Konami did nothing wrong...

Konami did nothing wrong, literally kojima wasted a lot of money thanks to his hollywood friends and his shitty mad max memes.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Konami has done plenty wrong regardless of their poor handling of the Kojima issue

He wanted to use the money to release a game he was proud of. Konami was the parent who gave their kid a credit card and sent him to the candy store.

Pro-tip: Suikoden and several other series like Castlevania lost all funding due to Kojima pulling strings with upper management. That bullshit about him being a humble developer was a lie, he literally had the gaming division hollowed out to fund Metal Gear Solid games.

Fuck off, shill. They canceled Silent Hills, it would have been glorious

Del toro is a faggot and kojima is a pretentious wannabe

The fact that Yea Forums is so fucking pissed at Kojima that we've reached levels of contrarianism to the point that some people on Yea Forums are UNIRONICALLY STARTING TO TAKE THE SIDE OF KONAMI on this is probably the saddest thing i've seen on this board on years.
Even if you hate Kojima, no one is THAT much of an asshole.


You miserable fucking shit board.
You pale shadow of what you once were.

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Eat shit faggot go to marry kojima if you love him so much also that letter was from australia and not from nu-Yea Forums

So, is this another Yea Forumseddit contrarian thread where people make claims without sources, based only on the fact that you are mad at MGSV being unfinished?

You actually think Konami is angry at Kojima?
MGSV made more than twice it's budget on launch day alone and received critical praise from everyone.

You actually, unironically think the 60 year old shareholders went
>oh no, this game made us a ton of money and everyone liked it, but we are pissed because this bunch of retards on the internet didn't like it, oh god i'm so sad

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Konami did everything wrong you fucking rat

but reddit loves kojima, timmy.

Yea Forums's claims about Konami and Kojima all fall apart due to the fact that firing people on Japan is ilegal.
You can only fire people if a judge allows it, and this only happens when that person is taken to court for being a criminal.

>Yea Forums's claims about Konami and Kojima all fall apart due to the fact that firing people on Japan is ilegal.

You really don't know shit about japan my weeb friend, and how corrupt japan is.

Why did you ignore the rest of the post?
Literally the only people mad at MGSV are you.
Hell, everyone else has already forgotten MGSV, and MGS as a whole.
Yea Forums are the only autists who whined about MGSV, the only autists who still go on about the Kojima vs Konami thing, the only ones still crying like a bunch of babies about MGSV.

And, as we all know, Yea Forums's opinions are completely irrelevant.


On top of firing people being ilegal, you have also to take into account that Kojima left because he had nothing left to do.
Konami wanted to stop making Triple A games and focus entirely on smartphone games.
Why would Kojima stay in Konami?

Kojima left and is happy about it, Konami left, and is happy about it, MGSV was a massive sales success, and both Kojima and Konami are happy about it.
Everyone had a happy ending, the only ones bitching are you.

It's been 4 years, who gives a single fuck?
Jesus christ, I loved MGSV being trash because it BTFO all you MGS drones after spending 3 years spamming
>dude le nuclear xDD
threads, but I didn't think you bitches would then spent an even longer time crying about it.

You are the most pathetic fanbase to have ever touched Yea Forums
What's incredible is that such autism is completely unjustified because MGS is a mediocre franchise with a laughable plot that only a kid who has grown up watching shitty Marvel superhero movies would find to be good.

Then there's also the ones who go
What kind of logic is that?
Something being goofy and stupid isn't good, it's goofy and stupid, you only eat it up because the standards of writing in videogames are at the level of MLP fanfiction and you convinced yourselves that this trash is good.
Like DMC
Why do you like shit based on low class movies?

Why are people in this industry so addicted to mediocrity?

I used to love Konami they were among my favorites, now I hate them.


>Konami did nothing wrong, Kojima is a hack
Water is wet.

Konami has been garbage for a long time.
Look at this shit, the few games they have shat out for the past 10 years have all been worthless.
Konami could have left this industry back in 2009 and nobody would have given a single fuck.

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>Why do you like shit based on low class movies?
Because those low class movies fit the narrative such videogame needs and is entertaining, how is it hard to understand?

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>Because those low class movies fit the narrative such videogame needs
How about we increase the standards to something more than "just passable enough"?
Or at least have the dignity to not praise mediocre story or the characters in any way.

>like making a live action adaptation of a comic
This is exactly what I mean.
How about you seek inspiration in quality stuff, instead of trash like this?
Who the fuck watches a mediocre movie and says
>damn, look at how forgettable and stupid everything is, this is exactly what I want in my videogame

Not everything needs to be Shakespearen tier writing, there is place for all kinds of games if you don't like silly absurd stories than that's just you, others can still have their enjoyment with whatever they like

Kojima or not, treating their employees like shit, moving to pachinko, and not giving a single flying fuck about how much it pisses off gamers is not "nothing wrong".



Death Stranding isn't even remotely close to being released. Kojima admitted it was behind schedule. Considering the fact MGSV was not even 2/3rd of the way done. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK WE'D EVER GET SILENT HILLS.

>How about you seek inspiration in quality stuff, instead of trash like this?
Like pic related?
>Who the fuck watches a mediocre movie and says
>damn, look at how forgettable and stupid everything is, this is exactly what I want in my videogame
Super heroes are iconic and undoubtedly unforgettable, there is no one taht has access to media that doesn't know at least three of the most popular superheroes

Forgot pic

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>Death Stranding isn't even remotely close to being released.
It's been in development for about 3 years now, what did you expect?
3 years is what takes the average COD game to develop, when DS is a brand new IP made by scratch.
Look at RDR2, that game was 7 years in development, big Triple A games spent an average of 5 years unless you are like Ubisoft where you have like 10 studios working on one game.

>Super heroes are iconic and undoubtedly unforgettable
Not the movies, those all generic, mass produced crap, which is what that quote says he bases it on.

This is the real truth. Fuck Kojima, also metal gear fucking sucks.
Stealth games all suck.
Death Stranding will go down as one of the worst AAA games ever made, it will be Gone Home 2 le stealth game.

Konami is scum, but I agree kojima is a great game director but his management seems to be stupid, even gta found out having hollywood names on a game doesn't do shit , specially since most of them do shit work, just like in his previous work

The quote is talking about the art direction and aesthetic, since who was talking was the concept artist who had nothing to with the writing process, and he was commenting on how comic book movies take these rediclous childish ideas and concepts and try and bring them to reality as if they were real which

Castlevania died because the Lords of Shadow games flopped.

You actually think Konami would make a Suikoden game nowadays?
They made MGS precisely because it's one of the few franchises that still sold.

Now all of them are dead, even PES is in limbo because EA has all the rights to all soccer teams and stadiums.
Well, that, and because until 2014 the franchise was running on a PS2 engine, the only reason it got updated is because Kojipro worked on making the Fox engine compatible with soccer games.

>3 years is what takes the average COD game to develop

Call of Duty? The game that came out every year like clockwork?

Yes, they have 3 teams working on them, Treyarch, Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer, each takes 3 years to make one even though those games are mostly rehashes.

I guess that makes sense. Still, DS would probably be further along if Kojima wasn't constantly taking vacations and tweeting about them.

Was this console games. Konami released a decent handful of 3DS and Vita titles, even if some never left Japan.

Three years and all we've seen is his celebrity friends. We had a trailer with fucking redneck crowboss shooter before they even had an engine.

And no. 3 years is an average for any game. Games that take more than that usually signal something is wrong.

Shinji Mikami for instance.

>Vanquish starts development in 2007, ends midway through 2010, no issues
>The Evil Within started that same year, wouldn't come out until 2014, turns out it was because it had three different renditions, AND HEY, IT WAS ONLY ANNOUNCED A YEAR BEFORE RELEASE. WHICH IS SMART.

Hideki Kamiya
>Bayonetta starts development in 2007
>releases in 2009
>The Wonderful 101 is announced in 2012
>releases in 2013

Kojima is one person, Triple As are made by hundreds of people, and they are not that stupid that they need to be reminded every 5 minutes of what they have to do.
This isn't like in the PSone and PS2 era where one person could do meaningful contribution to a game's development and higher ups would maybe every now and then do some coding and the like.
Game development got way too complex, so now anyone who isn't a cog in the machine would just interfere.
In fact, that kind of micromanaging is what contributed to the death of Telltale.
The director would constantly change things in the game, even write text and make tutorials and scripts and prompts, nobody would know where they come from, they would move it around and all they did was waste massive amounts of time.

Lords of shadow is the all time most selling Castlevania game, wtf are you talking about?

2 flopped. It came out in 2014 though, which people consider Konami's "Last year"

Konami releasing those collections shows they know there's interest, but it begs the question of "Do they care". They hired M2 at least.

no hes taking sony for a wild ride

I love it

How long did it take oatmeal cookie Itagaki to make Devil's Third?

Lets hope he's not using the game's budget for his trips, then.

A whopping 6 years.

Within that time.

>Four Engines
>Four publishers
>Went from 360 exclusive, to ERVERYTHANG multiplat, to WiiU exclusive

>Three years and all we've seen is his celebrity friends
How much did you see of RDR2 from 2011 to 2014, the game's first 3 years of development?

>Games that take more than that usually signal something is wrong.
Games that have taken more than 3 years to develop include pretty much all Rockstar games except SA and Vice City, all DMC games except DMC2, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl, DOOM and The Witcher 3.

3 years is in no way the average.

And if Kojima hadn't announced DS you'd be complaining that he's not doing anything anyway.

It's been only 3 years in development there's already what, 4 trailers?
That's far more and sooner than any Triple A that I heard of.

They only announced RDR2 recently, because showing a trailer too early is stupid.

Also, every DMC game, and Doom 4 all had terrible development issues.

If he was he would have already been sued by Sony.
Do you know the security there is regarding this kind of money?
Investors are stupid regarding the products they create, but they don't risk anything regarding the money they put on a table.

>>Four Engines
>>Four publishers
To be fair, THQ committed suicide betting the company on the success of their uDraw tablet. Every MBA at the time was too busy sucking Steve Jobs' dick to realized what a reckless prick he is as a manager.

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>They only announced RDR2 recently, because showing a trailer too early is stupid.
And then we would have threads complaining

Because you don't actually give a shit about this, you are just angry because MGSV was crap.
Not that I care, MGS only contributed cancer to this industry and deserved to die in a pool of piss.

>Also, every DMC game, and Doom 4 all had terrible development issues.
That's irrelevant, a game can take long to make without development issues like, as I said, RDR2.

No, fuck off. Konami are huge fags but Kojima has proved that they weren't entirely wrong for letting him go and treating him like shit. He spent money on an OST he later scrapped after paying for it, he spent money travelling and hanging out with Kiefer, he spent money on voice acting he later scrapped because Mad Max is a mute so then Venom needed to be a mute, too. He's pretentious. He's too much of a Hollywood fan and it affected his actual job, which is not to make movies. Now he seems to be doing the same to Sony, but we can't be sure until Death Stranding comes out.

But people here are pissed at him because once again, he's doing the same shit. He absolutely refuses to show gameplay, is a pretentious hipster about the simple concepts in Death Stranding, he's spending money hanging out with Norman Reedus and Mads and traveling around. Even Sony executives were feeling worried about the whole thing last time he showed his trailer. There was no gameplay and some executives were sweating because maybe, just maybe, Kojima is overspending far too fucking much for his first time being employed by Sony directly.

He promises the world and doesn't deliver due to smelling his own farts and jacking off to celebrities. We've yet to see otherwise, and that's the true reason everyone here is doubting him.


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>their uDraw tablet
That shit flopped hard, right?

they could have been less childish and just let him go after the project

they're justified but executed poorly

On the Wii, no. On everything else OH JESUS.

>Steve Jobs' dick to realized what a reckless prick he is as a manager.
Steve Jobs was the manger of THQ? What? That sounds wrong.

Not sure if this post is sarcasm but it literally killed THQ

They didn't fire him. They told him to get his shit together and finish his game, so he quit.

He then goes crying to Geoff Keighley to felch him after Norman was done.

>He spent money on an OST he later scrapped after paying for it
All he did was ask the WOAH song to be rewritten.

>he spent money travelling and hanging out with Kiefer
It's his money, what are you, his mother?

>he spent money on voice acting he later scrapped because Mad Max is a mute so then Venom needed to be a mute
You mean a bunch of lines of Venom saying
Because that's all the dialogue that was found that wasn't used from Kiefer.

>which is not to make movies
Funny, because all he has done over the past few years is putting the story in the background and focusing on the gameplay.
Which, of course, MGS fans hated because, for all your complaining about movies, you still praise MGS1-3, which were actual movies.
You don't actually like videogames.

>he's spending money hanging out with Norman Reedus and Mads and traveling around
Again, why do you care on what he spends that money?

Unless, of course, you are unironically implying he's using development budget on it, which is ridiculous because companies have a tight control over that and at the slightest strange move Kojima would get sued to hell and back.

>We've yet to see otherwise
All you are saying applies only to MGSV.

>They didn't fire him. They told him to get his shit together and finish his game, so he quit.
He left Konami after MGSV came out.
Ah yes, forgot this is Yea Forums, this is about acting like emotion driven hormonal women instead of speaking with facts and logic.

>He then goes crying to Geoff Keighley to felch him

Overall, you MGS drones got exactly what you deserved.
The destruction of MGS and it's fanbase was an act of pure karma.

>Not everything needs to be Shakespearen tier writing
Why wouldn't you always strive for the best?

>if you don't like silly absurd stories
Why would anyone like them?

Seriously, explain to me this complete and utter retardation.
Why would anyone like mediocrity and stupidity?

No wonder this industry's writing standards are so stupidly low when people like you are the average customer.

Rika Muranaka was hired to compose MGSV. She was told to write music, around 40 songs. Kojima more or less threw it away.

Also, for an added fun fact with her. When she wrong The Best is Yet to Come, she explained how it was Gaelic and Kojima said "What the Hell is Gaelic"

Smart man he is.

>3 years is what takes the average COD game to develop, when DS is a brand new IP made by scratch.
And it's too much. Call of Duty games unironically became worse the moment they got another year for development, instead of just 2 years.
Not to mention original CoD1 development took less than 2 years.

I like how the thread is full of contradicting claims about Kojima, Konami and Sony and literally no one has posted a single source to such claims.
Seems like these threads are for neckbeards to vent over wasting 3 years getting hyped up for MGSV for no other reason than a bunch of cutscene compilation with some shitty 80's song playing in the background that, of course, you became obsessed with for the mere reason that it played in a MGS trailer, and not due to actual quality.

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>instead of just 2 years.
You mean back when COD games didn't even improve in graphics and were literal reskins of the previous ones?
Like MW3 which was just a map pack for MW2?

They could have made it without him but they cancelled it anyway, despite millions of people being super hyped for it. They're morons

Shame, should have gotten Hans Zimmer, or Steve Jablonski, or someone actually talented instead of wasting money on whoever composed the MGSV track.

You expect me to read all that shit lol

>new IP
I don't care if you read it, it wasn't written for you.

Reddit spacing

Damn ya seething

>MGS only contributed cancer to this industry and deserved to die in a pool of piss.
All MGS did was convince hacks like those at Naughty Dog to start making shitty movie games.
Not to mention MGS has always been the bottom of the barrel of the stealth genre, and MGS1-3 are games that I will never forget for having the worst control schemes of any third person game i've ever played.
I firmly believe that no one at Kojipro played an actual videogame before the development of those games, no one could have made such a shitty control and movement.

>You mean back when COD games didn't even improve in graphics and were literal reskins of the previous ones?
MW3 was dogshit, but also had development issue related to team members leaving the studio. You can't say BO2 looked just like BO1, the artstyle is completely different.
Also quite ironical, since BO4 doesn't look much different from BO3, people genuinely can't tell the difference without analysing the hud. Not to mention super low resolution on Xbone makes it look like a genuine PS360 game. Also despite getting additional year, they had to scratch the campaign completely.

>mfw hideo and kojima release another master piece that is MGS 2.
>MFW ALL of the niggers are btfo when he drops a brain bomb on all these uneducated void minds.
>Mfw I see the day Yea Forums loathes all of Vidya after Kojimo Hiroshima launches his magnum opus over the world And spreads hot, radioactive pretentiousness across the art form

If only you bugs knew. Haha.

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>Also despite getting additional year, they had to scratch the campaign completely.
Yes, because the campaign involved time travel and activision literally said
>this is too weird, no one will like it, cancel it

Konami was shit even before all of the Metal Gear stuff happened.

>Yes, because the campaign involved time travel and activision literally said
PR talk. Insiders reporting on that before the game got even announced said something completely different, about how they were trying to put Overwatch and Siege elements and testers found the game to play similar to LawBreakers and found it not fun, so they decided to focus on multiplayer modes.

>Why wouldn't you always strive for the best?
Not him but this point is retarded as fuck. A development team should always play towards their strengths. Not every studio is going to have a personal Gene Wolfe.

That was regarding the multiplayer, which got reworked into something more traditional.
The campaign was completely scrapped.

>While Black Ops 4 will reportedly not feature a single-player campaign, but Harris describes a detailed narrative of what originally existed. True to Black Ops lore, the fourth entry was allegedly planned to focus on time travel and its relation to altering history through simulation. Government forces start using simulations to manipulate the public perception of the past, but one soldier resists these false narratives to shut down the operation. It’s said that moments from the first three Black Ops titles would have made an appearance as the protagonist worked his way through history. This idea supposedly became, “unwieldy and far too big to finish,” and executives grew concerned that emphasizing the future to such a strong degree may not resonate with fans

cipher send you?

The apple never falls far from the tree, and Kojima will always be Konami's biggest fruit to fall from its branches.

>Suikoden and several other series like Castlevania lost all funding due to Kojima pulling strings with upper management.
>That bullshit
Yeah, you're right. Your statement is bullshit.
I met one of the people working on the soundtrack for MGS5 and according to him, the reason he was fired was because of one of his older underlings at the company. This particular one didn't like Kojima and him being high and mighty while staying at the same position he wanted to. So when the underling surpassed Kojima in ranks in the company to a position of power, he pulled some strings.
This could just be office talk.

how long did it take to make FFXIII?
how long will it take to make le kino CyberSex 2077?

>Every single person who has played death stranding has said it's a great game and you understand it quickly

Accidentally, they also work for Sony.

>a bunch of 3 hour long games are somehow comparable to a massive open-world game with various multiplayer modes
The absolute state of Kojima-haters.

Konami and Kojima both fucked up.

I suppose you meant to say "incidentally"?

forget Games.
Konami tried to deny all ex employees that left on their own health care
and to badmouth them to the industry so that they get never hired ever again.

So leaving Konami will yield you no health care, no money no career.

All the games stuff is very secondary.


MGSV was game of the gen
eat a dick

Konami was doomed regardless because all their games were hardcore and the gaming industry became casual.

Nobody's going to play shit like Gradius or Contra where you die in one hit, or shit like Castlevania or Goemon that are rife with "artificial" difficulty. In their twilight years they had to resort to crap like Metal Gear or Silent Hill that aren't even video games.

Where the fuck do you live that if you leave a job you get free healthcare?

>Konami did nothing wrong
>"Add some microstransactions"
>"lol no fuck off."

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ok retard

>We see you went over budget in a month so we have to do something

>Son you're 45 years old, you have to get a job if you're going to keep living here

>Why would anyone like them?
Because it is fun and interesting to see childish ideas come to frulishin, it's different tastes user there is no need to think too deep on to them

Source on when that happened?
I'm tired of asking people to back up their claims with proof in these threads and being ignored.

It goes without saying, considering the game had a budget of over EIGHTY MILLION DOLLARS.

Which is INSANE for a Japanese developer, let alone one that isn't first party.

So, what you are telling me is that you have no sources, that nobody here has and it's all speculation driven, not by even rumors, but by the fact that you are mad at MGSV being unfinished.
I think it's about time mods start banning all Kojima, Konami, DS and MGS related threads so they get rid of what remains of your MGS fanbase.
What a blight on Yea Forums, and that's saying something.

I walked by a pachiko parlor at night when I was in Kyoto before.
It was like staring into the sun with how bright the inside was.

>Where the fuck do you live that if you leave a job you get free healthcare?
a non-third world country

so america is a third world country? lol

I agree with you but sadly shit stranding will do well because kojima fan boys will blindly buy it.

Yea, it's been that way for a while.
Look up the ""actual"" definition of it sometimes.

Faggots who worship Kojima need to realize he can be just as jewy as Konami, in any case both of them had their pissing match and Konami flushed the toilet seemingly as it were, seems like it was better for everyone.

shut up third worlder lol

>Seething Xcuck

Neck yourself.

I'm a burger you retard.

that's why i'm telling you third worlder you fat monkey

>kojima fan boys
>Faggots who worship Kojima
But that's literally who you are. You've been making and populating these daily Kojima-hate threads for 4 years straight. You are more obsessed with the man than any redditor stalking him on twitter.

>Faggots who worship Kojima
don't exist on Yea Forums anymore, you'll find them on reddit or yongyea's yt comments
you're being disingenuous and conflating "konami was a dick to kojima and also did lots of other shit over the years to earn the ire of their former fans" with "KOJIMA IS A GOD WHO CAN DO NO WRONG AND KONAMI IS BAD BECAUSE YONGYEA TOLD ME SO"

well at least you're accurate

Funny thing is, best Metal Gear was made after Kojima left, but the retards choose to shit on it because they cant have their own opinion.

that's a lot of typing for "I got nothing"

Pretty much this. Yea Forums is completely infatuated with extremisms.

Today, I will remind them.

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>tomokazu leaves
>gameplay gets better
>story gets more convoluted
I don't know. I think it is a good trade off.

>Yea Forums celebrating the japanese jews killing videogames
not a surprise, no one here likes videogames one bit

It's always good to be reminded that Kojima-haters are batshit insane conspiracy theorists.

I will never understand why MGS2 is regarded so high.

>Konami could have left this industry back in 2009 and nobody would have given a single fuck.
we got the best game ever tho in 2014

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This isn't even a huge budget for a modern AAA game, and if it includes marketing it's fucking tiny. Yea Forums really knows fuck all about video games.

The story was finished in early 2013.
The only minor changes since then were made two years later, in April.
The game was already finished, it took too long to polish and it probably violated Konami's increasingly strict work ethic standards and budget management policy.

The leaked translation script might not show Kingdom of the Flies, but it's a given since the mission never made the final stages to begin with. Oh, by the way, it doesn't have anything on Chapter 3 in the regards.

As for Chapter 3, why even bother writing a noncanon story that takes place in a noncanon timeline? There is never peace in Metal Gear.

>The story was finished in early 2013



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They killed Team Silent and axed a possibly good Silent Hill game so they have no sympathy from me.

sup razorcuck

M-muh unused OSTs tho

>Team Silent want to make something of their own without corporate down their throats
>Konami allows them too but basically offers them nothing in return and still gives them a tight deadline
>they produce absolute kino despite executives saying it would be a flop and they would all be fired
>because of the sudden popularity, demand they make sequel immediately, give them more deadlines
>they produce a sequel that is even better
>series gets more popular
>demand they make 2 more games now instead of 1, keep sharp deadline
>3rd and 4th game hasted out, popularity starting to decline because of decrease in overall quality due to rushing the developers
>fuck these idiots, tell them all to get fucked and then use cheaper, western studios to make more games faster and cheaper
>kill one of your best franchises simply due to being greedy fuckers from the start
>even cheap out the HD collection of the original games to a D list garbage studio who ruins it
Are you surprised?

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Why is konami mothballing the FOX engine? It should be free

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I'm unironically with you OP.
#Fuckojima and he can rot as a dev for the direction he took MGSV in and allowed Castlevania to suffer too.