Is Girls' Frontline, dare I say... /our gacha/????

Is Girls' Frontline, dare I say... /our gacha/????

>most F2P generous gacha
>later content and ranking maps require actual thought and strategy
>guns you can actually own - sense of materialism, connection and natural interest
Yall aren't nogunz right?

>cute girls
>very cute girls

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Yall aren't nogunz right?
I am adamantly opposed to owning guns of any kind and believe they should be banned for good reason.

shame there's no good reason

Who cares, where is her porn?

>good reason
Such as?

I dont understand

CEO literally embezzled money to buy himself a lambo. There was a mass resignation. Why are people playing this shit?

I firmly believe that politicians should not be allowed to have guns so they can be summarily executed for treason when attempting to pass laws to ban guns.


How dare you associate yourself with this game. Kill yourself.



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too much of a grind so i dropped it

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Because it has little girls in panties in it.

based shills

>most F2P generous gacha
That's Destiny Child

Please stop shilling your garbage daily gacha insect bugman

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Isn't it heavily censored? Plus no option to uncensor or sexy children unlike gf.

>Screencapping your own post

Good Goyim

I dont know, maybe all the recent mass shootings in 2019 alone?

Jews are pro-gun. Because it means we can protect ourselves from racist anti-jew muslims.

Like? There hasn't been any more than usual.

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Game is dying and won't last, play azur lane instead

be banned

I stopped playing because it's fucking dead

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eat shit commie


Uncensor patch exists.

I'm confused, what is the relationship between Kantai Collection and Azur Lane? Is one a clone of the other, or what?

sell me on it

>censored trash

No thats Granblue Fantasy

Prohibition doesn't work and this has already been proven. History repeats itself: the Reich is coming back and similarly a prohibition of firearms will just result in more black market operations that the ATF would not be able to stop, just like they couldn't prohibit alcohol.

Guns are used in self defense WAAAAY more than they are used for mass shootings. Stop being retarded.


/e7g/ and honkaifags where you at

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This is just as bad as the fucking Paragon spammer.

Statistically, the majority of mass shootings are happening in ghettos as a result of gang warfare because minorities love oppressing each other. If you want to ban guns because of mass shootings you're racist.