Was Vanilla really that good?

Was Vanilla really that good?

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I thought we were okay with Legion and WotLK

It would put BC at least A tier. Only thing keeping it out of S is that it started all the catch gear/welfare epics and daily grinding shit later on. It also started the trend of earlier raid tiers becoming irrelevant although nowhere near to the extent WotLK did.

No. Just like with all games, the social aspect of a game can well make up for a shitty game. Ever heard retard faggots spew shit like "the game is fun with friends!" despite it being shit? That's vanilla WoW.

People still ran kara for recipe/enchant drops well into the end

if youre a pleb maybe

Yes but not because of the actual game. Vanilla was good because of the community, the sense of scale and discovery, and newness.

Also the tier list is trash and was prob made by someone who only played casually in BC and wants to fit in.

Here's a better list made by someone who has played a significant amount of ever expac except WoD and BfA (for obvious reasons)

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absolute shit taste you should probably kys

every xpac besides tbc is shit. the list is 100% accurate.

fuck off wrathbaby

What the fuck is "retailfag" even supposed to mean?

This. The social aspect in MMO's prior to group finders are what made them special, vanilla WoW was the casual version of Everquest at the time

Some poor schmuck who can't let go and still plays that pile of shit even after wrath ruined it.

So you're saying when making a tier list of all the expacs, someone who has only played 1-2 (and then maybe went to a private server) is a better source than someone who has played all the expacs? What kind of retard logic is this?

The absolute state of retailfags

Yes, someone with a measure of taste would be
a more reliable source of information.

The rating goes vanilla > TBC > who even cares any more.

Why make a "tier list" if you only have knowledge/experience with 12% of the subject matter, and have no desire to do anything except wank over that 12% because you "know" its the best? You dont want a ranking of the expacs, you just want people to admire you for liking BC.

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To the user from last thread

I'd say best solo gold farmers are druid, mage, rogue, hunter.

Phase 1 solo farm

Rogue pickpocket dungeons is uncontested good gold. Mages can farm open world, but you will probably have tons of competition since that's exactly what people have been practicing on pservers for years now. Luckily they can also farm BRD arena (unless blizzard adds a random elite mob)
Druids can farm Mara and kill 3/4 bosses, Princess is easy, goblin fear can be scary, plant boss bleeds will kill you unless you stun him before reapply takes long to kill if in bad gear, they can aoe certain packs in open world (if you look at a guide you'll see what I mean) BRD coffer/rock boss,/and incendius but only him in good gear.
Hunter does the normal 4/4 mara clear extremely easily in poop gear.

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it's clearly a meme tier list, you fucking tryhard fag. it's just trying to convey vanilla's superiority and post tbc's uniform shittiness. ffs he put them below WoW Butter. Pull that blizzard-themed dildo out of your ass.

>Its trying to convey I think vanilla and BC are great and the rest are trash and I havn't played them
Ok cool we're basically saying the same thing then.

I suffered through a fair bit of wrath, I know very well what the game turned into. I don't want -your- tier lists, and if I see your shitty taste then naturally I'll correct you and tell you to shove it, child.
>for liking BC
Nah, we're going all the way back to its peak without stopping for some damn goat.

I almost completely agree with this list. Unfortunately Legion and BFA are trash for the same reasons so they cannot possibly be in separate tiers.

I would say BFA is all the same problems as legion, but cranked up another notch. It felt more formulaic in pretty much every aspect.

Not really. It suffered from a bunch of bugs, classes weren't balanced and gameplay was basically spamming 1-2 buttons.

The reason why people have such great nostalgia for it is because all of the tedious bullshit that went into leveling, finding dungeon runs, farming gold for mounts etc was because it required more emotional investment.

Retail WoW is objectively the best version of the game, but it's been going for almost two decades, so everybody is bored.

neck yourself wrathbaby

No, TBC and early WotLK were a direct upgrade but vanilla was more magical at the time. It is legitimately nostalgia

>Retail WoW is objectively the best version of the game

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The appeal of original WoW was twofold:
1. Enormous world filled with details and Easter eggs that was difficult to traverse, and therefore more intriguing. Figuring stuff out was a team effort.
2. Before Burning Crusade, the population was focused in a few hotspots all around the map, depending on their goals. Entrances to battlegrounds, ataging areas for dungeons, farming zones, fishing spots, etc. It was highly likely you'd find players nearby that were working in their own goals that you could team up with.

Then burning crusade came out. Everybody abandoned Azeroth to hang out in Draenor and the one city, while flying mounts meant that exploration and traversal would be permanently trivial.

Cataclysm was A for me before dragon soul and LFR. Before the nerfs the 5mans were actually challenging you had to use CC and actually do things which people forgot existed in wrath. Firelands heroic was just so fucking good as well I really do miss it sometimes.

No it's not. Sense of discovery, Azeroth itself, etc. made that it was better. We aren't all fat nerds caring about endgame.

There is no sense of discovery anymore everyone knows everything if that is your only argument then you should people will get tired of it in a few months. But whatever keep giving blizzard shekels.

I love how mad people get at Wrath. Even just mentioning it gets some people riled up.

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I expect most will get bored in a year at most, but we will see, people can autistically make something work if they try hard enough

I think its really interesting how this conversation has moved from "bc was the best and wotlk was the end of wow". to wotlk was the good/arguably as good as bc and mop was the end of wow. and now with all this classic wow shit people wanna say that everyone liked vanilla the best but that isnt necessarily true. Among everyone that ive talked to playing wow in raiding guilds, personal friends etc is that bc was the best balance of the game being fun and complex, requiring alot of time investment but also being reasonable. the game being ubiquitously popular is also a factor. Everyone who played back in the day hated wotlk because it was when the game became alot simplier and easier and also when normies started to care about wow and not think it was some gay everquest shit. That is when wow started to become worse and worse over time.

If you actually played it at the time you'd remember that a lot of people thought WotLK had a ton of problems compared to TBC and power creep was getting seriously out of control.

Game was well beyond shit at this point, and while it had some entertaining content the core systems were still pretty fucking garbage. BfA is basically Legion except without the content to make it seem passable.
MoP was the only good post-Cata expansion. Literally every other one has been fucking trash.

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It should have been a different game. Its core philosophies were vastly different from Vanilla's; TBC still felt like it was designed the way Vanilla was.

I guess it's just my awful memory, I didn't mind Wrath. Then again I had a really enjoyable guild, so maybe that carried it for me. That and it was the time I switched from warrior to priest and started healing in most MMO's. Come to think of it, most of my fond memories come from guild related stuff rather than the game itself, outside of Kara in TBC anyway, that'll always be my favourite raid.

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Cata was great before endgame. The raids were so unbalanced that before they gave melee a flat % buff, you needed an all ranged (not counting tanks) comp if you wanted to progress.

>BC in B
Fuck off babby. BC literally killed the WoW franchise with flying mounts. Everything after classic is pure shit.

I never said that I was going to play wow again

Its horde players being obsessed over every man for himself. Wotlk had its problems but even with those its a better game. What was good in wotlk it was really damn good. And DKs were the best class design where you choose how and what to play. Also a fuckton more talents and playstyles viable. It was a fun game, flaved but fun.