So is boderlands 3 in epic or steam now?

so is boderlands 3 in epic or steam now?

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Who even cares? Also, let's make this thread video games because the OP image isn't. I'll start.
I want to fuck Big Boss.

Attached: Big Boss.png (650x806, 1.03M)

Haha video games

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It was an Epic Store exclusive but it's a pre-order. When developers found out Epic was literally putting massive discounts on ALL games, it meant that the pre-orders could be cancelled, then repurchased for a fraction of the price, so they pulled the game from sale...during the sale.

girls ass are made for fucking

I want to sniff that fart factory.

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>it meant that the pre-orders could be cancelled, then repurchased for a fraction of the price,
i dont understand this part, it was a glitch or something?

post loli next time

imagine the smell
envision the aroma
conceptualize the fragrance

>have sex with girl
>hear her stomach rumbling
>she sexily wanders off saying she has to tinkle
>diarrheas all over my toilet, flushes twice
butts are so confusing

I want to plant my face there and take an 8 second inhale

SO is it in epic or not?!

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>wide hips
>thick thighs

Attached: Fucking disgusting.jpg (226x258, 9K)

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why does my bf do this exact thing? just bite and move on, it's just leg and ass

God I wish that were me that ass looks amazing

>that ass looks amazing
It's a fucking 2D drawing

Not really a glitch but a massive oversight. Some Chinese dude basically applied the current price with a 75% discount across the board for the price range, not taking pre-orders into account. Obviously if someone can pick up the game for less that $30, nobody is going to pre-order it on console for $59.99.

This, post some good tight hips and skinny thighs.

2D > 3D

Yes, and?

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>being gay
>current year

>It's a fucking bait post for anons to post 2D ass

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Over the past ten years on this god forsaken place called the internet, I have unlocked so many fetishes that you would not even dream of.

I too was hesitant at first, finding it weird to fap to tiles and Ohio state, but after years of researching and then getting turned on by such things, I have improved as a human being and a person.

You will never get on my level of kinks and fetishes with that attitude, and I feel sorry for you. You will never know true happiness and never knowing shame. You might reach where I'm at right now, in about 10 years yourself, but I will be long past that, and the kinks and fetishes that I have now will evolve into something more sinister, and degenerate.

Your boyfriend however, will go places, and he will probably go places much farther than you, and you will always wonder what went right with him while you are stuck in the mud wondering how you got there.

You are a child, not in body, but in mind. You will learn the truth of the internet sooner or later, but I at least can give you a hint.

The internet is not for talking to people, it's to discover kinks and fetishes, that is where the true treasure lies.

I could use some more ass in here

Yeah it's great.

I see we have a gay bottom that loves to pucker his butthole.

>new pasta

fuck off tranny faggot.

>Sage goes in all fields
Wtf is that image

>his desperation doesn't allow for anyone else on this board to have a happy, monogamous relationship between 2 consenting, opposite sexes to the point that someone has to be a tranny
have... sex?

Girls with big thighs are kino

Asses are just cushions to help alleviate painful sitting and for pooping. Why?

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They're hot; keep posting

are you even still allowed to sage on blue boards? used to be way more common like a decade ago when i started browsing, but it's been awhile

If you think about it, they sort of look like fat, throbbing dick heads.

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Tfw you know that feel

fuck, maybe it hasn't been working recently because i didn't capitalize sage

>Some Chinese dude basically applied the current price with a 75%
The epic store is run by americans and isn't even available in China, you dumb shitposter.

This thread is retarded, post more ass and boobs OP.

That's fine with me

is this a pencil skirt? my buddy keeps mentioning them but I have no clue what he's talking about

>he'd fuck a dick

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Say whatever you want, but the stuff you're sending is grade-A
At least do a bit of research before you shitpost

I'm not posting any more.

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That sucks

What does this have to do with the people running the website?

have sex

imagine sniffing and licking a girl's butthole

what anime?

Yes pls more narrow hips and chicken legs pls

Attached: v's ideal ass.jpg (321x272, 6K)

Its awesome. Sometimes the ass smells better than the pussy. Tastes like regular skin for the most part, maybe a little like a penny, not memeing

It's just skin dude as long, as it's clean it's fucking hot if you like butts.

or maybe you're a fucking idiot who broke the rule of announcing a sage

You know I know this is just a shitpost at this point, but I'm curious. Why would having sex fix any type of issue at all?

Saying "Have Sex" just means you lost the argument, and can't fight against it, and a futile attempt you try to bait people into getting mad, and I get that, it's bait. But when people say it unironnically, it makes me start thinking if the person who says it has actually had sex as well and if they did, what fucking happened during that sex that turned them into a shitty person like yourself?

I'm glad I'm still a virgin at this point in my life, I can live with my kinks and not worry about anything else, but it seems to me that people still want me to have sex just so they can see me suffer, and to that I say nah, fuck you.

have sex

I like fat asses, thick thighs and nice hips but what's really the best? A nice belly I also like real girls

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Not until you tell me what having sex would help me accomplish.

fucking disgusting

>The epic store is run by americans and isn't even available in China
>posts article that it is available in china now
>what does this have to do with people who run the website
Amazing deflection. Just admit you were wrong about China or never post again.

I've got a thing for masks myself.

Sorry user I know it's not 2DPD

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Not that guy, but absolutely nothing. I hired a few escorts just to get it out of my system, but every single time I just felt unsatisfied and a little poorer. Pussy is absolutely overrated unless you're one of those thirsty morons who just can't seem to pull one out themselves for whatever reason.


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