How do you justify pirating video games?

How do you justify pirating video games?

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It's free.

I don't need any justification. I just do it.

I'll buy them later I tell myself.

i don't

Tim already paid for my copy. Thanks Tim.

Piracy is a ladder

i have glaucoma

I don't pirate everything, but I've pirated a lot over the years.

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too lazy to rip the game myself

10 billion sheep in the world but I'm woke enough to get things for free for no consequences.

why would i? its free

I wonder what happened to the guy who used to post the "buying games on sale is just as bad as piracy" bait. He was pretty funny.

I don't justify it, I just do it. See, gamers are like cars chasing dogs. If we were to catch one, we would just run it over.
Fuck you, Veronica.

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Video games aren't actually worth anything any way.

I don't, I just do it because I can
what are you gonna do about it nerd

how about you just deal with it

I like money!

I don't need to justify it.

i need my money more than the kike companies

I don't care what you think, that's how.

I don't play video games, so I don't need to pirate.

>How do you justify pirating video games?
Any company that has ever done anything pro gay rights or feminist, etc deserves to be stolen from.

I don't want to pay for videogames.

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I don't.
Too busy playing vidya

what website is the best for pirating games?

I only pirate games that aren't on steam :)

I have a brain.

i dont need to :)

Most games are shit these days and dont deserve the full price tag and would rather not support shit companies as well as fucking gamestop

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> (OP)
Google Drive, unironically.

I don't.
I just do it. I also live off of your tax money.

I honestly think the lats thing I pirated was Skyrim. I didn't even beat it because the main quest seemed so boring compared to the mage quests.

I don't feel bad for billion dollar corporations. I only go out of my way to support indie devs I like.

I like free games.
Yes I would steal a car if it was as easy as pirating is.

I dont pirate, mostly because im on console, but God bless pirates.

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They're trying to swindle me, I will swindle them.
Stop being such a massive shill btw

I have pirated over 500gb of Switch games already. Feels great man.

I'm alright with this. When I got into an accident that nearly cost me my legs, California taxpayers paid for my surgery, rehabilitation, and medicine. I'm an engineer now and I don't mind paying CA-level taxes because I know it'll help someone who may really need it.

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I live in country with eastern salary while games have western prices.

Pirating stuff from dead consoles is fine.

Pirating current games is a douche move.

If it's a game I want to support and know I will most likely enjoy, I buy it day one or very early. Most games i just pirate.

I'm talking about consoles I don't play or pirate PC games anymore.

AAA developers make a habit of trying to fuck consumers and then cry foul when they have a way to do it back. Don't really feel like it needs much justification. I purchase games from devs I like, though.

Because I spend enough money buying games and feel justified in getting the rest anyway sometimes.

I just bought Imperator rome at launch, and it's shit. Gonna pirate every DLC for it, and I figured I could go ahead and compensate myself with Surviving Mars while I wait for Paradox to finish their shit game.

I don't, moralfags that don't like it should just deal with it

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unnnnngh those are some real good titties, uh huh

Nah, youre just paying for the welfare of the mases of uncultured spics and niggers that infect the state.

If you own the copy you should be able to have the rom, even if the law, as draconian and daft as it is, says differently.

How do you justify giving anti-consumer publishers like Ubisoft and EA your money?

They frequently push out games too early as an unfinished mess without enough content at a 60 dollar price tag.

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>ctrl+f bane
>0 results

>unironically playing Ubisoft and EA games
Found your problem. Maybe if you weren't a pathetic sack of shit who felt the need to play games you know are trash fires, you wouldn't need to be a thief you fucking retard.

>find $10 on the floor
>pick it up

good, that meme was always shit, fuck all the newfags who say it was great just because it's reached a certain age

Because it’s free.
Imagine being this much of a cuck.

> pathetic sack of shit
> you fucking retard

Imagine being this butthurt

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Let's pretend that dumbass shit never happened.

Oh no... we're too late. These people have all been infected. They may look fine now, but it's only a matter of time before they turn into filthy communists.
This entire thread must be purged.

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I don't even know why I pirate anymore since I rarely even play them.

Should i pirate RAGE 2? Should I even touch that game? I wanna know if it’s decent or if it’s boring like the first

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I like free shit and I don't give a fuck about the people who make games, especially since they are incredibly well paid people anyway.

They make a shit load more money than I do, the games industry dwarves hollywood even.

i don´t even think about it
last time i bought a game it was for sega megadrive


I pirate games from starving indie devs. Who else /no morals/ here?

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It's a good fucking look, I'm a fucking pirate and I love it.

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i buy will it later if i like it.
Too bad i hate vidya in general

People in africa dont have enough to eat so why should i pay foor video games?

I hate niggers and women.

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because epic games already paid the developer

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how do i pirate games?

By telling myself I refuse to support stupid shit.
I don't pirate often, but theres some trends in gaming that really fucking turn me off.

His character deserved better.

I don't. I couldn't care less what someone else thinks about it.

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I get taxed for some stupid shit so I make up for it by pirating.

Firsts thing first Microsoft trys to prevent piracy so you need to open the taskmaster and find system 32. End that process

video games for free

I don't. Eat shit, buyfag.

>just bought Imperator rome at launch
You deserve everything and more. Why the fuck would you buy it at launch, especially after EU4, Stellaris and Goy4? Fucking mouthbreathing baboon

>Create files in easily copyable format
>Release said files into public
>Files get copied and shared
Golly fucking gee Doc I wonder why this keeps happening

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Get these hotheads outta here

I'm forced to pirate because PC is digital only and I'm not willing to pay for digital distribution. I buy the rare physical release that PC gets, and when I say physical release I mean an actual physical copy, not a Steam or download code in a box.
Digital distribution should not be paid for.
The real question is how do you justify charging or pay for a digitally distributed game, which has 0 scarcity and infinite supply which means it should cost $0?
Answer - You can't
>b-b-but muh convenience, muh multiplayer!
Updates are a form of anti-piracy. Multi player going through some official server like Steam servers is a form of anti piracy. Games should be released complete and playable without a patch. The devs could always make it so the MP is p2p or people can make their own server without having to go through shitty Steam servers at all. In a fair match up, piracy is always more convenient, the only time piracy isn't more convenient than paying for digital is when the developer intentionally sabotages their game. You should not financially reward them for sabotaging their game. If you really cared about convenience then you wouldn't financially reward them making it less convenient.

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Modern copyright law is shit. No reason to honor it.

i don't want to spend money on them. that's all the justification i need?

My moral obligations are foremost to myself, my family, my friends, my neighbours, my country. Everyone else is the other and deserves nothing from me.

i dont care

I pirate games on PC then buy a physical copy for console if there is one available to support physical copies.

stop your IQ is too high for americans. paying taxes is for communists get out of my country you european swine you shouldve went into 6 figures of debt and been wheelchair bound for the rest of your life like an honorable patriot would do

Well if i die in the videogame i dont have to die in the real life

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based tittyposter

If I don't look for the cheapest way of aquiring goods the whole free market logic will collaps and the invisible hand will vanish. I'm only acting according to neoliberal/capitalist ideology.

FPBP. no morals needed.

>Posts commending some weak fuck that couldn't keep an eye on their surroundings
You deserved to die

If streaming video games was fucking perfect right now that would be the format right now
Stadia needs to fucking fail if not then we really won't have the digital files of a game just an account with a key that grants me access to stream the game.
It's gonna happen anyways :)

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You wouldn't survive a day in a world where these social Darwinist ideas were common

You shouldn't lose sleep over any entertainment industry really

Devs don't give a fuck anymore so I won't gave them money

I don't care about the companies that make the games I pirate, and the companies don't know that I even exist. The same goes for everything else I decide to pirate.

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But the opposite is true as well

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I'd last longer than you at least, defective human

Streaming games is the next logical step of digital distribution. Streaming games would have never even been taken into consideration if PC gamers said "no" to Steam and boycotted Valve into bankruptcy.
>It's gonna happen anyways :)
Of course it is, it was inevitable once paying for a fucking download was accepted

A million people that signed a petition to redo a season of a tv show say otherwise

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where the FUCK is the Anno crack?

i hate these crack droughts. remember when Baldman, Steampunks, Volski, CPY, etc. were cracking shit all the time?

>tfw HBO not coming 'round to call their viewers entitled shits
Gamers truly are oppressed. We should rise up.

because I'm poor and it's easy to do

It was a different time

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>Software is like sex, it's better when its free. -Bill Gates

i dont care about developers and if tomorrow all vidya ceased to developed i will be playing older games , vidya is just minor enterteinament i dont care if they keep making them but that doesnt mean i will stop playing

Is Game of Thrones one of the best examples of normalfags ruining everything?

Two games = microwave
1 game = 120 hot pockets

I think the choice is obvious

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im helping the free market evolve and grow but creating jobs for anti-piracy software developers.

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Can you try harder so something better than Denuvo comes along?

I don't pirate.
There is barely anything even worth playing these days.

human society is a disgrace and i feel no remorse in leeching as much as i can out of it

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Why would I want to give money to billion dollar mega companies that hate their customers and constantly shit on them?

how do you make it green?


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