Lobotomy Corporation

New Lobotomy Corporation thread: 12% survival rate edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


You know what that means

wait are these threads being jannie'd too?

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A bunch of my guys got the penitence gift. Are these guys forever gimped now that they have a shitty gift?

>non LC image
>edition in it when nobody else has done it before
>second post
no lc threads were deleted. just some seething fag that hates game discussion. Go to bed you fucks

no threads were deleted the last one just hit the bump limit

nice to see discussion about a video game for once

sTOP they're already asleep!!!!! no more!!!

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Pic related is literally best abnormality, your only shot at escaping the Corporation aside from death

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>have 30$
>want to buy it
>feel like i could use it to buy a suitcase for a trip
>want this game bad

pirate it dummy
if not paying for it makes you feel so bad you can buy it later when money's not such an issue

I know its better to support the dev in this instance, because god knows they deserve and need it for the work they put in; but you can get it by googling igg-games [game title]

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As usual, pirate first and decide after.
If it makes you feel better I pirated it and had a blast. Enough to buy it to support the devs.
I only wish there was a non drm copy though so all revenue would go directly to them.

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i never pirate something before

Buy it then refund it if you didnt like it. Come on user

Buy it and refund it even if you like it.

Ah fuck, i read enough Magical Girl Apocalypse to know where this is going.

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Well sure if you want to lose a few cents anyway

well looks like I got meme bird. im guessing its gonna be a pain huh

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Hi, guys! Army in Black here. Just a reminder to always use us whenever you're suppressing abnormalities or whenever you get the chance.

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is it possible that managers can assign themselves work on their own??

I know to only repress BnB once, and then insight.. also all my 2nd level anomalies have a -50% modifier

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its ok shes a friend

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mind telling me how to find it so i can download and try myself

Gud fren

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>Work hard pretending to be a loyal employee and endure the sexual harassment from the abbos
>Wait until we get alephs in the facility then purposefully cause a meltdown and breach that leads to multiple other breaches by going against Manager's orders
>Flee in the chaos

faggot employee imma execution bullet your ass 2 feet from the prawns

>Qliptoth counter decreases on a good result
>Qliptoth counter decreases on a bad result
fuck this

>Rushing through the day because of the timed mission
>Sent the wrong employee to Porccubus
FUG, he was one of my level 5's.

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Threadly reminder to read the instruction manual
also that op is terrible, what the fuck?

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Very helpful Zayin 10/10 would hire again.

>level V
>low enough temp to get popped by Porc

Game is okay, but I wish it was a bit more detailed and less flash management game-y

Honestly, I just want a great SCP management game.
Fucking Creative Commons

Everything was 5 but his temperance, which was 3

>Day 17
>Trying to farm up XP so I can complete "reach level 4" mission
>Lose track of time on music box
>Before I can get the cheer squad over he an hero
>Failed "no one dies"
>5 other people on the opposite side of the department go into panic and start murdering each other



How much do I need to reach level 4? I just need to stop being so stat greedy it makes me slip up eventually

Fucking hell I was so happy to cruise through that noon ordeal with no deaths

Uh, where did Melting Love go?

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Silly slime bitch thinks shes an agent

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wait a second
why are there VENTS

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She wants to learn how to play piano for her husbando?

Posted wrong image

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i was hoping we'd let this thread die and let someone that isnt on scarecrow duty make a new thread but too late

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Well 80% of the last thread were waifu fags bragging about they wanna sleep with Binah/QoH/Slime so nothing of value was lost


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Can I grind my dudes infinitely in one day or does it cap out after they do enough work?

You seem to be able to grind pretty significantly but note that you get less experience for lower tier abnormals so in terms of minutes of your life spent you're wasting time

On the other hand, as you get later into the game grinding becomes more exhausting because you get too greedy and you might slip on one of your laundry list of rules. Several abnormals need you to keep babysitting them regularly, meltdown management, and of course any abnormals that can instagib an agent.

yeah i spent 2 hours working at quests and grinding only to get fucked at the 12th hour right as i was almost done

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Uh, Melting Love is now a clerk I guess

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For me, it's the Big Bird.

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half-assed delivery for the user(s) that wanted a monstergirl, never drawn one before so it was kind of fun.

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>games you uninstalled before finishing the tutorial

hmmmm....a drawfag.....yes....yes i will follow you. post your blog

Is the number of qliphoth meltdown phases in between ordeals randomized? I'm getting a noon immediately after a dawn

And here I was getting pissed when I tried going for the "complete a dusk ordeal" mission, and I got a 9 AND a 12 meltdown phases in between my dawn and noon. At that point I would've needed to force failures rather than just spamming Zayins, which is both dangerous and tedious.

why do people try to get jobs at the corporation if it pays less than working on a fishing boat anyway

sshh they're sleeping

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Got any more mcdonalds memes? I love them

not bad, now do skullbro

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Does the fairy killing an employee if he works on something else continue through days, or can I put him on a different monster the next day?

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It goes away after like 30 seconds

They are to a limited degree random

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There's some event going on, the top bar is an intent to visit.

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Post employees


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Judging by bit and pieces conversation in labrary of ruina trailer. The world is probably not a nice place when a death battle sound like just another day of work

How bad is it when black swan melts down I've never had it happen before

muh control team captain, i'll miss her once i do my reset

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Relax, it's a non-escaped object.

>image unrelated to game

let the thread die you stupid fucks

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People dont know how to sage nowadays

You people need to move on

That's not the Magical Girl.

I read the tips I know something shows up just not sure how bad, is it yin and yang tier bad?

I didn't even finish the game nigga. I'm at Day 27.

>game is listed as a roguelite
>you can just replay the day if things don't go how you want, making it no different than a checkpoint
what did they mean by this?

Dunno about tiers, but it's not justice bird levels of assfucking, but above the dog.

God I want Laetitia to sit on my lap as I teach her about world history and then carry her sleeping body to bed, tuck her in and make sure she gets a good night's sleep

The main concern with the Black Swan is that she makes other abnormalities breach.

Should I be filling all my slots with employees? I don't need them but I'd have a bigger pool of people to pick from if I always kept level 1s around (since they will level up rather fast).

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You can reload her from the database

No you can overwrite them. Just get another gift in the same slot.

4 should be enough for each department

just change appearance

So when will WAWs and ALEPHs come in?

2 should be enough for each department

3 to deal with meltdowns at all times and 2 extras for suppression

ok Im fairly new to this. but I just fucking had plague doctor go all evangelion on me and kill everyone. The thing is, I have dont touch me and scorched girl right next to him. I keep pressing the button releasing her and she keeps suiciding bombing the apostles in the room, is she going to be able to suicide bomb this thing if I just grind this out?

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What's with the console?

>do work on some mannequin
>they escape
>1st Movement
>3rd Movement

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Can't forget little helper doing his part.

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One sin is your jesus

Punished bird Joins the Fray!

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How the fuck do you fight big birb?Like seriously, his gimmick makes it so you cant reaaaly prepare that easily depending where his room is and he's fucking stronger than any other WaW I fought against

Mm..yes... is nice

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It could just be a part of a built in a/c system which the game even talks about in insight work and/or just a looping filter system

I wished punishing bird actually dealt damage to other abbo's instead of just accepting bullying

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>Day 13
Man you are going to have fun on Core Supressions.

Fucking idiot

Can't forget this asshole also helping out.

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It's also not a bad gift, but yes unless you lock it, rolling something else in the same slot will overwrite it.

-50% is when all the people in your department are dead...

How do I go about Hods Core Supression?

The stats debuff is really bad later on no thanks to Melting Love, Nothin There and Magical Girl. I was thinking doing the other Supressions first but I read in threads that the only thing they do is fuck me even harder since all my Alephs are located in Central Command

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Do you have the happy machine? If yes, easy day. If no, consider doing it on a different loop or specifically aiming for it as your next tool.

How long have you been playing? If you finish day 49 with 2 in each department you're either some sort of god or hacking.

Pic related is Hose the security team captain.She's with me since day 1 but lost her command captainship because of the core suppresion and now sits in the same department as Blue Star.The only person with full aleph gear as the only other aleph gear I have is the infinity gauntlet which this fella has
Possibly also from the first day or the second day, old info team cap now discipliniary team veteran Noah.This here's Camille, the last of my veterans but she's newer than both, she possibly entered our wing during the end of the first week or so.
Full blown hero who took care of the entire central command by herself and fought with so many shit including red hood that she's called a hero.

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Nothing There should be doable by someone with maxed Fortitude and Temperance even with the stat penalties. For Magical Girl and Melting love you optimally need execution bullets from Disciplinary. Kill at least 3 per round so Queen is never angry, kill every clerk in whatever department Melting Love is, leave with everyone else, and do something that's not Repression.

So I should do some more days until I unlock execution bullets? I'm at Day 27 right now. Queen is of Hatred is kinda my biggest annoyance since you can't guarantee to get over 14 Boxes with the stat penalties.

If you got troublesome abs, maybe this is not the run you do the Boss battle? If you really need to get it done this run but you cant work on high tier abs during the meltdowns, try to accept the meltdowns and the abs roaming free and instead grind boxes from managable abs.

I'm to afraid of Nothing There.
I have literally no idea what he does since he never breached before and the thought of him breaching terrifies me.

>foot fetishism is a victimless cri-

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If you're bad at hide and seek, better hope you have enough power to pass the dps check before MR X GON GIVE IT TO YA

Can't you memory repository some of the bad Abnormalities away?

That's just cheating. I only memory repository when I run into a hard impassable brick wall. Maybe I'm just retarded and to attached to my employees in Central.

Did you unlock Disciplinary

Nothing There will fuck you up unless you have like 8 Aleph geared people or a prepared killbox, if he escapes that's a retry. Let him loose at the start of a day and see what he does, then just retry.

Who /idort/ here?

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It's how the game works, not cheating, but if you want to play that way that you'll need to restart from day 1 eventually anyway. Your best option is to go Disciplinary and get execution bullets and train as many people as possible to max stats so you can deal with the stat reductions.


What are some abnormalities that are complete shit and should be avoided?

Yea Forums


Army in Black and Express Train to Hell, everything else is manageable with the tools you are given, at least in my opinion. There are plenty of annoying things like Queen and Parasyte Tree and Nameless Fetus, but they're not that bad. Silent Orchestra and Alriune are annoying but not much else.

All of them.

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>you'll need to restart from day 1 eventually anyway
I did once already dude mismanegement. Memory repository isn't gonna help anyway since I got Nothing There on Day 19. I'll try to get the bullets and see how it goes from there. I already have a lot of IV and V's (except for Control and Information)

Bald is awesome.That shit will killed your motivation itselfn

>doesnt use Train for facility-wide HP and SP restoration

How was Scarecrow today?

Sure bro, forget one time, everything goes to shit, if you play the game right there's only two states for employees, full health and instantly dead, healing is irrelevant.


Seems we have lot of new friends here so I share you a secret regarding the Train.

You can order your workers to stand in hallways. You should order one designated guy to pick up the train ticket the moment the Train's ticket booth's 4th light turns on. Then you just keep doing what you normally do until the 4th light turns on again and you just order the ticket guy to pick up the ticket. Repeat this until you are ready to move on to the next day.

I think even high functioning autist wont tolerated that shit dude

You're some sort of genius aren't you? How long have you played this game? I don't want to deal with that when dealing with real threats, if you want to have to babysit a shitty item while everything is going to hell, suit yourself.

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What the fuck is the deal with work favor? Is high better than common? If so, why do some list levels 1 and 2 as high then 3+ as common?

>If so, why do some list levels 1 and 2 as high then 3+ as common?
Sometimes lower level stats are more effective than higher level.

What are you even attempting to ask? Yes, High is better than Common, obviously. Every Abnormality reacts differently to different levels. More skills doesn't always mean better results in work.

Some list levels 1 and 2 as High and 3+ as Common because that abnormality reacts better to people with levels 1 and 2, it's not rocket science. Sometimes it's a bait for abilities that instant-kill or do other bad things though.

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If you cant afford one guy being a designated ticket picker to get tremendous HP and SP heal every 2 minutes, you are playan it wrong. For example you get [Censored] and there's a chance your top dog might go crazy with it even though he's maxed? You wait third light, then order the guy to CENSORED. He takes the initial SP blow but your ticket guy picks up the ticket soon after restoring your top dog to full sanity thus negating the risk of him losing mind.

Some skips prefer lower tier work. It would be pretty boring if your maxed out guys could handle everything. Read Managment Tips. They might reveal Qilpoth decrease or Insta-Death even if the work results show High.

Manager rankings

Yea Forumsirgin manager
>sucks ass at the game,loses to any Aleph anytime
>probably has 200+ hours on LC, still sucks ass
>Restarts to Day 1 for ANY reason
>asks for tips in an anonymous shitposting board
>has affection towards abnormalities, especially ones that look humanoid
>lewds abnormalities AND employees
>probably a gebura,binah or angelafag
>relies on the pause button too much because has never played a single RTS or micromanagement game before
>dies to Asiyah Sephirah's core Suppressions
>has to cheese through both Gebura and Binah's core suppressions
>uses the bunker solely to cheese through impossible odds

Ch/x/d Manager
>Does not reset to Day 1 for any reason
>only uses retries, but sparingly
>cares about their employees and pity the abnormalities, but not to the point of affection
>semi-decent at micro-managing and self-awareness
>uses the pause button sparing as to not spoil themselves
>lewds Sephirahs
>give no mercy to abnormalities
>fights ordeals and core suppressions head on
>uses the bunker only to make silly and fun situations, then retry the day
>does not immediately retry when a V or their favourite employee dies,instead accept their death and work with what they have
>can deal with multiple Alephs at the same time

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Legit, how much have you played, have you finished day 49? Do you know what this game has in store? You don't have time to check back on the bloody ticket, at least I don't. Best of luck to you sir.

Not him, but I just have a guy in black armor deal with Censored trivially. SP healing has not ever mattered at all for working.

>get a mod that shows how many stat points my wageslaves will get at the end of the day
>also changes work success probability from low/medium/high to actual percentage numbers

Call me a casual, but this mod is a huge improvement to me. Fuck vague data and not being able to see how much experience your dudes get from work.

underage b&

So, like is Gebura Indian?

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CENSORED is not even hard to contain or suppress

I wouldn't pick the Train to end missions, sure but in the beginning and middle way it gives such an amazing restore that it makes working with high tier enemies ezpz lemon squeazy

That mod does make the Memory Leak issues worse though... Otherwise it's good.

Does mountain of smiling bodies count clerks towards the 10 dead for him to flip shit?

Also is there an easy way to kill clerks? Melting Love's love spreads via them too, so what I have to do now is let that wipe a whole floor of clerks, and then I can start cycling the normal employees and the infected employees to heal, it takes a bit of time.

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I had him with lvl V guy with V in every stat and Waw armor with black resistance. He still went insane 1/10 times working on Censored. Train totally negated that 1/10 and made getting the gear easy.

I have decided to make this angry worker fluffy
What abnormalities should I aim for to get maximum fluff gears

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>wouldn't pick the Train to end missions

Pray tell, how do you intend to remove it from your facility after you picked it, when you go into endgame? Your goal is to always go to endgame, unless you really like resetting to day 1 every 40 days, then go ahead. It's a bad abnormality, you never need the heal, end of story, you do you.

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You get execution bullets in one of the missions allowing you to kill your clerks easier

>Also is there an easy way to kill clerks?
Execution bullets. You get them by doing best girls missions.

Yes, Mountain counts clerks, it's a fun time.

Unlock execution bullets from the Disciplinary Department to kill your clerks so they can't fuck shit up anymore.

Thanks, user. I love her.

I haven't even unlocked the disciplinary department

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I farmed gear and call it a run when I started to lose high end gear no matter how msny times I retried the day. I restarted 4 times before doing any Bosses and the surplus gear made every rerun easier and I covered more unknown abnormals. I completely disagree with the game having only one way of playing it.

Which mission gives bullets? I'm at the one that tells me to supress 5 times HE abnormalities.

>V in stat
use an aleph suit like mountain and get EX prudence

That's the one.

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You pick your rewards after completing a mission

>Waw armor

Probably not even 0.6 resist, ofc they panic. Equip them with some darn Aleph gear, they don't take any damage at all. Or give them the Child of the Galaxy token if you have him. Better than crippling your facility with train.

Nice desu ne

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Mountain is pretty easy to suppress with waw armor

My friend, Censored was the only guy giving Aleph gear at that point for me.

How the fuck do you beat big birb down
That hairy meatball is nigh unkillable

No my friend. 9/10 times the work was successful and my worker got out of it sane. It had small precentage (roughly 1/10) that it would have gone bad. The train restore made sure that 10% wouldn't happen

The train actually heals your facility when you pick up the ticket at 4th light

Send a few Level I employees into WhiteNight's chamber and sick him and his apostles on Big Bird.

>restarted 4 times before doing any Bosses

Holy shit I'm taking to someone who loses to Asiyah bosses, that's preaching to me that Train is good. Please don't. I finished the game without resetting to day 1, with only 2 memory repositories.

>rolled for CENSORED before Mountain
Also Train's not worth it later on

The instruction manual, motherfucker.
Read it.

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Just kite it, it charms one person at a time, make them run away, have everyone else punch at it till it falls down.

I didn't lose to any of the bosses because I tried them only after restarting 4th time because I wanted to make sure I had all the possible gear and nice mission rewards.

You can try to play the game on one go or you can choose the way you enjoy more.

>Do work on Magical Girl after Qliphoth Meltdown alert to increase her counter
>Get only 15 P.E boxes

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>playing it with banging head on the wall
>trying to banter a guy playing the game without banging the head to the wall

you will regret it

How's this game in terms of stress ?
I like the idea and the design (the sound design is horrible though), but I feels like it's too close to actual work...

>without resetting to day 1
how did you even make it past

Wikiscumming and praying to RNGesus

>banging head on wall
Got the good ending in about 75 hours of gameplay, no day took more than 5 retries. If you say so.

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If you enjoyed that, good for you. If the other guy enjoys his play, good for him.

Make it past what, you fail once or twice, learn what you must do, win.
Wikiscum what? You can just investigate an abnormality and find out exactly what it does, than retry the day and make all the trouble go away. If it's bad enough you memory repository.

It's not rocket science if you know how to use your brain guys.

I suppose that's true, I'm just being a lil bitch because MUH CHALLENGE.

So RetryScumming, RepoScumming and RNGScumming. Got it.

>Being proud about save scumming

>Wikiscum what?
He's saying that he/the other user looked up what anomaly is behind each codename on anomaly chosing day.

Why does Cheseds have so much bad luck with women?

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It just has to be free but greedy fucks wont make it for free

If there's a thread up tonight I'll draw some lewds

>unlock everything and savescum
How's that different from wikiscumming you nigger

Did you actually bragging that you win the game by spoiling yourself? I enjoy my suffering and enjoying the game how its meant to be play thanks

Make some nice Gebura lewds for exchange.
There us certainly gonna be a thread up.

I love you
I love you
I love you

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>hows it meant to be played

If both ways and other ways too lead to same result, who is the one deciding which way is the way meant to be played?

Agreed bro, fuck the haters.I got 5 alephs worth of gear with cheat engine then cruised on, totally worth it

t.Russian Olympic participant

>enchanting the same as quite literal precognitive powers and some omnipotence
That's not cheeki breeki of you comrad

>0 counter meltdown woodsman
what do

Ignore him.

>every single sephirah was actually a nice person at their core who wanted everything to go nicely for everyone
>except Binah
Fuck Binah

You can play it however you want dude but it just cringy the moment you brag about it.

Dont send anyone to him until next day. Protip: his meltdown at 0 doesn't unleash him, it just takes away bit of your energy.

can worker stats go down if I leave them alone all day


Press the button.

You know you want to.

2 teams just died in 5 seconds

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Need higher prudence
Need higher level

I want to be double-teamed by Gebura and Binah.

>blue star or censored meltdown 4 during hod suppression

>Fuck binah
That's my plan user.

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I still would.

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Honestly, her being old is the least of her problems.

The moment you expect it the least.

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Is there any fix to the memory leak issue? Like some way to save and quit halfway through a day?
I feel like I can't actually continue playing since reaching a Dusk ordeal seems to cause the game to crash when trying to end the day

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Probably just quit after you get to deployment phase and start the game again

Biggest chicken of them all is missing

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Problem is I can't get to the next day's deployment phase, it's just one day and it crashes before I can pick anomalies

>excited to use the gun I got from this cool black in blue dude.
>deck an agent out with his gun and his coat
>an ordeal comes out
>send the whole information team out to suppress an ordeal
>5 seconds later Yesod blasts my ass saying I'm a shit manager for letting everyone die.
F-fuck bros why?

Remember to work hard.
Only 60 days until you can have a vacation.


>Get a gun from a guy who made a pact with the devil
>Wonder that there is a drawback

>he takes gifts from black people and wonders why someone gets shot.


Blaxk swan is such a cutie!

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I want to fuck Hod, have the reality distorter turn off while we both lay in bed together, then say "doesn't matter, had sex."

It has to go down in that exact way.

Turtlenecks suck

>opened the Security department
>currently has Punishing Bird, the cleaning robot and the Butterfly funeral as the newcomer to take care of
>mfw repeated this day three times now because Butterfly keeps fucking escaping every 1-2 times I work on him and my dudes keep dying
I'll never finish this game I am literally too autismo to let anyone die except clerks.

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If it's your first run, don't sweat it. The game can throw sudden curveballs. It's ok to retry if you lose several high rank guys.

Like this?

Attached: 1545104498370.png (1920x1080, 1.52M)

Post cute Hods.

Attached: Hod2.jpg (427x604, 16K)

I want to feed Hod to Censored!

Here's your Sephirah, bro.

Attached: 1546282596426.jpg (450x383, 25K)

Attached: HodBlush.jpg (900x1077, 109K)

Abnos are for lewd

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I want to feed Hod to Gebura

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when this game gets harder? I'm on day 6 right now and it has been more tedious than fun.


Attached: 71407112_p0.png (2256x2084, 3.03M)

Its tedious because you keep grinding otherwise you should pass those day in a flash

How i deal with The Claw?

Attached: TheClawHighQuaility.png (246x536, 81K)

Boy would I!

"Well, what are you waiting for user?"
"They're not gonna lick themselves"

Attached: Sadist.jpg (282x351, 19K)

Uh the setup? Yes except the note and the locations
...What the fuck is that bar on the lower center of the screen?

>finally finished Hods Supression
Now I can finally turn the meatgrinder on.

I only grind until I complete the day's research goal.

>Researcher's Notes create a massive explosion of red damage when taking too much damage
Could I use this to nuke escaped abnormalities that are vulnerable to red?

That's a really bad idea because you will eventually run into trouble at Day 19+


You unlock it on later missions. You get ammo to restore HP, restore SP, create shield against certain type of damage and execution bullets to put clerks down

I have no idea why I'm watching vtubers play LC instead of doing day 49. Send help.

Is white damage just inherently better than red damage because it still hurts enemies while being able to knock allies out of panic?

user, that's not how you give Hod a neck massage.

Attached: HodDoItFaggot.jpg (640x640, 40K)

Binah's feet

Attached: pool&tea.jpg (565x1240, 137K)

At first levels, sure. Later many abos are resistant to it.

Does Rabbit Protocol actually capable of supressing Melting Love/Nothing There or is it just good for WAW and lower?

Hod was a really young gal manipulated into doing something she didnt know the full consequences to and works hard to amend it to this day user

They can suppress Nothing There, haven't tried Melting Love.

>doing research is a bad idea
Excuse me?

I too like boxes

This is how you give a neck massage

Attached: 1543760961384.png (666x666, 70K)

>I only grind until I complete the day's research goal.
The point is you should grind even after it or your employees will be underleveld as fuck when the game throws Alephs in your direction.

>Library of Ruina's logo is a black hexagon
>aka a black cube
Oy gevalt these shabbos goy better stop this right now

Attached: 1546826994088.jpg (600x737, 75K)

They can suppress Melting love too.

Aww hell no. I already hated it in Hods supression.

Attached: fuck.png (1913x1072, 2.1M)

I want to put Hod's brain in Myo's body.

>tags: bimbonize

does Censored escape during meltdowns?


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>like 5 clerks by standing ontop of red dawn clowns exploding
>army in black decides humanity isn't worth saving anymore
what the fuck I thought we were bros

>fiery bird's flavor texts, box text and story all talk about his feathers
>his gift is good but not OH SHIT I NEED IT tier
>his armor is extremely lackluster considering he doesnt even give a weapon
That was a letdown, at least it's cute and I like the idea behind it.

His weapon exists though.

>They don't consider exactly this as a means of escape

kill him and take his feathers

my wife

Attached: 1557531369719.jpg (425x600, 58K)

Sorry for shittalking you hot birb
Time to let big birb out so you also come out I guess
Gebura would be proud

are the kickstarter anomalies interesting or should i just disable it? I'm asking because I got one anomaly that looked pretty retarded (a fluffy cute dog).

>its actually video game discussion for once
This is what they all said when they realized they becamse a literal general. Enjoy this while it lasts.

They are all interesting to a degree but like 2 of them are also extremely annoying to work with

So like... is the only actual way to deal with plague doctor to never ever EVER get fucking plague doctor?
Cuz no matter how much I read, it just seems like some kind of "you're fucked, deal with it" situation.

What the fuck is Gebura's problem?

his armor also pisses off another abnormality to the point where someone wearing the armor researches it, they instantly die.

Just treat him like any Zayin abnormality and ignore him. Too bad for you if he meltdowns.

Attached: click button.png (500x295, 19K)

>that shitty meme

it sucks, stop trying to force it

Punch it till it dies, either put everyone with death circles in the same place so they die without collateral or try to send all of them in to work, that dispels the mark.

>just got the last member of the bird trio

Attached: exodia.jpg (425x395, 54K)

I mean I dislike the idea that people need to absorb the message that the dev intended to enjoy the game "properly" but I thought it was a funny application of it, sorry if you disagree

Yin has a cool as fuck polearm with uniqe animations

>Nameless Fetus next to Yin and Yang

Attached: 1469148647438.png (722x675, 207K)

Yin is not a backer abnormality.

I accidentaly did attachement work with Melting Love.

Attached: 1470070329736.png (439x412, 186K)

the slime girl looks like fetish bait but is actually unironically fun as fuck, army in black is also cool
I would say there's more good ones than bad ones but yeah ppodae is a piece of shit, imagine designing something so boring right?

Its a naginata

A Naginata is a polearm

Reminder that abnormalities are not 'cute' and are not capable of empathy. If you are feeling some sort of attraction it is because you are falling under some sort of influence. Just like some Abnormalities that are held here, it's part of the process of controlling and misleading your brain. If this happens, please stop working and immediately seek mental treatment. As you have all passed basic employee training, I hope no one will be foolish enough to be misled.

Attached: d9.png (256x256, 24K)

>Punishing Bird braches again
>send guy down to the elevator so he can get pecked
>forget the guy has the Black Swan umbrella
>manages to deflect both the peck and the tentacle attack
And now he's in his containment looking this

Attached: 20190519160242_1.jpg (1153x803, 191K)

Fuck you, I'm gonna stick my dick in Blue Star's hole and there's N O T H I N G you can do to stop me.

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Aren't you supposed to do that?

Don’t play on a poorfag computer. 64 gb here, play for hours straight and didn’t know there was a memory leak until poorfag crying.

Hod is so silly

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Which one?

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We have an out of controlled employee that need suppression here

That’s a lot of tuntia.

I got to Day 15 and I selected a new Abnormality but all the departments were full, I mean each already had 4 abnormalities, was that a bug? Or will it be placed when I unlock/upgrade a new department and have free slots?

Knight of Despair.

>Or will it be placed when I unlock/upgrade a new department

I got an Execution bullet

>Or will it be placed when I unlock/upgrade a new department and have free slots?

>doing stuff for Nothing There
>Actually get an erection
Kill me, Angela. I've fallen too far.

>Threads everyday
>OP has "edition" in it
At this rate, we'll really have to move to /vg/.


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>need one more Reverberation
>have to try and farm Alriune again

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How the FUCK do you beat fiery birb without lotsa aleph gear?Even if I just take my melee guys to juke it it fucks back off to it's room before I can do anything and just gathering everyone means big juicy white dmg dick

Punishing Bird picked a fight with all the Complete Food during a Dawn, does having low health mean he'll never go back to his room cause it's been a fuckin while of everyone running in circles to avoid him

he returns to its den after a certain number of attacks

He returns after dealing 14 red damage, either with his 1 damage pecks or 800 damage instagib

You can ignored him and let the fucker pecked all he want

I want to marry Myo and have an affair with Hod.

Without spoiling too much, what is the easiest dusk ordeal to deal with?
I'm at day 22 and I'd like to get that Markoth mission done as soon as possible.


>tanked three lads through Express train
Didnt know that was possible

when in doubt, amber (if you have enough time and you're patient). although red ordeals are a fucking joke overall anyway


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>tfw this game makes you feel too sad to keep playing and i didnt even get to day 20

Clown Dusk was fairly easy.

You almost faced the difficulty spike user


What does the manual say about Malkuth?

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the worse is yet to come
just keep at it slowly

Attached: faget.jpg (1080x1200, 185K)

Does her best

the problem isnt the difficulty for now its that the game's world is too dark and depressing and i say this without even knowing all the characters, mechanics or story.

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That she's a pussy.

Attached: MalkuthBeingAPussy.jpg (1920x1080, 240K)

I mean it
the worse is yet to come

>get the shelter
>just park one employee in there to see what it does

Oh boy, that sure was something.
Best tool in the game.

If you actually come for the cute girl then im sorry user. All the fluffy looking thing post here are actually a fucking monster in its truest sense

>Tfw retrying all days after 20 5+ times
I will get it this time I swear

Attached: WHAT_I_LEARNED.jpg (476x349, 17K)

Quick edit to tell the truth.

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>Tiphereth (M)
The manager is gay now?!!

oh i knew that, i just didn't think it would get me this bad. i guess when i downloaded the game i just forgot how much of a sensitive pussy i am. being reminded what goes on in the company pretty much every day at the start makes me feel uncomfortable

Attached: angry crying.png (393x315, 106K)

Don't worry about it, it's all fine.

Attached: __angela_lobotomy_corporation_drawn_by_bee_deadflow__424a49d456f6efe837f4d6a00043677f.jpg (756x1072, 183K)

>The manager is gay now?!!
Nah, LobCorp is like prison.
He just fucks them once every blue moon to show superiority and dominance.

don't worry user, things start getting better once you clear the third tiphereth mission which is about day 25

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wat abnormalities are fucking you up
mite b time to consider returning to day 1

do you mean a hotel ?
because those fuckers stroll around whenever they want

are you trying to trick me

*cathartic thiphereth staring*

Which abnormalities do you usually call the Rabbits on?

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I am a shitty drawfag but I wanted to share my latest idea.... waifunight, make sure to get blessed

Attached: waifunight.png (1257x1089, 228K)

you shouldn't
but mosb and birbs is usually it simply because managing their oppression is boring

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>nobody even knows
I feel fucked

What else?

Attached: fuckyou.png (582x426, 180K)

holy cow!

you use slow bullets and MP bullets and red shields. if you have only WAW gear you can do it, use ranged weapons and before he starts flying at sonic speed micro everyone out of the room and then go back in when he's done having a shitfit, if you're getting shit on by his white damage use shields and bulelts, make sure to pause a lot

>that anxiety when you get a new abnormality

uuuuuuh I don't know how to handle that one
just get all his entries and call it a month

Damn you Whiteknight and your tricks!

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But user,the white damage goes through the shield
If not, I probably could've murdered it with enough time

>returning to day 1
>for ANY reason

Attached: 1557669056265.jpg (450x339, 12K)

>day 21
>get the weird yellow thing
>okay i'll test things out slowly.
>instantly kills my employee
>now there's bees fucking everywhere
fucking shit

Is Malkuth cucking Yesod?

Please don't stare at me! I'm shy!!

Attached: Schadenfreude.png (675x434, 416K)

>day 26
>only quest to do currently is finish a Dusk ordeal
>do excess work that day, Dawn and Noon were both easy Crimson ordeals
>my dusk Roll is Amber
>already spoiled myself on most the ordeals since I dislike you can't get any info about them that isn't guesswork, unlike the rest of the game's systems.
>"Well, how bad could it be?"
>set everyone up in the elevators to split up and gank some worms from behind
>spawn them, get people placed right
>'lol nigga you do no damage'
>the only people that get anything done are all my level 5 bigniggas down in central
>worms on top floor running rampant
>"Please no please don't ple-"
>Mountain of smiling bodies has breached containment! I thought you were better than the upper Sephirahs, manager.
>unpaused for a second while thinking without realising and half my upper floor employees die to worms
Well there goes 40 minutes into the shitter

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>At Dooms Gate intensifies

>Day 26
>still didnt do Dusk
Enjoy the absolute nightmare of Core Supressions with that amount of daily PE boxed

why the fuck is judgement birb's gear so fucking good
>resistant to EVERYTHING
>pale damage

okay, fuck this guy.

Not even ruining a perfect run, he's murdering everyone

Attached: 1532991545208.png (775x573, 270K)

I just got to choose between
>Skins cried manager
>Let us meet again as stars
>Donator anomality about bringing masks
Sadly i’ve been spoiled on all the meme anomalities so i kinda know what they were
All i ask is, was picking the first one a right idea?

Don't let his bees kill employees, that makes more bees appear

>was picking the first one a right idea
Be sure to give it a pretty skin

I just had it reach 0 as well but it was much easier to contain after learning how to fight it
Here's an extremely important and easy protip
The mist doesnt stay forever, just use a single red bullet or so
You can just gather your pitchforks and torches to murder the fuckers afterwards
Worker bees are EXTREMELY weak by themselves

did you choose him before memory repository day

only hire new employees if you have avaiable EGO gear

Attached: dumb:3poster.png (225x179, 59K)

I can get it when its contained, but he blows his load everywhere and suddenly there's 1000 bees even though nobody was near it.
and then big bird escapes and eats everyone

>Enjoy the absolute nightmare of Core Supressions with that amount of daily PE boxed
he can't even do that

I usually run an absolute skeleton crew of assholes that I grind to level 5 until that's not enough anymore, then I spend the shitload of LOB I saved up to buy more dipshits

amber is bullshit in later stages compared to green and red
people who tell you that amber is the easiest are liars

The bees get created when clerks get killed or get infected by his spores too, so keep them away from him when possible

if you see a medium/bad result, pause the game, and either execute all the clerks in the area, or give everyone a red shield and you should be fine

can you do anything with clerks? I thought they were just mindless corpses running around like idiots

Yeah, you can kill them they're useless.

amber is for literal braindead retards that want to take their time. if you fail at amber you're an impatient braindead retard and not fit to be a manager

Use only 5 insight with her, that's the only one that gives a good result.

>>Day 26
>>still didnt do Dusk
I mean if I can't fucking handle them now I really couldn't of handled it 5 days prior with next to no WAW or ALEPH gear
Why can't I do it user?
My life and all my boxes for a Red Dusk

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>A manages to finally break the cycles of guilt, set everything straight, and plant the seeds of hope that will save humanity, making every sacrifice worth it
>And then this asshole shows up

Attached: AngelaDay1.png (1920x1080, 863K)

>day 35
>gotta do midnight
A-Am I fucked bros?

get green and youll be perfectly fine

Attached: 4.png (836x508, 39K)

Because you need to finish the dusk ordeal mission to access core suppression

Oh yeah I know that, that's why I'm trying to do it now. I thought there was something I didn't know about the PE boxes that will fuck me with core supressions.

>Turning yourself in to get blam'd
Look at this dumb fucking clerk, it's way faster to just higher new nerds than fix them

Is there any rhyme or reason concerning the shapes of Abnormality boxes at the select screen? Melting Love was a tound box and Nothing There was a regular one

Most core suppressions require you to fill up the quota and reach a certain meltdown level

>Already depressed at all the suffering
>Not even day 20
I'm sorry faggot but you haven't seen SHIT

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Which weapons better, WhiteNig or Apocalypse Bird's?

compared to green and red, amber is a slog

Round box means it was a backer abnormality

Square boxes are original abnormalities, round boxes are fan-submitted ones.

To be fair, her personality wasn't fixed to her original self unlike the others

That doesn't seem that bad, but based on posts I can assume they all have ebin 'fuck you' twists that make the day hellish.
While I'd hate to do it, does the backwards clock count for passing the Ordeal of Dusk?

>First time playing
>Day 18, choose an Abnormality for the Secrurity Department
>Got this thing Nothing There that everyone post about
>Send in one of my best agents, Julia Captain of the Information Team
>She fucking dies
>"I love you, I love you, I love you..."
>Julia NO!
Fuck, if I didn't have the tool You must be Happy and my Training Department Captain Georgia I wouldn't be able to work on it at all.

Attached: 1521348403935.png (750x642, 439K)

Nope, you have to suppress

The secret to progressing through abnormality work in this game is to just pump up one or two agents to max stats ASAP

Netzach blocks abnormality healing as well, right?

>max stats
[Laughs in Wizard of Oz and Music Grinder]

Yes, so don't do more than one work for the agent per meltdown unless you're sure they can tank it

retry and you must be happy julia and have waw level red armor

You can just keep one or two employees on mediocre stats to deal with those fucks

if you pick those it's your fault if you don't mem repo them out

>Wizard of Oz
That dumb nigger doesnt even get out of the hallway before he's contained

Attached: 1558070497240.jpg (748x847, 171K)

>day 45
>binah suppression mission is not available
I just wanna get this over with jesus

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The only way to do both Hokma's and Binah's in a single run is by evenly unlocking them, and then using memory repository to go back after completing them. Same thing happened to me. So it's either going back to day one, or no suppression for you


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>EGO armor but with skirts
Fund it

Attached: 17.png (2020x1500, 158K)


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What's the point of saving non-agent employees?

Bonus department stat
But who needs em anyway? lmao

the fuck's happening there?

>h*lding hands
How did ProjectMoonStudio got away with this?

>saving the offering to Queen of Hatred

Whats the point of calling an ambulance for a person in need?

saving a real human being, as opposed to a useless coded automaton?

It’s what happens when the Snow Queen takes someone hostage and you have to send someone to beat her before they die

In the universe of the game they are all human. Thats the point i was trying to get across

What abno is that?


I was asking the benefit of doing so within the scope of the gameplay, so your point was shit


>finally did apocalypse bird's fight
a-at least now I can do whitenight's

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>the benefit of doing so within the scope of the gameplay
Not letting a fair number of abnos get horny for snuff porn and breach.
That fucking 'reindeer' is the first thing in this game that I try to keep out of my view as much as possible that isn't Schadenfreude.
Gives me the fucking creeps.

I'm on day 26 with no suppression yet, give it to me straight: how fucked am I?

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You won't be straight in a moment with how much assfucking will be going on.

You're probably gonna have to go back to day 1 at some point anyway, so just do as many suppression as you can

You can't start doing the first one until day 21, so you could still be good. Get working on those missions, since you'll need to complete Malkuth's first in order to start doing suppressions

what would Indigo Midnight be like?

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Wouldnt that just be White Midnight?

>Red Riding breaches
>she's greeted by my employee decked out in Nothing There's gear

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my best worker dies to censored
what do?

Attached: Untitled.jpg (300x421, 59K)

She didn't fly so good

Depends entirely of what type of anomalies you have and how well geared/max stats employees you have. Was in the same boat as you and managed to do Hods/Malkuths. The only real difficulty is praying that your bullshit Abnormalities don't get picked for anal fisting services.

Get better dark resist
I'd say .6 resist and 3 fortitude is the bare minimum with some prayers, .4 or lower resist is ideal

Defense against monk and bees

doesn't the rank of the equipment take priority over the actual numbers

The only real dangers are Mountain, Blue Star, and Melting Love. Mostly Mountain since he will flip fucking shit whenever clerks die.

I mean unless I'm looking at something wrong, WAW gear still takes 100% damage from alephs

AiB can be pretty bad if you get him early on.

well I put her in 0.6 black teth gear and she goes insane at 20% progress

user I was talking about WAW gear. As far as I can tell, armor one level down from an abnormality's threat level doesnt take extra damage

>max sp
train people in prudence

well that's literally my one WAW armor

>only one fucking WAW
>takes censored
of course

Don't touch it and hope it doesn't melt down

>when you forget to pull your ticket

Attached: 1409065975717.gif (250x175, 969K)

Then as I said, take someone with 3 fortitude, give them your best WAW and up armor and pray

Why are there so many threads about this game now when it released years ago?

All those you said are easy to either contain or suppress, especially Melting Love.
The real assholes are Silent Orchestra or Army in Blacks

People noticed it's ok to talk about SCP based games on Yea Forums again.

Released have fuck up translation

Oh shit, didn't know the game's translator visited these threads, hello!

how does 3 fortitude defend against censored

I imagine it is possible to reach the last week without doing one (if you get the perfect selections of safe and good gear giving), but the benefits for completing the missions are really useful.

Its pretty simple if you think about it
Now why dont you work on it and find out

Attached: qh9Fk6GdgPI.jpg (1527x2160, 572K)

High success work

do you even know what censored actually does

The money is nice

Ugh gebura is harder than i thought.

Slash your SP by 60%? Yeah, HP isnt the thing that fucks you up against censored

Look at Censored's work success table before you talk shit
Granted that's not all that great a solution because they will quickly get to 4 fortitude

Stop it
I've seen too many threads about videogames that had fun discussion go to /vg/ to die because faggots thought making /vg/-like threads on Yea Forums was a good idea

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If you have someone with crumbling armor's gift do attachment work on snow queen while also wearing fiery bird's suit, do you burn up or get decapitated?

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>He doesn't use ALEPHs to level up employees
What's your excuse Yea Forums ?


Attached: CENSORED-0.png (490x300, 64K)

do you think she'd go out with me?

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Its still good enough to get his weapon, at which point you wont have to worry about him anymore

Attached: 55.png (1200x700, 1.66M)

imagine wanting to fuck a s*phirah. How pathetic.

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I think even an abnormality's standards aren't THAT low, user.

Is there a cuter abnormality?

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*Meltdowns in your path*
I really wish Censored wasn't the only fucking Aleph without an armor

If an employee dies and I repo, they come back if I had them at that point but the gear is still gone right?

It's insidious

Attached: Screen_Shot_2018_04_18_at_12.50.12_PM.0.jpg (1200x800, 235K)

>lewding sephirahs
I sleep
>lewding sephirahs(el forma de cubo)

Yes, just press retry instead

Even if it meltdowns its weapon helps employees not go insane when working on it

okay, what do anons. I don't have a justice 4.
I was going to ignore it, but its constantly having a meltdown, or the stupid fetus starts crying. It single handedly kills all my teams if it gets out.

What abo?

forgot pic

Attached: 1540010471151.png (1320x484, 391K)

>(el forma de cubo)
I don't speak non-American.
What does that mean?

I was planning on taking on biggest birb since I finally got borb and I've had longbird for a while. And his gear drops as you beat it, you don't have to beat the say yeah? Depending on how crazy it is I wanted to avoid restarting but I was planning on repoing to rid myself of little bird after

You need to watch 1337 episodes of DBZ to understand basic spanish my fellow burger

Attached: dbzjokes.png (1040x418, 97K)

It's when after you beat them up they become claptraps

Memory reposit
You should not be working with Alephs until you have at least one employee with 5 in all stats

Just spend all your LOB points on one dude to get his Justice up to par, that said its gonna be costly
You could just hope you can finish a day while grinding justice all the way and end it if nothing there gets out
But honestly fetus + alephs is almost grounds for a restart really

Why are we still here?
Just to suffer?

I have one girl with 3 justice I could get if I can survive the day. Almost managed but someone pissed off the baby.

I know what the letter and the last number are, but what does the middle number mean?

Type of abnormality, 01 stands for humanoid for example