>he didnt spawn camp with sticky bombs
He didnt spawn camp with sticky bombs
Other urls found in this thread:
>he isn't a bad player that needs to overinflate his damage and kills to be good
>He doesn't place a mini sentry in the water to piss off the enemy team
There are people out there, perhaps in this thread as we speak, who use the Scottish Resistance over the default launcher
>He never abused the hi5 taunt with a buddy to get easy kills on 2fort
explain this
Been fixed for years but you hi5ed any one from the other team in front of the main spawn doors and it clipped you inside.
I use it and its fucking underrated and amazing.
>using stickies
I didn't know I was playing with babies. Shield or bust. Sticky jumper is okay too
while in the hi5 pose you could move the camera around to see when they were going to come out
It's a playstyle you dip.
>not autistically micromanaging the entire battlefield
>That guy that tries to just walk past it every time on 2fort
I only do this if we have to push and we are about to win and the only move is to keep the enemy at bay in the spawn
Fuck you ScoRes is great
>ultimate cockblock to spies and airblast heavy pyros
>can be hidden better that regular stickies in glowing bits
>godlike in MvM
The scottish resistance is so fucking good for prolonged sticky camping
>reinstall TF2 last night because of some urge from beyond
>see the new queue shit
>actually works pretty well and get placed into some good matches, have a good time
Ok this has been fun now but, how do i stop playing this game?
I'd use it more if it wasn't a pain in the ass to sticky jump with
>That's a right pretty bra-washer you built you big ugly girl!
How is such dialogue allowed?
I could draw some really good faces and dicks with my 14 stickies.
I'd still prefer Quickplay but I didn't really end up minding casual matchmaking in the end. Shame that competitive matchmaking just literally does not work because Valve wants enforced gwaffix settings for streamers.
Can anyone recommend me some Player Destruction KINO or tutorials on how to use Hammer without having an aneurysm from the autism needed for it?
The matchmaking itself is honestly really good. Its the leveling and stat keeping thats awful. Also those stupid start of round ui animation
Valve gave a shit at the time
Shame that they stopped caring ages ago and nothing really since has been as good.