Why is Bomberman so cool?

Why is Bomberman so cool?

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Because he obtained the ice bomb powerup

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simple but unique design

Is he a robot or a person? I never understood that

He's half man half bomb


Because he btfo the jew (Wario)

The same reason Kirby is. A cute fellow with an insane amount of destructive power.

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All the guys in 64 look like Kamen Rider background characters.

Bring them back.

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>when Bomberman steals your theme song and makes it better

Why does Bomberman Hero have the best OST? I could just put on the entire OST and listen to it from beginning to end. I can't do that with any other game.

Sorry Bomberman, the failed franchise thread is next door
And take Rayman with you

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To contrast the cuteness of the girls

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depends on the source material
in super bomberman he is a robot, which is apparent when you die since his face turns off and he shuts down
in bomberman jetters white bomber is a part of the bombermen race. the hige hige bandits also have a machine that creates a new villain-of-the-week by splicing the DNA of the target with bomberman DNA

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based shoutposter

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Did I draw that bomberman? It looks and feels so familiar. I feel like I might have drawn it, but can't remember.

no idea, i saved it off a different bomberman thread.
given thats theres only about 10 people left who still care about him on this board its definitely possible

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>He can't remember what he did and didn't draw

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>given thats theres only about 10 people left who still care about him on this board
>tfw I've probably posted in every Bomberman thread on that's been on Yea Forums

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It's been years, ok! I searched the picture, and the archive only has a record of it from 2016, as a reply to a favorite delivery post in a drawthread. So it's probably older than that.

...posting this awesome image I saved a long time ago....

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How's Super Bomberman R?

It's alright.

just ok

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probably the same here

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Does anyone here have coding experience? Does anyone want to make an original take on Bomberman? I'm an idea game with half decent art skills. Looking for someone with nothing to lose, and half decent programming skills.

Together, we could reinvent the bomberman genre.

Why does no one care about Bomberman?

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ive actually been thinking about making something like that as well, but mostly to round out my skill set since all i really know how to do is coding. basically i'd like to get more experience with the creative part of gamedev like art, writing, and music.
but im also a full time student right now so i would likely be a dead weight on a team because of my other responsibilities.
its a shame to say but mostly since he hasnt had a relevant game in a long time. super bomberman r could have been that game, but it was nothing great and kind of expensive for what it was. im genuinely hoping konami has something new to show this E3

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Wel, there's only about 18 IPs here, and no one said "yes", so I guess it's a big stinking no.
Oh well... Does anyone have any dream bomberman ideas?

>but im also a full time student right now
Yeah, it sounds like it wouldn't work out. Once the novelty of starting a new project washes away, you'll need to continue working out of pure grit.

Too bad there's no active online bomberman. Also too bad I don't know 9 people to play saturn bomberman with.

>Does anyone have any dream bomberman ideas?
Just make another Bomberman 64 please.

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He's the vegeta to bomberman's goku

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Good thing we have netplay.

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I said active.

Considering all bomermna does is walk around laying bombs having this kind of character in the series is hilarious.

Sure. With improved mechanics, I hope.

Listen to the sweet bass.

This is sad

There's literally never been a bad Bomberman game on a Nintendo console (Bomberman Zero positive reviews did bad because M$ is woefully incompetant)

I'm pretty sure Rayman has never had a bad game (Rabbids don't count as Rayman games, since the meme-rodents are the protagonists and Rayman is just jacking off in backround), and he's had a steady stream of sublime 2D platformers for a decade. Also Rayman 2 (3D) is peak 5th-gen collectathon with god-tier music

No idea. Maybe a charged 4bomb 4flame throw ripped open a wormhole to the SOUL dimension

Also has one of the best rivals in gaming, Nitros
>b-but it's just recycled boss fights!
Every fight with him has a similar arena but wildly different playstyles. He evolves his fighting style, tactics, and arena. even the first encounter is tough, and by the final encounter you're making frame-perfect dodges and jumps while needing 500IQ throws and traps just to get a single damage (out of like 25) on him

Really wish Hero would get an official or spiritual sequel (Zero doesn't count obv because it was shit while Hero was good). It did had some sizable problems I admit,. some levels have unclear objectives, difficulty curve is kind of a mess, some enemies (like the spitting crabbos) have janky attacks, submarine levels are meh at best, destroyable "hidden" walls random, occasional camera problems, and upgrade system is kind of fucked and grindy. None of this brings bman hero under a 7/10.

Health, Bomb count, and Flame upgrades should've been permanent and acquired at set points, either after bosses and/or hidden in levels. You should be able to change these upgrades (at least Flame size) in the map screen, and Stuff like flameproof and unique unique bombs stay as temporary upgrades.

It's so unique and fun. we've got enough games with swords or guns, we need more with chads that exclusively attack with explosives and sometimes snowboards and giant rabbits.

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I'll never understand the whose idea was it to make TSA have a serious dark story where the climax is that you fight god.

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I didn't mean the game is bad (furthest thing). It's just kind of hilarious in hindsight.

>Once the novelty of starting a new project washes away, you'll need to continue working out of pure grit.
yeah. im plenty familiar with that feeling. but to answer this:
i was interested in doing something like a remake of bomberman 64 the second attack, mostly since the story makes it stand out from everything else in the series. the gameplay could stand to do with a modern upgrade though. its rough playing it when the game slows down terribly at the drop of a hat.
but i also think bomberman could do with more interesting takes and gameplay styles, like bomberman hero did.

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Wasn't implying that either. I'm saying the plot is probably something you wound't expect. The first 64 kinda also had that feeling but in a lesser extent

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I think Bomberman 64's take on gameplay was interesting because it was a puzzle game, as much as it was a bomberman game. I mean, bomberman typically has some minor puzzle elements. But it's mostly very simple stuff, that's easy to execute. And then Bomberman 64 comes along, and suddenly you have to become an engineer to figure out how to make some jumps.

Bomb jumping was an incredible mechanic. It gives the player enough freedom to figure out solutions on their own, as well as requiring the skill to actually pull it off. I only wish bombs were a tad easier to set up. Like, if the game showed a line of trajectory as you're holding it. Or if you can wind up and angle your kick, before actually kicking it.

>tfw no 3DS follow up to BM DS with 8 player/dual screen and online play.
Why Bomberbros?

Because Hudson died.

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yeah, absolutely.
bomberman 64's bomb jumping mechanic was interesting not only from how it made navigating the environment a puzzle, but because it felt like the enemies were, for once, secondary to actually getting through the level. rainbow palace is my favorite world because i genuinely enjoyed bomb jumping.
bomberman 64 the second attack also had bomb jumps in a few select places, but none of them were incredibly hard to set up, and all for just things like custom parts. thats not to say it was a complete downgrade though, since the elemental bombs were involved in puzzles involving the environment as well.
the thing is though, the experimentation seems to have began and ended with the n64 games. the singleplayer mode for the gamecube bomberman games did add unique mechanics, like the charaboms, but nothing too big in my opinion.
i dont count act zero as experimentation since the new design was absolutely pushed by soulless marketers for western audiences

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Yea, but bomber 64 was pretty deep

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You could choose one Bomberman character to have an endless amount of porn
Who do you choose?


>nd suddenly you have to become an engineer to figure out how to make some jumps.
Oh man, the amount of time I spent trying to figure out what size bombs I needed to throw where only to end up somehow bouncing on top of a bomb with a bomb bouncing on top of me, and no options aside from detonating the bombs.

He did nothing wrong.

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Are you serious?

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>That last one

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I don't get it...are there two of them?



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The one with green eyes is a robot copy Sirius made for scouting reasons or something like that since he's busy being an asshole in the Rainbow Palace.

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delete this

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I loved bomberman 64 when I was a kid, and bought Bomberman Hero thinking it was a prequel or somehow connected to 64, was pretty disappointing to leaen it wasn't. I never got a chance to buy TSA, which sucks now because it's one of the more expensive n64 games. But Altair and his crew where the best, I loved Altairs design and named all my accounts and stuff after him, only to have people think I really liked AssCreed when it came out.

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Altair is pretty sick and his fight was great.. Too bad he gets BTFO by Sirius.
>I loved Altairs design and named all my accounts and stuff after him,

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His names Loderunner.

oh no that's hot

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TSA is different to 64. I can't really describe it because I'm not even sure why or if I even like it enough to describe why. All I can say is.

The intro is wordy as fuck
The levels are more puzzly. Think the SNES games but with actual level design.
The music is somehow even better than 64
Regulus shows up in the plot after the first level and starts fucking around with everyone.

For some reason I really like the controls of Bomberman Hero. Don't know why but it really clicks with me.


>The music is somehow even better than 64
Close but no.

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Man this game was so fucking cool. I remember yelling at my sister for telling me there was a way to make a sword appear, only to find out years later that she was refering to the sword atk ups you find in the bushes and not an actual sword you can use.

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FUCK my coolness nostalgia

I liked his death sequence too, it was such an unexpected thing to me, like one of those n64 era things you hear about, like getting Luigi in Mario 64. That Sirius just drops down and kills him, it was nuts.
When I learned that TSA was more what I wanted, i did try and get it, but buying stuff online was limited back then, so I was just sorta limited to whatever local game stores had. I have played it a little on emulator, and I love regulus in that game, he's really cool, and his boss fight is great, love the voice effects when he does his special moves.

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Then what the fuck is Max?

Someone who wishes he was cool as Regulus.

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Reminder that Shout is not for lewd

Imagine if Bomberman went the Kirby route and had some someone actually making everything interconnected while maintaining simple plots for each game

Why not? Her casual wear is pretty lewd

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Of course.

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God I love Altair's voice.


I wish we had a sequel that looked like this

Games that strayed past the formula had good ideas but the execution wasn't solid enough

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Too japanese? dead studio, dead IP?


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Because they are owned by Konami, if Nintendo had the brains to buy them instead things would have worked out, there'd have been a load of 64 style Bomberman games and the IP wouldn't be dead right now.

Because Konami doesn't care about Bomberman


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Now hold up user, I like Ninty but even they neglect their IPs every now and then

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Did they ever get merch?
They practically scream SD Gundam

Only some simple snap-toys. I'd kill for an actual model kit of any of them.

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Mujoe seems like a cool guy

TSA was my favorite childhood game. Have a hard time going back to it now because WORDS WORDS WORDS and I still remember what to do at each part of each map cause I played it so much as a kid. Not really any challenge left in the game for me. At least multiplayer mode is still fun, and damn are those memories good. Not a jrpg but it was basically my first jrpg plot. Was my all time favorite game for more than a decade probably.

I maintain 64 remains the most popular Bomberman by virtue of feeling most like a multi-genre adventure. Puzzles, combat, unique environments, it's one of those games that tries to do just about everything.

Bomb jumping in TSA is definitely less of a focus but if you try to 100% a file you'll get some good bomb jumping in. The piece on top of the elevator in aquanet is ridiculous.

I think the elemental bombs are more interesting than bomb jumps but I do wish we could have both put to good use at once.

>model kit of the 64 boys
Didn't know how much I wanted this until now.
I almost NEVER like having videogame models/toys on display, but the 64 Bomberman bosses all look neat enough that I'd get them.

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wait what the fuck, how can they just steal the f reakazoid theme this blatantly?

Reminder that Xavier Woods of all people showed up in Super R

>Only one Bomberman character was added post-release in Super R

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How are the gimmicks by the way?
Also relieved they remembered Max

It's no contest that Max isn't as cool as the 64 bosses, but he's still pretty neat. Tying him into Bomberman's dead brother wasn't something I ever would have expected.

This will always be funny to me.

>It's real

The fuck? Also Jehuty looks so much like regulus it's almost intentional

But he wasn't
He was evil in the anime

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Shout in Super R when?

Its pretty much Danica Patrick in that SEGA racing game tier

It's been years, weren't there two of them? And then an extra few at the very end for the side characters to deal with.

One was his brother, I think. The one without the sick metal mohawk.

If you're talking about features, Super R is really basic when compared to other games. No mounts, no crazy power-ups or modes.
>Tying him into Bomberman's dead brother wasn't something I ever would have expected.
Honestly anime!Max is so different from game!Max they're not even the same character.

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I meant the gimmicks the update characters have

For a second I thought his antenna was up her butt

What are the odds of Shout ever appearing in anything official again

He's like American Box Art Kirby with those eyebrows

Same as Tiff showing up in a future Kirby game

Reminder that Dolphin Bomber is an abomination

Ah, well they all have a bunch of different ones. Max can pull up a plasma bomb which he can stall the explosion of.

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Add another one.
The guy should have been in Smash since Brawl goddammit

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Someone post that unreleased bomberman game, you know, THAT one.

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And he is Switch exclusive as well

Look on the bright side, he has a good chance when the next game comes in 6-7 years


Maybe it was for the best?

How popular is she again?

Yeah that was nice of them. Too bad the online is fucking DEAD.

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>anime-only (w/ game tie-in) cute girl character in a male-dominated series that was already considered annoying by most of the western audience due to her implementation in her one game
outlook good

On Yea Forums exclusively

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Honestly doesn't look bad

>oppai Shout

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Post bomberman music

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bomberman generations is the only good bomberman game because it is the only bomber man game i have ever played

I'm so sorry.

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I remember being depressed as kid when I read Bomberman Hero's reviews. They said the music was the worst they ever heard. How could you hate this?


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i think i played some other game for the advance or something but I cant remember, all i know is that i wish they made another bomberman generations game

They did.

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in no way am i taunting you guys but:

whenever you hear the words "yup, it's him" do you get like PTSD?

pic related always fucking gets me



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They do, but Bomberman was already successful, and well established as an IP and it had a development team ready to support it. Konami are amongst the worst for IP abuse, the only companies that are worse are ones like SE, Activision and EA, companies that will sit on an IP, even if they have no intention of ever using it again, and didn't themselves create it.

I will make you a model kit for $200, if you want a big one you need to pay more.

OK, credentials?

List what characters you want.
