Fuck I love Anne so much

Fuck I love Anne so much.

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I love Reisen!

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I love Fuuka !

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Was she the best lovers arcana?

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ReisenAnon, do you ever get enough sleep?
Where you been?


Tell me waifufag, how does it feel knowing there less and less of you here, every years I see less of your kind, does it saddest you to see so many of your people gone?

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Nope! My love for Fuuka is independent of those who also love their waifus!
Although it's nice to see more people to relate to, I've long been accustomed to being alone in my love and passions!

Yup, I sleep whenever I'm tired!

Magic Knight is my one and only.

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LOL are you autist, are you one of the drooling trannies from tumblur? you have no power here weak limbed niglet begone

Tell me what is your waifu worse flaw?

Newfag detected. Waifufags have been around forever, only in the past few years have weebs been getting replaced with faggots like you

I miss the liveliness of the threads from years ago.
Her speed and accuracy. She isn't very good at dodging nor hitting particularly fast opponents.

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She can be a bit stubborn

She has a black boyfriend who fucks her bareback

She needs bolted on tits and lip filler

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She's too nice

Please explain

Prepare to be censored on Kamoshida palace in Royal then

I love my gorgeous wife!

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I want to mating-press and take responsibility with Yukiko!

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I dislike most people on this website, and have been getting better at not posting her here. I never felt right bringing her up around such horrible people, even if the rules try to lull me into a false sense of security.

No, what matters most to me is Kasumi!

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please untie me user, these ropes are so tight

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