I'm getting real tired of this Yea Forumsros
>tfw PC games keep crashing
Other urls found in this thread:
it sucks, i want technology to be so advanced so that i can upgrade my pc by just pressing a button instead of having to buy new parts and shit
>thinks even his hardware is discriminating against him
>The Black Hokage
Damn, what happened to him?
Imagine being black AND a gamer.
It's hard being a black gamer
It's like being both short AND bald
remove yourself from the gene pool.
Just fix it nigger
In a world where /pol/ has poisoned the internet, and impressionable nine year olds constantly spout racist shit in multiplayer games. I can't imagine it being very easy for African Americans to cope with that bullshit.
Don't worry tranny, /pol/ hasn't poisoned the internet yet. Now you, on the other hand..
They should just stop being black
>/pol/ hasn't poisoned the internet yet.
nice try incel
have sex
It's not hard doing anything as long as you aren't a little bitch. Identify yourself as a mind instead of a body and enjoy things while you can. Your life can end any moment so stop caring about such little things and be whoever you want to be. Live an honest life.
Fuck off, nigger. No one stopped hating niggers in the first place.
why do people get mad at words ? when someone calls me a faggot i just call them a retard
faggot doesn't have racist history behind it
>Tfw balding
>But 6'2
Take THAT balding manlets!
>impressionable nine year olds constantly spout racist shit in multiplayer games
Wow, that definitely hasn't happened since literally the inception of the Internet. This is truly a terrible new age we live in. We will overcome this in time, brothers.
The only thing that bothers me is Yea Forums's insane obsession with black cocks and being offended by the thought of interracial relationships. The former is obnoxious and interracial relationships are barely existent in the grand scheme of things. Plus, the majority of you are white. All women of other races will throw themselves at you for your genes.
stop it
imagine being this fucking stupid
imagine being this much of a peckerwood
What’s the fucking point of having a tripcode?
To make sure white boys know you don't own this place
am I supposed to be upset that you called me that? that's the weakest insult I've seen in a while, I'm not even sure I can call it an insult. quit tripfagging you tryhard attention whoring loser.
Hope you realize your mom has a secret black lover
Imagine being short, bald, black, and a gamer.
Spoken like a true tripfag, enjoy getting mocked because you mistook Yea Forums for your forum you 2018 newfag.
>interracial relationships are barely existent in the grand scheme of things
user, have you heard of the word "Mulatto"?
wow that's incredibly racist towards gay people please apologize
I've been here since 2010 you newfag
Hoo boy, I guess you never played Xbox Live back in the day, or any other online game for that matter.
Also do you want to know the real reason why 9 year olds are screaming it? Attention. All it takes to get a rise out of people these days is just to say a few key words and then people start losing their minds. It's hilariously easy to troll people these days when all you have to do is call someone a niggerfaggot. Why bother thinking of anything else when that works?
Prove it
>being raped by a black is a "relationship"
They got rid of the old archives from pre 2010-2014
>tfw you weren't born white
Feels good
so I could easily just as say I’ve been around since 2008, quote some dead memes and post shit from Encyclopedia Dramatica or r/Yea Forums/greentext and people will unironically believe me? wow
All I know is that I came here in 2010 I was 19. Didn't know about Yea Forums until then.
This is really ironic.
I guess we’ll call it even then. I don’t remember when i came here other than finding it and then wasting some time here for good threads.
The Chad Modernwarnegro
The Virgin The Black Hokage
are you home schooled?
kids (and adults) pick on other kids because they don't like them, their skin color or other physical trait is just icing on the cake. Are you fat? Then they'll call you a pig. You Asian? Then they'll call you chink. Are you getting bad grades or answered a wrong question in class? Then they'll call you a retard.
People have been doing this before the internet existed. Stop obsessing over some stupid-ass trait no one cares about. Also protip: the more you say "Stop doing that!" or show some sort of negative reaction towards someone doing something to you, the more they'll do that thing to you just because literally everyone loves seeing public tantrums (aka drama) occur in front of them.
Stop trying to act like you know everything about internet communities, you are just a filthy normalfag who is polluting and ruining our hobbies because you are all shallow shits.
I would have murdered that kike.
Here my nigga bradah.
The website contains lists of games and the common issues associated with those games as well as the fixes.
If it still crashes, the problem may be somewhere between the seat and the PC.
>Plus, the majority of you are white.
Imagine being white AND incel like majority of white user.
t. asian
Based kike putting the dyke monkey in her place! That fucking aimed projectile vomit of legend!
No it isn't, never has been, I have been gaming while black since 1984 and had 0 problems doing it.
pol has nothing to do with it. they're hated the world over.