Well Yea Forums? What's your favorite Pokemon game?
Well Yea Forums? What's your favorite Pokemon game?
Other urls found in this thread:
BW/BW2 and Plat. Fuck Gen 2.
Pokemon Ecchi Version
Heartgold + Soulsilver
What about Gen 2 remakes?
Even worse considering they didn’t fix the issues of the original Gen 2 games. Gen 2 was one of the first games, sometimes they hit, other times they don’t. HGSS was made after a decade of games, why did GF drop the ball there?
t. zoomer
>literally no argument
HeartGold without a fucking doubt.
The one where you fffffaggots stay in your lane
Platinum. It'd be Emerald if it weren't that once you go Phys/Spec split you never want to go back
pokemon showdown
Yeah, the Split was a godsend and you have to ask why they didn’t do it earlier.
Explorers of Sky.
Platinum and Colosseum
Gen Wun
It fixed many things that were odd
>Dark was special attack despite most hits involving physical contact
>most ghost types were specially oriented while ghost went off Attack
>Gyarados was absolutely shafted as it leaned no flying moves and Water went off it's very low special attack
>Waterfall and surf were completely redundant
This 100%. The only reason Emerald isn't top 3 pokemon games is because of the split. That along with abilities were the best addition to the pokemon franchise by a large margin.
Who's your favorite Pokegirl?
GF is Bethesda-tier levels of incompetent, but some fags actually hate the physical split for some reason.
God i wish i was a girl so badly...
depends. playable, or just any girl from the series?
snap is the best pokemon game, fight amongst yourselves for #2
I'm kind of a puritan when it comes to games, so it's like if I want to play the Kanto story, I'll play Red in Japanese. Yellow doesn't feel like the definitive Gen I story, even if you can get all three starters. It feels like a ROM hack styled after the anime. The only "purer" way to play the Gen I story to me would actually be a ROM hack that combines Red and Green. Like if you could press a button that switched between both game's optional default names in the introduction, the encounter tables, and even let you repeat specific in-game events like receiving the Eevee, fossil, Hitmonlee/Hitmonchan, starter, and being able to battle each of your rival's teams. That feels like the only way to be able to experience everything without adding anything fanficcy. It would be cool if there were ROM hacks of every single paired release that functioned like this.
>Pocket Monsters RG
>Pocket Monsters GS
>Pocket Monsters RS
>Pocket Monsters FRLG
>Pocket Monsters DP
>Pocket Monsters HGSS
>Pocket Monsters BW
>Pocket Monsters B2W2
I'm also not against remakes, though I think you should play the original so you can really get the most out of the remake.
Thread quality will now decline
based animeposter destroying the zoomers
It'll probably be better since the only way this thread could go is unovabortions shitting everywhere and maybe a few genwunners
okay, I'll go with 3 since I'm indecisive. hilda's my favorite playable pokegirl, misty's my favorite nonplayable pokegirl from the games, and jenny's my favorite pokegirl from the anime
they're like 12... can you not?
Have sex
>likes bw
No they're fictional drawings, not 12 year old children.
Kill yourself tumblr.
>get called out for being a pedo
>h-h-have sex
How the fuck can you stomach gen5's awful sprites, ugly pokemon designs and linearity?
Refreshing title after having every other game tie back to Kanto.
seethe cope
See? I told you
Every pokemon is linear and everyone has shitmon designs.
the best
very cringe :(
They did fix most of the issues and added content.
Are you sure you played them?
They added a safari zone to get pokemon like larvitar early instead of late game, they added pokedome so you can get late game items like the evolution stones.
The only problem the game still has is the game expects you to be low leveled post elite four.
ya boilin?
Obsessed and rent free. Get some help ma’am.
Fuck off cunt, and take your nasty eggs with you.
Platinum was the series' peak. After Gen 4 Gamefreak started listening to the Japanese fans and made everything much easier. Caves and forests became straight lines, it became literally impossible to accidentally go off the story's rails.
Probably Platinum, although I have a soft spot for Colosseum 2. B2 is the latest game I've played
Pretty sure the BW / B2W2 protagonists are meant to be 16 regardless drawings they are images not real people.
imagine being jealous that cartoon drawings get more attention than your own obese ass lmao.
The level scaling is still fucked. Wild pokemon are always 10 levels below what they should be.
It was exactly the same in Gen 4, there was very little deviation in that game as well and it was always 100% clear where you had to go.
Unova still had plenty of cool side things to explore, only during and after gen 6 did the games become truly mindless.
The level curve to adjust for Kanto is still there, and the safari zone is more of a bandaid then a fix considering it’s a midgame location, and early and late game distribution of pokemon are still pretty bad.
Also forgot to add the Pokedome, while cool, pretty much killed the need to explore Johto since you can just play the mini game over and over for points.
I pity those that were not around on /vp/ during 2014-15.
Hands down the most complete and engrossing Pokemon experience to date.
Literally the worst generation.
>Rosa at #7
>Hilda at #23
I just don't get it. Ross was a major downgrade in terms of clothing and hairstyle. What do people see in her?
Pokemon was the one game on Yea Forums I thought zoomers wouldn't ruin like everything else.
They were comfy with actual discussion and tons of pic of pokegirls being dumped.
Most of Yea Forums actually agreed what were the flaws and positives of each game. Now it's as bad as console war faggotry and people being triggered by lewd girls.
It was fun as fuck, shame the later half of xy went to the gutters.
Boomers are responsible for the series going back to shit. Next.
I'm not talking about the series I'm talking about the quality of pokemon threads on Yea Forums.
They were one of the only threads i always visited now they're shit and not comfy anymore.
>that amazing 3 hour stretch between gyms in the early game
So much promise
Then it all turns to shit
I took down most of the Elite 4 with just one Pokémon.
B2/W2. Too bad it unintentionally set me up for disappointment for Gen 6.
Xy is fun if you raise 10 pokemon at once.
I had tons of fun
Breh, pokemon threads on Yea Forums were always shit. You had Gen 2 fag shitting on 3 fags back when it came out.
TCG on the gameboy. To be honest I don't like the mainline games very much
the donut hair and the ZR.
You can use the donuts as reins, user.
Dawn is best girl and Emerald is best game.
>Am I fitting in yet?
Get over it fag, the series peaked with those games.
t. delusional unovabortion