So we're all in agreement that it's actually pretty good, right?

So we're all in agreement that it's actually pretty good, right?

Attached: Rage 2.jpg (1920x1080, 304K)

Other urls found in this thread:

its not

I've had it since launch and clocked in about 2 hours. I am busy, but if I were having a lot of fun with it I should've put more in by now. The driving is absolute shit, it might even be the worst out of any game I have played. Also just been running around trying to get all the ark abilities since without them the game doesn't even feel very fun.

Is it better than Far Cry® New Dawn?

Attached: x.jpg (352x338, 26K)

Let's say it's as good as Avalanche games get, which is to say it's a huge barren open world without much to do, but with decent mechanics and mediocre combat. So, if you're into their usual shit, you should enjoy the thing.
Personally I just can't after JC4, they really rode that series to the ground.

the voice acting (not the protag) was quite well done

I hated the Just Cause games but am loving this, the gunplay is prime. It feels like Mad Max which was already a decent game, with Doom/Wolfenstein combat. It's damn good imo

My real question is... how did this come to be?
The first game was a tremendously awful flop, wasn't it? I bought it thinking "Can't go wrong with iD", and holy shit it was a big bucket of half-realized ideas and failed game design.
What parts wer passable were barely so, and it was over before it began.

Who in their right mind was in some exec room somewhere and went 'LOL RAGE 2 HERE WE GO BOIS'; i thought Rage 1 was such a fuckup that i never expected a sequel

And i didnt even know it was being developed, it was just suddenly "LOL RAGe 2 OUT IN 4 DAYS"

It's Mad Max and Fallout 4 combined. Just with far more NPCs, voice acting, and it has an actual story.

It would be a great PS Plus title, but it's absolutely not worth $59.99.

Mad Max was so fucking tepid and repetitive I'm puzzled every time I see any praise for it. I agree this is better than Mad Max, but I don't have any love for that piece of shit. I wonder if id helped them out with the combat because the gunplay does feel kind of fun.

>The first game was a tremendously awful flop, wasn't it?
It wasn't, it sold around 4 million copies. Don't underestimate the weight of id's name.

Idk if id helped with the gunplay but they definitely lent some coding from Doom. Just like they did with Wolfenstein 2. I'm honestly impressed by how id's gotten games to look so good while still being very well optimized.
On the topic of Mad Max, it did have a lot of repetitive crap but the car combat was second to none and the third-person beat-em-up combat was done surprisingly well compared to other games of the same genre. Fuck Batman

Unironically no, I at least had an once of fun with ND. Rage 2 feels like some kind of poor rip off.

This feels like one of those titles that will either get a deep sale fast or/and will be on ps+ eventually.

>they definitely lent some coding from Doom.
I'm not too sure about that, they're using their own apex engine which runs all of their games.

You might be right, it just looks too much like Doom and Wolfenstein 2 though for me to believe they didn't get any help. It runs much, much better than their past games too.

the industry doesn't want single player AAA games you shut ins

Holy fuck no, It's unquestionably one of the worst games i've ever played.
I recently pirated FC:ND, and i thought its horrendous timesinks, incoherent combat loop and single-player monetization couldn't come back in a worse way, and i was wrong.
Rage 2 is the exemplar of horrible AAA games in the 2010's.
and the cherry on top is the fact that this is completely ideologically representative of feminism and modern leftism in videogames. Within the first 10 minutes you're shown that the story is one giant "no tolerance of intolerance" / "Punch a nazi" analogy, It's absolute cancer of the highest degree.

Attached: 1548678111473.jpg (301x330, 18K)

I'm really liking it, but I will say thats probably because I fucking loved Doom 2016 and I haven't bothered with an Open World game in a long time.

have sex

It's the most fun singleplayer fps in a while, give me some better examples if you'd be so inclined

Join the 40%

Attached: 1556661431305.png (409x356, 292K)

why are /pol/tards so cringe, bros? they just can't stop seething, yikes...

Who gives a shit what the industry wants? They're pure cancer.

It would be game of the decade if it had an anime artstyle with an all-girls cast but it's just another run of the mill fps

Attached: 114.jpg (357x423, 11K)

>It would be game of the decade if it had an anime artstyle with an all-girls cast

Attached: 151572086411.gif (190x200, 2.56M)

Why the fuck does it run so bad for me? Looks like it uses the same resources as doom, but runs 5x worse.

When I start it up, it runs at a solid 60-100 fps on low. But after less than a minute, it slows down to 20-30 fps.

Playing latest pirated with hotfix1. Just updated nvidia drivers.

Is the enemy ai as bad as it seems in youtube vids, or is that just journos playing on easy?

Hard is the only way to play. Impossible is just overboard.


>Doom/Wolfenstein combat
way to insult these series by comparing them to this trash lmao

I would honestly love to dismember animes in a setting like Rage. Cute girls doing cute things and all that

I've asked already once in this thread and got no answer, I'll try again with you.
What is your idea of a good single-player FPS games that've been released recently?

Unremarkable Avalanche trite.

>"Give examples of good fps games"
>No response

Attached: Tom cruise (2).jpg (3000x1887, 923K)

its EA shills trying to kill single player games again

The shooting is good, however they've overdid the progression systems. You have what, 6 different valuable resources that can drop from rare Ark chests? And out of those, only weapon and ability mods do something right off the bat, for augs you need to stack 1 of three kinds and auto parts might as well not exist since base car is enough to take on the hardest convoys. Add to that feltrite and convoys, and it's simply too much.
Open world is also quite barren with some nice setpieces for combat but plenty of copypaste too (pit stops). Car stuff is just dull and I'm not sure how the same people made Mad Max. Story is shit and there aren't enough missions, writing is pure garbage too that can't decide what tone to go for.

Almost every release outside of the far cry franchise past blood dragon
Go play Prey.
Fuck EA

Prey isn't a game about its shooting

Its shit

What's with pink in this game? I've noticed it's being used in a very specific way...

It had way to much down time though.
The gunplay is fucking fantastic, but imagine that after 3 rooms in Doom, you'll have to drive for 5 minutes whilst nothing happens and then clear another +-3min location

Open world was a giant mistake

>g-go play Prey

I agree to an extent, but I actually enjoy the driving. And the open-world is dense enough to give you multiple different things to do without hardly any time travelling

Put about 40 hours into it, if you're talking about the most recent Prey. It's amazing but the fact that you're comparing it to something like Rage 2 when asked about FPS's is embarrassing. Prey is not an FPS.

I just beat it yesterday. Final boss had me going fuck yeah western games are finally starting to once again use multi-phase giant bosses bigger than the platform you fight them from. Then you kill the big guy and get psyched up for Cross going super saiyan and starting part 2 of the fight, but he just flops down to die for the ending cutscene.

Didn't even run in my rig. Apparently an i5 6500 is not enough for it after applying the meltdown patches

The praise is for the high octane car combat, desolate yet interesting map design, and bombastic visuals. Melee fights are intense and have impact, like Max is straight fighting dirty punching nuts n breaking bones. Chum Bucket was a cute character. Dismantling a base's outer defenses to make infiltrating inside easier was fun. It had a lot of good ideas but fell short in many small way.
The biggest miss is the story for sure. The girl and her daughter come out of nowhere and get killed, it all just felt anti-climatic when it should have been more reserved and focused on Max.
The next biggest miss is the repetitiveness. The fact that bosses are all literal re-colors shows the game needed just a bit more time to stew and fully develop.

It's like a prime 6-7/10. Storms were great, survival mechanics were lukewarm but at least weren't overdone. A sequel where you can fully, and I mean FULLY customize your whip and drive anything you want (from spiked-up motorbike to near tankish monstor truck) and anything but magnitized bamham combat would rock the industry, or at least my raging Mad Max boner.

>3 pistols
>no sniper rifle

bravo, avalanche

It's fine. But it could be really good. It's one of those wasted opportunities where you can see exactly at what point they made the wrong decision and turned a potentially good game into a mediocore one.

wow there's a final boss in this one?

The only issues that I have with this game.
>Raine isn’t the MC
>Not have pic related
The story is meh, the upgrades is not joyful, the cars barely works so...that’s it.

Attached: D4C97C51-7031-4161-865F-1E87A76D50EC.jpg (429x715, 42K)

What's the wrong decision(s)

Yeah, and it's actually pretty good as a FPS boss goes in that it has actual mechanics, even if they're a little basic. 3 phases, shoot the weak points, breathers in between each phase where the boss goes invulnerable and stops attacking to summon mobs onto your platform for you to regain some health and ammo. Big guy pounds your platform with his fists, creating damaging waves you can jump over, sometimes needing to time your double jumps to get over simultaneous waves. Other guy standing on top of big guy's head shoots bullet patterns at you every 5s or so.

she is in the game, she is old and busted though

Titanfall 2,Doom,Destiny 2 hell even Fallout 4 and Metro are better

only good shooter you mentioned
>Titanfall 2
Decent but is basically just CoD with robots and good movement mechanics
>Fallout 4, Metro
Shit taste

It uses Apex engine which is notoriously shite.

I know, that’s why I miss her when she was a sexy mechanic girl, and another thing.
>Not have THIS pic related

Attached: 43BD5C86-42C9-4EC3-8BB2-94857FAB48EC.png (665x1000, 540K)

CoDs shooting is pretty satisfying the additions of mechs,double and cables make it great.You're fucking delusional if you think R2 isn't worse than F4 and Metro,i haven't ever played such a consolized shooter

I'm not sure if this means the progression system is rewarding or if you mean there's just too much content.

Pretty much any FPS made before 2004?

This sounds more lame than the serious sam boss (2001, serious sam first encounter)

>Everyone calls Rage 1 bland (because of the boring writing) --> Add bright pink paint and literally Trump
>Everyone liked the Car combat in Mad Max --> Bring over the convoys from Mad Max but not the driving mechanic
>Make the story of the game revolve around the story of the first game that no one has played
>Create an upgrading system that uses 10 different currencies for each abbility
>Slap together the most bland menu system in the history of gaming (which runs at 18 frames per second for some reason even though the game runs fine otherwise)
>Add online gaming tier skins to your singleplayer game instead of adding slightly different weapon/car models to customize your inventory

The fact that you're defending Fallout 4 and Metro in the same sentence that you criticize console shooters is fucking hilarious

So then you should be able to name some names rather than posting some cryptic crap you fuckin numb-skull

Also forgot:
>Make every single character in your game straight up unlikable
>Give every NPC way too much dialogue while simultaniously not spending any time to think up interesting things to say

I'm not tho

>it's literally COD but with [blank] and [blank]
fuck outta here reddit

All I'm saying is that it has an actual boss at least, instead of some guy in an EOD suit masquerading as a boss encounter like we've been getting the past decade.

I got annoyed at the MC's voice right off the bat, the guy had the "yep that's me, you're probably wondering how I got into this situation" kind of feel.

Fuck off shill, Titanfall is LITERALLY CoD with robots and better movement.
Eat my ass

Whatever helps you sleep at night

Would have been much better if I didn't have to play fucking open world to unlock fucking weapons. Just make it a linear fps like DOOM, but add car levels and some open levels here and there. Why waste money on open world shit when it's just a shitty timesink? Combat is fun, graphics are good, sound design is great. Why waste time on shit no one like in Rage1?
Every time I go into combat it's great fun, but then I have to drive to another combat, or drive to a town to listen to some chucklefuck, or drive to some scientist fuck (who should've been a fast travel point, wasted a ton of time on riding to him).

Attached: breath in boi.png (642x700, 143K)

Why would this have any impact on my sleep

This, the game is an offense to the eyes and the ears (fighting is fun tho), what the fuck is wrong with avalanche?

SAO Fatal bullet is already a thing.

Wolf3D, Doom, Rise of the Triad, Duke3D, Blood, Shadow Warrior, Heretic, Hexen, Powerslave/Exhumed, Quake 1, 2, 3, 4, Half-Life Opposing Force, Unreal, Unreal Tournament, Unreal Tournament 2004, Jedi Knight / Dark Forces, Tribes1/2/vengeance, SiN, No One Lives Forever + NOLF2, FEAR 1, Far Cry 1, Crysis 1, Prey 2006, Dare I say Doom3/Halflife2, fucking chexquest, blake stone (both of them), corridor 7 (more atmosphere than most new FPS at least)... oddworld: stranger's wrath, painkiller (sorta), serious sam, postal2, Red Faction 1, timesplitters/perfectdark/goldeneye/turok/etcetcetc...

hard reset
shadow warrior remakes
rise of the triad remakes
vermintide 2
killing floor 2
metro exodus
rising storm 2 vietnam
sniper ghost warrior 3
strafe (millenium edition)
devil daggers
mankind divided maybe

Redpill me on Rising Storm 2 vietnam, I see it on sale.

Now that wasn't so hard now was it?

except Shadow Warrior remakes, KF2, and RS2 Vietnam

>hard reset
It's mundane at best

i kind of agree, but it's about as good as you get in the "modern" era.

no serious sam 3 BFE?
or is it too old now?
no overload?
no everspace?
no house of the dying sun?
or do those not count

So is this game redpilled or blupilled?

Even better, birth-control pilled

its multiplayer. shooting weapons is so satisfying and you can get a shotgun kill 100 meters away. a fucking shotgun kill. how many games aside from bad company have realistic shotguns?

>mediocre combat.
This is hoW we know you never played the game. Rage 2 combat is stellar and is absolutely what redeems it from its otherwise pretty bland world. Although I have to admit the more I progress, the more I realize some location are really neat and the world isn't as empty and repetitive I thought at first sighy. They 100% fucked up the generic NPC design, though, the game could also be way prettier without the milky fog in the distance and most of the dialogue are atrocious.
>yeah I'm an badass MC that cracks joke in the face of adversity all the time with overused one liner
Yeah right great job Avalanche/id

You'll find out later tonight

about as bluepilled as they come...
"combat is stellar" i guess so is farcry 4's...? like, what?

Not with that face

Attached: image.jpg (200x200, 6K)

>and the cherry on top is the fact that this is completely ideologically representative of feminism and modern leftism in videogames. Within the first 10 minutes you're shown that the story is one giant "no tolerance of intolerance" / "Punch a nazi" analogy, It's absolute cancer of the highest degree.
Stop being obsessed you retard. The Authority has been the main threat for ever, it was like that in the first one too. You fight a totalitarian general that want to seize everything with an army of mutant, that's it. Stop overthinking bullshit with muh feminism. The super badass veteran women dies within the first 10 ten minutes and you learn that her action made the rest of the world hate your settlement anyway.

Also there's a lot of women in game that are batshit crazy. The fucking Mutant Bash TV lady is shown as a manipulative bitch. I think you would enjoy life more if you weren't brooding about muh feminism all the time

my favorite streamer said it sucked so im not buying it


the combat feels great, it's easily the best open world fps game to date.

unfortunately there's too much padded out exploration that gets in the way of the fun. Should have went linear instead of open world.

>Raine isn’t the MC
Yeah but considering it takes play like 30 years after the first one, it would have been difficult, especially since being a new boot makes it more easy to explain why you suck ass and now nothing at first. If you were Nic, there would be no reason for you not to be a hero already. That said, I love how they turned him into a legend. And gow the mutant refers to him as the "Death God"

This post sounds way too good. Like too good, actually made me want to buy the game.

Far Cry 4 combat is shit this prove again you never played Rage2, otherwise you would know that the combat is the best we had since ages in FPS

but why won't girls touche my weewee

You can tell some of these people haven't even played it, they just heard something about it on the internet and repeated it.

It's easily an 8 or 9, anyone who says it's a bad game either hasn't played it or doesn't understand something.

Kind of.
I've played 11 hours. The fighting part is great, and it'd be a 9/10 game if the whole thing was just more combat, but the driving is a pain in the ass and the majority of its content is side missions. It's also pretty easy. I'm playing on hard and I might bump it up to Nightmare because the upgrade system makes you crazy overpowered.
There's just so much unnecessary fluff in the game like the driving, the open word and the upgrade system with too many different resources and menus that get in the way of having fun. There's a great game here, but it's buried beneath busywork. It would've been fantastic if it was a level-to level experience instead of free-roam.

Do I have to play the first game before this one?

definitely not a good game. it's fun though.

Everyone says game is meh but combat is good, so I would rather skip this piece of shit prove of concept

Attached: 1553996536586.jpg (406x384, 32K)

asking for examples of good fps games should be bannable offence since it outs you as a retarded zoomer who haven't played a single good FPS in his life

Farcry's combat feels really outdated and gross ever since Blood Dragon. New Dawn's combat is somehow worse than even Farcry 2's.

Not at all. Though I do recommend the original Rage because it had some pretty unique areas and fights, very memorable.

You just ousted yourself, dumbass. Attempting to make an argument consisting of nothing criticisms without being able to give a solid counter-example is what retards like you do.

Fair. It's worth pirating but if I had paid 60 bucks for it I would be mad as hell.

Im a bit of a Rage apologist because underneath all the mediocrity you can really tell that id at least tried to break the mold for corridor shooters. It doesn't succeed at all, but games that are ambitious and flop spectacularly are more interesting to me than games that are highly polished exclusives.

Game just looks ugly that's it, look at the amount of detail in rage 1. Open world was a mistake.

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It's a FPS. The shooting part is great. What do want to ask more? It's not a "proof of concept". The game is legitimately good, it's jusy hindered by retarded menu and half assed writing that is serviciable at best. That said, I don't agree with people saying "the open world is bad". The world is okay, imo, there's tons of great interesting thing to explore and it kind of feel credible. What I don't like is they copy Rage 1 great aesthetic without really understanding what made it so great so instead of having unique NPC and unique shit, they slapped the same formula everywhere and nothing really stands out, which is too bad.

But I bought it hoping for a fun shooter and that part is absolutely mastered so as far as I'm concerned, it's great.

Damn this looks like fallout but better.


Rage 1 looked good. But you'd be retarded to pretend it looks better...

You might like the art direction in the first game more, I accept that. But everything is more detailed in the sequel.

I've been burned at stake gor this opinion before on Yea Forums but I've always argued that RAGE is a great game. It had it's issues but I clocked 70 fucking hours on it and I don't regret any minute of that, it's megit a boatload of fun.

I wasn't arguing with you since you have no arguments nigger
kill yourself

they bought id and had the IP sitting there doing nothing ,they made a game purely because of easy marketing and brand recognition just like prey

i think what you're trying to say is that on a technical level things are more detailed, like better shadows, lighting and textures

but art direction>graffix any day imo

all of the cool sightlines and points of interest are gone because the open world meme format doesn't support it.

Attached: Rage Screenshot 2019.05.12 - (1920x1080, 592K)

shits boring
im convinced the difficulty is bugged because im playing on hard and i literally cant die

Didn't expect you to be capable of making a valid argument anyway

Rage 1 had fucking gorgeous scenery. It sometime looked ugly in interiors, but god damn the exteriors were 10/10

Attached: 2014-03-09_00005.jpg (1920x1080, 491K)

>So we're all in agreement that it's actually pretty good, right?
sure, it's a pretty good driving simulator

Also, the art direction was godly

Attached: 2014-03-02_00020.jpg (1920x1080, 376K)

Holy shit this is rage 1? Isn't that game like from 2011?

the shooting is good but the shitty AI, lack of difficulty and no enemy variety makes it get old really fast

im inclined to agree. The gunplay still feels modern even by today's standards. Most 7th generation fpses are basically unplayable unless they're source engine games. Try playing CoD 4 or Borderlands for a few hours and they're actually painful to play.

It's a really interesting tech demo and time capsule that perfectly captures the genre back in 2011.


Attached: 5.png (2146x1126, 3.67M)

>The shooting part is great.

new dawn was hot garbage
they took the one good thing from far cry games and ruined it with garbage level gating
get better taste user

>tfw Rage is only $5 right now
Guess I'll buy it and try it out.

damn look at the amount of crap

John Carmack

ignore most of these contrarian fucks
rage 2 is one of the most solid shooters in recent memory

I cannot believe mouth breathers are defending this game.
>but the shooting is fun!
wow, congratulations. the shooting is competent. it's a shame then that it takes place in a barren, outpost clearing simulator interrupted by LITERALLY the worst driving segments I have ever played in a game and I am not being hyperbolic.
the '''story''' is 'gain faction rep to kill the bad guy.'
the characters and dialogue are the worst I have seen in a while and I played MA Andromeda and DAI.
skill trees, gating weapons and abilities behind (guess what) clearing outposts and then having the audacity to force unskipable tutorials on you.
I'm not even going to get into the painfully hamfisted Drumpf character which was (ironically) the least annoying character.
the bizarre colour filters that seem to be in competition with Far Cry New Dawn and the unreleased New Blood game to be the most obnoxious looking

this game is a perfect example of AAA garbage. They seem to understand the fundamentals of making a game. It runs amazingly well on my system and the core shooting mechanics are good. But then somehow, through corporate meddling, too many different departments working on different parts, bizarre market research... they create a mish mash of absolutely horrible design choices so that it becomes a horrible Frankenstein game. Also, how is the driving THIS bad? I thought they made Mad Max?

>Fallout 4, Metro
Your autism is showing
How retarded can one person get

all of the texture and lighting is painted right on. It's more effort than just slapping lighting and shaders onto a 3D sculpt but the result can't be beat very easily.

Aesthetically speaking, it's basically perfect.

Attached: Rage Screenshot 2019.05.12 - (1920x1080, 516K)

metro got brilliant shooting though. Fo4 is good compared to other RPGs I guess.

TF2 shooting feels dull though.

>hating based JC games
>Loving wolfenstein

The first game was fucking amazing. God damn this thread is zoomer central.

are you retarded
the shooting in serious sam 3 is pathetic
fuck you for even putting it in the same line as doom or rage 2

>console fps
>pretty good

Attached: 13761383012.jpg (540x540, 26K)

Just Cause is the epitome of open world trash with garbage mechanics. The only redeeming aspect is the grapple and chute.
NuWolfenstein has extremely satisfying gunplay, but I'm guessing you just hate it because of 2's crap marketing right?

>watching streamers
god your life must be pathetic

>tfw rage 1 now looks like a good game thanks to rage 2 being even worse
>tfw i have no face

the gunplay in rage 1 was garbage
that's unacceptable if you are gonna make a shooter
doesn't matter what else it did right

Every review is the same: "it's not that bad guys I swear"

are you retarded?


Whoops I meant yes

whatever you meant, you are wrong either way on Yea Forums.

Yup. (I mean technically this is from 2012 since this particular zone if from the expansion pack that was released later but yeah you get the point). The exteriors are still holding up graphically (but some interiors looks like shit)

Yea, great fucking game with its shitty ai that instapeeks and hides after each shot, and purported "megatextures" that ended up looking great from a distance but worse than a ps2 game up close.
Even back then it was a worse Borderlands and that ain't saying much.

No it's not good, i don't even know what id did in this game because instead of taking animation of doom , it's mediocre.

This game's a sleeper hit, the shooting is kino, can't get bored of it

Rage 2 is a good example of a "wait for sale" game. It's not worth 60€, but for like 20€ or less it would be a good game. Then you would get all the updates they promised on the roadmap too.

i feel like people hate far cry 5/ new dawn just because they are called far cry/ made by ubishit. I had a lot of fun with both games, probably most fun in a AAA game in the past year.

The super badass woman is there because of feminism. How about just making normal games. Its like if the church made a game and every other scene there is a mary sue priest who can do no wrong and everyone looks up to. This is the same situation, except replace religion by feminist lunacy.
>inb4 low iq monkeys saying have sex

It's giving me the FPS fix that I needed while waiting for Doom Eternal. It's flawed but I forget all about its flaws when in the middle of some intense, fun combat.

strong wymen strong wymen strong wymen pink haha so colorful gaise

I love how /pol/ tier retards are always complaining about SJWs being sensitive snowflakes offended by everything, yet you're triggered by female characters. Boo fucking hoo. Out of the 3 main allies you have in this game, 2 are men and 1 is a woman. Poor you, you have to have contact with digital females in a video game.

Here's one monkey. Problem with dumb people is they are very sure of themselves.

Too bad the engine was complete shit and made the game barely playable

Keep SEETHING at virtual females while I enjoy the fuck out of this game. I know who's the winner here.

Attached: 0e9.jpg (499x499, 26K)


Attached: 1557774867377.jpg (640x628, 40K)

no u

stay mad

Attached: sample3.png (617x655, 498K)

What a sad existence

I was thinking about the game and one thing that would have made it better is more world interactivity. Being able to use the powers to ground pound switches and stuff like that.

Attached: stupudding.jpg (600x432, 38K)

Damn these brands really hate each other!!!

They should have just made a linear level based FPS like doom with this engine. The shooting is actually pretty strong, everything else is boring at best.
I can't believe someone in 2019 thought it was a good idea to put out a boss with basic bitch-ass 2000 game boss design

Attached: areyouserious.png (768x478, 443K)

drift more

>Pirate it
>Cutscene Cutscene Cutscene Cutscene
>Garish colors
>Retarded ugly enemies

So I managed to play not even 10 minutes.
Thank god for piracy.

>I love how /pol/ tier retards are always complaining about SJWs being sensitive snowflakes offended by everything, yet you're triggered by female characters
I wonder if it's just you who manages to post this in every thread this issue is even briefly mentioned.
Straight Men have a right to not be assaulted mentally by self-destructive ideologies like feminism and transsexualism.
We built this hobby, we fund this hobby. Your collective movement of suicidal retards doesn't have a metaphorical right to shit down the throat of every single consumer group.

Attached: just a little poop.png (500x326, 18K)

Stay mad

Stop trying to false flag as /pol/, it's embarrassing


>I unironically get triggered by the presence of females in a digital piece of entertainment

I can't even begin to imagine being this much of a literal faggot

because everyone here is such a fucking pussy to say what they like, Yea Forums literally cucked their own tastes. I loved DOOM 2016 and the Metro trilogy. Wolfenstein games are pretty fun too but weaker tha those other 2. I don't play BF, COD or CS so i don't know about those.

Attached: 1555458405237.png (382x360, 342K)

>Fallout 4, Metro
>better shooters than RAGE 2

Way to show that you haven't played RAGE 2.


A mix of this and really solid atmosphere/world building. Every time Max commented on a photo or relic, it was pure unfiltered kino. It's flawed for sure, but I was able to overlook much of it because I was completely sucked in.

That's all thanks to Vulkan. Doom and Wolfenstein II ran so amazingly because of Vulkan as well.

>unquestionably one of the worst games i've ever played

You must be very new to video games then. I understand not liking it, but calling it one of the worst games you've played? Get the fuck outta here

Ironic how /pol/ is more easily offended than the leftists they hate so much

>game that was in development before re-skinned FC5 spinoff feels like a ripoff of a re-skined FC5 spinoff

Samefag or just a discord tranny army getting butthurt? Nothing i said was wrong. Go make your own videogames about the trials and tribulations of chopping your own dicks off and stop lobbying existing companies funded by straight males to pander to your dishonest bullshit.

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Opinion disregarded, try to type like a normal person and people will feel more inclined to take you seriously.

>checked in about 2 hours

You're half way through the game at 2 hours lol


You're cringing because your values (and hormones) are topsy-turvy. Everything he described is bad and I don't know how a stable mind can defend those things.

The game could be made much better if the enemies just came at you in waves at all times. Walking around empty outposts looking for crates is the worst. Riding around empty wasteland sucks.

Gunplay is the game's only good part and there is not enough gunplay.

its a cool game
only söyboys who need a story in everything hate this game

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Absolutely fantastic shooting. Everything else is mediocre or bad.
Now i'm really interested in how Doom Eternal will turn out because it looks a lot like R2 gameplay wise.

It's a shitty Mad Max reskin and if you genuinely like this shit you like Mad Max too.

I'll play it once it comes to game pass

i like this game bcs of the gunplay which mad max doesnt have tho

It's a 6/10 game. Combat is great, weapons are all pretty fun to use, open world has plenty of content, the story is fucking abysmal and has one of the worst endings I have seen in a long time, and the missions are not memorable.

I miss the gunplay, I dropped it half way through, but every time I remember everything else I stop missing it. Hope they make cars better next year when I try replaying it.

>one of the worst endings I have seen in a long time, and the missions are not memorable.
just like rage 1, huh

>Open world copy&paste missions ARE the main missions
I can't believe another developer was stupid enough to do this after (and worse than) Saints Row 3.

So is it good or not? If the gameplay is the only part that's good then it's not a good game; it has to have at least one more positive aspect like music, story, or quests.

It boggles my mind how instead of having the car combat from mad max they have this peace of shit instead; that combined with the fact there are no enemie vehicles exept for the cocnvoy makes the driving boring. Playing Rage 2 feels like a chore, they should have made the map smaller so all the activities would be close to each other

>looking for deep story in an open world doom game

its literally in the genre of game you boot up to blow off steam when youre waiting for something or get burned out on another game

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The shooting is alright but the driving, story, characters and everything in between is meh at best. The combat was clearly helped by ID and sometimes the soundtrack even has Mick Gordon-esque riffs but both of those things just make me wish I was playing a better game.
Pirate it if you want and wait for Doom Eternal.

They didn't even take lessons from Rage 1 let alone more recent games. The open world is still boring as fuck

This game is pretty good not perfect but it has a lot of stuff going for it. It's a single player open world shooter with great combat and it runs really well. If you like games like that this is a good one.

The combat is good as fuck honestly

this gun is pure kino

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>be me
>spent last weak playing Rage 2, actually do side missions and go to discoverable locations and read logs
>story missions are fun, and the conbat is absolutely stellar, keeps me coming back
>see a lot of hate, really don’t get it
>realize all the people bitching about the game obviously didn’t buy the game.

For me, it’s the Firestorm Revolver

literally me
the people who shit on the cars dont even know you can fly over the map with icarus

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>Although I have to admit the more I progress, the more I realize some location are really neat and the world isn't as empty and repetitive I thought
There's a surprising amount of work put into making the outposts pretty unique level design wise. Even some exploration locations have scripted events in them, I think most people are conditioned to assume that they're copypasted though.

I literally only ever used the Assault rifle or the shotgun. Everything else was either too weak or just did less than the rifle.
The revolver was a disappointing gimmick weapon and I'm pretty sure the shots deal zero damage unless you activate the gimmick and the discount BFG just wasn't as good as the rifle. I never bothered getting the needle gun or whatever it was so maybe that's the best weapon, who knows.

where's that ark located for it?

South eastern corner of Dune Sea. You need to clear two nearby reactor areas to get access to it

thanks m8

Firestorms ignite ignores armor and stuns so it’s really great against Shrouded you can’t close the gap on for a shatter/shotgun combo.

I don’t know for sure but it also seems like ignited baddies take more damage so swapping to your AR after a snap is a good idea

>shit driving isn't shit because you can kind of ignore it
Didn't know they allocated a budget for the shilling department

grav gun is fun

in that sand dune area, bottom left on the map

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>it's actually pretty good
can't you come up with something remotely original?

I like weapons that are fun. While I wish the revolver was stronger it is probably my favourite weapon alongside the Grav-dart launcher.
Honestly the driving is decent if you drift at every turn, it has a satisfying slide to it that is significantly less floaty than simply turning your car desu

rent free, my dude, rent free

there are literally no car combat missions
you can literally ignore it and you arent missing anything

>call in the hover bike thing
>travel over the empty world, shit encounters and skip the shit driving

Once you do that the game halves in length

sound design is godly. good enough for second aspect?

yes, but still I wanted madmax driving and mad max car upgrades not the shit we got

>so it’s really great against Shrouded you can’t close the gap on for a shatter/shotgun combo.
Or you can just shoot them with the upgraded assault rifle which kills them in half a second.

>but it also seems like ignited baddies take more damage
Or you can just shoot them with the upgraded assault rifle. Also if you manage to ignite them then 95% of the time they die from the burning damage anyway. It's just a slower method of killing and is a two step process instead of a single step like every other gun in the game.
No idea why they didn't just turn it into a powerful one shot kill handgun, I spent an hour looking for the fucking vault that had it only to be disappointed.
And then fly off a cliff or into an indestructible bush or just be turned away from the road and add even more seconds to your travel time. The other guy had a point, it's better to just use Icarus and fly over everything.

Here's a radical idea, make your features not shit so that ignoring them isn't the preferable way to play.

The sound that plays when you first pick up the pulse cannon and the gravdart launcher makes me cum

>If the gameplay is good then the game isn't good

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Nah Far Cry 5 and ND feel like last gen game. No Gore no physics it's trash compared to rage 2

rubic cube isn't a good game user.

Wow Yea Forums unironically sucks harder than /pol/ ,that's saying something

i played new dawn for about 2 hours and i regret that i paid $20 for this fucking garbage

you need to shoot 25times with your shotgun to kill a level 5 squirrel
absolute garbage game design

I hate it because gunplay is shit and they somehow managed to make cars bad compared to far cry 3/4. far cry got more interesting world that's for sure

you should never have expected that
shit is an understatement, this is one of the lowest efforts at vehicle upgrades in a while

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It's alright.
Is there a flashlight? Can't find it in keybindings and in-game tutorial.

There has to be 1(one) more thing than JUST gameplay, marvel vs capcom infinite had good gameplay and that was it, look where it got them

stop playing on Normal, even with a fully upgraded AR it takes a decent amount of time to kill fully armored shrouded if play it on Hard/Nightmare, which isn't something you can do

The Anti-Pol squad is far more annoying and insufferable than any one from /pol/. Consider bleach you fucking “Do better Be better” Reeeeesetera faggots.

This fag actually bought a game that was cracked after one day. Holy fucking shit.

Literally no difference. Its as if Yea Forums has grown tentrils into both boards - it looks like 2 seperate boards, but the roots all run back to Yea Forums.

the combat is a lot of fun but it's not accommodated by the game well at all. the AI is worse than rage 1, the menus are frustrating to navigate (why the fuck is confirm center enter?), the pink is obnoxious and clashes with the rest of the aesthetics, and all the combat zones are broken up by the worst vehicle controls I've seen in a while. as usual id brings the only competent part of their collaborative projects.

>duurrrr this isn't cherrypicked at all nope lmao

Dialogue with that desert dweller when upgrading stats was great too. And Chumbucket is pure kino sidekick, his comment on entering the car from the left is just golden little detail.

they advertised you get your special phoenix car, I was hopeful
I also didn't expect I would like shooting in this game this much, I gave up on far cry 5 in 7 hours. So it leveled out itself I guess.

>why the fuck is confirm center enter?

>literally anything happens
>have to reach across from was to center enter
>press enter and go back to wasd
>another prompt comes up
>press enter

why middle enter, why does this shit pop up and why does it even need my input to fuck off

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Is it decent?

The online ads were basically screaming "WE WANT THE BORDERLANDS AUDIENCE"

you can press space. it's less annoying that way.

it makes no sense because they also use f to confirm upgrades.

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it's empty, boring and shallow shit for 8-10 hours
and overpriced

>>see a lot of hate, really don’t get it
That's because you are a moron
- The AI is retarded
- Bosses can be killed within seconds even on the hardest difficulty
- The upgrade systems are trash
- Vehicle controls and combat are shit
- Open world is ubisoft tier checklist bullshit
- NPCs range from boring to unlikable

>space is in reach of wasd users
>almost everyone uses wasd on pc
>"hey lets put in an ENTER prompt for something that happens extremely frequently"

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The gunplay is pretty great


>Anons finally appreciating the art and comfy of Rage 1

Good thread. Good tastes. Good lads. ID gave us a beautiful little alternative to nuFallout back then.

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it's pretty average

Rage 2 gunplay in Rage 1 aesthetics (including smaller, denser, curated level hub world instead of open world) would be perfection.

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Just finished the game.
Man, the final boss was one gigantic let down.
I wanted to fully complete the game, but the bugs causing enemies to despawn and thus making you unable to complete locations ruined that.
The combat was fucking amazing, however.
The different types of guns and abilities you gain through the game was really the only thing that kept me going.

how you fucking faggots manage to bring politics into this game is actually incredible

>I wanted to fully complete the game, but the bugs causing enemies to despawn and thus making you unable to complete locations ruined that.

hmm never encountered that

>rage 2 gets announced
>decide to try playing rage 1 again
>mouse cursor won't show up, have to reboot and shit to fix it
>game appears on the wrong monitor, have to restart game to fix that
>finally get into the game, saves were synced so I don't have to start over thank fuck
>take a mission from the board to protect a caravan with a sniper rifle
>during the mission try to use an RC bomb
>mission ends before I detonate it
>teleported back to town as usual
>can't interact with any npcs or the mission board any more
>pressing q crashes the game
>game saved after it teleported me
>save is ruined, literally can't progress

How did they get away with this shit?

I managed to fix it at two locations by either dying or by going to another location and then returning, but at some locations (like Stiltown) I can't seem to get the missing enemies to spawn.

I absolutely hate it. It's the most uninspired, uninspiring game I've ever played. I genuinely don't know what the fuck they were thinking.

The combat is great. I wish they didn't constantly interrupt it with other shit.

its a boring cookie-cutter open world fps
the equivalent of stale bread

how would you have improved it Yea Forums?

I liked Rage 2 except for the racing. It should have been purely optional but for one mission, you need to enter and win the races.

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it was optional except for one mission..

that's one thread

the resetrannies are much worse than /pol/

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the race is super easy anyway

A single mandatory race is nothing to complain about, especially since it was braindead easy.

>there are literally no car combat missions
What are the convoy missions you dumbfuck

That's cute, now go back to Fortnite, sweetie

Why do I have the feeling that all the butthurt posts are coming from the so called "journalists" seething over that twitter post

Maybe they'll find the right balance for RAGE 3