Is there something worse for Yea Forums culture other than weebs and why is it furry culture...
Is there something worse for Yea Forums culture other than weebs and why is it furry culture
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that and fags that still listen to metal past the age of 18.
people that dont post about video games on a video game board, just like you
Furries used to be a threat until the SJWs showed up.
This is a meta post about the board itself jackass, totally valid.
You’re probably a furry degenerate.
Anime trannies are far worse.
I'd unironically like furry culture if it was based on some japanese design, dogs with colorful emo hair is fucking cringe
I get liking what you like and fapping to whatever porn gets you off, but I will never understand fursuits. Working as a mascot is already disgusting enough, adding sex to the equation takes it to an entirely different level.
haha right? I only listen to lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to #58
I bet you like rap
Sounds kino to me
rap/hip hop is unironically better than metal music.
You're both underage retards for still caring about something so meaningless.
Yeah, now they've merged. Just look anywhere on Twitter
my god
>Trannies > weebs > furry
Furgins are marginally better than soyo boyos and corporate cock suckers
Didn't think things could get worse but here we are
sorry but metal music is objectively shit.
>above anyone
Fuck off
Always weird seeing celebrities like Alyssa Milano actually validate and talk to people with furry and/or anime avatars. As if, their opinion shouldn't be immediately disregarded for their avatars.
This. Trannies and trapfags are literally the worst.
>complaining about weebs on an anime website
Why do redditors think they are in good company here?
>liking anything besides classical
>being this much of a fucking normie
They should be treated as second class citizens.
Want to be delusional? Cool, just forget about your rights meanwhile.
at least they're getting shit done, what have /pol/niggers done besides impotently piss themselves over random faggots on twitter and shit up this website? absolutely nothing.
t. ranny
It's just a pic, anime is kumamiko and artist is poruserin
They've already enveloped series like Dragon Ball and One Piece, and they'll get to your favorites too eventually. Shit's gonna hit the fan once the Beastars anime premiers...
Most furries don't fuck in the fursuits because they are to expensive to risk in that way.
Don't ask me how I know this.
>anime website
Yea Forums isn't the entire website
I rather be trapped in a room full of furries than a person who wants to chop off my balls and then kill themself
classical hasn't aged well at all
neither is Yea Forums
>still bitching about furfags
>even though they've been mostly hiding in their own containment sites for the past four years
Yeah and fuck Justin Bieber too, right?
No, no, its the feminists who want to cut off your balls. Trannies want to cut off their own balls.
This is not the Yea Forums I want to leave to my kids in the future.
*tips fedora*
Counterpoint: /mlpol/ still has their website.
At least half of "furries" are redpilled
You know what this website needs? Someone to fuck in the ass so hard it goes back to 2008 Yea Forums
i dont have the stomach to watch a man cut off his balls either
your underage is showing, faggot
The pony fandom is pretty much dead at this point, so to say /mlpol/ is evidence that half of furries are red pilled is pretty insane.
You would like that wouldn’t you? Fucking pedo furry
>FuRriES, rIghT yOu GUyz? aM i RigHt?
Did I just go back in time by a decade?
I listen to both metal and rap
The ending to that anime was fucking kino
You're a retarded one user, no wonder your parents have you shitposting on this shithole rather than bother to get you in bed.
anti-furry renaissance when?
You prob would like me in your bed... guess what fucking pedo I’m not your type since I’m a full grown WHITE man
found the furfag
>be me 2002
>playing Furcadia (didn't know what a furry was back then, just wanted a free online game)
>meet cool dragon bro
>meet every day after school, just exploring other peoples' mini-realms
>learn dragonbro is a girl
>get her aim
>she's cute and humble
>really into horses, grew up in a ranch
>take initiative and get her phone number
>we start talking over the phone, cute voice
>we open up to each other
>really enjoy phone convos, even if long distance charges are a bitch
>thank god for phone cards
>even did phone sex a couple of times (horny 16yos)
>we become really good friends
>she tells me her life, I tell her mine
>her dad died, her mom remarried, and stepdad is a creepy jerk
>sometimes hear him storm into the background, telling her to get off the phone and wash the dishes
>she chuckles and says it's code for her to suck his dick
>told her it's not funny
>didn't catch it then, but I remember her getting really embarrassed by it and telling me it was just a joke
>let it pass
>we're 17 now
>problems ahead
>her stepdad is planning to kick her out when she turns 18
>tell her she can live with me, we can just be two bros working and hanging out
>she laughs and agrees
>make a plan to meet
>keep getting pushed back because no money
>I save up my allowance and plan to surprise her with plane ticket on her birthday
>as her birthday gets closer, she comes online less and less
>I figure she's looking for a job so she can move out
>she stops coming online a day before her birthday
>call her house, no response
>call every day at different times, maybe she just hasn't been home
>one month later, someone picks up the phone
>it's her mom
>I tell her my name and she's quiet for a few seconds, her voice wavers as she tells me her daughter committed suicide on her birthday
>I give her my condolences and hang up
>I'm 34 now. Single, fat, depressed... and her voice still haunts me whenever I see horses.
I miss you, Nicole. I'm sorry I didn't realize what was happening.
fucking zoomers
Are you a furry if you fap to anthro, aliens and robots?
You both need to die
>Are you a furry if you fap to anthro
Also hot and generally awkward to maneuver in
Good, she got what every furry deserves.
You should think about it too.
>faggots not just enjoying a good song regardless of its genre
You're all worse than fucking furries at this point.
Ya'll just need to find some tunes that actually sound good to you rather than fuck around saying "classic is good" or "rap is bad" or "metal is shit," because objectively, your opinions on music in general are hot fucking trash.
If a song sucks, it's gonna be worse than the shit I took earlier today - no amount of tagging a genre to it is going to save it.
Thats sad. But. If youre 34 you should understand at this point in your life that you were a kid and you didnt have the tools to understand/identify what was happening with Nicole and her stepdad, and how to approach the situation. You should also understand by now that these things unfortunately happen in our fucked up world. The majority of people are horribly abused or neglected.
And being a man in your mid 30s, you should be equipped by now to handle this fact, and should be in a stable position, raising a family by now, and dutifully protecting your family from the jackals and hyenas that inhabit this world,
Let him end it faggot, he’s a furry failure
Furfags needs to go die already, but they're normal compared to dickless virgin trannies, I'm glad normal fags are getting tired of their shit.
What the fuck are you doing on Yea Forums if you hate weebs?
Saving lives trying to turn them around or encouraging them to end it
This but unironically
You're a child and should be quiet
do everyone a favor and end yourself while you're at it
I can believe this board is full of people wishing I was a child. What a nest of pedos Yea Forums has become
How much of a loser do you have to be to stop people enjoying things?
You must be a boring person
>Furfags needs to go die already
Honestly, furries wouldn't be half as bad if the dickless virgin trannies or otherkins weren't part of their subculture.
At least then they'd just be relegated to "they do porn," and the world would go on.
But thanks to Sonicfox, we're forced to deal with a gay, black furry being an iconic symbol of gaming culture, so I can see why you'd want to say "furfags needs to go die already."
By the way, maybe do a spellcheck once in a while.
Degeneracy stops WHITE culture to progress, it must be stop.
Enjoy your life following virtuous things and not loli girls pls
thank you brave "white" neckbeard for enlightening us, now fuck off back to /pol/
nice bait thread dumbass if Yea Forums wasn't so closeted about this shit they would just simply ignore this thread or even sage bomb it but no looks like you guys are tsunsdere for the fur.
Even on /pol/ they love anime lolis and they're the most pro "white culture" people in the world.
>I-If people say that they hate me, th-they must secretly like me!
Nice coping mechanism, abomination.
Yes, it really saddens me to see this once great board fall in the degeneracy of furry culture.
We should save every young white man from it, or release them from their earthly suffering.
This is what it's all about. Genres are only a concept used by the industry to categorize music to be easily sold and browsed.
Good music represents genre. Great music transcends it.
/pol/trannies and sjws
make up your mind do you hate me or like me?
holy fucking zoomer
spotted the tranny
>symbol of gaming culture
since fucking when? if it wasn't for Yea Forums spamming that idiot i wouldn't have known anything about him and this is coming from a guy who jacks off regularly to E621
Im second poster, nothing to do with first.
I like you if you don’t tolerate degeneracy.
I loathe you.
Furry IS white culture. You have to have a high IQ to understand. Nonwhite furries are rare
Fuck of furry fag, kys
as i said i dont bring up fetish shit in public nor do i do it on forums either but since ya know this is the website where we are all anonymous i do jack of to anthro and also hentai and literally everything Degenerate
>muh degeneracy
he typed on a japanese image board on a sunday morning
That’s pagan shit adopted from slavshit culture.
True white culture started with Christianity.
We should burn all the furries as the pagans once did.
With the recent zoosadism leaks it shouldn't be long now, all we need is for all public/convention spaces to ban furcons from being hosted at their locations and then we're golden.
I’m here to help young white men and white culture from the grips of degeneracy.
Anyone got that comic strip of the dude threatening a furfag tied to a chair and getting the response of "and then what?"
It just crossed my mind earlier today and this thread seemed like the place to ask.
Based angery skeleton
What? I'm the anti-furry, retard.
Then change for your own good or stop wasting our air
fake as fuck
>True white culture started with Christianity
not possible unless you oust them as all nazis or something like that now i do jack off too anthro but if you could topple the negative connotation with furfags and just jerking off you would be my hero but if you want people to hate someone in this day and age your going to have to make that group of people seem like there harming another group of people kinda like the whole antifa versus the alt right sort of thing
Sorry, easy to mixup replies
Based user here
>furfags are barely even able to type a coherent sentence
Yeah i am tired its nearly 4 am.
no, you're just a virgin teenager who found /pol/
/pol/ is full of degeneracy too, they choose not to hide it in the closet unlike Yea Forums
The hell are you nomalfags bitching about, the rules are super in your favor.
What are YOU talking about?
His felonies alone make him an honorary nigger.
Please do us a favor and change for your own good
My post was 1 sentence, how do you get confused that quickly?
source? also is it just the same old shit i already heard about with that Kero motherfucker or is it something new.
Please stop this, change and save yourself
If you kill yourself I'll think about it.
>talking fast is better than actual instrumental synergies
the both of you should do a suicide pact i will be the referee.
Yea Forums is generally worse for Yea Forums culture than furrys, by a small amount
If I killed myself I wouldn't be able to look at cute animal men anymore.
So it is degenerate, you chose so wrong
You’ll always be the laughing stock of every board out there. Your kind disgust me to extremes. Realize that your furpersona is nothing more than a mental sickness stemmed from your homosexual tendencies. Either be a full on fag or a normal man, not a beast without rights.
fags are the worst in any Fandom bar none except for maybe trannies
"Furpersona?" That's a new one.
you know you should dress up as a bishop or some pope or something and just go to a furfag convention and just hand out holy bibles or something if you really want to make a difference. complaining about it on Yea Forums isn't going to get you anywhere.
Oh. Are you gonna do anything about it except whine on a Chinese image board?
Never forget, even the fucking weebs who are still salvagable hate you.
Not even incels are as pathetic as a grown man with an obscene addiction to fur.
Know what else is hot and generally awkward to maneuver in?
this dude is probably getting off to you berating him like this just let that sink in for a moment.
He’s a pathetic furry, he’s probably enjoying this.
What a shame of a life
Well, something like that.
What's not to enjoy?
Furries are a disguise used by pedos to get closer to children, how else you explain the cartoonish appeal?
you are a xenophile, a man with patrician taste
Epic gamer moments
I don't get how masturbating to cartoon animals is supposed to get children closer to me.
Im gonna agree with the other dude, your worse than a furry. Your entire mindset is evident with just one statement, and i hope you live the saddest, most miserable life you can until one day you just off yourself. Considering of course no one probably cares about you at this point anyway so basically your just a waste of oxygen.
alright i had fun i am going to bed you can stop the samefagging now the only thing i am going to leave this thread with is this little gem i found on the internet Enjoy.
Is your degenerate subconscious, you sick animal. That’s why you don’t get it.
that is a fucking pasta you morons
Ok, well, since I still don't get it, why don't you tell me how sitting in my room fapping is supposed to attract children.
It promotes the furry lifestyle, poster needs to be punished
>Find the fursuit convention shit weird
>Beat my dick to Rouge the Bat too many times to care
The dudes who dress up and fuck in costume freak me out, but some of you fuckers draw some bangin' porn, so I don't care.
>this whole thread
imagine getting so angry about the cartoon characters someone whacks their dingus to
sindoll makes god tier Kemono porn and so does Nezumin and fucking Goto Biedo and that one douijinishi of that wolf goddess
Yeah well let me psycho fucking analyze a stranger on the internet WOOP DI-FUCKING WOOP
You are sick sir, your sexual tendencies which favor other species are immoral and a threat to society. You probably were raped as a kid, and will repeat the cycle if not stopped.
I wish bbcat did more art of those two. The few he did was good.
there are babies here that get angry at ponies 8 years after their release but can't explain why without entering into irrational screeching user, they are that stupid.
Ok cool but how cute is this boar?
All these years later and Yea Forums still loses it whenever they see furries.
Some things just never change.
furries actually buy and play videogames and get pleasure from them, so you've got a point
>furries actually buy and play videogames and get pleasure from them
like everyone else?