Why do americans want to play videogames while they drive a car?

why do americans want to play videogames while they drive a car?

Attached: Captura de pantalla de 2019-05-18 23-11-14.png (504x503, 146K)

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Why are euros obsessed with America? It's kind of sad

How fucking irresponsible is this guy?

Cmon, let's be fair, everyone is obsessed with America, even Americans.

Self-driving? There is better shit to do than play vidya while on commute. Vidya is to relax, unwind when you have nothing left to do at the end of the day.

elon still thinks self driving cars are going to make it

Why do you think you're always driving a car whenever you're inside one?

The dude successfully has done a ton of shit that people said was impossible. I believe this guy has a vision most people dont understand. Hes a autistic genius.

Right, and his company is running entirely on debt and their stock is an obvious bubble.

he's not fucking driving, he's sitting in the car waiting

fuck self driving cars

I'll ride my v8 till I die

>vidya is to relax
Honestly i'm trying to think of some relaxing games in the last couple of years and i'm really drawing a blank dog, what games are you referring to?

Do you actually think he's inventing this shit himself like he's Iron Man or something?

self driving cars are never going to happen lad, there's just way too many variables involved to take a human out of the driving process. the only way they work is static routes away from human traffic and at that point you may as well just make mass transit better and more personal like business class airplanes where you have you own somewhat personal space and you're just crammed into a flying sardine can like the 200 poorfags in the back riding economy.


Disgaea itemworld grindan sith your music library on shuffle. Literally anything once you let go and realize a failstate is just a savestate load.
>mobas and arenashooter
I play vidya to GET AWAY from people.

I went on a 8 hour road trip to canada in my friends tesla. Was on 90% of the time. We only took it on when the rain was so crazy that we didnt know if the rain would obstruct the cameras enough and didnt want to chance it.
Its 100% the future and will come

Attached: beyondsciene.jpg (651x457, 85K)

>The dude successfully has done a ton of shit that people said was impossible. I believe this guy has a vision most people dont understand. Hes a autistic genius.
Too bad Tesla's are overrated as fuck. The interior is plain as all fucking hell with basically just a huge center infotainment screen and nothing else. Then they have reliability problems out the ass and as a result depreciate almost as fast as german luxury brands. There are multiple other things I could mention but electric cars are another fad by the same smug douchebags in California who were raving about Prius's 10 years ago but completely ignoring what actually goes into producing the electricity or batteries and think they are doing the environment good because they are using less gas.

Good one goy

change FAMILY with STATE

I fear for the state of the board. Summer is coming.

But I like the human interaction of online it's more fun with human interaction everything is..

All kidding aside I legitimately think there is a increase in family apathy in western countries.

I know so many people, including my sister, who are in happy stable relationships and yet are struggling with a general sense of apathy towards their current lives and futures. Like a lack of direction or ability to feel useful or progressing.

It's called PROGRESS you wouldn't know anything about it.

You must be new here, Yea Forums died after the fappening. This is literally just an extension of shittid now with a few uneducated racists tacked on the end of it like a tumor.

>but electric cars are another fad

imagine being this much of a Boomer

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I'd rather want medical bots that can diagnosis you to see if you're "healthy" or not to decide if you should go see a doctor.

user, are you American? Unless you have one long utility cable, you won't find recharging stations in hick areas.

Most of the general public unironically thinks he does. I guess people need to visualize a figurehead or mascot for major corporations like this. Not sure why.

I used to be like you, then I got a job as a delivery driver and understand manual driving should be a luxury, not a mandatory commute. People simply should not be out there on the roads.

>mention america
Why are you so obsessed with accusing other people of being obsessed?

I didn't but I really like this image I have in my head now
based Elon Stark flying around high af calling old dudes in Thailand pedos

Because Americans don't even talk about Europeans in their free time

Attached: 1558233829251.gif (685x325, 2.38M)

Ah yes, try asking about german / UK anything in another thread and see how fast an american dipshit brings up muslims.

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Because plenty of people in America have an hour long commute both ways everyday. Meanwhile an hour long drive for Euros is a huge deal.

I used to think electric cars were the future. the costs just don't add up. after 8 years, you have to replace the batteries, which is over a majority of the cost of the car

You're fucking retarded if you think something up to a 50% decrement in range due to the whim of the weather is acceptable anywhere but extremely insulated areas like California. Between loss over line and over/under current and battery degradation over time you end up with a marginal theoretical gain over ICEs almost exclusively due to the fact you can isolate pollution which is only relevant to what is probably less than 25% of the global population (read: major metropolitans of developed nations) moreover you're adding insane amounts of demand to the grid.

Nobody ever questioned the capacity for electric cars to exist, it was always a question of practicality. Some of the first horseless carriages were battery powered. It was always, and remains to be a question of practical constraints and engineering issues. Musk is nothing more than a Steve Jobs knockoff, who frankly is a baffling persona himself. Cult of personality.
