Why is this retarded little country literally incapable of making FPS games?
Why is this retarded little country literally incapable of making FPS games?
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Because the genre is bad
cuz they hate making shit games
The Japs supposedly get motion sickness from playing them
Because FPS games are a subhuman filter, the average asian insect gets motion sickness from it and niggers don't have a brain developed enough for good aim and fast reaction
Please they can’t even make decent turn based games 99% of thei catalogue from JRPGs to DRGS and SRPGs are just brainless turn based for the sake of being turn based. This is especially true for JRPGs while the other two still have some good titles.
Japs can't see in first person
Its hard genre to cash on cute pervy girls.
First person perspective is literally too self centered
yet they do all the time
Name 325
Because first person shooters are overrated hackneyed garbage that relies on shitty american gun culture and ultra violence?
All they have to do is turn their head sideways
FPS is the worst genre and easiest to cheat in multiplayer.
Point and click is objectively bad gameplay.
FPS genre peaked 10+ years ago and is just terrible now, no reason to make them when you can make actual good action games
While they’re now more invested when it comes to PC which is no longer just a VN/Eroge machine they have no experience with it just like how they have no experience with RTS/total war/Grand strategy/4x/TBS like HoMM/disciples etc type games which are basically PC exclusive.
Because gun culture is fucking disgusting and FPS are inherently shallow games.
It's actually sort of funny to see how awkward nips are when they start to play FPS/RTS/PC stuff in general.
That's a good burger, continue to glorify ugly weapons of mass murderer as your crime rate shoots through the roof.
Can anyone name a Japanese AAA fps made in the last five years? all I can think of are light gun games
Why does everybody laugh at a fucking leaf flag, but not at the fucking red dot supposed to be a sun?
I wouldn't be surprised if there were nip only FPSes.
Splatoon is god tier.
Probably because it's mostly a western thing.
We can't make good jrpgs because that's a japanese thing.
Japanese don't know how firearms work anymore
Because fps games are shit. Have you actually tried playing an fps game with a gamepad? Its fucking horrible and just painful to aim with analog sticks.
Cute girls operating and shooting each other with guns is a genre that really needs more representation.
At the moment all we have is some dumb gachashit.
The leaf is symbolism for a fucking leaf. The red circle is symbolism for the most important object in the sky second only to the satellite that gives me an internet connection.
Splatoon is trash tier. It is funny when a game focuses on multiplayer and yet can't even include features that has been easily incorporated in almost every shooter since shooters were played online.
You damn hippie, guns are cool
How would a Japanese RTS even look like?.
No it is not. Tiny teams, shitty weapon variety, shitty gameplay (no, shooting the floor is not compelling no matter what you think), shitty maps, the whole game is way overrated. Sure the graphics look nice and the music is good but that's about it
No they aren't, pointing and shooting has no beauty, guns are for cowards.
That's why Americans would never make a game with combat like Sekiro, they don't see combat as something beautiful, guns are cool to them.
Breakdown is literally the only one I can think of. I feel like Japan could make a great high test FPS if they really tried. They aren't afraid of big tits and blood/gore.
5v5 would be too high for how much it's focused on stealth and mobility. The weapon variety is great and unique what the fuck. Believe it or not shooting the floor isn't the main goal of the game, shooting the enemies is, with the floor being inked just helps your mobility; even turf war is a lot more about keeping the enemy contained than covering the ground, because the enemy can just re-cover it in 15 seconds. I liked the smaller maps in 1 better.
girls frontline is chink
because they don't need to
>play in first-person
>can't see the cute girl you are playing as
Literally what would be the point
Who the fuck cares? The genre fucked up ALL of last gen. fuck FPS, its normalshit cancer.
because they are onions bois who hate violence
Then why is OW selling at all?
They traded their ability to make games of the worst genre (FPS) to excel at the others. Fuck western games.
That's why it should be a squad-based TPS. Look at your cute girl and all your other cute girls.
OW is dead now.
Soo valkyria chronicles but cuter?
Because the last time they tried, it became so fucking good that they refused to call it a FPS, calling it a first person adventure instead. Its the motherfucking Metroid Prime.
The other option is the Resident Evil VR that is also insanely good.
Japanese developers don't get the "feeling" of the braindead FPS and I can related to it. Games like CoD bores me to death and you should feel ashamed to enjoy it the same way you feel when you jack off to tranny porn.
I haven't seen the numbers, but hasn't the OW playerbase dropped like a rock?
Their slanty eyes have trouble with FPS games.
Probably like this not really an RTS tho and it’s incredibly meh but the concept isn’t bad.
Last time Japan fought a war they became the only country to get nuked kinda killed gun violence as a fetish in their psyche
>it's bad because I'm a retard for not using KB+M
gas yourself.
t. life long console fag
Probably mentioned already, but the actual answer is that Japan only cares about character based games. And FPSes where the only "character" in the entire game is whatever you project upon the voice actor for the fist-person avatar you're inserting yourself into is the antithesis to anything they care about.
Sure, why not? I'm thinking more standard TPS than VC's system of turn-based with real-time actions. Also VC is already pretty cute.
Dammit chinks, take a page from Cygames' book and spend some of that GF gacha money to make a single-play squad TPS. Just rip off The Division but set it in the GF world with those girls being your squad members, and (you) leading from the frontline.
FPS games past the 90s are zoomer garbage. It's a trash genre for little kids to feel mature.
Yeah, but Japan hate pre-90s FPSes too.
Sadly GF does not make the kind of money granblue or FGO does.
>grand strategy
What about Nobunaga no Yabou games?
I'm trying to think of a JP-made FPS that wasn't that one game series that came out on the PSP that lasted two games. Coded Arms or something like that?
Yeah but Doom is good at least. I feel like if more first person shooters moved as fast as Doom, and had similar mexhanics they would be a lot more fun to play and be less braindead. Doom seems like the kind of first-person shooter that Japan would make. Which makes me wonder how a western studio could achieve such greatness.
fps is brainless that's why
smelly nigger
FPS is white mans genre
Because third person is superior and the Japanese know it.
FPS are unironically a nigger genre, you are delusional
niggers only play fighting games and madden
Yeah it was on the psp. It was mediocre. Did you know there was supposed to be a sequel?
that's not how you spell sports games
Worse, it's a wigger genre.
Metroid Prime was developed by an American studio.
fps is for brainless western casuals and third world monkeys
>FGO makes fucking bank in japan
>new mobages pop up like every other month
Yeah you're not being very convincing there.
>talks about setting a game in the GF world
>post displays complete lack of understanding as to how the world works
>make console games
>realize fps games are shit on console
Inb4 butthurt Halobabbies holyshit how the fuck do you fucks eat so much shit you accept autoaim bullshit this is a fucking clear case of downgrading from what was already working fine.
there was this one study on how FPS games damage your spatial function or something along those lines
Because this is your average fps player:
Japs have no interest in making games for sub humans
A Yakuza dev answered why
It's because they think that the West is so much better at making them that Japanese aren't willing to try.
Outtrigger is the only game I know that could qualify as a FPS (though it has a TPS view as well).
weebs btfo
the west wins again
they do make fps, but they’re mostly arcade games
You need to take the Breakdown-pill, son.
kek do you really believe everything devs say
Coded Arms was probably the only good FPS that's come out of Japan, shame the IP is dead
Was this interview before or after they made that dreadful TPS Yakuza zombie game?
If iirc correctly, Pikmin is the Japanese RTS
Back to /pol/ you racist piece of shit
>lose ww2 a real life "game" with guns
>wonder why they are bad at making fps games
>be historically known for their mastery of the sword
>samurai etc
>wonder why they are bad at making fps games
bait better
most of the current fps players are either braindead oldfags or poor retarded third worlders
>the west have created better FPS anime/mech games than Japan
I could go for a new SHOGO/Heavy Gear.
Because they are too retarded into PC gaming and nobody sane is playing FPS on console
But TPSes sell terribly in Japan, even the ones made locally.
That sounds like such a fucking retarded reason it's hard to believe anyone actually buys it. Japa love to say "polite" things like that and complement foreigners because it's part of their culture but it seems highly unlikely for that to be the actual reason they don't make shooters. I don't claim to know the actual reason but it seems to me like the Japanese just have no interest in shooters or guns in general. In all their entertainment like tv shows, anime, etc. whenever there's fighting involved it's always with swords, magic, maybe martial arts sometimes but guns are among the rarest. It might be related them having to heavily limit their military after WWII so stuff like military propaganda just didn't exist then, it was always seen as a "foreign" thing that they were detached from.
Because Japanese gamers are casual and need slower paced, non-competitive gameplay.
Because unlike in the West, they knew the original Doom and Quake were the best the FPS genre could ever fucking do and they just stopped trying.
Well they failed there HAHAHAHAHA
>hurt future fpee ess bad
You have never played a good FPS in your life, nothing compares to a good 32 on 32 conquest in BF3/4 or a good attrition in Tityfall2, nothing
Shogo 2 when?
Monolith teased it in FEAR and FEAR 2
I don't trust modern Monolith to do a SHOGO justice.
Just play the fuck out of Gotham City Imposters though. Was really not expecting to like it, at least before the F2P update fucking ruined it
Well you are right but its also because western shooters have such a ridiculous marketing budget that trying to compete would be a waste of money.
>BF 3/4
>Titanfall 2
Consider suicide.
Because you trigger happy americans flood the market enough with these games?
Fuck that, why cant they make a proper RPG with actual choices/consequences and reactive world?
>a proper RPG with actual choices/consequences
Don't kid yourself even western rpgs fail at this spectacularly.
Umaru is retarded, this just proves the point further.
Who signed article 13? It wasn't US Congress.
Good thing, we already have too much of that shit genre plaguing vidya
bcs the genre is garbage. RPG is the best, and it is fact
Because FPS is a dead genre in japan.
But ELPRESADOR is based.