I like the one on the bottom, personally.
Which on is a better design?
they both look like they could kick my ass
This the gayest meme I've ever seen in my life. I've seen em' all. I've been around the Chan for years and I've never seen anything gayer.
either is fine, the whole point is that Samus is supposed to be a fucking muscular lady who can kick my ass in or out of the suit
Does this look fucking threatening to you
>Does this look fucking threatening to you
No. She looks confused all the time.
Top, remove the stupid heels, raise the ponytail a little so it's in the middle of her head, not the bottom.
Just fucking bring back prime 1 samus already
I mean she apparently needs them in other M considering the height difference
Zero Suit belongs in the trash no matter what design you use.
What were they thinking!
she fills in the gaps with CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT I GUESS
haha yeah a mirror beats any gay meme you've seen here
Other M designs never happened.
The top, because it remembers that Samus's zero suit is just what she wears under her power suit. She doesn't need any belts or plating or whatnot.
And as for her physique, she's a fit yet voluptuous sexy badass bounty hunter wearing a obscenely powerful suit of mechanical armor.
Well Samus is still a womanlet wearing high heels with the mole in Samus Returns so yea, they did happen and are continuing to happen.
Samus Returns is basically perfect minus the heels.
What's funny is the original design sheet for Samus said "don't make her heels too high or they'd be impractical and stupid", basically keep them at combat boot height at most, and then what does Team Ninja do?
>muscular lady
Go fuck yourself. And yes, she looks like she can kick my ass. In fact, I want her too. She should pin me down and sit on my face to dominate me. Then she should look at me in disgust, spit on my face, and then tell me that she cant believe im enjoying it. Then she should sit on my face some more.
Hey bucko, I'm a person with feelings. When you insult me it makes me feel bad inside. I hope this message you will take to heart and consider other people's feelings in any future posts you may make.
Green hair with bikini.
And stirrup stockings
Other M samus could only dominate you if you let her and have a thing for her stupid high heel wedges stepping on your balls or something. Samus returns samus could do it if she wanted to.
The official one up top, tranny.
>t. SUBhuman
go outside. find a woman that looks like that. unless you're a twig or a woman I bet you could beat her ass
The one with the sexiest shoes
people did edits
Other M was Team Ninja's garbage design so it really doesn't matter.
At least she's back to the 5'11" height she was in Zero Mission in Samus Returns without the heels instead of being 5'5" in heels like she was in Other M.
See nothing wrong with the original.
Long space missions with years upon years without ever seeing another human being, has probably morphed her sexual preferences.
I'm holding out hope Nintendo let's Retro Studios the Fuck alone and let them make their own game
Bottom one looks like the chick grow It's Always Sunny.
I bet she's dick hungry.
No, she's not, she's 6'2" in heels, 5'11" out of them in Samus Returns, dipshit.
How about actually playing the game instead of listening to shitposting faggots like him.
She's canonically a virgin and when she gets hit own by anyone she tells them to fuck off. This is actually canon, by the way.
>And the men who attempt to romance her will likely be met with a cold rejection.
Top one looks like a tranny, so bottom is better
Not him but you're a tranny.
Keep her in the fucking suit desu. It's best when you only have scarce reveals of her being a cute girl because that makes it cooler to be a spess marine the rest of the time
>with those tits and that ass
Trannies wish they had a body that perfect.
Maybe you should play Samus Returns, it already does that.
Wii era Zero Suit Samus was the peak and we've only gone downhill since then
>I have never seen a transgender person: the post
men just fear women in better shape than them and just call them trannies as a defense mechanism to feel better. "oh that's actually a man, not a woman who looks better than I do, so it's fine"
>recommending SR
It's just barely a step above Other M
Zero Suit Samus was a mistake
Kill yourself, faggot
the face is tranny you dumbfucks
its a drawing so they can give it an actual womans body, but the face is 100% tranny
Delicious little piglet
show me a single transgender woman with a face like that
Here a better design.
god I love bodysuits
Cock is too small.
Why not a bimbo version?
I'd like to screw attack her.
Both look fine to me
makes sense since both are bird women
where did the bottom one even come from?
What do you have against muscular ladies, user?
why does she turn into kim possible
This. The stealth section in ZM was cool but putting her in Brawl ruined the character.
This dude made it. He works at Bungie.
lolno. It's just that they look more masculine than feminine. It's not intimidating, it's just unattractive.
Shut the fuck up, tranny.
sounds like someone isn't comfortable with their own masculinity
Since that was the only time she was playable in 2D games, I don't give a fuck, Sakamoto and his team rather her stay in her Power Suit the entire game.
She's hot though, faggot.
>pose reference
how can he call "one foot in front of the other" a "pose" and be serious about that, come on
Her Zero suit is more like a plug suit, and not some kind of faggy armor.
She has chozo DNA and spends most of her time in space. Pretty sure her body is different than an earth human. Also nano technology in her suit can cover the heavy lifting. Also Imagine turning into a ball while being all buff and shit
Say something nice about my mom!
I hate you sniff fags so damn much
I mean considering the amount of space all of her everything is crammed into, and looking inside of the morph ball anyways it's easy to assume she gets transformed into energy or something, which is why the space pirates have such a hard time replicating it.
I kind of like the bottom one. Better than most 'LOOK I FIXED SAMUS' easily. Still looks like her, while giving a slightly more militaristic vibe. I actually liked that stuff from Other M, the flashback Zero Suit where she had the military kit strapped on over the top of it.
>only 3 inches
m8 she's 5'9" at best. Get over it, she'll never be tall again.
I'm gonna become your dad.
Yeah, it's 3 inches, she's 5'11", manlet.
This one.
Lmao, whatever helps you sleep at night.
People have gone to autistic lengths to determine her SR height, user. She's 5'11.
SR looks better than this one, well all the 2D games look better than this one.
I'm sorry you have such terrible taste.
That looks disgusting and sorry to hurt your feelings but the 6'3" 198 lbs states are for the suit.
can't handle a woman taller than you, manlet?
I know you do, they never could get her design right in non-mainline games (ignoring Other M).
Nah, but Samus isn't buff, she's muscular but like an Olympic athlete. I also like accuracy and keep her hidden Zero Suit isn't see through, retard.
This post is just sad and pathetic, just like you little man.
Shhh shh it's okay.
I know it hurts you but Samus is 5'11" and probably in the 170 lbs range due to muscle. This is canon.
>the whole point is
sorry headcanon fag nothing you said is real
I know it is.
Bottom looks like shit, this is the best samus
>that spooky long link
It's just MEGA, dude
Outside the fucked face. I like it.
the top one
the bottom makes no sense since the zero suit is supposed to be something that samus wears under her battlesuit.
it´s supposed to be as tight as possible since their is very little room inside of her battlesuit while also being comfortable so adding shoulder pads and black plugs to it makes no sense
Does she break her shins, everytime robotsuit moves?
people post this image a lot but I always have to point out that samus' arms would snap at the suit's armpits and elbow