge a billion servers.
>server merge bad layering good
Both are shit but one is clearly better than the other. But let's be honest here classics killing retail and they will be forced to make more servers.
that works when you increase the spawn rates. are you actually retarded?
Bear with me here, but what if they just upgraded the servers so they don't explode on release and then just let it be?
Who cares if people have to fight for spawns early on?
i don't mind sitting in queue for 10 hours if it means i get to play on an actual persistent server and not a layered shitheap.
You're a moron.
You don't even know what layering is, do you? I want you to tell me in your own words how it works, so I can laugh at you.
it's part of private server freshcuck culture
Vanilla wow had a rough launch but not nearly as bad as fucking nostalrius or kronos, the game built its reputation gradually and had a steady influx of new players to fill the starting areas, not a day one nuclear war over every kobold
He can't imagine the game without layering and with dynamic respawns. He is very likely a blizzard employee.
Party up faggot
>You're a moron
very good argument u have changed my mind
>u dont even know what layering is
i know you can switch between them which is kryptonite to the point of persistent world mmo
>streamer only beta
nublizz sure goes out of their way to make you hate them
Server merge is worse because it's forcing two communities together that have never interacted with eachother before.
With layering you at least, over time, will have seen notable people and guilds do their shit.
>there are STILL people that actually believe people won't be multiboxing layer parties and also using discord servers to organize and traverse layers
naw dude it'll be fine they'll merge them before most people hit 60 :^)
>Who cares if people have to fight for spawns early on?
Because 'early on' would be people stuck below lvl 5 for 30 hours /played. Not hyperbole.
Thank fuck people as ignorant as you aren't in charge.
Yeah but they aren't increasing the spawn rates at the moment, because of stupid #nochanges idiots like yourself.
how many times are you gonna post the same thing you autistic fuck
>the best argument for layering is that they say they're going to remove it
To do what exactly? Party up so you can tag a mob with +4 other people in your group and be lucky that the other 495 dont tag it first? So you can fight with your party members for the 1 tusk that dropped from a board which you need 10 to complete the quest while the drop rate is super low? Trully will save tons of time!
>Because 'early on' would be people stuck below lvl 5 for 30 hours /played. Not hyperbole.
>The only non retard solution is layering + sharding for starting zones or dynamic spawns for starting zones, but they probably won't do either because of retards like the people in this thread who rage over autoloot being in.
Do you think layering was in vanilla wow? you know layering wasnt in vanilla wow. that's a change they've actively made to make classic differ from the original experience. so if they can do that. if they can change way the core game functions in such a dramatic way that makes world pvp and large scale guild pvp basically dead, then why cant they just up the respawn rates for a couple of days?
i can tell you why btw. its because their servers cant handle it. its the only reason we still have sharding in classic. its not because they really dont want to change spawn rates. its not because they fear outcry from nochange fans. its because of hardware limitations.
i believe that they know fully well that dynamic respawns is a far superior, and far simpler solution to the problem. a solution that keeps the game and the world intact and doesnt mess with a absolute fuck ton of factors that comes with splitting up the world and players into small groups. but their engineers just cant merge their new wow infrastructure, with the old game design.
stop arguing for these jews. they're being greedy and you're gobbing their cocks up.
>investing money back into the product
how many times are people going to post that layering won't be manipulated
You couldn't do it, because you're a reactionary fuckboi who didn't do a single second of research before you lashed out with your #nochanges retardation.
seek help or kill yourself
>Yeah but they aren't increasing the spawn rates at the moment, because of stupid #nochanges idiots like yourself.
layering is a far far far far far far bigger change than changing a value on boar spawn timers in durotar
>2004 hardware ran just fine with hundreds of players in one zone
>apparently 2019 hardware cant handle the exact same thing
I sincerely doubt you've played WoW at any release that didn't have phasing because you're talking clear shit
another good argument changing my mind how do u do it my friend
did you play vanilla past TBC or something? If I wanted to roam empty areas I would play retail.
>2004 hardware ran just fine with hundreds of players in one zone
you weren't at the AQ gates event, were you?
Ya'll nigs never play on new expansion night?
This will be the same thing, but with less players and spread across 6 different locations. Instead of 2.
Mark your spot in the queue, talk shit on Yea Forums then lag it out for a couple hours. It will smooth itself out after the first day or two.
Or throw in sharding and ruin the game for half a year.
actual reddit
ill take the sharding over talking with you dumb faggots
The servers shit themself in retail if you try to do raid vs raid pvp in normal zones
40v40 pvp brings the server to a halt. their infrastructure is absolutely horrible for large scale shit.
I can't wait for all the salt when vanilla gets released
you too
Vanilla WoW didn't have 10000 people per server the second the servers go live.
>then why cant they just up the respawn rates for a couple of days?
They can, and I hope to god they do.
> its because their servers cant handle it.
You're a retard.You think shady eurocuck morons like the people who run nostalrius and kronos can handle 7000 people on a server but blizzard servers can't? You're actually delusional.
>i believe that they know fully well that dynamic respawns is a far superior, and far simpler solution to the problem.
It is definitely simpler, which you should realise means that they think layering is a better solution.
Was Legion your first expansion?
It's not that 2019 servers can't handle it. It's that BLIZZARDS servers can't handle it, because blizzard are money hungry jews.
Precisely this. Absolutely retarded blizzdrones either outright fucking lying or who have never played a single online game on release before.
This goddamn fucking bait threads are hilarious.
Get your facts straight, you shits:
>Omar Gonzalez is the literal guy that made wow classic possible because he is an actual software engineer and not some shit idea guy like Ion Holocaustas or whatever the fuck Lore is doing.
>For every casual shitter that complains about classic being "bugged" or some horseshit not working properly, we have based Omar calling them out because he has the fucking 1.12 data.
>A few examples: Warlocks would always dismiss their pet when summoning a new one; the big thing at the end Wailing caverns always hit like a truck and undergeared/underleveld tanks could be oneshot by it easily; Duskwood worgens will murder your ass if you walk into a pack of three and only have a shitty pally as backup.
>Omar literally sat down in his office for several months and activated his code magic and made the old 1.12 data work on the legion client.
>It was even at his insistence that layering was even a thing, as he was one of the junior devs when wow vanilla was developed, that actually wrote the old code and knows what is what.
>Ion and the others probably would have just used shardin and call it a day.
>He even managed to tone down some of the new features of the new client so the game does not shit itself when more than 5 people are in one place.
>This man singlehandedly made wow classic possible in Blizzards modern corporate culture with shitheads like Ion, J. Allen "You think you do but you don't" Brack and whatever the fuck the other retards are.
Say thank you based Omar. He is btfo shitters, streamers and other retards since classic was announced.
They actually cant, if you go watch any world pvp video where its 40v40 the servers go into a perma lag. Blizzard does not care about the severs
there is a fine line between empty and rush-hour-shanghai crowded
you're not special for wanting other people around in an MMO, retard, but if you played nostalrius at launch you would know the game was not designed for that many people to be in the same area at once
>They can, and I hope to god they do.
well they wont because they literally cant support that many people. look at this video >You're a retard.You think shady eurocuck morons like the people who run nostalrius and kronos can handle 7000 people on a server but blizzard servers can't? You're actually delusional.
its not the same client. blizzard could easily make a server that can handle that amount of people. but they're on a whole other client now. a client that's built around sharding.
>It is definitely simpler, which you should realise means that they think layering is a better solution.
that method is so superior that the only way they're not going with it is because they literally cant.
>muh Omar Gonzalez was able to emulate the old map files with the new client
so fucking what.
you know blizzard, you know they will not disable sharding. they will not disable sharding in a year, or ten. that's how blizzard operates - they do not listen to players after decision made. better fight it now.
I know? What's your point dude.
Can you elaborate on what part of what I said is 'clear shit'?
What's layering, btw? I'm having trouble understanding it, can you give me a quick rundown? Should be easy for you, only a retard would be so against something they don't understand, and you aren't a retard are you?
>servers are either empty or have 15 people per enemy, there is no in between
BFA characters are literally 20+x more data intensive than vanilla ones.
BFA characters are literally 20+x more data intensive than vanilla ones.
Neither can I, from the retail cucks.
I appreciate and respect this, but i still think Layering is fucking stupid.
I wonder how a modern tauren mill vs southshore would be
Or you can RP in my pvp server so I can both gank you and ridicule you about RPing.
TBC launch was literally just wpvp for 48 hours while a few really dedicated made it to Terrokar
Vanilla launch was pretty tiny by today's standards and even if they started a little crowded it was nothing like 500+ simultaneous lvl1 undead fighting for each and every zombie in a 4 mile radius
>people stuck below lvl 5 for 30 hours /played. Not hyperbole.
It 100% is hyperbole you lying shitter.
Why do people act like this is a big deal?
The game didn't fucking run for the first week, the instance servers crashed constantly. Are people legitimately wanting a WORLD SERVER DOWN situation again?
wrath launch was also fun, wpvp spread on all three early areas
Based Omar, fuck the haters.
So show some respect you shitter.
BFA characters are literally 20+x more data intensive than vanilla ones.
You're basing your entire perception of the situation on flawed assumptions. You're biased and incorrect.
We'll see, but I think you're wrong. Believe in Omar.
Wait, so there are no actual servers? Sharding like retain? How the fuck is that even REMOTELY classic wow?
Welp, into the trash it goes then.
I do, better than empty world.
I know blizzard and I know that, as though allowing people to abuse layering for multiboxing pvp retard shit, they would NEVER have people abuse it for loot with world bosses
this is where they draw the line apparently, and I never really knew why, but that's just a fact
we will never know because as soon as people try to gather up in hillsbrad for a raid, they're going to be placed in different layers
You know, Blizz should just make a new MMO similar to classic but with slightly different zones, characters and quests, that is completely built around sharding/layering as a core game mechanic, market it to classicfags as something brand new and let the dosh roll in.
No world IS an empty world you idiot. Staring at the login screen because your character is inaccessible is a single player adventure.
Just think of the layers as temporary servers, and the end of layering as those servers merging.
Does that make you feel better?
>Wrath PVP
You mean when it was just DK rape trains? Fuck that shit.
yes dks in the starting wrath zones day 1. read you fucking retard
To everybody saying a non layering launch is absolutely impossible. This is a 10k pop server with dynamic respawns.
Take note. Blizzdrones will NEVER bend the knee ever. Their delusion knows no bounds.
why don't they just repurpose the old servers as kubernetes clusters and run the servers as containers and just have a single regional server.
A high cap server (lets say 10k people, which will be actually possible on a layered server with classic launch) with default vanilla spawns will be 5000 players each faction.
Assuming a perfect 1/3 split between starting zones (which is wrong, but won't matter.)
Means 1600+ people per starting zone. That means MORE than the entire faction CAP for a FULL vanilla server IN EACH STARTING ZONE.
Do you realize how long it would take any player to tag a single mob with that many people? Actually think it through. They 100% absolutely MUST do something, and layering is what they're doing. Which still won't be enough to make it not a complete fucking chore, but whatever.
Why do you fucks believe this? Holy shit it's like you're willfully ignorant.
Layers are world wide retard. It's dumb comments like this that convince me you idiots don't even know what layering is.
>why don't they just repurpose the old servers as kubernetes clusters and run the servers as containers and just have a single regional server.
they want to use their modern battle.net integrations and its easier to just emulate the old game through the new client, than to rewrite the old client to work with the new battle.net
They aren't doing dynamic respawns at the moment though.
Also 10k pop servers are fucking retarded, and I'm glad they aren't doing them.
layering is an actual out of season april fools joke and you all got trolled
If you think that's a chore don't even waste your time with this game.
>Layers are world wide retard. It's dumb comments like this that convince me you idiots don't even know what layering is.
have you seen the twitch clips where people just get transported to a new layer? the same shit will happen in hillsbrad if it gets too busy. layers are world wide i know, but they will work very much like shards. its just that the shards are much much bigger
Dynamic respawns are way more exploitable than Layering
Dynamic respawning is self explanatory and based around players in the immediate proximity. Just like layering it can be turned off and is the lesser of two evils.
Never played wow. Should I start with classic or the normal wow? Isn't classic going to be boring after some time because of all the missing content?
they can both be used to farm mobs. however layering can be used to farm gathering nodes as well. however with dynamic respawns they can just change the spawns back to normal after a week since the player base will have spread out over the world. while layering will make the world a barren landscape for two months while you're leveling while at the same time fucking over world and guild pvp.
dynamic respawns changes nothing but respawns. but layering changes the absolute core of WORLD of warcraft.
>700 people in a starting zone
>not a chore
lol alrite m8
>the same shit will happen in hillsbrad if it gets too busy
Everyone there will already have been on the same layer though. Unless you get people inviting people from other layers, but then they'll just get sucked onto the busy layer anyway.
I can't see a scenario you imagine happening?
My preferred solution would be layering with sharded starting zones.
classic is a good game and will be extremely popular. "normal" is not a good game and extremely dead
>Just like layering it can be turned off
>implying the stress tests aren't going to demonstrate that they can't unless the servers are dead as fuck
Once again don't waste your time with this game mmo's clearly aren't for you
>I can't see a scenario you imagine happening?
as i said. have you seen the twitch clips where classic streamers have been randomly transported to different layers, meaning the whole world just reloaded with new mobs and everything. the same thing will happen in hillsbrad. Layering is used to reduce lag. and if the hillsbrad layer gets to laggy, they're most likely gonna port people out of that layer.
Start with classic dude. It's a much better game than retail WoW.
Watch this video from a hardcore retail kid
I don't get this idea. If there's a new layer there's people for the layer. More people to consume the more resources that are generated. I don't get why people think there'll magically be empty layers full of untold resources. Why would the world be a barren wasteland?
Whatever private server hero. You bitches are already crying that your private servers mob details are comically incorrect across the entire game.
No I haven't, pm me the links boi
home.... soon
>Why would the world be a barren wasteland?
because they're spreading the normal population across a ton of layers.
in vanilla wow. the farm nodes used to be able to support the entire server. and prices were based on their rarity. if they decided to add 10 layers. that means they're going to produce 10 times the amount of nodes that were originally there. they might not all be empty around the nodes sure. but people will still be picking them. and people will FOR SURE be exploiting layering top be able to pick the most nodes possible.
i think alot of people are being quiet about this. i dont want to spread around my plans for farming in classic either. but wait and see untill the game comes out. there is going to be great controversy around this once people start feeling the repercussions.
>I was WRONG about CLASSIC!
Yeah, wrong about how much money he could get streaming classic.
watching BfA faggots cling to their dying game is so sad
WoW will go the way of Runescape and the old version of the game will overtake the new content in popularity and they know it
and it makes them very very angry
beat me to it lol
>because they're spreading the normal population across a ton of layers.
No this isn't how layers work dude.
They only exist when they're required. Each layer will be the same population or more than a regular vanilla server.
it's shit
nobody cares about the actual content and gameplay of classic
the only thing of value it had was server communities, you don't add a feature that outright kills them
just give the servers a queue, people will complain but they'll sit through it, they want their nostalgia drip feed bad enough
>Each layer will be the same population or more than a regular vanilla server.
that reasoning is completely flawed. a layer cant contain more players than the entire server. every layer will contain part of the entire server. the server population will be split up in different layers. lets say one layer is currently up because its night time. when day comes around, and more people log in, and another layer opens up. there will suddenly be twice as many resources as there were during the night.
layers are copies of the world, that contains part of the server population. the more layers, the more copies, the more resources.
>the server population will be split up in different layers.
Yes but the total server population is much higher than the server population of an original vanilla WoW server.
>there will suddenly be twice as many resources as there were during the night.
But there will be twice as many people too...
Or are you assuming a new layer opens up when there is 1 person over the layer limit? If so, that isn't how they work dude.
Ehm, why are you restating the same thing as the guy you are quoting?
That's not true. Once the quest drought settles in, you have to go back to zones and then you catch up with all the people who levelled slower.
Nah dude i wanna play now and i wanna go at my own pace in an mmo where hours of my gameplay can be changed in a heartbeat due to things outside of my control.
I don't know who the others are or what exactly the plan was, but I have heard Assmongols rant about cheating other people for loot in his youth and gotta say it couldn't have hit a better person than him.
Swifty got banned during TBC for organizing a ~100 player raid that killed the server
Haven't they said that layers will have about 3k people in them? If that is the case than each layer provides for the same amount of people as the original servers did so it should be okay.
>But there will be twice as many people too...
online yeah. but the total amount of players on the server is static. the resources available should represent the total amount of people using them. not the total amount currently online.
this way the game promotes interactions. when there are more people online. the farm places are going to be busier. you're gonna have to fight the opposite faction for the right to farm where you want to farm.
increasing the amount of resources based on how many people are online is the sort of thing that made retail wow what it is today. not everybody can have a piece of cake. you're gonna have to fight for it.
>Are you people just going to furiously whisper people at random looking for a group to join?
That's how it was until mid Wrath you newtype 15 year old. WoW wasn't always like Dreanor, the xpac you started playing in.
Warlock or mage? I'm leaning towards mage because i've never done professions well and i'm useless making money and worried about being able to afford my mounts, and mages seem to have a sure-fire way of making income when DM comes out. But warlocks look funner in general
Screens show Esfand, Asmon, Caden and Themechanic (who betrayed).
Asmon demanded that everyone in his guild come help him get the trinket, the hunter says "I already have 3, will you help me get mine instead?"
Asmon says "Sure, maybe, after I get this one and the other 11 I need."
Hunter leaves the raid with 5 other people
They proceed to wreck Asmon's team and take the trinket
Yea Forums help me out. I was considering to make a hunter in classic, but buying arrows guarantees I won't have enough money to buy a mount by 4. my question for you guys is: will the community be drowning in warlocks? because I kind of want to main one, but not if everyone and their mama plans on doing it.
i like playing with mages more. water, food, portals, sheep.
This needs to happen on live too. Fuck influencers.
arrows cost nothing compared to water. also you're a hunter, the absolutely best class at farming monsters bar none. you're going to be fucking swimming in money if you just grind mobs that drops valuable grey items.
Ammo is dirt cheap. As a hunter you can farm the most lucrative farming methods. i.e. Solo tribute runs
Warlocks are not easy mode. Warlocks cant farm gold efficiently as mages or hunters. They are an in-between. There is a reason they were the least played ally class on many servers. If you roll a warlock, be prepared to learn why they were least played.
How should Yea Forums know how many people will play warlock?
>arrows cost nothing compared to water
well shit, I guess this boomer on youtube is lying. he made it sonud like arrows are costly and will drain your wallet if you're the type of player to just grind mobs. i'll just stick with hunter.
thanks anons.
Reminder for all you pandafags and wrathbabies.
Layering technology comes at a price, also all the crossrealms because of th elack of playerbase. There was a shitton of low pop and straight dead realms so they cut the cost of the servers. What you have in legion is a server polished for a single player MMO experience what struggles when a certain number of players gather in one place, whereas the older technology could hold up a lot more people before it shat itself.
Oh boy i wonder whats gonna happen during AQ.
Rolling. All I know is I'm going Horde so this better fill in the rest for me
horde orc hunter GET
No youtubers know what theyre talking about. Even the p server autist server firsters are talking out of their ass.
I am quite annoyed my main class warlock is getting so much praise. Because its not a noob friendly class. You have literally the most amount of spells out of any class by far. Noobs should play hunter, mage, or rogue. Not because theyre braindead classes, but because they are easy to learn, hard to master.
horde pls
It stops them from interrupting a streamer's events for the streamer's followers, and so greatly reduces the workload of our game masters who are trying to prevent stream bombing.
It's not.
Imagine a 6k pop server, with the population conveniently spread out evenly between the starting zones, 1k people per zone. How many mobs can you find in the starting area, total? Should be in the region of ~200. Getting to level 5 requires 119 mob kills of the same level, so with a respawn rate of 5 min for a mob, you can be expected to kill one mob every 25 minutes (1000/200*5). So to get to level 5 with mob kills, you're looking at ~50 hours of gameplay.
We can of course extend the mobs to ones outside the starting zone. Adding in the level 5-6 mobs outside, we probably have some 200 extra spawns, cutting the time to ~25 hours. Level 7-8 mobs for some 200 extra spawns and we're at "only" ~17 hours.
But you don't understand this because you're a pserver babby used to 2 second respawns.
>streaming killed classic
thanks for confirming it
>a clip from the previous beta does not count because its not this beta
>despite people having the same problem
>But you don't understand this because you're a pserver babby used to 2 second respawns.
we want blizzard to do the same thing because it works better and lets us keep the world in world of warcraft
hunters are way more fun than warlocks. Way more utility, faster, great burst and sustained damage. With engineering you can make your own bullets anyway. Most of the best ranged weapons are guns as well.
>warlocks can delete people
jesus christ, what are the chances of pic related happening in open world pvp?
Hunter is literally the easiest class to cash out, since your raw mob grinding is superior to other classes. Not to mention you are most likely win a wpvp scenario when on equal grounds.(You can also track enemy players, which is a huge advantage)
Both sides there is a huge demand for warlocks, especially on ally side there is a shortage on them.
bruh i mained lock in vanilla and several p servers. its just as easy as any other class except youre guaranteed that your enemy dies due to dots even if youre a scrub and lose somehow
>happening in open world pvp?
this wont be a thing in layercraft
It's a garbage solution that you only like because you're used to it on your garbage private servers. It heavily affects gameplay mechanics to a degree that layering doesn't.
yeah, i'm just gonna stick with hunter. my worry was the cost of arrows, but it sounds like boomer ytuber was talking out his rectum. warlock looks fun, but I main one on live and wanted to try something different for classic.
to be fair, anyone playing classic is going to be supporting current wow and contributing to their active user metric
Its one of the reasons I dont think I'll be playing classic
Soulfire crit I am assuming? Yes you can do some ridiculous damage but those soulfires also require farming soul shards which is annoying. If you want to delete people, go 21/8/22 rogue or pom pyro mage. Warlocks do well in wpvp but you have a stupid amount of things to manage. And you only get good after gearing up from phase 5 onwards, which is not easy to do. Mages and rogues can wreck without needing that much in terms of gear. And your wins as a warlock are attrition wins, you dont delete anybody. You wear them down as theyre helpless to do anything b/c of SL
I thought you fucks wanted vanilla. So they are trying to make it as vanilla as possible. This includes smaller servers and slow as fuck spawns.
Warlock is one of the more braindead classes together with shit like shadow priest. Don't pretend your class is hard to play because you have a lot of buttons. Your options in pvp are limited and mostly revolve around dotting and fearing.
>see a overleveled warlock
>"heh no problem"
>change layer
>"nothing personel kid"
layers are only for the first few weeks during the initial rush
>rogue vanish back to their home layer
these memes are turning into good ideas
Well shit. That's it. The entire game is clearly completely ruined now
i didnt say warlock was hard i just said it wasnt noob friendly because of its sheer overwhelming toolkit (number of spells). warlock is not a brainless class in wpvp especially if you are alliance and have to deal with 50% of the opposite faction being UD rogues
>It heavily affects gameplay mechanics to a degree that layering doesn't.
Does it render guild vs guild pvp obsolete?
no it doesnt
Does it flood the market with herbs and ore?
no it doesnt
Does it make the population feel much much smaller?
no it doesnt
Does it remove the aspect of fighting for farm spots?
no it doesnt
All it does it increases the spawn rates of boars.
>So they are trying to make it as vanilla as possible. This includes smaller servers and slow as fuck spawns.
layering was never in vanilla. i dont want layering. i feel changing spawn rates is a lesser evil than adding sharding to classic.
dots before you get AQ tomes are basically just trying to tickle your opponent to death. managing fear DR is a huge pain in the dick and isnt brainless
You can't change layers on demand retard, stop falling for jokes.
Except your dots dont do jackshit until you get significant +shadow damage gear that barely even exists outside of endgame raid gear that won't even be in the game for the next year.
Hell, all of your burst damage skills are talents and you wont get the balanced op talent shit before 60 anyway.
Locks are good at sustained grinding and all that but they are not the insane powerhouse people here seem to think they are... if you're jumped on in wpvp youre fucking toast in any case.
so they say. i will consider layering is permanent untill the day its removed. i trust gypsies more than i trust blizzard
curse of agony
drain life
probably the easiest class ive ever played
Why are you even talking about it when you are ignoring every single thing stated about layering, and instead just make up your own headcanon of how you think it is going to work.
And if higher spawn rates are fine. Why not just double the spawn rates of herbs and ore like private servers does as well?
> if you're jumped on in wpvp youre fucking toast in any case.
warlocks are super fucking easy and completely dominate once you have tier 1+ preraid bis
Is this good for someone whos never played an MMO and had an interest in WoW but could never play back in the day? Or will it be filled with Boomers who just reflect on the past?
Doesn't work. The game saves your layer for 20 minutes after you log out and even then you only get into a new layer if your current one is extremely overpopulated.
How would anyone know the answer to that question?
You'll need to try it and let us know the answer.
Pay some shekels in a few months and roll a hunter, rogue, or mage, and decide for yourself how fun it is. Stop asking other people how to think.
>warlocks are super fucking easy and completely dominate once you have tier 1+ preraid bis
>once you have tier 1+ preraid bis
fuck you dont even get deathcoil until 40+ something. Good luck trying to cast fear when everybody and their mother has a silence or interrupt
good to see the beta lickspittles rising up against their streamer handlers.
I'm so sick of seeing all those youtube assfaggots already dreaming of being carrier to Scarab Lord by their beta orbiter armies.
Also fuck them for thinking Classic will be just like vanilla when they have an entire army of faggots carrying their ass through the whole game and don't have to worry about filling a raid even once, it will not be the same
Layering will render guild vs guild pvp obsolete. it will be impossible to coordinate guild ganks if you have no idea what layer they are on.
Layering will flood the market with herbs and ore. Having more layers will cause more herb/ore nodes to spawn.
Layering will make the population feel much much smaller. You will see less people if the pop is scattered across different layers.
Layering will remove the aspect of fighting for farm spots. People will jump layers instead of having to contest an area.
These are facts wether you like them or not. Also, spawn rates the first couple of days is fine because the starting mobs dont drop anything important. Blizzard is planning to have layering for atleast two months. and its going to affect that server launch substantially.
they have stated that you can join another layer by joining groups. its just a matter of time till people find ways to do this consistently.
>Does it render guild vs guild pvp obsolete?
Irrelevant at launch.
>Does it flood the market with herbs and ore?
To a similar degree that layering does, yes. Node spawns on private servers have been increased due to the population. Whether we have 3k/3k/3k layers, each with normal node spawns, or a single 9k server with 3x spawn rates, it makes no real difference. A large server with normal spawns, on the other hand, creates the opposite problems with nodes being too scarce. It's also important to note that server populations have always varied, with some having high and some low populations, and so have their economies.
>Does it make the population feel much much smaller?
10k people isn't blizzlike.
>Does it remove the aspect of fighting for farm spots?
Neither does layering. Dynamic respawns also make farm spots too good. When the spawns are fast, you discourage moving from one place to another to search for spawns, and encourage staying in the same spot. This also increases the efficiency of aoe farming by a ton.
So somehow people will be exploiting layers to shit by grinding ungodly amounts of resources and yet people will be unable to coordinate guild ganks between layers huh?
I think people who want an actual shot at getting good gear will avoid guilds like Asmongold's where he wants to take every rare weapon for his collection. Thunderfury, Sulfuron, Atiesh. He wants them all.
All this is assuming that blizzard is blatantly lying and is not going to remove layers like they say they are. Why should i trust random retard on the internet more than blizzard?
How much content is there in Vanilla? Won't the game die after everyone has done everything?
>Does it make the population feel much much smaller?
>10k people isn't blizzlike.
never claimed it was. if there are 3k players on server Stormscale. But its split up on three separate 1k pop layers. the world will feel less populated than it actually is.
Immolate tome is literally a 40 damage difference in damage. Corruption is bigger, about 150, and CoA doesn't even have a tome.
level 42, thats like 2-3 days /played and you dont even encounter enemy faction until 25-30, anyway yea deathcoil is an i win button but its not always up.
what im trying to say is that a good warlock will win basically every single 1v1 in wpvp given cooldowns and its not even particularly difficult/lucky
>they have stated that you can join another layer by joining groups.
Yes, if the continent is already overpopulated and we don't even know if resources will be duped. So you'd have to somehow find out who is and who isn't in your layer and then get him to be near you, wait for you to need a reason to switch layer and then it has to be better in that other layer. It's not an issue. Hang yourself.
sharding multiplies spawns, you fucking retard
the only difference is dynamic respawns(which WoW had by TBC) don't destroy servers, the economy, questing, and pvp.
What you're complaining about already comes baked in with sharding by default, and is inseparable from it.
>but if you played nostalrius at launch you would know the game was not designed for that many people to be in the same area at once
It was fun though, we all just fucked around and chatted, only really annoying quests where there was one item you needed to pick up with a long respawn timer.
Here you go again with making up your own version of how you imagine things will be.
Layers are the size of original vanilla servers.
Dude, you ahve no fucking idea how much fucking work that was. It is one thing to throw mangos on a server, but he literally had to proof of concept that the new shitter client with all the new safety measures of b.net 2.0 can interpret the data from the old client.
The amount of work that he had done on this must have been astonishing.
>Yes, if the continent is already overpopulated
So if the continent is underpopulated, you cant play with other people on the same server if they are on another layer? how is this not catastrophic?
Classic is an actual MMO. Give it a look if they ever remove sharding.
>and we don't even know if resources will be duped.
>spot treasure chest
>"oh boy!"
>no one around
>skip over to it
>chest disappears
>extra dimensional person "Heh, nothing personell"
i'm starting to realize we really did think we do but we don't..
are you daft? if the server is 3k but i'm only allowed to see a third of them. how does this not make it feel less populated than it actually is?
If your layer is underpopulated you can't join an overpopulated layer but the dude from the overpopulated layer will join yours.
Are you? You're making up a scenario that is inaccurate. There won't be 1k layers because layers will be the size of original vanilla servers.
>Dude, you ahve no fucking idea how much fucking work that was
neither do you. for all i know its marketing propaganda
How are you actually this stupid. Why do you think a server will always have the same amount of layers and that people will be spread out evenly among them? Oh right, you made that up yourself.
>gnomes and dwarves combined are more popular than nightelves or humans
this statement alone is total bullshit, people only played dwarves for the priest racial and only epic meme lords played gnome. everyone else (re: >50% of alliance players) played night elf or human because they had sick racials and aesthetics
meanwhile people can run private servers without any issues for most of the time
finally a decent list
he made the map file work with the new version. its not rocket science dude. people are able to convert cs 1.6 maps to csgo for example.
Not gonna happen with such a big company as activison Blizzard. Project Titan got canned because Blizzard worked on it for nearly 6 years and only had a proof of concept demo with a literal decade worth of dev time until the final product. Explain to Mr. big wig Ceo Kotick and the board of directors that they will have to shovel money into a furnace that is not even guaranteed to hit so big that it makes old wow hype look like Kindergarten.
It is all about short term profits, quarterly earnings calls and so forth.
WoW classic was lighting in a bottle. A passion project by a company that had a very disinterested owner(Vivendi) that just invested left and right in california companies and didn't expect quarterly returns. As long as Blizzard is not prepared to develop for a new big mmo and go for a long con, nothing will happen.
hah, good luck catching me, I'm behind 7 shards
I dunno a bunch of nobodies in eastern Europe managed to make vanilla a thing again while the out of touch dinosaurs at blizzard refused to give the fans what they wanted or make money, and now 3 years later they still can't emulate their own game as well as those nobodies did. Go fuck yourself, blizzard haven't actually worked hard in over a decade.
He really was just 10 steps ahead of us..... He knew the fans wouldn't like the perfect and pristine version of vanilla based omar made through blood sweat and tears.
Yeah, those pristine layers
pservers have wrong mob armour, resistance, ability values. they are not similar to vanilla at all
Titan got canned because the lead game design director was forced into a management position after WOTLK
I'm fucking stunned. do you not understand what i'm saying? the server is layered right? different accounts will be on different layers based on different factors, right? can we agree so far? are you going to pull some fucking straw man at me? no? good
people are on different layers. that means we cant see each other. do you follow me? did i lose you? ok read it again please.
if we cant see each other. but we're still playing on the same server. that means to me, the server will appear less populated, than what the total player count would imply. this is factually true.
I ran into a fair bit of new blood on private servers. They seemed to enjoy it. Unlikely to run into those who quit, though. It's a very user-friendly game, no harm in trying it. But I'd wait a bit and see if they end up removing sharding before you invest too much time in it.
private servers have never and will never have as much of a demand as official servers
millions of people are going to join this shit at launch, they have to handle it somehow. it's either that or WoD-tier queue times
>demon steps through 7 layers to make the finishing blow
asmongold layer 4a, shard G7 can't save you today, kid
>the server will appear less populated, than what the total player count would imply
Which is irrelevant.
And are you understanding me here.
Layer has 3000 spots
If there is 3000 people playing.
Everyone will be in 1 layer. not 3, not 30, 1.
When I watched Omar during his interview he actually looked fucking destroyed, used as a prop. I highly doubt this was his ideal, this is only ideal for saving a couple million shekels in a game based around a sub model. Their short term mindset will completely fuck them.
>want to play druid
>have to be a shitty nelf or play horde
Life is suffering
so many fucking idiots complaining about sharding its incredible.
as if blizzard will make people play empty zones
That's a lot of past tense you got there kiddo, the game has evolved since then.
>people forgot vanilla queues both to log in and to get kills on some quest mobs
So in the end you faggots don't want a vanilla experience, but current wow with vanilla map.
You appear to have a large misunderstanding.
I do not know the actual server capacities so these are just simple placeholder numbers.
Vanilla server capacity = 1k
Modern wow server capacity = 3k
Modern wow layer capacity = 1k
If 1k people are playing on a server, there will be one layer.
If 1.5k people are playing on a server, there will be two layers.
This is why people are calling you retarded.
Vanilla wow engine to modern wow engine is drastically different compared to counter strike maps.
He's just tired dude, leave Omar alone.
Well warlock is always on demand for a good reason. Pre 40 is especially miserable as fuck. You are like a very shitty mage with absolutely no control of the outcome, until later. Both sides there is a fuckton of rogues and warriors taking the most overpopulated classes and as a mage or a hunter you are in heavy advantage with no effort whatsoever, while as a warlock you have to put in a shitton of effort for a very questionable outcome. Especially alliance side due to the obvious undead advantages.
Its just a very shit experience, and every time I rolled a lock there were a fuckton of situations where I wished I was a mage. I'm not saying you won't enjoy it, but again this is one of vanilla's obvious flaws where things are a fucking mess, and were not addressed until later.
When you unsubbed there was a question on why you did and Will of the forsaken being nerfed as a choosable option. Imagine seething this hard
As a hunter while you are nowhere near in demand as a warlock, but you have a fuckton of abilities to control the outcome in your favor the very moment you enter a contested zone, your downtime is also nonexisting.
More similar than sharding.
Draenei shaman please
Lmao yeah never happened in retail
>h...hey guys I think I got it working now are you sure we don't just wanna work with the 1.12 client
>Yeah we're sure. Can it do sharding?
>uhh.. m..maybe?
>yes master
Yes, throwing together a server with the old 1.12 client data and guessing values is not that hard. Some slav managed to do that. Problem is: the modern wow client is integrated in the new b.net client and infrastructure. You can't just go to one of your codemonkeys or senior SEs and say: do classic.
You have make the old client/data work with your new infrastrucuture, the legacy code(read: shit only one or two guys in the company even know what it does) and other red tape. Omar was literally one of the only guys who could have done it. You guys seriously understimate how huge, infefficient large Software companies are.
in that case the layering might as well not exist. but as we've seen even from the relatively small amount of people in the beta, the layering is in full effect. if they're able to contain the entire server in one layer. i would be completely fine with that. but the moment they start instancing the server population away from each other i'm going to have a problem.
i'm well aware of that and i dont know where i might have expressed something else. all i was saying was that if i cant see literally everyone who's in orgrimmar at a particular moment, the population will seem smaller than the true number of people in orgimmar at that particular moment.
Not just that. Chris Metzen, one of the brains behind the Lore/worldbuilding of Project titan also had a terrible divorce during development of titan and no one could really replace him.
Don't use the new infrastructure. It's shit anyway.
I am the bane of my shard
Arcanite is my body and flasks are my blood
I have picked over a thousand lotus
Unknown to death
Nor known to friends
Have invited randoms to escape many fights
Yet these hands will never trade this hunter loot
So, as I pray, Unlimited Shard Works!
Horde Warlocks also have some serious problems once pallies get cleanse. Alliance has a lot more defensive dispellers than Horde.
>Being this buttdevastated again
>donāt want to play an overpopulated class
>donāt want to play a useless class
Am I fucked?
There are more recent videos showing it to be much worse.
I think Omar can do whatever the fuck he wants. He is one of the senior people. When he says he locks himself into his office for a few months to get classic working, he'll do that and nobody will question it. Getting good senior SEs is really fucking hard and I doubt J.Allen is gonna do anything to fuck with the guy.
druids the only answer
Are you retarded
Bobby Kotick says use the new infrastructure. What now?
[Party] [Maintank] Nope.
Maintank has left the party.
[Maintan] whispers: Wanna rejoin? I'm heading to Org to inv a new healer
Outside of innervate, there is nothing they bring to the table that other classes can't do better in vanilla.
shaman. arguably more useful than a priest considering their buffs. and is probably going to be the least played class on horde.
dont play druid lol. absolute meme class
Hey, they also have Mark of the Wild.
Raid buffs are a poor argument because you can just sit all the buffers you want outside the instance portal
> Pre 40 is especially miserable as fuck
Consider learning how to play.
Warlocks are obnoxious at almost any stage of the game. At low levels, you can win against almost any class due to one spell: fear. People don't have pvp trinkets or any other tools to break fear with, save for warriors with berserker rage or wotf. You dot, you fear, you win. Pre-30 warriors have literally no tools to close the gap with so if you get outside melee range, they can't do anything. Priests? Fear them. Mages? Just do whatever. Druids? Fear them. Paladins? Fear them. Shamans? Fear them (destroy tremor with pet if necessary). Hunters are annoying, and rogues will probably kill you if they get the starter on you. But if they don't, then you just dot and run.
Warlock is so retarded that I end up killing ?? people with it while leveling sometimes.
most raids just bring one druid for the buff. and fill the rest of the healer slots with priests and shamans/paladins
>Hey sup faggot I'm gonna go make vanilla wow work
>you think you can but
>yeah yeah whatever retard and I'm gonna integrate sharding too because it's necessary and completely inline with what I no everyone will want
Yeah this version never happened.
Well of course. If the current game was good there would be a lot less need for vanilla. It would be only that playerbase who thinks classic is their personal time machine which teleports them back to their childhood. The bad part is: BfA is rotten to the core, and there is simply no way to fix it. Legion was supposed to be the xpac which is the first step towards the right path, but of course it all failed.
>as if blizzard will make people play empty zones
Hehe...oh wait
I never really invested in a horde warlock, but honestly I don't really think there are many people who like the idea of being a mage's bitch either.
Im pretty sure fear was nerfed to break from a stray fart by 1.12
What have they done to our home?
Seriously just imagine. A guy so dedicated to making this a reality spends weeks locked away to make it happen. To then have that shit ripped and gutted away right before his eyes.
This. By the time you get the 3 fears off before DR kicks in, you're already dead because your own dots broke the fear anyway.
Paladin and shaman are always needed and tend to be less picked since you'll be a healbot.
That said, the class split is pretty balanced. Yeah there are a lot of mages and rogues, but raids also want a lot. Usually warrior is the only class that's populated significantly higher than the demand.
the real question is if CC like fear stops people from escaping to another shard
but yeah, fear is really inconsistent
i miss my old dnd group
yeah imagine working for a couple of weeks.
Sharting is literally company politics and farthest Blizzard can go without revamping their server farms. This layer shit is some naive hope that after the initial rush things will sort itself out. I don't think Omar had much a say in that. He probably mostly just makes sure the old data gets interpreted correctly by the legion client.
Shit with layering/sharting is probably someoneelse's problem, not his.
You already see problems with layering in the beta when the game throws people around wildly between shards. I think the beta is mostly to test the layering but I guess once classic releases and the playerbase will grow instead of getting smaller, Blizzard will be in deep shit.
this. layering is 100% here to stay
>> Go to see boar.
>> Click spell
>> Boar health goes to 0.
>> repeat for 30 times to get enough flanks for a pie.
>>This is fun.
The best part of WoW was the community and interactions between people. The actual game played without other people's interactions is actually quite dull.
You'd have 100x more fun playing something like the witcher 3 if you just want to read story-lines and complete quests and make progress.
>heh I'll just fear this guy and dot hi-
>oh wait
>*uses soulstone*
>*dies again*
98% of the times PvP lasted less than 5 second. The guy who could burst the enemy's ass harder won.
Not only people but mobs too. There are clips where the mob just fades away in combat.
Shut up benji
In my experience, I played Mage on alliance in vanilla and later Horde Warlock, the matchups are just different. As an alliance mage & gnome you're really good against other warlocks once you have a pally backup because he's gonna cleanse the magic debuffs and you're gonna decurse yourself.
As a Horde Warlock anything but mages and hunters was no problem. Especially rogues as Orc Warlock are fucking hilarious. Resisting stuns and then blowing up a rogue never got old. I can name the rogues that were really good and knew how to outplay a warlock and those people were less than 10 on my server.
>i have no idea what bait looks like
After Watching some of the WoW Beta and looking at current WoW, current WoW is just not even the same game. Even your original characters are not the same if you've played form way back. How could anyone go back to retail now
mmorpg is now morpg sweety :)
>did you even watch the webm?
did you? check the date
You still change shard on grouping. Nothing's changed, moron.
now we rullataan
It didn't last forever anymore but chain fearing someone to death was still very much a thing even in BC.
uh, such as? cmon if you're gonna make statements, at least link it y'know?
>No summoning stones
>no improved models
>no pet battles
>no achievements
>no improved map and questlog ui
>no universal gear token system for raids
I don't know guys...
someone post a webm of that retard reporting the WC boss as a bug because he got 2-hit with broken gear and a healer with half mana, these are the faggots TESTING your game right now. Why not invite actual people who want to make the game good for launch.
cos those people will actually test it, but blizzard's "test" is not about testing its about advertisement through "influencers"
the far right is the only solution
I like that they describe layering as both "dynamic" and "not often changing"
>No summoning stones
don't need them
>no improved models
>no pet battles
>no achievements
>no improved map and questlog ui
>no universal gear token system for raids
What happened with Billy?
Bill's with Mankrik's wife now.
far right is still the best choice
Because they are contradictory.
I regret to inform you...
It just means when the demand is high then the backend is scaled up automatically and once the population stabilisez it scales down to one layer.
Then it's just dynamic.
>come home from my wageslave work
>log in
>2 hours later
>eat dinner and go to bed
>bait that gets 300+ replies again and again
absolute state of /v
It's a dynamic system, that rarely changes.
but on retail all leveling zones are empty
Torn between dorf paladin and dorf priest, I know both are good in PvE, so PvP is the tiebreaker for me. Which is better in the current vanilla pserver meta for solo queueing (as healer)? Just going off my own old memories, thinking:
Dorf Paladin:
+Get fucked, rogues. Very hard for physical dps to kill.
+Blessing of Freedom/Sacrifice
-Heavily reliant on hard casting, getting locked out of Holy is devastating
-Mana draining classes are a nightmare in places I can't LoS them
Dorf Priest:
+Fear Ward
+More versatile healing options/harder to lock out with counterspell
-Psychic Scream probably isn't that great when half the Horde has WotF
-Shamans purging my shit
-Squishy without support
retail trannies on suicide watch
because unlike retail most of the enjoyment in vanilla is found while leveling
>pick mid pop server
>layering never triggers
>play as intended on comfy small community server
You choose to play on a streamer infested shithell with 12 layers that's your problem.
Priest so you can mind control noobs and jump them into the lava
no, because the system doesn't work. also you have no idea how sad it is to see someone sharded in from another server, or worse sharded out
it is a disgusting system.
>shit like ungoro mafia existing
>people still against sharting
it's like you have brain damage and can't accept the fact that some features shpuld stay simply because a lot has changed in the last 14 years, one of those things being ease of communication
>join mid pop server on launch
>hype dies down
>server economy shrinks
>raiders char transfer to streamer server
>economy shrinks even further
>can't even find pugs in any decent time to RFC in orgrimmar
Billy saw the bullshit and quit.
that's what u get for picking horde lel
jesus christ this, how the fuck do I pick a server at launch?
Pick a high pop pve or a medum pvp. Avoid any and all streamers.
Even shit low pop pve servers will have functional raiding guilds, don't believe the doomers who didn't even play vanilla. People will gradually move over to the lower pop servers when they get sick of the streamer bullshit.
lets go orc warlock!
>you wanted a proper classic wow
>it's not the proper classic wow
kill yourself
give me a priest please
>roll a pve
not a chance
>wow pvp
lol you're getting memed m8
it's fucking garbage and always was
Sharding makes something great into something horrible.
I'm doing it exactly because it's not good
You mean to tell me you don't enjor griefing zoomers?
because they advertise the game for free. tipsout is a literal catababby fraud, asmongold started in TBC prepatch and I'm not sure if sodapoppin played vanilla back then
>I have no idea why people are upset about layers/sharding/phasing
it's because there's trolls who spam posts about layering being this terrible thing or the same as sharding, when it's completely untrue, but it's misinformation and a lot of people buy into it
Let's do this
going around without fearing ganks is boring af and immersion breaking
everytime you meet an opposite faction players there is tension since you both know one could just start slinging fireballs to the other
feels like soda is the only one not actively trying to earn points by pretending he played vanilla, only ever heard of him talk about TBC. Says he'd rather have tbc instead of vanilla as well.
At least he seemed to play a decent amount of pservers in the last 2 years
the only ones that last longer than a week will be boomers reflecting on their past, everyone else will realize how vanilla wow was just designed to keep you paying your sub for longer.
Isn't rolls like this against the rules?
Nah it's shit.
Levelled on a fresh pvp server in '05 when they were still doing that and never again.
Much more relaxing being able to take in the world as intended, pvp was and still is an afterthought.
this aint reddit, pal
>the rules
call the cops lol
did whoever make this have a stroke while making it?
WoW wpvp is still for wussies - only certain zones? Only with "enemy faction"? In real man's games anyone can kill anyone anywhere.
Based and redpilled, followed and subbed
t. troll warlock
pls be horde
Don't think Yea Forumstards don't know its bait but they take it anyway because arguing is fun.
>1.12 AV
>1.12 items
>elites are doing 1/4 of the damage they're supposed to
Rolling for Priest
that's the demo, retard
Well your feelings aren't arguments, and also they're wrong. One system is exploitable by simply killing the shit out of things, the other has stupid impractical hoops to jump through for a chance to maybe catch a few extra lotus no one else is camping by some miracle
pretty sure elites wreck shit.
Classicucks would defend sharding
>run through pack of 8 elites to get to next quest destination
>see a bunch of horde camping it
>move to layer 8
>no more horde and i can do my quest in peace
Reminder if you play on a streamer server it will die in 3 weeks when all their 12 year old fans quit playing and they inevitably transfer somewhere else.
why cant these jews at blizzard just create more servers instead of doing that bullshit (((layering)))?
just merge them if they die off.
>Blizzard promised it, so it must true
Absolute state of (You)
Dude, blizzard is a poor indie company, they dont have the money for that.
they want populated servers, but they cant handle populated servers. so they make spoof populated servers instead.
wpvp was a higher level player killing lower levels, who can't fight back. It was never some amazing experience people make it to be, those le epic open world battles were organized by minmax autismos, and the your epic linkin park blasting pvp videos contain scenarios, where people who use A and D to turn around getting killed by the time they finally do a 180.
Oh yeah, have fun playing against these people:
There was some guy streaming sm graveyard and 32 melee elites hitting him for 40 damage max on a lvl 30 warrior without a shield as he has 1.5k max health. It seems low to me but I don't remember that shit from 15 years ago.
wiping the rival guild in brm every week is my best memories from private servers
and thats why you roll alliance
Get ready to classic summer!
depend on gear
you think you do
I want to make a night elf rogue and spend 6 hours picking peacebloom and opening locked footlockers. But unironically.
Because everyone will join server where trendy Classic WoW streamers are playing and all the additional servers will be empty as hell.
Legit question what makes WoW different from XIV?
They are actually smarter than most people believe to be. Its safe to say the whole company is in a managed decline stage, where its more than obvious to stay alive you either choose to die or sell out to the chinese, and bloat your game with mtx. Classic's playerbase will leave too, the hype fades, and all you'll have these streamers promoting blizzard's shit just like they do now.
They'll eventually have to merge servers.
Merging servers is a big no-no.
This guy gets it. Youre running around questing around southshore, suddenly 3 level ??'s ride by on epic mounts. You shit your pants. They target you. You /emote at them while your heart races. One UD mage dismounts and starts casting pyroblast so you pop a CD in a cold sweat and run away, he /laughs and his teammates say "kek" and he mounts back up and they gallop away.
You simply cant have that experience on a RP or PVE server.
Imagine presenting confirmed bugs in a beta as intended gameplay.
Instead, they're merging virtual servers but it's fine and doesn't present any issue because we use a different word for that now.
>he never partook in the massive lowbie town raids on Nost launch
Yeah if you want to queue in line for a quest-item for an hour I don't see why you can't have the choice to go on a high-pop server.
Merging regular servers makes it seem like the game is losing steam and people are leaving. Which in turn would encourage other people who're on the fence about leaving, too.
If they don't know that servers are getting merged, they can't complain about a dwindling playerbase.
I love how PvP fanboys always heavily romanticize their perfect picture of heroic and dramatic open world PvP encounters.
Like that little shit story of yours, yeah I'll take 'stuff that never happened' for 500
You can of course have that experience on a PvE server, y know. Just flag yourself for PvP and run around southshore waiting for lvl 60 to come around and fist your pvp flagged ass if that makes your anus tingle.
yep, it's bad PR
sharding ameliorates the only problem with mergers that blizzard actually gives a shit about
>the fun you had was imaginary
Stay in your PVE containment server. Thats where all the autistic retards are quarantined. Pick your flowers and roleplay with your online tranny gf
Imagine being this jaded and bitter
For once they do phasing the right way, to avoid queues and overpopulation at the starting zones during the first days, and fags complain.
>starting zones
try worldwide for months
pvp servers attract a certain mindset. like imagine some guy who spends 5+ hours every day killing lowbies in duskwood. there is something wrong with those people in various aspects of their cognitive functions. they are so bitter and resentful that the only spark of joy they can experience comes from randomly and pointlessly runinig other peoples free time. on a pve server you simply don't have to deal with such derelict human beings as they can't get their fix of pseudo-pedophilic rush.
rolan for disaster