Oh no... we're too late. These people have all been infected. They may look fine now...

Oh no... we're too late. These people have all been infected. They may look fine now, but it's only a matter of time before they turn into trannies.
This entire board must be purged.

Attached: arthas.jpg (782x775, 136K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Arthas did nothing wrong when purging the town. Arthas will do nothing wrong when purging this board.

>Arthas will never purge this board from trannys and reddit
Why even

Arthas did nothing wrong except fail to explain to Uther that there was literally nothing that could be done BUT to purge them.

Don't worry, Arthas. Just say the word.

Attached: sup.jpg (323x377, 42K)

>Banned from GDQ for not bowing down to trannies

Still don't care for his streams but more respect for him as not being batshit insane like the rest of the speedrun community I guess.

Yeah sounds good Arthas, let's get started.

Attached: 1449819543378.png (1507x1547, 4M)

Glad you could bake it Uther

>this town must be purged
>wtf arthas there must be some other way
>fuck you, do it

Arthas did nothing wrong in purging the city but he handled the situation with Uther like an autist.

Quick rundown?

I can understand Uther fucking off because of muh paladin code.
But Jaina? She knows how serious this thing is. And she knows how much Arthas needs her guidance. And they were fucking.
What excuse has she got for turning tail?

Attached: new jaina.jpg (684x872, 289K)

I started watching this dude a couple months ago. What happened between him and the trans community?

Talked shit about trannies in his private discord and got banned from GDQ because it's a tranny show.

Even if she knew it was the only way, I think she literally did not want to watch him do it.
Not to mention the fact that he'd clearly gone mad with power, Jaina just wanted to get out so she could keep pretending her fuckbuddy was a cool dude.

Her dumb woman emotions but really just blizz writing.

tranny invaded his discord, pasted excerpts of his chat, then shared it with the gdq staff to get him banned. imgur.com/a/87myrfW

Yeah, but reminder Trihex punked out this chud ginger honkey at agdq 2012. Keep coping transphobes.

I love the little notes below each image telling the reader what to take away from the conversations they've just read.

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I mean obviously.

Attached: official did nothing wrong list.png (2074x1202, 3.54M)

For some reason a socialist dictator is lumped in with the 'bad' stuff they were saying.

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How can you even consider that? There's got to be some other way!

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That's honestly incredibly tame. How pathetic.

alright his ff7 runs were cancer but I will try watching his shit again

When the fuck will Reforged be released?

Seeing him in these lists will never stop making me smile


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When wc3 bnet dwindles to less than 1000 concurrent players at peak hours thanks to constant unwanted balance changes, map tweaks, custom game breaking, world editor breaking, and almost a year of unresolved desync issues

>no homura akemi

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