Do you prefer bow or crossbow for ranged weapon?
Do you prefer bow or crossbow for ranged weapon?
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i prefer my maul crushing your faggot archer head
Bow is a lot more respectable than a crossbow. Hand crossbows are dank though. Or maybe if you put a crossbow on a sword.
>choice between being a wizard summoning sexy demons and throwing fireballs
>or some faggot that shoots pointy sticks
I will never understand archers.
Crossbow because you can always smash someone with the butt of the weapon.
it's primitive, organic.
Crossbow is easier to learn and, usually, pierces armor better.
go away David no one likes you
Depends on the game and what they do with each
Stealth game where enemies can be slowly whittled down? Crossbow
Game where you'll eventually face hordes? I suppose a bow shoots faster
Games with quick-fire crossbows? Then that
A quickfire, laser-sight, repeating bow? Maybe that
Crossbow is obviously better.
not that guy, but what's more primitive and organic than a literal sex demon using fucking fire?
Killing people by shooting them with pointy sticks?
Most things?
I always thought crossbows were more cool, but bows seem to always be the better choice mechanically in vidya I play, so I tend to go with that if I'm doing ranged
Depends, in many games bows scale with stats and skills while crossbows provide large base damage with no scaling. So if I'm going all in on ranged or have stats that happen to coincide with a bow's scaling, then I'll take bow. Otherwise, if I'm just bringing a ranged option to use as a side thing, I'll take crossbow.
Broke my own rule and took bows in Souls games anyways despite not having the stats cause they're lighter and arrows are cheaper than bolts.
Based and barbarianpilled
siege crossbow > bows > light crossbow
Bow takes longer to master, but it's more rewarding in the end. Crossbows are pretty good, but they take almost no time to master and they'll never be as good as a bow in the right hands.
You mean a ballista?
>what's more primitive and organic than a literal sex demon using fucking fire?
Longbow > Crossbow >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shortbow
Crossbow is just a gun that shoots arrows. We have enough games with guns.
Bow looks great, it's the work of the entire body. The true STR weapon of the ranged.
Both are super gay though. Real men throw knives.
no, just a really heavy crossbow with a ridiculous draw weight. OP's pic is from mount & blade and that's the name they give it there
>using the virgin bow and not the chad atlatl
Javelin > all kinds of bows
literally the opposite