VII Remake

Be honest guys are you genuinely excited that it's actually here & not outright cancelled like so many assumed?

Attached: VII Remake.jpg (3000x2319, 1.06M)

Other urls found in this thread:

I might have been excited if those motherfuckers hand't made it episodic. RDR is on multiple discs. There's no reason this couldn't be. Not surprised after the enormous clusterfuck that was FFXV though

I remember the blind faith and praise of XV before its release even despite all the signs that something was wrong. Watching Yea Forums repeat this when FFVIIR looks like obvious shit is mind boggling.

if the rumors are true, there will be only two episodes, the first one ending with Aerith's death

Everybody has an irrational love of FFVII

It's not a matter of disc space it's a matter of budget and dev time.

No sane company would approve a project on the scale of FFVII with modern production qualities if they weren't going to see a cent of the benefits until the whole thing was done. It'd also take a fucking decade.

Whatever the reason, I'll just make sure to buy the Ultimate Royal Edition once it releases

Yes I can't wait.
I'm currently replaying FF7 with the New Threat mod which I've never tried, in anticipation.

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It may as well have been cancelled as far as I'm concerned, it's visually great but I have yet to enjoy a single JRPG with real time combat.

No. I hate the idea of remakes and would prefer new games.

have you never played grandia III or star ocean til the end of time?

This 100%.

Just finished ff7 and ff9 back to back, and my love of 7 only keeps growing while sadly my memory of 9 was way better than it was. Such a long boring story.

That mod is legit good

the zack quest to get omnislash is fucking KINO & if i was Nomura i would steal the iidea

really what did you think of II & III?

No. I just like turn based, it somehow never gets old for me whereas real time feels like a chore.

>FF series is dud after dud for 10+ years
>"but maybe this time"

It's based on a good game so there's hope. Also LR was an excellent game

>inb4 he says it's shit even though he's never played it like the majority of Yea Forums

I grew up with FF7 and PS1 era JRPGs, but I honestly do not give a single fuck. FF7 was the promise of something new. It was not that special in a vacuum; it was a 4/10 story with 5/10 characters, but the way the story was told and the world was presented was, in terms of immersion, light years ahead of everything we had seen at the time.

Square peaked in their story telling capabilities in FFX an in terms of creating good stories and likable characters, it's been all downhill since before then. I have zero interest in whatever they're doing with this brand which has already been driven into the mud and then shit, and then mud again, etc, for the past 20 years.

>the zack quest to get omnislash is fucking KINO

yeah, if you like 10 year old deviantart tier writing.

so FF in general?

>muh wafu

LR is shit

>hurr durr devianart

Except Cloud beats Sephiroth in a mind battle, fighting Zack in one fits one

If it hasn't got turnbased combat it's not a remake and I'm not gonna give a shit about it. Good grief I can't even picture the flood of z00mers who were born in 1997 that are gonna start preaching about what FF7 is

imagine if III had the same semi-chibi 3D look or even VI would they have been as fondly as remembered?

>yeah, if you like 10 year old deviantart tier writing
Where do you think we are?

*fits fine

>inb4 tifa speaks with a hick accent like dragon quest

can you imagine the backlash from changing a characters dialect like that

Attached: Tifa.png (601x619, 271K)

If they were released at the same time maybe. Although 7 DID have some pretty impressive boss and summon models even to this day, for the most part it was definitely forgiven for being a product of its time that was criticized even back then.

If Enix is of an exceptional level of IQ, they should include both an action RPG mode, as well as a traditional ATB based battle mode. Either you can switch between the two or you have to choose at the start which mode you are going to play.

>owns a bar with a texas sign on top
>wears a cowgirl hat


Nibelheim is the equivalent of Europe in the FF7 world, so she would speak Swedish english like pewdiepie.

no, you cant remake a masterpiece its gonna suck

>if it doesn't have turn based combat it's not a remake
Getting tired of this meme. The point of remakes is to recreate old stories in new ways, not just be straight graphical upgrades, those are remasters. Resident Evil 2 Remake is a great recent example of this, they got rid of fixed camera angles and made a few other significant changes to gameplay, yet the game is still clearly RE2 and turned out really well.

Why is it shit?

i just wanted ff7 in updated graphics bros
the nuFF 'action' combat is a dealbreaker for me

Yes I will enjoy it no matter what, its like a child fantasy come true. I will enjoy it for the inner kid inside of me who wished to live this game.

Where is the Hell House?

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FFVIIR isn't FF7. The plot may be the same but it's a different game.


redpill me on the new threat mod

Oh is RE2 Remake a Turn Based RPG or a RTS now?
Didn’t think so, faggot.

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Remakes and remasters are low effort, easy money cash grabs.
The fact that people would rather have developers spend time remaking old games instead of coming up with something new proves that the industry is shit. The people clamoring for remakes refuse to acknowledge that the only reason the games they want remakes of were able to be made in the first place is because games were sold physical only back then which has proven itself to be the best environment for great games to be made. I told some faggots who claimed to be "true fans" of Spyro to boycott it because all the games weren't on the disc of the remake, they said "true fans" will pay for it in anyway it is given to them, but the only reason good games like the originals were able to be made is because games were sold physical only back then and a true fan would only pay for a proper release and not financially reward practices like releasing fake physical """""copies""""" that require a download.

It's a mod.

I'm getting it digitally though.

Very excited. I like VII. I want more VII. That's what I'm getting.

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By getting it digitally I hope you mean you're going to pirate it. If not then you are the cancer that killed gaming.

Shit storygames like FFVII are the actual cancer that killed gaming.

>you are the cancer that killed gaming

I thought I killed it last year..

Gaming is the cancer killing gaming.

>Yes, let's spend time and and effort creating basically a whole different game for nostalgic retards who can't handle action combat and moving around in 3D space instead of having the game be a single coherent experience


FF7's writing is actually ridiculously good. So much so that even the super rushed translation is still good.

What the fuck logic is this? Selling physically or digitally doesn't change shit.

It's basically nightmare mod, but good.

He's just a retard who'll find any reason to cry about video games dying. Same shit every fucking year.

It's a slight overhaul mod.

Attached: FF7 New Threat.jpg (1590x1080, 311K)

You have to actually strategize
You can skip some of the more annoying flashbacks
Materia is less shit
You get Yuffie automatically
Sources are now given to you as a seperate leveling system to raise stats the way you want
You can turn encounters off
You can set random encounter music to be the same as the current area bgm

I never wanted a remake.
I knew it would be a button mashing turd that is nothing like the original and more like the movie and spin offs. Turns out I was right. Even if it looked good, episodic is reason enough to avoid it.

I don't know if it is true, but if Yoshi P is doing FF16, I'm more interested in that. Hope it is a traditional FF game.

I'm looking forward to both, because I'm not a pretentious hipster.

That's nice.

Attached: dont-think-about.jpg (1280x719, 125K)

I'm pleased that they're keeping the aesthetic of the game more in line with the original than I expected, but I still have no faith that they're going to recapture the things that made me fall in love with it. Hell, they lost it back when they were making the rest of the compilation and they've progressively gotten worse.


It is. Should try breathing with your head out your ass once in a while. It's much nicer.

It is.

>hurr durr button mashing turd

Your ignorance just makes you look like a pompous idiot.

You can also re-fight bosses. I also like that the Guard Scorpion inflicts poison.

Well until Square Enix develops an action game that isn't shit, he's right.

What's the point of you pic if you're actually replying? It's a fucking contradiction and a half.

I bought a fucking PS4 for it, so yes.

KH2FM is a fucking great action game.

I'll be excited if they show off a good Yuffie and Tifa.


You just posted a button mashing turd. Congrats.

lmao get fucked you ignorant moron

Explain how the fuck its a button-mashing game? Explain in fucking detail to actually back up yuor ridiculous claim.

No point asking these ignorant retards. If it isn't turd-based, it's automatically button-mashing because their boomer brains can't handle it.

You clearly missed my point retard. Changing RE2 to a third person shooter is comparable to changing FFVII to an action rpg. If RE2 remake can make significant changes to the original formula while still maintaining its identity then so can the FFVII remake.

Why do KH loving virgins keep doing this? Yes, we've all seen your very unimpressive videos.

No zoomers, button mashing weightless garbage with the occassional L1+square for heal/reflect is not good combat. You might like it? but that's why you are dumb.
Why can't you stupid kids like good action games?

>Changing RE2 to a third person shooter is comparable to changing FFVII to an action rpg.
RE2 was always a third person shooter. You do realize third person =/= shoulder camera right? Oh no, you are that stupid.

Wish it was cancelled to be honest. It looks like shit and it's pointless to remake FFVII with FFXV gameplay, it's like Square Enix has no creativity anymore so they have to rehash old stuff.

This is Yea Forums, you won't get that. It's just another person upset the remake isn't ATB, so they come into every remake thread to declare that they don't care about the remake. It's like they're just trying to convince themselves at this rate.

I'm a 35yo boomer, and Ilve KH2's combat. The guy is just a retard. Ignore him.

>likes KH
every pussy within a mile of you is dry

>it's like Square Enix has no creativity anymore
Kitase, Nomura,etc are just old hacks that need to retire.

>just another agist with a superior complex thinking he's right because he older


Really? That's the best you could muster? I guess your pussy is fucking chapped.

It's sad. You think he would've grown up by now.

get over yourself
fucking manchild
good fucking lord

I'm right because your game sucks and is aimed at retards, which you obviously are. I didn't need to be old to know it's shit, I figured that out when the first game came out. Why didn't you?

Let's see you pull off some of the shit donguri does if you're so great, and the combat is so basic.

It was third person, but calling it a shooter is a stretch when there's barely any aiming involved. That's an element that was only introduced in the remake. And yes I'm aware that in the original you can "aim" up or down but it's not even essential to the gameplay and certainly isn't the focus of the game when it comes to dispatching enemies like it is in the remake.

It's not out yet.

It's cute how you think I know who some eceleb freak is. You waste your life watching millennials and give them your parents money. Pathetic generation of weak faggots.

haha yes

another action rpg from squareenix

wooooo yeah

Don't reply.

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>not knowing who donguri is
>thinks he knows action games

my sides

Not him but
>just another kid who didn't realize good gaming died long, long ago and who is feasting on its fetid, rotten corpse pretending it's still good
At least there are some people on Yea Forums with some goddamn sense.

Except aiming up with the shotgun is almost always a guaranteed 1 shot kill on zombies. Aiming did matter, it was just different. It is a third person shooter survival game. No try hard reasoning is going to change that.

I don't think any FF7 fan would object to different turn based combat, making it faster, how limit breaks work,etc. But they changed the genre completely.

The difference is RE2make is aimed at RE2 fans, FF7 Remake is aimed at KH fans.

>Not him but

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I'm not sorry my parents actually raised me instead of giving me an ipad with youtube. ;)

>he says this while his childhood is him playing video game in his mom's basement
>20 years later he still doesn't want to leave his childhood behind because it was so "comfy"
Imagine being a literal manchild. I bet your saggy man tits smells like cheetos and monster energy drink.

What are the signs of "something wrong" with FF7Remake?

>I don't think any FF7 fan would object to different turn based combat

I would.

Do you HONESTLY think they would go to all the trouble for the graphical fidelity they've strived for, and that people have been hassling them for decades, just to make it where characters just stand still doing absolutely nothing and wait their turn?

>The difference is RE2make is aimed at RE2 fans, FF7 Remake is aimed at KH fans.

Both are aimed at trying to bring in a new audience, only difference is RE2 formula is beyond basic to replicate. As they developers themselves said, going to all this trouble to make another turn-based ATB game would be a complete waste of time, no point remaking it then.

Is this correct?

Attached: Final Fantasy VII - world map.jpg (1037x792, 357K)

Why not? The graphics at the time were high quality and that's exactly what they did. And there were plenty of action games then, even by the same company.

Lost Odyssey and Dragon Quest XI are high production AAA turnbased jrpgs and are great.

>Lost Odyssey and Dragon Quest XI are high production AAA turnbased jrpgs

They're AA games with mediocre graphics at best.

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the remake is not a jrpg anymore.

imagine you really like burger. someone comes to you and says: "hey, i'm gonna remake your favorite burger". Then he gives you something that is not even a burger anymore (like a fish or so).

final fantasy 7 remake is an action game now, while the original is a jrpg. it couldn't possibly be more different.

>Lost Odyssey
>Dragon Quest

imagine being this retarded

I'm not excited because they're abandoning the combat in favor of ff15 styled "X TO AWESOME ACTION COMBAT WOOOOAOH".

Game can fuck off a cliff. Also because it's episodic and they'll charge for each fucking episode and not bother releasing an actual game

>what are arpgs

>AAA (pronounced and sometimes written Triple-A) is an informal classification used for video games produced and distributed by a mid-sized or major publisher, typically having higher development and marketing budgets.
Tell us how this doesn't apply to both of them. Especially Dragon Quest. Fucking idiots.

>typically having higher development and marketing budgets

Yeah, neither of the games you posted are either of those. Especially fucking Lost Odyssey.

>Dragon Quest

just because its popular in Japan, doesn't mean it's AAA

thanks for letting us know you don't care
we'll put your name on the cool kids list too

>made by major publisher
>has higher development and marketing budget
>not AAA because fuckheads on Yea Forums say so
You people are fucking dumb.

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>I remember the blind faith and praise of XV before its release even despite all the signs that something was wrong
There was none of this though. Or any "praise" that there was was drowned out by the majority of people who expected a hatchet job after its development hell and rebranding

>OP asks question
>user answers it
>KH kiddie doesn't like answer and gets angry
aww did he invade your safe space?

>has higher development and marketing budget

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Will this scene make it in the remake?

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ooh you're such a big boy!

Don't bother. DQ fanboys are beyond delusional.

>saw the Distant Worlds concert in London yesterday
>the entire second half was FF7 songs

You're goddamned right I'm hyped

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>the remake is not a jrpg anymore.
Stopped reading here.

I'm sceptical of action combat because of how shit FFXVs was. Complain about turn based all you want but at least you can't fuck it up. I'm especially worried about magic and material since that was a big part of the original and I don't know how they will make it all work in action combat. Again looking at the magic in FFXV... it's not looking good. However I would be lying if I didn't admit that seeing the locations and characters of FF7 in HD didn't excite me. The trailer did get me hyped but I am worried. I want to be wrong about this but I just feel like the action combat is a big risk.

>just because it is made by one of the biggest gaming companies in Japan and is one of the most popular IPs in Japan with heaps of marketing, hype,etc doesn't make it AAA
How do you even get this dumb?

Why do people keep saying FF7 is some huge, long game? This is peanuts compared to Xenoblade Chronicles.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1080x1449, 253K)

Japanese AAA is Western AA.
It doesn't mean fuck all if it's big in Japan.

>kh combat
>episodic trilogy
My opinion couldn't be lower if you told me it's shipping with on-disc day one DLC, lootboxes, and a glitch that deletes all my save data.

Because modern SE fans are morons who believe anything the company says. FF7 is an average length JRPG

Why not just make the obvious compromise and make a 'classic mode' with turn-based gameplay for people who hate micro so much?

Next you'll tell me Yakuza is AAA.

>they're abandoning the combat in favor of ff15 styled "X TO AWESOME ACTION COMBAT WOOOOAOH"

Attached: STFU.jpg (402x227, 32K)

I can understand why you might not like action-RPG gameplay, but what exactly is inherently wrong with cutting a big game into pieces? It's not even a new concept; remember when old PC games asked you to Insert Disk 2?

Disk 2 came with Disk 1.

My anger culminated in my forgetting this:
How does one even fuck this up?
You had one job, *ONE FUCKING JOB*: Take ff7, and give it a modern coat of paint and remaster the soundtrack with full orchestra.

If you want to be REALLY based, include the full original game, and all variations of it as well, including cut content from the original game, dev interviews, the whole 9 yards, with options to customize everything as you see fit(using OG graphics with modern music, for example).

>marketing in one tiny country
>this makes it a huge deal and AAA


>ps4 vs switch

FF7 is not a big game, the only reason it was even on 3 Discs was the FMV file size.

fucking Chrono Cross is bigger than FF7

Your anger is based on sheer stupidity.

>Complain about turn based all you want but at least you can't fuck it up.

That's because almost all turn based JRPG combat is so awful that there's not much you can do to make it worse. It appeal to the base instincts of pseudo-intellectuals who think they're so smart for being able to decide to heal enough to not die and yet never developed basic spatial awareness to be able to appreciate how much more there is tactically to things like FPS beyond "pointing and pressing fire when something pops up into your vision".

FFVII's combat was especially mindless and failed to take proper advantage of the brilliance of the materia system, which is far superior to the vast majority of RPG ability systems.

>Switch is better
it fits!

protip kid, rpgs are about preparation. You moving left on the analog stick to avoid something doens't make you intelligent, quick or skilled. Just not blind. Dumb ass.

What you're asking for isn't a remake. It's a reskin. If you want the original game so badly, why not just play it again instead of trying to reinvent the wheel?

I showed my older boomer brother the trailer that was released two weeks ago or whatever as I was playing KH3, he's a big fan of turn based FF's and was very disappointed that it was live action combat, and I quote "oh that's gay, it's gonna be garbage then".

I kind of have to agree with him, they should have made it ATB again. If I wanted a live action combat game I'll just keep playing the good KH games.

Well, besides triple-dipping into our wallets, we don't have a guaranteed release date for these things at all.
We've been teased ff7 remake since pstriple days, and now that it's finally 'here', it's going to come in 3 'episodes'? With ps5 right around the corner? I don't know man, I get real bad mojo from this, it's hl2e3 all over again.


I'm loving the graphics but I guarantee you the action RPG combat is going to be complete garbage. Why can't they just keep it turn-based?

>I'm sceptical of action combat because of how shit FFXVs was. Complain about turn based all you want but at least you can't fuck it up.
How so? Square has been pretty much fucking up turn-based combat for their entire existence.

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Because turn-based is fucking boring, Rick.

I'm betting on no, but only because the scene wasn't that funny in the first place. It will be replaced with something that's still overtly gay "I didn't sign up for this" humor, but more mundane like the male masseuse trope or generic bathhouse jokes.

Look at me Morty, I'm a Zoomer.

>Japanese AAA is Western AA.
How so? If anything, it's the opposite. Consider the following:

>a simplistic menu-based japanese rpg with virtually no interactivity or world simulation had a bigger team size and a longer development time than a sprawling open-world western rpg

It's even more egregious in Square's case, since they took the better part of a decade to release games like FFXV. Very few AAA developers can afford such a lengthy development cycle.

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Dark Sun was the very first RPG I ever played.

It's shit. Especially because you can't kill the announcer of the arena.

I kind of have to agree with him, they should have made it ATB again. If I wanted a live action combat game I'll just keep playing the good KH games.


Also ATB is precisely an attempt at a crappy live action combat system. It's nothing more than a bastardization of turn-based combat, by adding a real-time element that means you can get attacked during your turn, thus defeating the whole point of using a turn-based system. This artificial time pressure also means the optimal strategy in 99.9% of battles is to mindlessly mash the (auto-)attack button as fast as possible before enemies can get any hits in.

It's also incredibly slow. In a normal turn-based game, you input your commands and they are executed. But in an ATB game, you first have to wait for the characters' ATB bars to slowly fill before you can input commands, and after they are executed, you have to wait again for them to fill before you can input new commands, over and over.

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If nothing else, it's not vaporware anymore. And when one episode gets a hard release date, why wouldn't the rest follow? Finally, the devs did this because they're adding MORE content, which justifies the triple-pricing; they're effectively making a series of games, not one split game. From Wikipedia:

>One of the biggest changes was the fact that the game was planned as a multi-game release: according to Kitase, this was because trying to fit the game onto a single release would entail cutting large parts of the game, which went against the team's vision. By splitting the game into multiple parts, the team were able to give players access to areas in the game, such as within the city of Midgar, inaccessible in the original.[20] Each game is planned to be on a similar scale to Final Fantasy XIII.[21]

thats why FFX CTB style is the best in the series (subject to opinion)


It's fucking golden how you people try to act all hardcore when defening your genre. Like there somehow isn't creativity when planning out routes and training your own skills when running a FPS level, but equipping the appropriate things, knowing about hidden items and spending enough time getting enough power is patrician and for oldschool hardcore folks like yourself.

I do have decent respect for the amount of thought and planning that goes into fielding a team of Pokemon though, and it amuses me just how must that tends to piss off most JRPG fans.

>You moving left on the analog stick to avoid something

That this is the height of your understanding of real time games says more about you than me.

>Dark Sun was the very first RPG I ever played.
>It's shit. Especially because you can't kill the announcer of the arena.

>complains about not being able to kill one npc in an wrpg because he is in an unreachle spot, despite most wrpgs letting you kill npcs freely
>doesn't complain about jrpgs which never let you kill npcs

Is this what autism is like?

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>Each game is planned to be on similar scale to FF13
FF13 was a bunch of short hallways with one open area. lol

I never talked bad about FPS at all, want to try your pathetic argument again without needing to pretend I said something I didn't?

>FF13 was a bunch of short hallways with one open area. lol
And? That's pretty much precisely what past FF games were.

In previous FF games, and almost every jrpg in general, the overworld is shaped like a corridor, conveniently barricaded by mountains and shorelines (and the sea itself is barricaded by reefs, so the game is still linear even when you get a ship) so that you can only proceed down one path, which is inevitably the next plot-critical location, which is typically nestled in some environmental chokepoint so that you HAVE to pass through it and progress the plot before you can access the next part of the world. This leads to very unnatural world design and means there is pretty much no exploration in these games, until you unlock the airship near the end of the game, at which point you've already been forced to traverse pretty much the entire game world in a linear fashion.

Fans are right to criticize FF13's structure, but it's not that radically different from other FF's.

Still better than the combat in FFXV. It was genuinely impossible to die in that game.

I think turn based has potential but nobody has truly tapped into it yet for a single player game. I think the best example of this is Pokemon. The single player is brainlessly easy to the point I can barely stand it. You just use the super effective move and steamroll every opponent. However If you play a competitive battle against another human player who knows what they are doing it's tense as fuck. The opponent is actually switching their Pokemon and attempting to out-predict you so they can hit you with a super effective move whilst taking as little damage as possible themselves. You have to take risks like using a move that isn't good against the Pokemon they currently have out because your expecting them to switch into something it's super effective against. It can lead to some crazy mind games. If a JRPG could somehow recreate that feeling at least for boss battles then I think it would be a very satisfying combat experience.

I enjoy the bonus fights at low level in KH2FM and aerial combat/weapon transformations in 3, that's about it. If you were to ask my brother what his favourite would be it would probably be FFX because the turn based system there gives you all the time you need to plan out your attacks and strategize, playing around the timer thingy in the top right, I forgot what they called it in that game. He still prefers ATB over live action because even though you get attacked by the enemy he still gets time to think about what actions he's going to put in during the battle. Personally as long as it's not as slow as FF9's ATB is then I don't mind either way, the only issue with ATB is when you have animations/attacks that take literal hours to play out and you've already inputted your commands you'll sit there waiting for ages to input the next commands.

I thought that this was about an Ultima VII remake. Sorry.

I'm curious how they're going to do the cross-dressing scene. You know some SJWs are going to go crazy about how they're going to be misrepresented.

>And? That's pretty much precisely what past FF games were.
FF13 doesn't have any maze like dungeons, doesn't have towns to explore, doesn't have optional minigame and there is only one type of sidequest that is all concentrated in the one open area. It is nothing like the older games. You know you are wrong and you just keep going. What's wrong with you?

Remake means what we're both saying, the difference is how you wish to interpret it.
What was desired and teased, was what you call a "reskin", but what we got was a re-imagining of a fundamental part of the game. This is like if you remade "The Hobbit" but instead of a fun, whimsy story with a slightly dark tinge, you get a gritty, introspective tale of a hobbit's journey.

I really don't see what's wrong with it being turn-based, but I suppose the focus groups know better than people that actually played the original game. I don't blame them, this game must be a money pit, and I wouldn't expect the ff7 crowd alone to recoup whatever they're sinking into this beast.

Still, imagine if they actually gave us both your 'remake' and my 'reskin' in the same package. Everyone is happy. They already have the assets...

>the brilliance of the materia system, which is far superior to the vast majority of RPG ability systems.
How so? It's one of the worst RPG systems ever made, since it removes the core principle of RPGs: customization. With materia, you never have to make permanent choices on how to customize your characters, since you can freely swap Materia in and out.

This means characters become essentially interchangeable and nothing more than generic containers to slot materia in.. The only difference is limit breaks, which trigger once in a blue moon so that's hardly meaningful.

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The fact that Yea Forums cares so much about a faggot scene really says a lot.

My excitement and interest immediately vanished as soon as I realised it will have "action" based combat like FF15 or KH. The zoomers can have this shit. If I ever get the FFVII itch I'll just play the original.

I don't care about graphics and pretty CGI. Remakes and remasters are fucking cancer. Unless a game is broken/barely playable in its original state there's no reason to mess with the original.

>they should have made it ATB again
Ironically old 7re screenshots had an atb meter, though it's unclear if it still does. There are a bunch of unlabeled meters in the newest trailer

Attached: f9j.png (591x330, 301K)

REmake and RE2make are great. Square Enix are just incompetent fucking hacks that only survive because gacha shit and reselling Sakaguchi's games.

>Persona 5

We were talking about DQ.

>FF13 doesn't have any maze like dungeons

>tiny 2d background that would literally take a few seconds to traverse (if it wasn't for constant random encounters)
>literally shaped like a corridor and only allows movement in one director

Oh yeah, just look at that complex and labyrinthine level design.

Attached: MtNibel-Reactor.jpg (240x240, 20K)

>How so? It's one of the worst RPG systems ever made, since it removes the core principle of RPGs: customization. With materia, you never have to make permanent choices on how to customize your characters, since you can freely swap Materia in and out.

What the fuck are you smoking? The Job system of FF5; X-2 and the Bravely Default Series is often brought up as a great style of battle mechanics and that involves Job swapping all the time.

Most old-school JRPGs have always offered a flexibility to their characters in battle, you utter newfaggot

Furthermore, the Materia system is a lot deeper than it first appears since all the characters have various stat weights which make them more or less suitable to be loaded with specific types of Materia.


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>We were talking about DQ.
And? It's still a linear menu-based rpg with virtually no interactivity or world somulation. They couldn't even figure out how to have battles play out in the environment, which is downright embarassing.

Would you not consider this an advantage so you're free to pick the characters you want to play as not the best to min-max with?

Attached: crit.webm (792x448, 2.19M)

>Still better than the combat in FFXV
>It was genuinely impossible to die in that game.

Um, exactly. FFXV had exceptionally bad combat because it perpetually had 'you aren't allowed to die' mode on. The fact that the game had to fuck up that hard in making its combat bad in order to make itself suck like that is hardly a mark against ARPG combat in general.

>I think turn based has potential but nobody has truly tapped into it yet for a single player game. I think the best example of this is Pokemon.

Like I said in the other post, I basically agree with you. Turn based JRPGs could easily be shitloads better than they are, but they basically just don't bother, even though Pokemon offers the perfect model to build on, because most people who play them are idiots who don't care and just want to grind the fuck out of things instead.

>couldn't even figure out
Holy fuck you are dumb.

Not an argument.

bring those goalposts back here

How the fuck is Pokemon better? I haven't touched the shit since Platinum and as long you have the right element attack, you basically 1-2 shot the enemy. It's boring and easy.

Considering what the remake ended up being, no. I would have preferred it never existing.

big baby

Yeah, how dare he not purchase something he doesn't want.

Nah. They're still going to cut a bunch of good shit and force the extended FFVII universe retcons into it.

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christ you're such a fucking faggot

>all these upset manchildren who "don't care"

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Which retcon would those be?

>and then will buy it anyway

not wanting it to exist is literally a baby throwing a tantrum over toys

making Sephiroth even care who Cloud is

Yep. Guaranteed.

The Genesis stuff

Weird, I have shit on everything FF related since 13 and haven't bought anything FF related since 13.

nobody cares you try hard faggot

Do you want a cookie?

This seriously worries me. They seem to be going full force in the direction of "Sephiroth is Clouds perpetual designated rival, look at his spooky black wing that doesn't really mean anything in particular now". I'm worried he'll no longer be a dude trapped in a crater driven insane.

So much of this shit stresses "remember this iconic part" over having characters with actual history and individual motivation.

You seem to care since you believe I will buy this shit.
Yes. Do you have honeycomb chocolate ones?

Everyone knows you're going to buy it you faggot. You wouldn't be in this thread otherwise.

make sure you visit the next thread to make sure we really know that Anonymous isn't going to buy this game

>This seriously worries me.
It should. Nomura is fucking retarded. FF7 remake is like Star Wars prequels, they really just don't get what made FF7 good OR FF7 was a fluke and limited technology kept their autism in check.
I was in FF15 threads and I didn't buy that.

This. I remember everyone shitting on Bioshock Infinite or some shit, then a screenshot of a Yea Forums group of over a 1000 members playing the game upon release.

I just wanted remakes like FF1-4 got on the handhelds.

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A real shame what happened to 5 and 6

>I was in FF15 threads and I didn't buy that.

Thanks for letting us now. I believe you, I really do.

The game looks great to a LOT of people so I guess you're wrong. Keep your ego in check, contrarian.


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I really fucking doubt that the environments will be as fleshed out as in the recent xeno games.

I'm sure the faggot who copied Sonic 06 will make a good game this time!

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>they really just don't get what made FF7 good
>implying the combat is what made it good

FF7 threads are so garbage.
Retards here unironically act like SE shouldve sold FF7 in three parts at full retail price each back then.

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The conversation I was having with that user was not about combat. Maybe learn to read.

>ATB is what made 7 good and nothing else so this is why I'm very upset because Nomura doesn't know what I do

Quite a single person ITT who said that.

No one has ever said that ever in the history of these threads, brainlet

lol you even samefagged. Sad.

I'll rent this for the visuals. They've said they're including Compilation Crap.

It's going to be awful because of that fact alone.

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>can't even differentiate IPs


jesus christ

Seems to be people are upset at others not liking their beloved remake.

Or they expanding on how cloud's mind was fucking with him

Attached: cloud.jpg (699x484, 80K)

jesus christ
you've got nothing

I'm super excited even now! FF is my lifeblood, and VII is closest to my soul.

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I like video games, not films.

>They've said they're including Compilation Crap.
They've been debating about it, never a full confirmation one way or the other

have sex

>FF is my lifeblood
poor soul.

Cloud and Tifa were not friends as kids.
Cloud was a cuck loser who sniffed her underwear.
Tifa was the town bicycle for the local Chads.

They will.. It's Nomura.

No they haven't. I love that most of the objections to this are pure speculation on potential changes with no evidence.

He's the one who once said a couple years ago that it currently wasn't even canon when the interview took place. And right around the same time the voice recording was nearly finished for at least part 1

>mfw they fly around like Naruto characters just like Advent Children

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This asking about ports of the compilation, not the inclusion of it into 7remake

It will end up releasing in ps5 though

This. The she became Midgar's #2 prostitute.

I want to know what the Bravely Default Octopath Traveler people are doing next. I'll get that game.

There will be a demo for it at E3.
They're preparing for launch.

>you can dodge Ruby Weapon's sandpits because this is actually a kingdom hearts game with a final fantasy paintjob and "remake" branding slapped on to capitalize on those sweet, sweet nostalgiabux safely

It'll be like GTAV. PS4 & PS5, them current Xbox and next Xbox, then PC in 7 years.

>he thinks you'll even be able to interact with the Weapons

Read your own source, dummy.

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If Hell House is not in the game, I will riot.
This is a truth that's easy to forget.

Octopath Traveler was utter garbage.

>Jessie in battle

>adding a new summon to cover the fact you've removed 2

this desu. i'm not wasting my time with buying each part.

I think it was great. ;)

>Take the fight to the Planet's deadliest protectors in "Ruby and Emerald" - DLC pack coming this summer! (MSRP $9.99)


Attached: Midgar FF7 Remake.png (1600x680, 1.23M)

better than anything with the FF name after 10 desu.

LOL that wouldn't surprise me one bit.

Though I don't expect them to do the underwater submarine stuff.

not according to metacritic

I remember Nomura saying there was going to be an underwater city in XV.


Don't be, I'm in the camp that loves them all. Including II, VIII, XI, XIII, XIV, and XV.

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Needs an "All-new for this release only, the extremely dangerous and deadly lost Sapphire weapon! Pre-order your gem guardians bundle today and receive 20% off Yuffie and Vincent DLC, coming soon!" for that extra twist of the knife.

metacritic thinks XII is an 86 when it should be a like a 40

FFXII is a million times better than Octopath Traveler.

what's more pathetic is your implication that another generic clone game with zero character interaction and awful plot is good with uninspired gameplay which they're trying to sell for $60 on steam is remotely as good as FFXII.

>Aurum Vale

Attached: FXZEHBKFZHLAEHA.LARGE.jpg (1024x768, 91K)

Same except I'm going to pirate it. Square Enix owes me for tricking me into buying vanilla Final Fantasy XV.

you're right, a game where the protagonist literally doesnt matter with literally self playing ATB is superior.

No, fuck off you hipster faggot. Octopath Traveler is an uninspired mess of a game that has ZERO direction whatsoever.

Nobody tricked you, that game was obviously going to be shit.

so basically XII but with better gameplay

>single protagonist

so is FF12, only that FF12 is also an unfinished mess.

t. zoomer who watches ecelebs


The game changing teams, directors, engines, and gameplay should have been your first clue that it wasn't going to end well

yeah of course you'd say that you hipster fucking manchild

>hurr it's superior because it's like my old baby toys
>fuck innovation and creativity lmao just give me more uninspired trash

Final fantasy is dead


what's innovative about XII? And that's not even bringing up the plagiarism allegations against it.

only hipsters like FF12. it was always considered one of the worst.
rightfully so.

And yet it's still selling like hotcakes. Must suck moping in your cave.

I loved the SNES Final Fantasy's, but VII was just a bore and a chore to play.

It plays itself!

Notice Yea Forums likes Shitsona 3, and that plays itself as well.

I like FF12 because it gets that annoying gameplay annoyence out of the way.
same reason I'm looking forward to 7 remake.

FF is dead

>X has been dead since this
>user is the cancer killing Y

christ don't you people get sick of crying about this every single year

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how is a game with a stolen story, a stolen world, and generic gameplay more innovative and creative than a game with a new battle system and a new way of even telling its story? I'm not gonna call Octopath my favorite game ever, but it took risks unlike FFXII, which was a big bland disaster

I always get a good laugh reading about the guy who played the game early and people thought he was full of shit because it sounded too awful to be true. SE should publically apologize for making a game that shit.

Actually, you can. Late in the game you meet the announcer along with a contingent of Draj soldiers, and he's totally killable then.

FF7's Bore and Chore (formerly FF6's Glitch and Bitch)

Yeah, well I hated video games before it was cool!


>a new battle system


not an argument

So they're only remaking the Midgar segment of the game?

>kh combat
And that's a motherfucking great thing.

nostalgia causes delusion

The blatant dishonesty of these cherrypicked meme-pics is evident when you consider that, with the amount of information in them, the one who made them is clearly very knowledgeable in the field of RPGs. Which means that they're made with the precise intent to fool people. He is lying knowingly and deliberately.

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>are you genuinely excited
That depends, will it be available on steam?

I like jumping on hype trains because I hate my life. So I'm very excited, but won't buy it when it releases.

>And? That's pretty much precisely what past FF games were.
Not even remotely close. Play the games before talking.

>In previous FF games, and almost every jrpg in general, the overworld is shaped like a corridor,
Absolutely false

>conveniently barricaded by mountains and shorelines (and the sea itself is barricaded by reefs, so the game is still linear even when you get a ship)
So you admit it's not a corridor. Good.

>and means there is pretty much no exploration in these games,
Except it literally means the exact opposite.

>but it's not that radically different from other FF's.
Except it is, since none of what you just said applies to it.

no dude, cause it's like, when you think about it, since the game has a linear narrative progression it means it's literally a corridor like FF XIII. you must be too dumb or something to understand that

>it will have "action" based combat like FF15 or KH.
Except FF15 and KH are so far apart in terms of quality that saying "like FF15 or KH" means literally nothing.
Thankfully, we now know it will be more like KH than FF15, so we also know it will be way better than both FF15-shit and the mediocre original ATB

A remake is a new game.

ok how do I go to Kohlingen in FF6 without doing the three scenarios first?


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>"turn based is so lame all you do is hit X and you win"
>Kingdom Hearts is literally so brainless you can beat everything except the Ice Titan by just using the Attack command.

Out of all the lying retards you could have posted, you posted this one

no it will be trash for nu-FF faggots but im glad they are actually keeping all the ugly goofy designs and genuinely just updating them instead of remaking them to be more serious

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I'm somewhat excited, but I'm not getting my hopes up whatsoever. SE are good at building hype and making good/deceptive trailers. I think I'm more excited to see characters revealed than to play the actual remake itself.

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They're not futas, they just have the power to temporarily become one

Why is his granpa a duck?

Thank you for the Tinkelbell lore, friend. I like the parts where they have sex with each other.

>Be honest guys are you genuinely excited that it's actually here & not outright cancelled like so many assumed?

I am happy it's not cancelled but I still have concerns.

Mainly being:
The fear of adding shit from DoC/AC/CC/etc...
Having shitty FFXV "Hold O to win" 'combat'

I especially like the part where a sequel was teased, FUCKING WHEN???

Attached: Rondo Duo sequel.png (646x532, 538K)

>prequel hater
Opinion discarded.

>I'm sure the faggot who copied Sonic 06 will make a good game this time!

funny story, the guy who copied Sonic 2006 (Tabata) is no longer with Sqaure Enix

I love this arguing about combat. I remember being in every RE2R thread arguing for 3rd person combat being better, and now everyone knows it was. The only problem most agree with is that the B scenario was shit. As I don't have as much as a tie to FF7, my game was Legend of the Dragoon. I'm still going to say this game is going to have better combat and more combinations with materia, but there might be something missing which will spoil the 10/10. Then again this is SE and not Capcom, I know they'll put the time in.