The next 3 years may mark a huge shift for the franchise. What are you most excited for?
Monster Hunter Thread
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What idiot plays with anyone who uses HH?
The next game that follows in the older style.
fucking when
Make even more casualized shit than iceborne in the hopes of beating Wolrds 12mil sales
Do you want capcom not to sell 15 million units user!? Think of the investors why would you even ask for such a thing...
Stamina buff? Is that in world
I just want the old armour system and the old style to come back, I am fine if they want to keep the other parts of World (besides the hub). The way equipment, skills and charms worked was a massive reason I loved the series and the series is far worse with the new changes. Same goes for the visuals (not the graphics, the actual designs and world), attitude and music.
>World blows these types of fags out by adding in Behemoth, Pic related and Arch Tempereds
>They all immediately start going after Iceborn.
Your games were not hardcore because they were on a handheld.
I agree but with world the series became a huge cash cow. Some stuff in world just shows capcom embracing AAA tactics for MH like for example the layered armor system exists to push preorders, microtransactions etc. Meanwhile the previous game had full transmog and didn't ask a dime out of you. World has a cash shop where you can buy cosmetics, in the previous games those things were free via downloads. In World event quests are temporary to artificially improvr player engagement in the previous games once an event launched it was permanently available to all players. Not to mention how they nerfed monsters and buffed hunters a shitload to appeal to a more casual western audience.
It's hard not to see where this is going even the expansion has preorder bonuses and bunch of deluxe versions. Its capcoms biggest cash cow so its difficult to not see Worlds traits leak into all of MH in the future.
I have not fought Behemoth or whatever that odd thing is myself, however it was my understanding that people were saying that it was catering to casuals because of the simplified features/mechanics (which is undeniably true, the fact that they are simplified I mean) or the fact that it drastically toned down the visuals to appeal to the casual western market (I don't know if that is true, but it is toned down a great deal in many ways) and not because of the difficulty? In fact, I thought the game was about regular high rank difficulty in a normal MH game up to Lunastra.
Obviously old MH is not the direction it will head in from now, so the best I can hope for is another anniversary game with more monsters that are easy to transfer, but I wish that they would have at least kept the humourous/colourful world and base mechanics in World. Hell, they don't even have joke weapons, or at least none I can recall.
For me anyway, farming the fun outfits or weapons and trying to build neat sets was what I spent the hundreds of hours doing, and what is missing from World.
Whatever comes after Iceborne could definitely attempt to fix whatever problems MHW may have propped up, but it's also just as capable of making new ones. Either way, we're well overdue for a new gunner weapon.
>Monster hp, stagger values, damage and moveset is all nerfed to not frustrate a casual audience
But the game is still hard to me bro~~~~
>Hunter's weapon stats are all ballooned beyond what was ever possible in HR leading to 2 min kill times in high HR
Well I wanna feel capeshit stroong & long fights are boooring give me the quest reward window naooo!
>Hunters are given access to the entire HQ from any shaggy tent in the wilds because casuals are ditzy
What if I forget something teehee~
>Hunters are given overpowered tools like mantles just in case the above didn't give casuals enough of a crutch
Well if there aren't enough get out of free jail cards then how am I supposed to always get out of jail?
>End game is lazily slapped together by just ballooning monster stats to be able to one shot you because making tailored deviants is too hard
You should be glad we get any hard content, my other gamestop games dont even bother :)
>1 MMO event quest that is designed to be fought with an MMO like comp is constantly repeated as prayer by casuals to help them forget the above
Well I double doggy dare u 2 solo him, if you havent World is harder than the entire MH series no takes backies xD
>New blunt weapon when
Anybody else bothered by the CB existing? Like the weapon is cool and all but we lost a new weapon slot to another weapon that transforms between blade and axe? Is that the limit to japanese creativity, like why not at least a small blunt weapon with shield that transformed into large blunt that fucked shit up it's the same design but with way less "its another Switch Axe".
Anyway my vote goes for something very original like that pet wolf(maybe high skill ceiling, by controlling multiple things at the same time hard to high damage till u git gud) thing they were considering for MHX. My lazy its ok vote goes to a new blunt wep we have too many pointy stabby things already. Also I want a true slow weapon, the GS has gotten to fast over time we need a true heavy weapon that relies greatly on skillful timing, positioning and reads make it blunt make it hard to use(rewarding), make it use new mechanics and be easily punishable by monsters.
>kept the humourous/colourful world
Honestly that's something I miss quite a bit in World. It's very drab and bland in comparison.
Though that might also be because they tried to force all the humor and whimsy onto the Handler, and she actively sucks it out of the game by being the piece of shit she is.
We got CB because the weapons now tend to be matched in pairs. In the past they used to even overlap in some upgrade paths, so a GS could end up becoming an LS and vice-versa.
>IG has nothing
>Bow is also alone an which is why it gets its streamstone paired with IG
Then we got Tonfa and Magnet Spike in MHF, who don't really have much in common other than the possibility of blunt damage and directional evade motions. The former can be a good counterpart to IG, but it has a snowball's chance in hell of getting adopted into the core games.
At this point I think I hate MH. I can go back to FU and still enjoy it, but everything after 4U was really fucking shit. I think I'd rather play Frontier than acknowledge XX/World exists.
From what I've witnessed, some tend to get tired of MH after around two generations or so.
>farming the fun outfits or weapons and trying to build neat sets was what I spent the hundreds of hours doing, and what is missing from World.
Same here GU western release has been a blessing to me, so much content.
The fact that they're done making 3DS games
Hammers being useful again
>How to tell someone hasn't played the game in one post.
The camp allows you access your item box and swap weapons/Armor, no changing decorations. the only monsters with straight up oneshots are Ancient Leshen and Behemoth, former is an instant quest failed if you don't bring flashpods or the event item. Latter's one shot covers the entire map and can only be avoided by hiding behind a comet. Note about the comet: You you drop them in a straight line or too close, Behemoth with use them for an attack and may not drop another one before doing the one shot. Behemoth can also break the comets if he hits them enough, so you actual have to think about your positioning, so you're close enough to take cover, but not get them destroyed by the monster. Behemoth really doesn't play all that much differently than other monsters if you don't trigger the unnecessary aggro mechanic he has.
Ancient Leshen is basically designed around the fact that you can access the camp because you need to use flashpods on him to guarantee he doesn't finish his ultimate attack or grapples. The ultimate attack can be dived if you time it right, but the timing is very strict due to how long the attack's hitbox stays active and he can only do it 4 times a hunt, the grapple can also be cutshort by the event item you get by another player, not the person caught in the attack.
As for the stat ballooning, this is what tipped me off to you being a faggot. The first monster to oneshot me was Behemoth because I was back at camp for the Epileptic Meteor, Teo and Luna can do it if you have a -5 or lower for fire res. Tempered Jho can do it too if he's debuffed you before hand.
Who here remembers pic related and birthday boy in their debut quests? You only had green sharpness at most by the time you got to the desert.
World fanboys are starting to seethe really badly lately. Must be getting impatient, having to wait all the way until autumn for content.
I'm not excited for anything MH after world. I don't even own a switch.
>Exaggeration in a greentext post
Woah. But seriously the main idea is on point. World had devs systematically look at every aspect of the hunting experience and tweak/change it in order to not drop the ball again on a console MH. The audience for console gaming has expanded vastly since the early 00s and thats the audience they needed.
The best thing they did was make the whole experience nice and smooth and yes that means easy in order to reduce frustration. Even Jho didn't escape this fate. The fact that there is challenging end game content doesn't change anything because of the nature of that content.
Next gen mon hun sounds super cool but what if it has less monster and more cinematic shit. Im having mixed feelings
Should I be doing expeditions and side quests or just rush the main quest?
I'll argue that in their process of making things "nice and smooth" as you put it got rid of a lot of small unique things that made the series what it was, and in losing those things the game as a whole is a lot less than it was before.
Simple and small things like having to plan out your inventory, or having to learn the area by heart to not have to pick up the map item from the box and not being able to rely on the map come high and G rank.
I don't think their changes are bad, but I think they did it in a destructive way. Instead of change I would have preferred an addition. Perhaps make the map menu a hunter tool, so you have to choose to have a perma-map. Or making it so that you can only change the armor/resupply from camp only at the start of a quest and during free hunts. Basically not scrapping the traditions and things that got them to this point, but still applying new concepts on top of them.
>what if
There is no what if, it's guaranteed to have less shit. It's Capcom, they just noticed they could get away with being lazy as fuck and barely adding any content, of course they're gonna try and be even lazier until the sales drop again. The only way for MonHun to become good again is for normies to just drop it forever and sales to drop lower again. Of course Capcom will just appeal harder to them so that won't happen and instead it will get more and more casualized.
ancient leshen and ex behemoth is harder than majority of previous games monsters
Because I play games that I like.
I don't buy games to appease shareholders, much less to support changes that I disliked.
>having to learn the area by heart to not have to pick up the map item from the box
No one uses the minimap, I turn it off and the only time I've stopped to check the actual map in the journal was in that clusterfuck of a map called the Ancient Forrest.
Invatory management was never any issue, it was grab ten megas, potions, honey and herbs if it was a hard hunt. Flashpods if it was a really hard one.
From Frontier with love
>in their process of making things "nice and smooth" as you put it got rid of a lot of small unique things that made the series what it was
I agree but thats the difference between appealing the old guard(you and me) and appealing to a huge fanbase that couldn't get into the older games for various reasons including some of the things we loved.
MHW is the most successful Monster Hunter to date
Only idiots think it is a failure
Yeah ok but 90% of the monsters are still shit
>The way equipment, skills and charms worked was a massive reason I loved the series
Maybe if they actually put good skills on more than one or two sets.
Just accept that MH is no longer meant for you, and move on. There are other things you can play.
But 4U is bottom of the barrel trash too. Not only is it full of flash over substance and shitty gimmicks, it's actually a nerfed version of a game that we never got.
honestly the problem with world is that the weapons dont reflect the uniqueness of the monsters. they are far too damn similar. id hate for brachy to be in this because his weapons would just be guild weapons with green and purp accents. monhun is one of those games where the weapons need to be anime as fuck.
>No one uses the minimap, I turn it off
That's because you have magic gps sparkles leading you to anywhere
>Invatory management was never any issue, it was grab ten megas, potions, honey and herbs
Inventory management is different between solo and multi, multi is as you said with bringing specific things like sonic bombs, herbal meds, deoderant, cleanser etc. depending on the fight. Single depends on your playstyle and goals because it's all about you for example i loot shit throughout hunts so inventory space is valuable.
Point is the box and many other changes have diluted the experience of a game that had a classical 90s early 2000s design, the list of changes in World is numerous and some are simple QoL but others are complete gameplay design changes to a formula that valued commitment, preparation and execution. The issue is these traits don't mix well with modern AAA gaming hence why they were removed/neutered if they wanted that audience.
I'm waiting on mobile MH to appeal to the fortnite audience.
Play as you prefer I like doing side quest and when I feel like progressing I dive back into the main quest.
Even the graphics took a massive downgrade.
Everyone keeps focusing so much on that aspect when it's the one flaw of World that people could have actually seen coming with any kind of experience with the series.
The main team has always been notoriously slow with weapon models. New weapons in their debut game are borderline unplayable because they don't get enough paths, even. And now they had to remodel every single weapon from scratch. So it was going to be either this, or nothing. The G and portable versions usually add in a ton of new weapon designs, so I don't see why Iceborne would be different.
There are plenty of actual problems with World, stop nitpicking the one that would've been the case no matter what.
Remember when CoD 4: Modern Warfare was the most successful cod to date? Remember when ASScreed hit the big boy numbers? Remember when ME2 succeeded in appealing to a "larger audience"? The results speak for themselves.
This is mature advice. I don't think people part with their favorite shit so easily though.
I'm going to shoot up a Gamestop store on the day Iceborne releases to send a warning to Capcom.
literally already exists, called MH Explore.
plays like Frontier but on a modern engine.
If it plays like frontier than it definitely won't appeal to the fortnite audience.
>There are other things you can play.
MH was the only good franchise in its entire genre.
What am I supposed to "move on" to?
Other action games. Do they have to be similar to MH? If you need to scratch the MH itch the old games still exist.
Or just branch out into different genres altogether.
>That's because you have magic gps sparkles leading you to anywhere
>Being useful
Yeah, okay, Teostra is a threat too.
All of those series had better games along the line than what they started at
Well, except ME2 since it peaked at that
>What are you most excited for?
Styles in MHW
Arts in MHW
Let me use Energy Blade over SAED
lmao these dumbfucks had 1 chance to strike gold and this is what they shit out. I don't understand what was going through their minds when they ok'd their first few alpha builds nevermind everything that came after that.
>We want to appeal to the classic MH audience
And this is what you what you shit out? lmao
"Appealing to wider audiences" already started way sooner than with World. It happened as early as MHF2 with Ryozo taking over the franchise from Tanaka Tsuyoshi as producer, after the latter left after the commercial disaster that was MH2.
Actually, Iceborne is gonna flop so hard
>releasing a full year too late, at the same time as other games such as Borderlands 3
>disappointing reveal with shitty trailers and nothing else
>normalfags already lost all interest and won't return to the game
>veterans left the franchise after vanilla World
World was a lucky shot because the first months of 2018 were totally devoid of releases, but now they are fucked.
It's just going to be a couple of slinger/grappling-related attacks and nothing more.
>Same goes for the visuals (not the graphics, the actual designs and world), attitude and music.
I miss the japanese comfy handheld charm of the series with cute characters and little villages. I also miss the color and saturation of the world. I pretty much only play gen u (and older titles on occasion) because of this
nonense. if you can can get intricate with all the first time entries in the series, then theres no reason to stagnate on weapon designs
did they just end the design concepts at the monsters themselves? not to mention that these boring weapons are the basis henceforth with world
I remember being memed into trying it and i notice how monsters literally follow the same attack pattern every single time without fail, after you fight them a couple of times you could dodge them with your eyes closed
What the fuck were they thinking
But they have the same problem in World with a minority of gear vastly outclassing the majority. Plus charms and decorations being swapped is noticeably worse as well, I can't see how that was suppose to improve or streamline anything.
There was nothing wrong with the old armour system, it was simple and easy to understand while allowing the player freedom to make the set his own, so I still have no idea why they changed that aspect. Surely they didn't get complaints from those cheating Black Fatalis anons or carried mixed set shitters?
A team is racist to everything B team does. Styles and Arts have fantastic gameplay potential they just need iteration. Meh its not like A team is the best at combat gameplay anyway so lets hope B team keeps them.
They said every weapon had new combos and tools though, and the slinger shotgun bursts are only for GS and DB. So other weapons are getting something different.
>Plus charms and decorations being swapped is noticeably worse as well
Fucking horseshit. The deco grind is nowhere near as bad as the grind for a perfect charm was.
Any time someone says "follows the older style" what they really mean is 4G, because they sure as shit aren't talking about 2G.
MonHun's classic style has been dead since 3U dropped.
Ex behe is basically ultimate white fatalis huh.. i wonder how much harder they can make iceborne. They're gonna have to try hard.
>veterans left the franchise after vanilla World
So true. World was a fun romp, but it falls flat on its face in comparison to previous titles.
Depends how loosely you define the Monster Hunting/Quest based genre or if you include it as part of some other genre. I honestly don't know MH's genre.
Soul Sacrifice, Freedom Wars, Ragnarok Odyssey Ace, God Eater and Toukiden are all similar to MH, along with good games in their own right.
>if you can can get intricate with all the first time entries in the series
MH1 had far fewer monsters and only 6 weapon types.
MH2's new weapons suffered greatly. Before MHF2 they all had less than 10 different options, including starting paths.
MH3 cut half the weapons and still had to resort to some recolors.
MH4 mostly recycled existing weapon models, and CB/IG which couldn't reuse anything, had an extreme shortage of weapon paths, some recolors, and NO RELICS AT ALL until 4U expanded them.
And World had to remake all the weapon models for all 14 different weapon classes.
>franchise known for it's crazy and diverse monsters
>everything world offers is dinosaurs, dragons and a shitty red gorgonopsid
Iceborn sure as hell isn't gonna fix it by the looks of it, you could have more monster variety by playing fucking modded Skyrim
I mean it looks like they tried by setting the launch date before the fall time blockbusters but so did BL3. I'm guessing this is as early as they can pump it out, maybe thats why PC got left in the dust despite selling way better than the xbox version.
B team is doing Iceborne though.
>The deco grind is nowhere near as bad as the grind for a perfect charm was
True, but you could get a good enough charm easily enough. If you get unlucky with decorations you can be denied certain skills forever unless you are willing to take some very sub-optimal equipment.
Dauntless's biggest problem from the get-go was that it was the dev's first game. Otherwise I'm not sure what they were thinking, every loosest sense of a MH clone tries something different and yet only Soul Sacrifice ended up being good.
Oooh that's why the iceborn monsters suck massive cock
None of those games offer the same kind of methodical combat MH features, but beyond that I wouldn't call any of them good games (I don't know about Ragnarok Odyssey Ace though). The only one of them that has anything going for it is Soul Sacrifice and that's only worth playing for the story and presentation, not the gameplay.
>franchise known for it's crazy and diverse monsters
That's a bold face lie spouted by someone that only started with 4th Gen and doesn't realize how much of the game is PSP asset dumps.
You can also be denied certain skills forever with charms unless you're willing to take some very sub-optimal equipment. A "good enough" charm still locks you into just a handful of cookie cutter sets while the guys with god charms get to have fun with all kinds of crazy setups.
Even FU had way more varied and interesting monsters than World with the crabs and monkeys
its tru tho
>hype up Nargacuga's return
>gameplay footage reveals it's massively slowed down, now has a Fanged Wyvern skeleton and steals moves from Odogaron
Imagine what they're going to do to Tigrex.
No it's not. Daisuke Ichihara director of MHXX(not X/gen), pacman party and namco museum is directing Iceborne. B team is rumored to be making the next game. Remember MH is a yearly franchise XX was 2017, World was 2018 and IB is 2019. 2020 is rumored to be B teams game directed by Ichinose.
I can understand the other ones but why in the actual fuck is Mizutsune being compared with a Rathian recolor
When did they reveal it? i wanna see the disappointment for myself, i didin't find anything on jewtube
>The deco grind is nowhere near as bad as the grind for a perfect charm was.
It is though? Getting the exact charm you want may have been harder with the variable charm tables (which people found out how to exploit and check anyway), but you could get a worse charm than the perfect one you were aiming for and still make a similar build to your goal. The amount of charms you get per charm farm is usually much higher than World's decorations as well.
Whereas the decorations in World are just as rare a drop and are limited to a randomised quest you are not guaranteed to have to begin with and only have on result. You can either get the skill, or you cannot.
Add that on top of decorations no longer being craftable and charms no longer having slots and you have noticeably less options to work with.
no one likes the gammoth or the stupid bone snake bro what the fuck are you on
Why 3 years? They already set a 10 year roadmap
>fanged wyvern skeleton
Are you being blind on purpose?
>both are pink
>both appeal to furries (tumblr in Paolumu's case)
>just so the rest of the fated four can be in the infograph to collectively shit on World
If you can settle for suboptimal charms, you can settle for suboptimal decorations. Stop it with these disingenuous comparisons.
Plus, far more people have perfect sets in World than in the previous games. Because charms were literally designed to actively shit on minmaxing, and force people to make suboptimal sets.
>(tumblr in Paolumu's case)
Tumblr likes the Lilo and Stitch reject?
He has the Odogaron/Tobi walk cycle.
I enjoyed PC toukiden 2 before World because of it's open world and better graphics than 3ds I also enjoyed the feudal era but that game is not 100% MH.
>None of those games offer the same kind of methodical combat MH features, but beyond that I wouldn't call any of them good games
You're right about the combat being different, but that is harder to define and find similar stuff to.
You are wrong about them being bad games though, they are all very good games with much going for them. Albeit they did not live up to their full potential.
Ragnarok Odyssey Ace is the worst of the lot for reference, unless you take points away from Freedom Wars for being an incomplete game with real time crafting.
toukiden and god eater both share the same issue of knowing how to make good weapon movesets
Nigga what? It's the same walking animation Narga has had since P3rd.
Fuck u nigga gammoth is my gf's favorite of the fated 4 with mizu being second. Gammoth is my second fave with mizu being first(dat theme song). Gammoth also has baller gear and elderfrost is based.
World Narga also lost its graphical soul as well. And this website keeps clamoring for more old monsters while ignoring the dire consequences involved.
I don't like vets and newfags fighting all the time :(
I enjoyed and 100% both 4U and world. Why not let the new ones enjoy the franchise, would you rather it stay obscure and eventually vanish?
>World Narga also lost its graphical soul as wel
How? it just looks like an HD Nargacuga
This really would have benefited from a serif font.
>would you rather it stay obscure and eventually vanish?
If this is the result of popularity and newfag influx? yes
It's the 3 game directors + producer. Has English subtitles and talks about everything we know about iceborne including narg.
Yeah, it's better to fade away then become a hollow husk
>You are wrong about them being bad games though
one shotting monsters with custom bullets and spamming blood arts/burst arts isn't my idea of a good game
Yea just like World looks like HD classic MH.
I dont like Classic fans arguing among themselves instead of uniting against World. It happens almost without fail whenever 4U is brought up. I suspect there is divide and conquer involved in this.
It's always, and i mean ALWAYS better to remain an obscure franchise with a cult following than become garbage for drooling morons
But why? Even if the new games don't appeal to you, the old ones still exist. The end result is essentially the same. In either case you would not be getting new games that appeal to you.
I can only play old games for so many times
>The end result is essentially the same
If this was a perfect world then it wouldn't, but Ryozo and his other fuckbuddy or whatever they're called decided that they wanted some of that Filthy Gajiin money so oh well
The people bitching about world aren't even vets.
I remember coming home from school every day and booting up my ps2 to get hunts on, I recall my days after middleschool, coming home to join my pals in Loc Loc. I remember being an edgy teen named Ghest because the shitty resolution of the Wii and my little tube tv made the "e" look like an "o".
World gave that back to me, it feels good.
Just because I hate World doesn't mean I have to like 4U aka World 0.5.
It's more than the games themselves. The legacy of the franchise as a whole is at stake
So you never cared about the gameplay, only about the multiplayer.
>If you can settle for suboptimal charms, you can settle for suboptimal decorations. Stop it with these disingenuous comparisons.
That's not quite right. A suboptimal decoration in this example does not exist as the decoration is a single skill in World, while a supoptimal Charm before World would be something like +10 Attack Charm with no slots instead of a +10 Attack Charm with 3 slots. It is not an exact comparison and the latter objectively provides more options from a consistent and far more generous source. You can still get the desired skill or a smaller version of it until you do get the optimal charm with a suboptimal charm, but you are entirely without the decoration's skill until you get the drop.
Besides we've strayed away from the point, it was originally about the lack of player options in World and not rng.
Seeing something i've come to love getting butchered before my very eyes for the sake of normalfags will never be acceptable
Daily reminder that Fujioka is the art director for both World and Iceborne.
They weren't just going to keep making your niche games forever, you know. And the series has been getting increasingly more casualized with every generation anyway.
Hunting for hours in loc lac in middle school was a high point of my life.
You only need 1 charm. A charm enhances an armor set it doesn't make it. In World decos make an armor set and don't just need 1 deco. Stop being a World apologist.
No, your charm literally dictates your entire armor set. The sets you can make are entirely based upon what charms you have, because charms can have far more skill points on them than regular armor pieces do.
>10 year development roadmap
Where is it faggot?
This is what final fantasy fans have dealt with for over a decade. Welcome to the club.
>Jhen Mohran has been spotted
>Firing the dragonator to stop his charge
>That second phase blaring the main them as you finish the job
>Everyone collectively losing their shit when they hear those strings during a hunt with an Enviroment: UNSTABLE
>The high ranked quests in the flooded forest.
I miss it.
>You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
Yes it's better for mh to die.
Do we get antidepressants for free?
I just want some blunt fist weapon for the next gen. Why capcom hasn't put that in the main series really is beyond me.
This. Enjoy your MH royale on your iphone.
Your post gave me feels.
I bet cuckboy has a Wyvern fetish. Weird seeing him go from directing MH 1, 2, 3, and 4 to making art and w/e his new title means.
Iceborne will never look THIS good.
user, I know you're joking but please stop. People, might think there are good looking MH games out there.
It's true though
I miss it too dude. I love Tri. I have so many fond memories. Cant believe I played it so much with only like 20 monsters but the online was so good. I want a multiplayer experience like old MH again.
You don't love Tri, you just love the memories you had playing with other people.
The game itself was dogshit.
daily reminder that underwater battles were based
This level actually looks great on docked Switch. The artstyle helps.
>He thinks he's a special hardcore gamer because he played the Call of Duty of Japan
Fuji said he wants to try them again in a better form. It needs to have a similar moveset to land battles imo.
What does Megaman or Pokemon have to do with this?
>When your favorite series abandons you
Freedom Wars and Soul Sacrifice are hunting Kinogames
>two years on
>still this salty that MH greatest hits compilation is exclusive to Nintendo
how the fuck do i kill this retard all his attacks have completely bullshit hitboxs the size of the entire map and every one of his attacks is an instant kill even with the best armour you can make at this point in the game. what weapon should i be using i've been using the switch axe but it sucks dick just like all the weapons I've tried using in this clunky ass shit game.
Its only gonna get better from World onwards
I can only hope
HH player here, I can do better solo times than you since I'm not shit.
>all his attacks have completely bullshit hitboxs the size of the entire map
I thought the whole deal with world was that they "fixed" the hitboxes.
I miss Brave Longsword. Sure its overpowered, but it's really satisfying to land the overhead spirit slash and doing massive damage.
>No GU double notes
A team.
>played world
>loved it
>sold my PS4 for imperial reasons
>only have a hacked switch now
>don't feel like playing GU
if by fixed you mean get carted after taking two steps from the item box because Nergigante exhaled air out his nose on the opposite side of the map then yeah they fixed it.