What is the most contrarian opinion you hold in earnest? Can you rationally justify it?
What is the most contrarian opinion you hold in earnest? Can you rationally justify it?
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I actually like Two Worlds
jigglypuff isn't that good
Holy shit.
Trials & Tribulations is overrated and Dual Destinies is better.
which one?
I can't but...
>Sonic games were good until unleashed. (Barring 06) They had campy entertaining edgy writing that I still adore to this day. Very upset we won't get another sonic storybook game.
If a game is unplayable without mods (e.g. it's nauseating or causes headaches), it's a technical failure and is a 0/10 regardless of what the mods fix in order to make it a 9/10 or whatever the "modded" score is. "*This game was reviewed with X and Y mods installed" is completely irrelevant and is not a true review of the product that somebody gave the OK to in order to sell to consumers.
If a game is multi-platform, the platform with the lowest aggregate score is the most relevant aggregate review score because it's the lowest standard of quality that the developers put forward when creating the game.
No one likes T&T, the only like the final case. The other three are famously unpopular
>If a game is unplayable without mods (e.g. it's nauseating or causes headaches), it's a technical failure and is a 0/10 regardless of what the mods fix in order to make it a 9/10 or whatever the "modded" score is.
A gentleman and an absolute scholar.
Community would make better Skyrim than Bethesda
Hollow Knight is shit.
It's death mechanic discourages exploration too. But for me I hated it cause of how boring and dull the areas were. Hated the flash game aesthetic. and hated how simple the combat was. Simple slash in all 4 directions? Wowee goty.
>Generation 4 of Pokemon is honestly one of the better games in the whole series, right up there with Gen 5 and 2, maybe even moreso.
Scratch that, Yea Forums would make better Skyrim than Bethesda
Kind of guy who plays Earthbound and goes "wtf this just a generic jrpg with unfunny meme segments this sucks why do people like this"
Earthbound is an utter slog and extremely boring. Mother 3 improves on it in every single way.
Battlefield V is the best current gen online FPS
Prove me wrong
titanfall 2
at least you acknowledge this opinion is contrarian
Dark Souls 2 is the best in the series.
Pokemon Gen 1 and 3 are mediocre games.
Brawl is the peak of Super Smash
Probably my most controversial opinions
Lovely SP mode but BFV online is better
I do not like Katamari Damacy. Music is great but I hate the controls.
is bfv any different from any other shooter thats come out in the last 10 years
Diamond and Pearl were goddamned painful, Platinum was really good
Minecraft is boring garbage. There are better games to be creative with and better games to play survival in. The core gameplay loop is insanely boring and I truly have no idea why it ever got popular.
Not really but it's still the best this gen
>Brawl is the peak of Super Smash
only because it proved the best to mod into games far superior to what Sakurai was capable of developing
>Be in college early 2010
>See some asian nigga playing it
>Don't understand the appeal
Minecraft is autism in video game form. What is so fun about it? I like games with actual substance. A beginning and an end.
I'd say they were good until Colors, with Generations being the exception
The original sonic games sucked big cock. The controls are so fucking slippery that i feel like im controlling a hockey puck.
>Sonic games were good until unleashed.
Heroes and Shadow were pretty mediocre senpai.
>Very upset we won't get another sonic storybook game.
Agreed. Secret Rings and Black Knight didn't play well, but they had good presentation and Black Knight had an okay story. If they ironed out the gameplay (which the next Sonic Wii game did do), Sonic going to various classic stories could've been a lot of fun.
0-2 pools retard reporting in
Having had played both titles before Platinum, I can say that they're 90% the fucking same.
Smash brothers is a god awful game in anything but a casual setting.
Its not skill intensive enough to be an esport and every single game's meta devolves to which character can spam aireals then land the fastest without lag only to jump and do it again.
I'm down with that opinion.
I still like Heros and Shadow more than Unleashed. Shadow the hedgehog was especially fun for my 11 year old mind. Anyway, I still remember Secret rings soundtrack, I want more arabic butt rock.
Two Worlds is alright. I liked it too. I can't be fucked to play the sequel, though.
The MOBA genre was the worst thing that happened to video games. Not only did it completely kill off RTS's, but it's popularity affected every single multiplayer genre in the worst possible ways.
RPG is a shit genre with shit gameplay
>but muh story
Go read book
I think Banjo Kazooie suck
FF13 is a good game.
Smash as a whole would have been better off if Sakurai solely catered to the Meleefag scene.
Un-ironically based, best magic system in any RPG.
I really dislike the mother series and all 3 of the games are really mediocre in terms of plot (first two didn't have any, 3rd one barely even has an overarching one) and gameplay.
There is a reason this series will never be localized in America, no ones played it and no one wants to.
The first two were vomit and the 3rd one is decent at best.
I've been playing it. It's ok but really overrated, would much rather play mario 64 or odyssey desu
Boomers hate FF13 sorry newfag
Battleborn is not only an enjoyable game, it's better than overwatch.
I unironically believe any game that requires even the smallest amount of rng shouldn't be considered competitive
>hit mythic in mtg arena
>legend in hearthstone
>challenger in League of Legends when it meant something
>Queen in auto chess
>2750 in WoW arena in BC
Basically if your game involves drawing cards, critical hits even at 1 percent chance, it shouldn't be considered competitive
If a game has to be played with friends to be good then its a garbage game
>literally doing anything with friends, whom you enjoy time with make anything better
The christmas level in banjo kazooie is the comfiest shit of all time.
gen 6 was shit solely because the ps2 was a pile of shit hardware wise. had it been on par with the gamecube xbox and dreamcast it would have made so much more happen
the only people that ever argue about the ps2 being the best is because it had the largest library and a more favorable contract to dev for. just because it was cheap and had more devs on board doesnt mean it wasnt a steaming pile of shit. imagine if it wasnt fucked by all its weirdass hardware choices. imagine if the multiplats didnt need to be scaled back SOLELY because the ps2 was the one having trouble running shit
fuck your feelings, the PS2 caused gen 6 to be so much less than it could have been, despite how fucking ridiculous it was
Witcher 3 is a shit game carried by well written dialogue. 1 is the best Witcher
DMC2 is an enjoyable experience and should never be skipped.
Itsuno's cuhrazy take on the DMC universe left a detrimental scar on the franchise's direction and it's fanbase.
Same thing is gonna happen to this gen with the Switch.
Card games are about working around RNG though. You might not have the best player win every game, but over time players like Kolento, Pavel or Orange will be consistently at the top of the scene.
no it isnt because the switch is just getting last gens ports anyway
that or theyre intentionally ignoring it and letting someone else port it as many are doing
I think Black & White 1 is a fantastic God game and city builder, mostly because of how unfinished and rough the city building mechanics are. 2 adding more intention and structure to it ruined it, for me, nothing will be better than beating all of Black & White 1 by simply making 1 massive, thriving, methodically laid out city every level.
The original Banjo Kazooie is hot garbage compared to Tooie, DK64 and even Yooka Laylee(after patches)
I don’t hate Kazooie, but Tooie, DK64 and Yooka Laylee are all better
So which 6th gen console do you think is the best? Gamecube?
Nah, no one's retarded to think that. Must be PS2.
I enjoyed Dream Drop Distance more than KH3
Yeah well DDD made Riku a good character first of all
dreamcast for games, gamecube for multiplats, xbox for exclusives
>gamecube for multiplats
i dont have to explain myself
I genuinely believe the entire xbox brand fucking sucks and has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
They abso-fucking-lutely would NOT. Tacking a mod onto an existing game =/= developing a game fully
And at least DDD had the decency to give you human boss fights, god damn KH3 was a disaster. Balloon spam is also overrated btw and doesn't hold a candle to how broken firaga spam is in KH3.
Halo was awesome back in the day, Gears of War was cool when it first came out.
BotW becomes a boring tedious chore of a game shortly after you leave the plateau.
>Xbox is worse than Nintendo
Excellent wrong opinion you have here.
The decisions are too binary to honestly matter though. Its all about sheer number of games, moderate knowledge of cards in format and having a deck that isn't total shit.
Idk if you play MTG but currently there are games where you literally will lose due to match up or being on the draw.
You get thought erasure'd and they drop a teferi turn 3 while you're playing control? You lost buddy. Better luck next time. Hopefully they don't have that when you take the next game and go back on the draw game 3.
Card games come down to a few things.
>do you even have the resources to get by? If not you probably lost(eg: land screw)
>the most optimal play is usually the most obvious one( wait till a trigger is on the stack to burn for lethal)
Very rarely are there meaningful decisions to be made.
OG Xbox oozed soul but unfortunately they only brought about a year's worth of soul to the 360 before getting it's soul rip out in the Kinect era.
>being a tripfag and calling someone else a newfag
These aren't contrarian
pretend pic related's crying starts in 2007
MW3 is a nearly flawless game
>the last great mainline Sonic game wasn't SA2
>Unova and Johto are the best
>Xbox sucks
>Unova and Johto are the best
This isn't really contrarian by any means. People used to vastly prefer Kanto but now it's very, very mixed. Particularly because most people grew up with different gens.
not even contrarian, xbox has been in 3rd place every single gen
>b-b-but 8th gen
switch is about to overtake it
Super Paper Mario is better than TYD
I want Leon Kennedy, Crash Bandicoot, Max Caulfield and Cuphead as the last 4 smash dlc packs.
but they are, by a lot. Xbox hasn't been good since they shit the bed with 360
Still here
Persona is the most refined and entertaining form of the SMT franchise, and faggots who say "mainline is better hurr durr strange journey rocks!" are just upset that their series is now mainstream.
>Brawl is the peak of Super Smash
Fully agree for Subspace Emissary alone. Also great for modding.
My contrarian opinion is that Halo Reach is the best Halo. Not the best campaign, but the forge mode and the general feel of the game makes it the best. 343 kinda fucked up its online a bit by getting rid of some good maps and adding a bunch of cobbled together bullshit but eh still good (might've been Bungie, can't remember).
Star Fox Assault needs a successor more than trying to recreate a better version of 64 like they've been doing
Reviewers use the 10 point scale correctly, or their skew is relatively minimal. It's most likely your fault that the scale is off for you specifically.
The reason you think their 7s are shit that deserve to get 5s is because you've played games for 20 years and whether you care to admit it, you're picky as fuck and a game that is just mildly good (a 6 or 7) to you is going to pale in comparison to the 9s and 10s you've already played so you don't consider them worth your time and immediately write them off as shit.
>This isn't really contrarian by any means.
Among zoomers and boomers, respectively, sure.
No Man's Sky is a good game
Do you unironically think there are more people who claim Hoenn and Sinnoh are the best gens than Johto and Unova?
Not him, but...yes. Pokemon appeal to all ages, it's hard to pin down who likes what for what reasons exactly. Pic unrelated and cursed.
Eh, I dunno. Hoenn seems to be the exact pinpoint where Pokemon became "uncool" by the general public. Maybe you have Sinnoh, but I think there's likely way more people who favor Johto than Hoenn
Platinum yeah, even though I personally think Emerald is better.
BW2 has Unova's shit-taste and Johto games are steadily being exposed for their inherent flaws as the months go by. By the end of the year, public opinion on that will have shifted completely.
Meanwhile people only really have "Slow and too many HMs" as Platinum's criticisms.
i hate and i really mean Resident evil 4 the worst thing that happened to the saga , i really despise that game like no other , the fact that /V likes that garbage infuirates me we changed cool zombies for horribles ones with weapons , cool pre rendered steages for garbage ass 3d and goodbye to suspense and survival horror that game is cancer
There was a huge forced meme fest behind "Hoenn confirmed" and I doubt it was just one person. Or who knows maybe ORAS that shut up the people that liked Hoenn. I think it has a decent size fanbase. Despite my boomer status I prefer BW2's unova. But that was before Nintendo WIFI was kill.
>Unova's shit taste
Yes, Unova is indeed shit but it's the ZOOMER's shit. That's the thing. Zoomers unironically love Unova. I don't like it as much as you do, but Unova has slowly been changed from "WORST GEN THUS FAR" to "EHHH UNDERRATED MASTERPIECE IGNORE THE FLAWS". People have been trying to say Unova was never disliked on Yea Forums or /vp/ as well.
Unova is a shit region, and always will be, but sadly millions of flies also eat shit.
ds2 is best dark souls. better environments, weapon and armor variety, boss variety, and comfyness than ds1. ds3 has no poise and therefore not good.
Can you list some examples? I like survival games but I also still want to be able to autistically organize and decorate while playing.
Cave Story is one of the worst games ever made. Bland in literally every department, nothing good or interesting about the gameplay to make up for its shortcomings, it is absolute proof a game cannot be made by one man alone no matter how much passion is involved
I don't get why everyone says this. Besides some added wild pokemon, its damn near the same game
because its cool to like gen 4 currently
in reality it's the second biggest steaming turd in the series after gen 6
None because 4chans opinion don't matter
Any video game that does not have RPG elements is shit. I mean that completely unironically.
It doesn't seem odd to me at all, but everyone acts aghast at how much I like eating nutella and peanut butter between two halves of briefly-boiled instant ramen. It doesn't even seem like something with any offensive tastes in it, but everyone I know thinks it's disgusting.
Regarding video games, it might be that PSO2 is genuinely good and definitely up there with some of my favorites, though maybe top 10 at best. Self imposed challenge may be necessary to get the most out of it though.
13 is ahit2
Rocket propelled grenades are very important to games.
you're not wrong
it's a good thing that they happen to be bad at arguing so they get btfo everytime this turns into a debate
JRPG's are almost universally terrible. Even the extreme few that aren't total shit are still pretty fucking bad when compared to the standards of literally any other genre.
Hardy har har.
Xenoblades 2 is the most sarcastic game I have played in 19 years
Switch shouldn't be compared to PS4 and XBone because it doesn't have the computational power of those and should be compared with shit in its league instead. Like the Vita.
Crash Twinsanity had a weird soundtrack that I don't hate. Is that contrarian?
What if I said recent Rayman games remind me somewhat of that soundtrack? Is that peak contrarian yet?
Halo Reach is good, fuck the Halo 2/3 babbies.
Is this really how Unova fans react? I haven't been to /vp/ in years since I stopped going after the BW2 hype train.
I thought this was a contrarian thread?
get the fuck out of here
Genuinely interesting opinion. But that begs the question, shouldn't the reviewers (people who's sole profession is to judge videogame quality) be similarly seasoned?
It is, but it also became much better with NSNB
No one can be so contrarian to think armor abilities were good though
I deeply resent Isabelle and have paragraphs worth of reasons why.
>inb4 that's not contrarian
It sure as fuck is to the nu AC fanbase.
yep, that's not an exaggeration
pic related is a rare exception in that they actually attempt to articulate why they're in fact better than people say
hell, I'll admit that the environments have way more effort put into them than Gen IV and as a result look better, but they're so small-minded they never bring it up; it's always about the Pokemon World Tournament and Route 10's track
I agree with this.
They need to be more like WRPGs with the freedom given to the player---including to actually build their own characters.
I don't have a problem with the menu based combat or even the kind of exploration that makes up these games; it's just the combat options are dull and I typically don't like who all I'm supposed to be using as a vehicle for the adventure
I fucking love Jump Force. Yeah it could look better but I think it looks pretty fucking good.
Pokemon Gale of Darkness is the best pokemon game.
All of the pokemon mystery dungeon games are boring as fuck and would slightly improve if evolution wasn't locked til end game.
Bloodborne is GOTC and my mind will never ever ever ever never ever change my mind.
SMITE is the best MOBA.
>Pokemon Gale of Darkness is the best pokemon game.
Absolutely correct
Fighting games are worse for the game industry than mobile games.
Huh...That's incredibly sad. BW2 era pokemon was the golden time for me on /vp/. I got to see CYOA stories and the board as a whole come together for some creative stuff. I saw the birth of so many memes.
I'll be the first to admit unova has problems but to shove it in the other gens face like this is heart wrenching.
Fighting games make hardly any money compared to mobile games. So objectively mobile games does more damage.
Today's best 2D sprite games are just as good as the past's best 2D sprite games.
Kotor 1 is better than Kotor 2.
>Better story
>Better planets
>Better party members/characters overall
>Was actually finished and doesn't require a mod to fix it
Whether they're seasoned or not, the review score probably shouldn't reflect that too heavily unless the reviewers audience expects or wants that (ie specific niche sites or reviewers known for their experience). Keep in mind that most major reviewers like Kotaku and IGN are writing for a general audience that will have varying levels of experience with games. A 7/10 action game will probably be plenty of fun to someone new to the genre, but to someone who has played the best the genre has to offer, the jank of a 7/10 action game like, say, Lollipop Chainsaw, might be a massive turn off.
Also an experienced reviewer can give a game a 6 or 7/10, call it mildly good or interesting-but-flawed, genuinely mean it, but then look back on the game unfavourably. That still doesn't mean they think it's bad. The reverse is true too. Personally I think Drakengard 3s 5/10 metascore is entirely deserved but I love the game immensely too.
Fallout 3 and New Vegas are fundamentally bad games.
The menu is bad. The animations are bad. The graphics are not only bad, but incredibly ugly. The controls are bad. And at its core, the gameplay is bad.
A game that fails at its most fundamental aspect, gameplay, is a fundamentally bad game. Story, characters and dialogue are all ultimately irrelevant if the gameplay is bad.
Fallout 4, though far from perfect, improves on 3/NV in every way.
Jesus christ
I like Gen V a lot too but that guy makes it sound like Unova literally cured cancer and world hunger
ZTD was good.
Danganronpa 1 is pretty bland, especially looking back.
Speaking of Danganronpa, the (main) series just improved with each entry.
Undertale is good.
Dark Souls isn't fun.
Gen 1 is the worst gen.
Visual novels are games.
Monster Hunter World, on a purely mechanical perspective, is the best Monster Hunter.
The progression system of classic MH games is much better than the one in World, though.
>Kotor 1 is better than Kotor 2
this really shouldn''t be contrarian but brainlets will be brainlets
add in better level design and maybe even quest design
Not to mention classic system had the best decoration system. I like the slot/slot levels but jesus I'd rather find talismans and jewels.
Turnabout Big Top is kino
half life 2 is not as good as people remember
You don't actually think that
I like the characters and story and the cross examinations didn't really bug me at all
ZUN puts less into his art nowadays.
He draws more "correct" characters today, but he has stopped drawing them in the various expressive poses he used to. All he does is change their facial features. He also puts less detail into their clothes due to his style shift.
Why is Gen 4 so disliked? I havent played it in a decade
I play shitty games if there are hot waifus in it
Borderlands 1 was and still is one of the best FPS games ever made, and even with Anthony Burch gone Borderlands 3 won't even come close to being as good as it.
I don't think that's a contrarian opinion
Huh, i guess im in good company then
I'm a massive KOTOR 2 fag, but that's definitely not a contrarian opinion. Most people that talk about those two games will always say the first one was the best, especially the story and the twist that happens during it.
TranZit is not only fun, but it is also well designed.
This looks so much like Rose.
Only thing refuting the ID is the fact she doesn't do lewds.
People don't like the creature designs, don't like the region design (specifically Coronet), don't like the high-stakes plot, don't like the speed of HP drain and animations, don't like the choppiness from running at like 30fps or whatever it is, don't like the graphics and how the assets were used to actually make the map, don't find the music impressive, don't like the Garchomp centric meta, don't like the pantheon of legendaries it introduced, don't like the lack of Pokemon choice (especially Fire types), don't like the AI design (DP Flint is a prime example of a bad team [even if the logic behind it makes sense]), don't like the abundance of HMs and the necessity of sacrificing good movesets and team structures to be able to progress through the game.
How is Flint a bad team?
he's a fire trainer barely using fire types
BoI is not a roguelike
After reading through this entire thread, this is the only comment that genuinely baffled me. There's lots of stuff in here I disagree with but at least understand; this just makes zero sense to me. Not liking a game because of personal taste is one thing but to call Cave Story "one of the worst games ever made" is an opinion that speeds right past contrarianism and parks itself squarely in brainlet territory. What a dumb thing to say.
Rockstar hasn't made a single good game.
It's all style over substance, and admitedly, that style has some good effort put into it: Whether it be great graphics, compelling narrative & characters that have become iconic,and fitting soundtrack. But at the end of the day, all of their games carry little potential in terms of raw gameplay: It's usually extremely basic, slow & easy.
Speaking of which, no flaw for a video game is worse than being slow, which is usually a cornerstore of the game lacking potential in its gameplay, There's a lot one can do to make their experience with a flawed game more enjoyable upon replaying it, challenging yourself in different ways & setting arbitrary rules & such, but that does little to a game who's gameplay lacks potential to feel different upon setting these rules.
Skyrim is the best game in the series despite its shortcomings on the roleplaying side.
FFT is overrated. The story is as good as everyone says but the actual game content is terrible. It can potentially ruin a new player at points and force them to start a new game because they chose a bad progression route with no hints as to why, or a new player could break it by accident and remove all difficulty on the game on their first try due to how poorly tuned everything is. The levels are thematic but never well designed for gameplay, and there really isn't any lasting content. The SRPGs that come both before and after it are generally better, even a lot of janky B titles like Luminous Arc.
I generally agree with this, but how can you quantifiably measure a game's "slowness"? Are turn-based strategy games and RPGs slow by default? What about action games that are methodically paced and require patience, like the Souls series?
I don't care for Super Metroid at all, and I think Symphony of the Night is too flawed.
I acknowledge their importance, and SM brilliant design though. But I don't like them.
The mobile market is both less predatory and produces better gameplay than the AAA market right now.
final fantasy 7 is shit that is only liked because it is baby's first rpg
I love Skyward Sword. I like Fi a lot as a character. and her advice never bothered me.
You can't hold contrarian opinions in earnest. That's why they're called contrarian.
It's a bit more subtle than that as you've mentioned, I just didn't feel like going over all the exceptions that justify the pace of a game. Let's just say this applies to games that lack a legitimate reason that justifies a slower pace, or the reason in question can be heavily argued against ( Like overcommitment to realism, for example )
Can you post your reasoning for this? I will buy BFV twice if you can convince me.
Cataclysm at launch was my favorite WoW expansion.
I hate nintendo though only because i had a bunch of douchy friends back in HS who were fans of it.
Now whenever i think of nintendo i just think of their condescending, rude, and cliqueish asses. Nerds are the fucking worst.