Video games are art

>video games are art

>downloads fap mods

>Yea Forums

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Todd is cute! Cute!

>reddit spacing

>paint a painting
>its art
>create an exact digital replica of the painting
>put it in as a texture in a video game
>it becomes not art

>paint a naked woman getting CENTAUR'd

Isn’t porn art?

Porn is cynical. Ain't nobody working in porn doing it for the sake of making porn, it's only about the dollar.

Nudity is representative of the peak of human art.
Sex mods that involve older women molesting little boys are the true art.
You cannot disprove this.

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clearly we need to seize the means of reproduction, cumrade.
fucking capitalists ruining porn

I never said I'm against porn, I just dont think the porn industry is creating art.

>masturbate to Mona Lisa
>Mona Lisa stops being art
problem, Da Vinci?

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>conflating fapping to mona lisa with cutting out mona lisa's head and deep faking it onto a tranny's body

Try harder newfag.

Some games are art.
Some arent.
Some games are great stories.
Some arent.
Some games are competitive.
Some arent.

>porn isn't art
The capitalistic intentions of it's creation may not be art but the man fucking roast beef for an hour and the woman acting out an orgasm sure is.

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I forgive Todd. It's not his fault.

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>not faping to Todd
How do you even live with yourself?

>Art is a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing artifacts (artworks), expressing the author's imaginative, conceptual ideas, or technical skill, intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power.
Defining art is a real loose thing.
Some can define Science as an art for its beauty.

>cutting out mona lisa's head and deep faking it onto a tranny's body

but what if i fap to venus?


Fap mods are art

A little history lesson for you newfags, m00t entered this moneymatch and upon losing had to sell Yea Forums.
The more you know

I never attempted to define art. My only argument is that Yea Forums is hypocritical with what is art.

On one hand, Yea Forums want games to be art. On the other hand,Yea Forums is obsessed obscuring an artist's vision to meet their cynical desires.

Modern japanimation is better than gay shit like the Mona Lisa or anything Picasso shit out because art is about pleasing the eye.
Anime titties please my eyes more then hyper realistic renditions of roasties

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The second is unironically art

>paintings are art

>draws porn


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>Modern japanimation is better than gay shit like the Mona Lisa or anything Picasso shit out because art is about pleasing the eye.
>Anime titties please my eyes more then hyper realistic renditions of roasties

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>pornography isnt art
t. - 800 iq