Believe him or not, but if this is true, I'm hyped.
Vergeben Speaks
Wait people still believe him, even after the Nintendo Direct
>MCC on the Switch
Seems someone posted this on "Yea Forums", uh okay? If you don't believe me that's your fault. Ask me anything.
Can't wait for all that to happen so Yea Forums can screech again on how everything he said was too obvious.
He got an entire direct wrong and your dumb fucking asshole still believes him?
I also suck big black cocks.
Wrong, my insider gave me the wrong information, he's foreign
Not me.
>Viewtiful Joe 3
Don't do this to me.
Has he gotten anything right with DBZ Fighters?
Isn't this guy wrong 90% of the time
Not about any fighters he's claimed were in before being revealed. He posted before that Zarbon and Raditz would be DLC and neither were in the first two passes. Janemba was leaked by something else before this post.
The dichotomy people treat him with is weird. Virginben clearly does get legitimate information sometimes but his track record seems to be reporting everything he hears so he is by nature unreliable.
He'll be right this time because Janemba was already leaked and confirmed I'm pretty sure
Don't know, but it won't particularly matter because Janemba ha already been leaked by Microsoft.
>MCC on the Switch
>no smash info
why fuckin bother
Not a one or it was stupidly obvious. Even that Janemba leak is worthless since everyone knew about it last week
Of course I don't believe his attention seeking ass.
Though I do wonder if Capcom could even make a new Viewtiful Joe in the RE engine
>Master Chief Collection coming to Nintendo Switch
I guess this wouldn't surprise me too much since they gotta put a lot of effort to get Halo back into the spotlight after how hard 343i has fucked it in the ass
Why is it Verge's only correct leaks are shit that other leakers already have too?
That's just what he does mostly. When he finally up and said the Grinch Leak was fake for example, everybody else had claimed so too, so it wasn't like he'd be wrong alone if he turned out to be.
>Master Chief Collection for the Switch
He didn't even try
Pretty sure this is all BS, but MCC on Switch would be hype as shit. Not that I would buy it but if anything to shut up "Not on a nintendo console"fags.
>Resident Evil 3 remake and Resident Evil 8 in development at the same time.
>Street Fighter 6 and MVC 4 in Development
This guy is so full of shit, all he does is cold reads and obvious guesses and gets most of his shit wrong anyways. Fuck this stupid loser. You have to be a retard to believe him.
this is Yea Forums and if you're a journalist who isn't 100% right, you're 100% wrong
Most of these guesses are way too safe. We already knew Ori was coming to switch weeks before cuphead was officially announced. Also Metroid HD and Pikmin coming to switch are pretty fucking obvious. This guy is a hack
The MCC rumor was also heard from Sabi's source.... Who is saying Steve is in.
>Viewtiful Joe 3
Most of Virgen Ben's larps are boring and predictable. This is just him digging his grave a few feet deeper.
>MCC on Switch
>Implying Switch can run Halo CE Anniversary YET ALONE Halo 2 Anniversary
>Viewtiful Joe 3 without Kamiya
>Dino Crisis
Jesus Christ, he's gone even more insane than Etika.
It would likely get a major graphical downgrade like Mortal Kombat.
>new Wild Arms
although I guess that at least has a new game even if it's a gacha
Vergeben's signature on GameFAQs:
>I use: GameFAQs (Vergeben), reddit (DasVergeben), 8WayRun (Vergeben), and eventhubs (Vergeben)
>If you see me elsewhere (example: Yea Forums or Twitter) it's not me.
>MCC on Switch
will actually day 1 preorder this shit, MCC on Steam AND portable Halo? sign me up as soon as fucking possible please
>people still trust vergeben
Well I mean they are just the old games except you can switch the graphics to look prettier
Wow it's fucking nothing.
Hello fellow Vergefags! How's it going? Just another few days until we get Steve's announcement.
>Janemba being an obvious guess since he was already fucking leaked
>RE3make being in development and having a trailer ready not even half a fucking year after RE2make
>Monster Hunter game for Switch in development when the GU team is working on Iceborne
>People STILL believe Vergeben
Kefla will BTFO him
jason schreier is a retarded faggot but most people know better than to say his reports are fake. Anyone who still has any faith in what this guy "leaks" after everything that transpired is braindead, simple as that.
Fuck off. This guy, like all leakers, are just attention whores.
>Viewtiful Joe 3 is also in development. I do not know much else other than that.
Fuck you. Fuck this guy, fucking toying with me.
Verge has literally never gotten a DBFZ prediction right. He said shit like Zarbon and Raditz. He only says Janemba now because Microsoft already leaked it by mistake
You actually believe this shit?
MCC isn't coming to Switch, Microsoft isn't going to give their biggest exclusive to Nintendo
>biggest exclusive
This isn't 2009
>MCC coming to Switch
>Not Rare Replay
Just Microsoft-tier retarded enough to be true
>viewtiful joe 3
Weren't these rumors right before E3 last year?
>New Dino Crisis
Jokes on you, I already accepted that we won't get another one.
Yup, this is just the usual rounds of E3 theorycrafting being peddled as truth.
>mvci and umvc3 being taken down in october 2018 which never happened
>that Yea Forums "leak" that sites like eventscrubs posted everywhere
>virginben and his uncanny edition lie
>fchump "teasing" marvel 4
It fucking hurts. Just give me something god-tier again, Capcom.
Imagine actually following “””leaks”””” and knowing the literal whos that make the claims
Jesus fucking christ
Do me a favor and get his ass banned in GameFaqs.
literally seething
>Halo is coming to the switch
I absolutely lost my shit, this guy is fucking hilarious. That’s some good bait
Jesus christ, are Banjokes that desperate to eliminate one leaker who they constantly claim is full of shit? We're not your personal fucking army bro.
Like why is everyone so hostile about Vergie? He's just another "fake leaker" as you guys are so quick to say.
Fuck off rosternigger, Rare Replay is the greatest vidya collection of all time,I'd much rather have upscaled 60fps Banjo, Conker, and Viva Pinata 2 on the go than a neutered MCC since the Swicth wouldn't be able to run Halo 1 Anniversary, Halo 2 Anniversary, or Halo 4.
>MCC coming to Switch
Has this man lost his mind?
The real Vergeben doesn't post on Yea Forums, that's a fact. Nice try though.
Can you take the cock out of your mouth for five minutes and not drag up that goddamned Steve v. Banjo shitpost war
you will die alone, plantposter
seething Erdrick "fan"
i dont know who Erdrick even is, i just hate you posting this over and over
seethe more
Rare Replay uses the native 360 emulator on the Xbones to run the games properly. Porting it to Switch would be a massive undertaking that would probably lose a good chunk of money in the process.
He’s only about half right, but he is fully gay.
MCC doesn't use the 360 emulator for Halo CE:A, 3, and Reach?
No one fucking cares except the two people who post about him ironically to piss off retards here and the singular brain dead dipshit who actually wants him in.
>Potentially Erdrick and Master Chief at E3
Honestly the best outcome that could possibly happen. Before someone points me to the Frank o Conner tweet just know that the guy who made Bayonetta was also saying she was deconfirmed and to stop talking about her. If it isn't Chief it'll be Steve sorry banjo fans.
is he seriously saying that Janemba WON'T be the EVO trailer.... god does he even think about what he posts?
>REmake 2 literally came out only a few months ago
look... RE Engine is fast, but not that fast holy shit. Also how can anyone trust this guy? The only shit he's ever really been right about is stuff related to Bandai Namco, why would he suddenly know Capcom, Microsoft, and Square information.... heck he even contradicts himself by saying that he's being a bit weary about posting Square rumors yet he still posted a Square rumor in this fucking post...
>MCC on Switch
MCC struggles to run on the fucking Xbox One X at times, no way in hell it'll reasonable run on Switch
If it's really coming to Switch it's either going to be a streamed sort of deal or a solid 360p 20fps
You can lie under NDA, and there are different forms of NDA anyway.
Sit your faggot asses down Whodricks and Steveslaves. There was nothing about Smash in there, IF it is to be believed. Take you "L" from the 17th like good little bitches and slink back to your discord.
>people unironically still believe this fucker after "minecraft in base game" and "it's not link's awakening", not to mention all the times he fucked up with DBFZ
>someone who has never been right about anything
why do people still care
Because his entire gimmick is taking shit other leakers have said and adding his own shit ontop of it
It's the sole reason why he suddenly started riding erdrick's dick after like three others said he was a thing
>implying any outcome with erdrick in it has the right to be called the best outcome
I've legitimately seen all of this stuff posted before by other "leakers"
What a fucking hack
>Janemba might be in but ohhh i dont know, let me get back to you "soon", wait for verification please
>Microsoft accidently leaks him
>1 week later
>oh yeah Janemba is in, just like i said before, i knew Microsoft was leaking it.
He's not the first to leak/hint at MCC for Switch.
It's time to seethe, The Quints have spoken
>Janemba will be revealed for DBFZ
WELL NO FUCKING SHIT YOU RETARD! He was accidentally leaked be Microsoft like 2 weeks ago. Hey Verg, remember when you said Radditz, UI Goku, and Caulifla would be in Base game DBFZ, and then said DLC? And then said S2 DLC?
I remember.
Remember when he literally said no Zelda Awakening remake right before the announcement of the remake?
He immediately went back on that and said that he was actually talking about the Cadance eshop title with the Zelda crossover. This man is something else
Stop believing in these leakers & wait for official info or visual leaks...
>visual leaks
They're more fun to tear apart than this he said she said bullshit imo
>A new Monster Hunter game is in development
>A new Street Fighter game is in development
>A new Resident Evil is in development
No fucking shit
The fact that he just said it's in development and not that it will be announced is suspicious as fuck. No doubt that's going to be his emergency backpedal
>I only said it was in development, I didn't say it would ever release ;)